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Crimson Phoenix
03-18-2003, 08:05 AM

First of all, sorry for adding my contribution to the off-topic silliness...

I love this place...even if I don't post, I come back regularly, every day, to read what's going on...except one or two in here (no, I won't say who, don't ask hehehe), I like you all as well, regardless of the disagreements we could have (heck it's a forum after all!).

But I am beginning to feel uncomfortable...I was used to this particular general forum discussing anything BUT gong fu, but lately, with the events we all know, it has become a very antagonistic place to wander in...
The vast majority of thread cusses France, and the French...even in non-politics related threads, I always stumble on jokes or allusions aiming France or whatever related to it...
And frankly, it makes me sad...most of the threads I come across eventually end up telling me how I stink because I do not shower or that I am a ***** because France got raped during WWII, or I don't know what...

The same people will then tell you about wude, and how racism is bad, after flaming away in joy at what they think I represent...they will also wonder why some arab (or even not, for that matter) countries hate them so much, not realizing they trigger and maintain the same vicious circle of hatred in their own heads against a country they have no real reason to hate...

I just felt like venting this...I used to feel good here, I used to enjoy it...now, I'm starting to be real bitter and sad...sorry, yes I am French (even if my links with the USA are much stronger than what most would imagine here, and if I am genetically more non-French than the contrary). Sorry, yes I love my country (who doesn't, really?). Yes, you could also label me as a filthy democrat if you want.

But you're really, for a lot of you, making this place very antagonistic and uncomfortable to me...not that you should care, but I felt like letting you know...and no, I'm not whining...call it, if you prefer, a mere attempt to slow down an emerging group-dynamic that has become very nauseating.
Life won't stop because of that, but really it is sad to see what that once nice place is becoming...

03-18-2003, 08:29 AM
You're right Crimson, it's gone from debate and discussion to rantings and name calling. Good natured ribbing about being American, British, Texan, French or Canadian has gone on to become nasty.

03-18-2003, 08:33 AM
"""The same people will then tell you about wude, and how racism is bad, after flaming away in joy at what they think I represent...they will also wonder why some arab (or even not, for that matter) countries hate them so much, not realizing they trigger and maintain the same vicious circle of hatred in their own heads against a country they have no real reason to hate..."""

This is so true. All politics can make me feel down too. (specially since the dominating americans can be hard to discuss with sometimes ;) ) don't be down man, go out n enjoy the sun.


03-18-2003, 08:34 AM
It won't make it much easier but try to see that the people that get ugly do so from weakness.

Crimson Phoenix
03-18-2003, 08:53 AM
thanks for the warm words guys...

actually I should really not complain too much, as I am perfectly guilty of indulging in these political posts as well here and then...

anyway, may the buddhas smile on you all :)

03-18-2003, 09:08 AM
an honest post my friend :)

u just gotta weather these out - but the group herd mentality does make it difficult (i know form when it was all on me and islam).

if it makes u feel better - im a Scot and France and Scotland signed something called the "Entente Cordiale" to rally against the english oppressors... ill stand with ya :D


03-18-2003, 09:36 AM
Nothing really to say except the thumbs up, Crimson.

03-18-2003, 12:44 PM


Don't feel bad Crimson, ignorance comes in all nationalities...Including American! (You know who you are!):mad:

KC Elbows
03-18-2003, 01:06 PM
Just keep in mind that despite it all, one of your namesake foods, french toast, is a hugely popular breakfast in America, and the only native american toast, texas toast, is just another name for fat bread.

Also, continuing on this theme, despite the fact that they weren't necessarily a french invention, french fries are potatoes in a pleasing shape that holds its crispness, whereas american fries are just little strings of potatoes somewhat damp with grease.

Country style decor in america means lots of blue with happy cows all over whatever item is in that decor. Country style meals are often made with beef. Apparently we find no joy in killing unhappy cows.

Fat. Greesy. Happy cow meat.

There you have it. Make of that what you will.

If that doesn't help, just tell detractors "Like you wouldn't have surrendered to the Germans. Oh, I'm sorry, you only do as we do in Indochina. I forgot."

KC Elbows
03-18-2003, 01:23 PM
ghthomason, we chose to be there, France didn't make us. We had things to gain by being there, and if our politicians hadn't totally lost that one for us by losing the people, we might have won. Now don't be so sensitive, seeing as there's already 632 threads to complain about France on here.

