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View Full Version : Commercial gyms SUCK…

03-10-2003, 07:29 AM
we started morning practice today… so I've been up since 5 this morning… but the frustration for this rant began last nite… Fellas when u go to the movies its not crowded and someone is in the back row… please be nice and and sit somewhere else…

anyway… John talks me into working out when the place opens… why I agreed… who knows… but I meet him there… and what do they have scheduled… Body Pump?!?!?!?! WTH!!! If u ever see this crap… wth are they doing… and its only like 5 people in there… they totally disrespect us... we'er still waiting for our banana bag that they said they was going to get us... yet they got a whole new crop of body ball... get the fvck outta here!!!! i guess the only way we're gonna get our props is if we commence to beating the he\\ outta all those gear heads and and Donna Richardson wannabes that they cater hand and foot to... and dont let there be a Body Attack class scheduled after ours... they d@mn near call the SWAT team on us... but we are nice and let people do there thing in the corner while we work out... man they suck...

on a brighter note… on the treadmill this morning was a fine lil spandex clad shawty with the most… how shall we say… most magnificent posterial chain… she had headfones on so I guess she didn’t wanna be bothered… but its all good I don’t mind just lookin... it made the treadmill run not so bad... see it the lil things that make life worth living...

03-10-2003, 10:12 AM
my class follows a step aerobics class and the 'instructor' for that is always late and still tried to run his class for a full hour. I had to bide my time till my class got to be bigger than his :) then I mentioned it to the gym owner. So, now the guy has to cut his class at 6:30 whether he got there at 5:30 or 5:45. Now all the fat overweight aerobics people (who I've been watching for almost 2 years now and NONE of them have affected any change to thier bodies at all!!) glare at my kung fu peeps as they leave.

then I have to go in and turn the heat on cuz they usually run the AC so it's like 65 degrees in there. wimps. I don't think any of them could hack our warm up.

I have gained some respect from the people there over the last two years because even though I still only have about 8 students, it's more than any other class except the yoga guy. (who is supposed to be one of the best in town)

03-10-2003, 10:22 AM
I'm glad someone here feels my pain… but I guess our group isn't a big enuff profit center for them to care about… he\\, we traveland compete on a national stage… they cant even hook us up with a t-shirt… I'm tryin to get the local paper to do a write up on us... i wish i could tell them not to mention the name of the gym... but that wont help our cause none...

03-10-2003, 10:41 AM
I will give my gym owner some props in that he lost money on me for the first year I was there but he liked the idea of being able to offer something different to his members. Funny though, most of my students are not members but people that pay by the class. most people there are more interested in the external appearance of their bodies:rolleyes: I mean it's nice to be buff and tight but like I said about the aerobics people, I have not observed them to have progressed in endurance or physical changes to thier bodies. I think a lot of people go to the gym just to say they do.

ok, sorry for the mild rant.:)

03-10-2003, 06:41 PM

In all honest, bruh, bodypump is actually fun (I think it's the scenery that makes t so fun though ;) )

Other than the scenery though, mainstream fitness as a whole sucks sweaty gym arse.

03-10-2003, 07:18 PM
Originally posted by SevenStar
Other than the scenery though, mainstream fitness as a whole sucks sweaty gym arse.


03-11-2003, 07:13 AM
yeah… the scenery makes all the other headaches not so bad… bodypump my be fun… but at 5:30 am… I wanna hit something and they were in my way… this morning's workout was great tho…