View Full Version : ATTN Shooter

MonkeySlap Too
03-20-2003, 03:39 PM
As I resigned from the Shuai Chiao Yahoo board, I'm getting back to you here.

I've been rushed lately, so I did not get to respond to you properly. The links I referred to were mma.tv links you had posted elsewhere. In those posts I read references to Shuai Chiao. I realize you are miffed because I forgot to mention you. Sorry. But also no big deal. I know several Tai Chi guys who fight in kickboxing, stick fighting, and NHB matches. One of them, Dr. Drew Miller, is even Oscar Bravo's sparring partner - and he's over fifty.

My intent in the 'but can you fight thread' was to encourage guys like you to step forward with practical examples. I really admire what you are acheiving, and give you serious props for it, but in your posts on the board you came across kind of like the girl who wants to be the prettiest, and gets mad when another pretty girl is in the room. Your doing great work, so just focus on that dude.

-- Just My opinion, based on posts...

03-20-2003, 04:20 PM
LOL...ok. Thanks, man. :p

I really think you're reading way too much emotion into what I write though. This is just the internet.

Anyway, your list of absentees included TCC, and you stated that the only CMA getting any props among MMAers is SC. All I did was offer an alternate truth. :cool:

I don't really care to be mentioned or recognized, 'cause the truth is the truth and it shall be known eventually. I have nothing to prove, nothing to gain, nothing to lose. But, whenever I see people deliberately ignoring or supressing the truth, I point it out.

All the best to you...


MonkeySlap Too
03-20-2003, 04:23 PM
Hey, I was rushing, lousy defence, but I wanted to get the basic thought down between meetings.

I had no intent to leave anything out - but a few of my responses did not make it to the board, so there was some...difficulty in responding.

03-21-2003, 05:19 PM
My intent in the 'but can you fight thread' was to encourage guys like you to step forward with practical examples

That's interesting considering that you've known for some time what we've been up to at my school. Then when I "step forward" it's a bad thing? I'm probably missing something. Also, if you know several TCC guys doing NHB, why would you imply otherwise in your post?

Not asking for answers since you're having...difficulties responding.

Sorry for bringing this back to life. Just wanted to know if it has anything to do with what's going on with the SC list. If not, no big deal.

MonkeySlap Too
03-21-2003, 05:28 PM
Now if can't see how you come across like the prom queen with a chip on her shoulder, I'm not sure if you'll ever get it.

My implication is just that - stand up and talk about it.

While I am aware of you, frankly I don't know much about you at all. Only things I vaguely remember from posts. Sorry dude, not exactly top of mind. So speak up, and stop acting like your slighted. Sheesh.

03-21-2003, 05:41 PM
My implication is just that - stand up and talk about it

hahaha d@mned if you do...d@mned if you don't. very clever

03-21-2003, 09:57 PM
Hey, wanted to give a proper response, had to rush to training, lousy defense.

Making feminizing gibes is a tactic bullies learn in the schoolyard to gain the approval of their subordinates and peers while they single someone out and attempt to draw them closer.

Anyway, I think it's only fair to review the point of contention here since you chose to drag this over to a public forum (instead of a PM) so everyone could watch you throw your diaper at me. :p

I've been reveiwing some MMA boards, and out of the hundreds, perhaps thousands of CMA styles, the only one getting any props is Shuai Chiao. Shuai Chiao, because most of the people who play it will happily 'goof' with most anybody, is recognized by these athletes as having a lot of merit. I'd excpect no less.

What happened? Where is Xing-Yi? Northern Mantis? (I know Southern Mantis is too busy being secretive to fight on video)Chen Taiji?

I've been on the receiving end (ouch) of a lot of good CMA. Why has there been a non-stop decades long erosion of the CMA rep as skilled fighters?

You wanna know why there's been a "non-stop decades long erosion of the CMA rep"? It's because when someone with years of hard reasearch, experience and practical understanding comes forward, from outside of select, 'accepted' circles, they're marginalized and dismissed because they challenge the status quo and hierarchy of the 'elite'. Maybe they don't know the right people. Maybe they have an disagreeable writing style. :p No big deal. :cool:

You deliberately misrepresented or ignored the facts so you could, as you say, encourage guys to step forward - or draw them out. Doesn't matter why. You're still full of $hit.

That is all...

03-21-2003, 10:14 PM
fact. CMA is dissed pretty hard on MMA boards, as he stated.

fact. There is plenty of good CMA out there

possible fact. MMA guys give respect to shuai chiao because they mix it up - It's yet to be seen in mma, but they do plenty of playing.

what facts did he ignore and misrepresent?

MonkeySlap Too
03-22-2003, 08:37 AM
Shooter, while I have never met you, I'd wager the reason you lack acceptance has to do with the chip on your shoulder, not on anything else. You can try and assign a rationale to my statement, but your still acting like you have the pretty girl syndrome. I know that by repeating that, this will devolve into a game of big monkey / little monkey because now your ego is on the line. Dude, honest, I don't know enough, nor care enough about you to purposely leave you 'unmentioned'.

While I did think from some of your earlier posts that you might be an interesting player, that big chip on your shoulder makes want to just ignore you. Which I am going to do. Please don't confuse this with omission, as I do not accept your paranoid theory that I purposely leave you out of things when I must obviously know of your 'glory and accomplishments.' Get over yourself.

What a shame, as I had the idea you were standing up for the CMA world.

03-22-2003, 11:18 AM
You still don't get it. This has nothing to do with you mentioning or not mentioning anyone. It has to do with this statement in particular:

...and out of the hundreds, perhaps thousands of CMA styles, the only one getting any props is Shuai Chiao.

And the overall implication of your post as being a gross exageration at the very least. The Shuai Chiao list is somewhat insular and has some esteemed members who would believe what you generally stated if someone didn't speak up. As soon as I do speak up, I'm all of a sudden a "prom queen"? :p

Again, since you know several TCC guys doing NHB...

Where are all the MMA boards/threads where SC is getting the recognition you claim it's getting?

You try to turn this into something else by dragging it over here instead of a PM. Project and speculate on my motives all you want. It doesn't change the facts.

And you are right. I do try to positively represent CMA and have made a lot of progress. I've been able to do that by carrying a big chip on my shoulder. :D

Seven, check your PMs.

MonkeySlap Too
03-22-2003, 01:06 PM
Ah. I apologize then.

I did misspeak, as I know a few other good schools. I just didn't see them mentioned in the thread I scanned.

This was certainly a communications challenged thread.

03-23-2003, 11:23 AM
Hey, man. No apologies necessary. Things just got blown out of proportion. :cool:

All the best to you.


03-24-2003, 07:40 AM
Is there any video or stills of you or your guys fighting in any events?