EDIT- the comment was meant as a pot/kettle sort of thing. I probably should have avoided the whole thing and kept it light, sorry CP.

03-18-2003, 01:29 PM
""Apparently we find no joy in killing unhappy cows."""

speak for yourself :mad:

KC Elbows
03-18-2003, 01:32 PM
EDIT: All right, I'll leave my earlier comments, they were just meant to point out that most americans don't think america's perfect either. Didn't mean to take the thread on an ugly tangent, that was not my intention, though there was just a little bit of the trouble maker in those posts.

03-18-2003, 02:23 PM
Whack off to some porn. You'll mellow out and feel better, I promise.

KC Elbows
03-18-2003, 02:26 PM
For the brits, wanking would suffice.

Crimson Phoenix
03-18-2003, 02:59 PM
LOL KC...dun worry mate, I'm used to thread hijacking here...

Budo, thanks for the advice...however I only lose my precious qi to some breathtaking exotic babe hehehhe

and by the way, french fries are very likely to be...french...there are records from the 17th centuries of guys cutting potatoes in slices and frying them, selling them at the bridge called "Pont Neuf"...hence the name "pommes Pont Neuf" (don't be fooled if you ever see that name in a restaurant, it's really only fries LOL).
It's true!!

I don't know if the French kiss really is French though...:D

03-18-2003, 03:19 PM
Crimson, it really s#cks that you feel uncomfortable posting here on kfo these days. Its too bad that this government's propaganda machine has bred such zenophobia and displaced rage and racism. Bush's "You're either for us or against us" policy is devisive and insidious, resulting in derogatory sentiments towards France and many other nations. But believe me, not all US citizens feel this way (mostly just the ones that the media covers, exagerating & compounding the problem). And Paris is still one of my favorite cities!

I've tried to stay out of the political debates on kfo, i don't really think this is the place for it. I would rather debate politics on a political forum and leave this place for what we have in common and for the martial arts related knowlege and ideas that I respect the people who post here for. But some people's ignorant racism surfaces here, and thats unfortunate.

I despise President Bush, i think he's a tyrannical imperialist and I hope he gets impeached over this fiasco.:mad:

Of course I also think Saddam is a terrible dictator who suppresses & lies to his people and i certainly wouldnt stick up for him. But I think Bush lies to us and the world just as much. Theyre both aweful men. I would like to see a more free Iraq without Saddam, but not this way...

I am against the process and methods that this administration has undertaken. I really don't think Iraq is that much of a danger to the US; we have been subject to scare tactics and propoganda designed to scare us into military aggression and the real danger of terrorism is being compromised and used as an excuse to propagate US & British imperialism in the Middle East. It is NOT all about oil, althought that is certainly part of it...It is about global domination...The real danger is the hatred that this first strike policy will breed in others around the world. It sends a terrible message to the rest of the world about what America really stands for and I think that will ultimately set us back in making the world a freer and more equal place.

Now that the our troops are over there, I support them and hope they get the job done with as fast as possible with minimal casualties for both US military and Iraqie citizens.

I just think that Bush is setting dangerous precedents and is doing more to divide the world than bring it together. His policies are spawning zenophobia and racism. He is jeopordizing our constitutional rights rights as well as the concept of world democracy, although he states otherwise. His logic is flawed and he openly disrespect the opinions of other world leaders, as well as discenting voices here in the US (and there are many). Hopefully this will be the final nail in his coffin as far as his chances of getting re-elected in '04.

I don't consider myself a 'peace-nic'; I just think that the real danger is the personal freedoms and world relations that we're sacrificing in aggressively rushing into war in such an un-democratic way.

What ever happened to good ol fashioned free-thinking and rebellion? Bush has so many people in this country in his front pocket, championing his skewed ideals and battle cry, like a bunch of flag waving robots. Its truely bizzare. :(

Christopher M
03-18-2003, 03:43 PM

"War? Gave us a good laugh... Thank you."

03-18-2003, 04:01 PM
Crimson, I think you might have a little bit of a stronger feeling being one of the few fenchmen on this board (French Canadians don't count ;)) .....

