View Full Version : Write reviews.....

03-19-2003, 11:38 AM

I was just wondering if I could get any of you to write a review/or reviewS if you want? It should be martial arts related - preferrably on a book or Movie you've seen or read recently.

Let me know

You can just submit them if you want - HERE (http://www.buddha-fist.com/modules.php?name=Reviews)

thanks for any help......


Feng Huang
03-19-2003, 01:37 PM
Martial Club aka Instructors of Death - with Gordon Liu and some other guy who's really good, but forgot his name. This is one of my favorite MA movies which shows a lot of hung gar fighting in it. Totally show cases awesome stance work, close-in fighting, and the last fight between the two leads is AMAZING and takes place in an alley way that gets progessively smaller and smaller so you get to see how fighting in tight spaces is like. Hot ****!

Magnificent Butcher - about lam sai wing(play by a very nimble and robust sammo) with a lesser part with kwan tak hing as wong fei hung. it's pretty funny, especially the calligraphy scene where the opposing instructors fight and the choreography is among the best i've seen so far. oh yeah, and it has sam seed!

Dreadnought - if you like lion dances, this one has the best examples of both northern and southern lion dances and shows how they can actually be used to fight, since lion dances are supposed to highlight martial arts and their effectiveness as well. And they do some pretty crazy a$$ sh!t to get the chom!


03-19-2003, 04:56 PM
erm, bro please dont take the ****. Imean reviews which actually delve into the product you are reviewing.
Not neccessarily long reviews just enough to give the reader meaningful opinions and perhaps an incentive to buy the product. (or not)

03-19-2003, 05:03 PM
I used to review JAMA for cyberkwoon, but I just don't have the time anymore. Wish I could help you, though....