View Full Version : why continue this path ?

03-07-2003, 06:41 PM
Some of us have studied and trained in martial arts for decades. Some of us even get black belts in multiple styles for some serious cross training. Seminars, playtime, etc.
So my wife asks me why continue to go and train, am i afraid someone is going to beat me up or something? Can someone remind me why so i can give her a better answer ? KC, you must know, help me out.

03-07-2003, 07:26 PM
Why don't you quit. Then you'll find out what it is you're missing fast. I say this speaking from the perspective of someone who has been forced to miss extensive amounts of training time. Then again, you'll find out how much easier your schedule is to manage, now that you're not spending much time in the MA.

03-07-2003, 07:29 PM
Tell her "to get out of the house so I don't have to answer stupid questions like that." Actually what I tell myself and my wife, "it's so I can be this good when I'm 90!";)

Laughing Cow
03-07-2003, 07:34 PM
To keep fit and stay in shape and because if you stop your skill devolve and thus you feel that you wasted a lot of time studying it in the first place.

Giver her the alternative of an overweight flabby couch-potato, rather than the energetic you.

;) ;)

David Jamieson
03-07-2003, 07:38 PM
you got something better to do? :D

seriously though, do you really need to know why you like something? Isn't it enough that you do?


03-07-2003, 08:11 PM
As my best friend would say (jokingly), "Just smack her around until she stops asking stupid questions!"

What I have to wonder, is why she even questioning you training? Seriously, I want to know. I study family sociology (particularly dating and marriage), and I think I have an idea at what she's trying to do (*whipcrack*).

Just tell her, it's good for your health, good for your peace of mind, and it makes you happy. If that's not good enough for her, then maybe she does need to be smacked around. :D

03-07-2003, 08:23 PM
What I tell my wife is this...
I train because I like getting in some big slobs face for looking at her. I train because because I like walking into dyke bars and telling them to go squirt out some kids. I train so I can be a stone cold killer.:mad:

Then she nut slaps me and laughs her self silly.:D

Tomorrow I finally start formal training again!

Royal Dragon
03-07-2003, 08:32 PM
Tell her your board when your not training.

03-07-2003, 08:34 PM
Just say to get away from you!!!!:D :p ;)
Or say to see my girlfriend!!!!:D
They'll probably get you into trouble but what the hell?:D :p

Gold Horse Dragon
03-07-2003, 08:53 PM
Why Not!


03-07-2003, 09:10 PM
ok, just to join in....

yea, I'd be like...

"HEY!! You get your bi tch ass back in the kitchen and make me some pie!! "

too bad you can't upload .wav files :D

but seriously, if you've been training for 30 years did she not know what you did before you got married?

Water Dragon
03-07-2003, 09:38 PM
hmmm, my wife never says anything.

03-08-2003, 02:01 AM
Tell her you train because you enjoy it. IF that's not enough of an answer, start asking why she does the things she enjoys.

03-08-2003, 06:32 AM
I've was with a woman once that questioned my pursuit of ma.


are you keeping up with your husbandly duties? not just the sex but if she's questioning why you spend time in this endeavor then she's probably feeling like she isn't getting enough attention from you.

Former castleva
03-08-2003, 09:49 AM
Just point out the hard facts,benefits that may result including the one of enjoyment.Let her meditate on that for a while.

03-08-2003, 11:46 AM
""HEY!! You get your bi tch ass back in the kitchen and make me some pie!! ""

Typical ninja response, only supports my theory....

hmmm, greendragon, I think if you have to ask that question anyway you might need to do some soul searching for me. Whenever I do something it is plain to me why it is I am doing it.

03-08-2003, 11:52 AM
"So my wife asks me why continue to go and train, am i afraid someone is going to beat me up or something?"

Training helps me be fit if I ever feel I have to fight. It gives me tools to help me not be as hurt witout them if I or you get attacked.~ It improves my health and it's empowering.

But why continue? You get better with the advanced stuff the better you are with the basic stuff.

There are worse things to get into and do with my time. It is one of the more overall beneficial thing to do. I'd like to see how far I can go with this. Getting a belt or high rank is merely a start.

I get to learn about and improve myself with training.

There's no particular reason I can give to continue, but I think I would like to keep it up.

I would like to at least maintain what I've acquired so far...

03-08-2003, 05:17 PM
Typical ninja response, only supports my theory....

just wait, I am currently composing my treatise on why ninjas suck so bad. I will post it when it is done. Then you will see, beyond a shadow of a doubt, why ninjas suck. The research is horrible, I really have a hard time reading some of this stuff.

03-08-2003, 05:20 PM
oh, and of course all bi tches belong in kitchens making ME pies.

So, when your women gives you a bunch of cr ap, just tell her:

"HEY ! You get your bi tch ass back in the kitchen and make Oso a pie!"


03-08-2003, 08:11 PM
thanks for the feedback guys. can't smack her or she'll get me in my sleep. it was only mentioned that one time, probably competing for my attention. I like to keep sharp with the skills and i think my learning is increasing exponentially. Besides loving to train and play, i find teaching a rewarding experience. Hey Royal Dragon, i loved your Monkey Slap quote " Position is stronger than strength and faster than speed" (i think that's close without backing up to check) that's the kind of thing i love to find on the forum.

yu shan
03-08-2003, 10:26 PM

Did your wife know of your martial arts profession before you got married? If you are a Shrfu, this must be an income for the family. My wife enjoy's the extra money Gong Fu brings to our family. She totally understands my second job, long hours, dedicated students... but isn`t MA a way of life? My Gong Fu is part-time in the business world (full time day job) but my student`s get there moneys worth, Moma`s happy, it`s all good! Keep the Matriarch happy, yet train hard...