But I would like to point out that the whole pick on the French thing has come about pretty late, otherwise it has been pick on the americans. If you go back and look at the political threads that have been started on this board over the last year you're going to see quite a few anti-american type threads, telling us how loud and boisterous we are and how bullish and nosy our government is in the affairs of the world. I think what you are getting is the backlash. Right now Americans in general are feeling this way and the French government has put itself up as the most vocal of our opposition and hence made themselves the target of our jokes and our frustration.
Sadly, it will soon go from the French (They have offered military support in case of chemical or biological attacks from Iraq) to making fun of Iraqis, and even in some severe cases muslims.

03-18-2003, 04:05 PM
But USA is the center of the universe ! :D :p

Anyway, Crimson, I think France and Germany are doing a good thing, and you are a good man. Political issues aside, we can hope for the least amount of blood spilled, and a quick resolution.

As for me, I think John Coward , oops Howard should send his kids to war since he is so passionate about it. :mad: :D

03-18-2003, 04:32 PM
I think there is going to be enough anger and enough bloodshed in the world here soon enough. You guys lay off the French, and anyone else who doesn't really deserve it!

03-18-2003, 04:42 PM
Can we still make fun of the Americans though? :D :D

Seriously, I think things have gotten a bit too aggressive on the forum lately. Inevitable given the current circumstances I guess, but let's just try to cool it down a bit hey?

03-18-2003, 05:36 PM
Originally posted by joedoe
Can we still make fun of the Americans though? :D :D

Of course :) :D

Hmmmm seriously, I am not putting another tick next to a Liberal if I can help it...

Royal Dragon
03-18-2003, 06:07 PM
I don't know about the French, but I do know very few people pick on us Dago's (Italians) because we have that whole Mafia thing going for us. Maybe if France got it's own Mafia, no one would pick on it anymore?

old jong
03-18-2003, 06:13 PM
Originally posted by Stumblefist
Look at it this way.
You're lucky you're not a Canadian or even worse..
a French Canadian.

Tu te penses comique mon tabarnac?...;)

03-18-2003, 06:18 PM
Originally posted by Crimson Phoenix
LOL KC...dun worry mate, I'm used to thread hijacking here...

Budo, thanks for the advice...however I only lose my precious qi to some breathtaking exotic babe hehehhe

and by the way, french fries are very likely to be...french...there are records from the 17th centuries of guys cutting potatoes in slices and frying them, selling them at the bridge called "Pont Neuf"...hence the name "pommes Pont Neuf" (don't be fooled if you ever see that name in a restaurant, it's really only fries LOL).
It's true!!

I don't know if the French kiss really is French though...:D

really? I thought they descended from the belgian frite. I heard that because of all of this, there is some motion to change the name from french fries to freedom fries - wtf? dunno if it's true, but if it is, we're in a SAD state

Laughing Cow
03-18-2003, 06:25 PM
French fries, Freedom fries, back home we still call them Pommes Frites.

And I believe the originated in belgium no france.

;) ;)

03-18-2003, 07:24 PM
Firstly, I don't click on any thread relating to Iraq unless it is a joke/funny post.

Secondly, there is difference between dissing French policy and French people. Once you start calling them monkey, that is where you cross the line.

Thirdly, if any issue is poisoning friendly atomospher of this forum, it is responsibility of moderator to ban any topics relating to the issue.

Lastly, if you want to avoid total ban on iraq issue and still want to exercise your right to free speech, be reasonable and accept that everyone has right to their own opinion.

If you think anyone with anti-war opinion are traitor or anyone with pro-war opinion are Nazi, you are not qualified to perticipate in civilized discussion.

old jong
03-19-2003, 04:25 AM
You are so right!...We all have our little "white whale" to hunt. ;) :D

Mr Punch
03-19-2003, 05:23 AM
Bah, you Frenchies moan even more than us whinging Pommes...;) :D

Vive la France!

03-19-2003, 06:17 AM
van Damme, Plastic Bertrand and French fries are from Belgium. Celin Dion is Canadian. So what the heck have the French contributed to the world?:confused:

03-19-2003, 06:28 AM
La Fayette?

Rolling Elbow
03-19-2003, 02:52 PM
I'm canadian and i don't care what you yanks think! We can't afford to donate our refurbished 60's tanks and 20 soldiers to the cause anyway!

that's one for us mon ami!.. and i live in Quebec!!! ..just make light of it even though it is hard to at times. In the end it is really small words from all of us small anonymous people on KFO and the internet at large.