View Full Version : Hey Gene…

03-10-2003, 01:41 PM
When is your mag gonna cover some San Shou events… if u have/will/do… Thanks… if u haven't/wont/don't… hop on it maaaann…

03-10-2003, 01:51 PM
When will we cover San Shou? When they are big enough to advertsize. :p Actually we do cover some of the local stuff, especially since we are right up the street from Cung Le and he calls our publisher Gigi "mom" (seriously.) But in truth, we've cut back our tournament coverage considerably after some reader surveys showed that it's not what most of our readers wanted. Of course, we still cover tournaments, but not as much.

03-10-2003, 02:05 PM
what about some of the larger events… K Superstar… Art OF War… those are major events with major talent that shouldn't go unnoticed… I mean Inside Kung Fu does K-1 write ups… and that’s not even Kung Fu… u know because of the footwork ;)... Pope and Mike Norman were on magazine covers in China… c'mon make big stars of us… I mean them…

03-11-2003, 10:22 AM
ttt until Gene makes san shou famous...

03-11-2003, 10:33 AM
Did ya ever notice those big fat color ad spreads on K1 in IKF? That's why IKF covers them.

We did cover Art of War and have covered some San Shou events and will certinaly cover more, but like I've said, we've cut down tournament coverage in general. We still have more in-depth tournament coverage than anyone, except maybe than Tai Chi magazine, but then their more specific. Now with Fight Sport in the game, they've pretty mouch cornered no-hold-barred. But our CEO really wants to keep us from being a tournament coverage mag like TKD Times.

03-11-2003, 10:36 AM
ttt for san shou buyin big azz ad space so Gene can make us famous…

03-12-2003, 10:52 AM
lol. Yeah, advertising would certainly push us into it more. But we're still covering San shou when we can. If you'd like to submit something, here are our writer's guides. (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/about/guidelines.php) To be perfectly honest, it's not my area of research, I only trained in san shou for a month at Shaolin and Muay Thai for a week or so in Thailand. That's just enough to say I did it without really learning much (excpet for how hard I can get my butt whupped.:p) So I feel ill-equiped to write about this myself. I've worked a little with Cung Le's camp, since he's right down the street like I said, but that's about it. I would welcome anyone who can present more fresh san shou material for our publications.