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View Full Version : as a spinoff of my christian vs muslem thread...Check out this rascist piece of crap!

03-20-2003, 09:14 PM

i cant believe seemingly educated socalled middleaged adults would actually print something of such minimal intelligence!.

03-20-2003, 09:30 PM
I don't see how this is a spinoff of your other thread. Anyway, I don't get a few things here.

1. All of us especially these middle age racist writers are going to be dead by the next century. What do we care what the demographic is going to be like? Won't the people who are born closer to that time be better able to judge what society should be like?

2. Immigration does not reduce the number of white people in a country in any way. Declining birth rates do, and mycogenation(sp?) to some degree. Which I hope to contribute to personally (for no particular reason.) It's not like white people are being killed off or are fleeing to some other planet. Where people live does not change their skin color.

Good laugh, though.

03-20-2003, 09:32 PM
tell you what, sounds like somebody's daughter is dating a black guy. LOL

03-20-2003, 09:49 PM
lol just a spinoff relating to whites in power or some crap and lol at buddys daughter giving him a bad case of the sweats!.

mycogenation(sp?) Whats this?. :)

03-20-2003, 09:50 PM
In the far Pacific, two island nations, New Zealand and Australia, hang on to an exported British culture. Perhaps they will be preserved, like the Galapagos Islands, as a place where creatures reside who have disappeared elsewhere.



03-20-2003, 09:54 PM
He's probably never been to either country. If he had ever been to Australia he would realise that we are becoming more like the USA every day. The way our prime minister behaves, we might as well be the next US state :rolleyes:

03-20-2003, 09:58 PM
Not to mention the racial and cultural diversity.

03-20-2003, 10:00 PM
I would also like to see him spout that line to a Maori :D

03-20-2003, 10:13 PM
what a dumba ss.

since when have the elite been the majority?

03-20-2003, 10:32 PM
Hey Diego, from a purely curious perspective, what's your racial heritage? You a white dude(where from), black dude(ditto), Asian(once again!;) ), what?

03-20-2003, 10:59 PM
^ whiteboy near quarter native but consider myself halfbreed due to how much time ive spent around chugs :).
straight outta vancouver bc baby and my names james diego st james san diego bored as fuq on the net uno!.:D

03-20-2003, 11:01 PM
Cool man.

What's a chug?

03-21-2003, 05:28 AM
mycogenation(sp?) Whats this?.

miscegenation: n. the interbreeding of races, esp of whites and non-whites

source: Oxford Concise English Dictionary

03-21-2003, 05:54 AM
I thought we had settled this once and for all, there is NO SUCH THING as human races.

Internal Boxer
03-21-2003, 06:03 AM
I personally think cultural diversity in the UK is a good thing, my only concern is I feel we have to discourage people coming to the Uk due to over population, we are only a small country, with a population double that of Canada and triple that of Australia.

Take a look at population densities. Based on persons per square mile.

UK: 623 Persons per square mile
France: 274
Mexico 124
US: 74
Sweden: 55
Canada: 8

03-21-2003, 06:57 AM

What word would you use to describe the distinctly different physical characteristics of humankind?

I agree with your sentiment. I think the word 'race' has taken on a negative connotation due to our unfortunate past. There is nothing wrong with using the word race within the context of it's definition.

IB, whoa, that's high density.

So, does it behoove the 'first world' nations to help 'second and third world' countries better their situation so that the indigenous peoples desire to stay in their homeland?

Internal Boxer
03-21-2003, 07:12 AM

Yes it should be a high priorty this would of course help mitigate economic migration.

03-21-2003, 07:21 AM
sorta my thinking.

of course both england and america are 'melting pots' from the beginning. When CAN you say 'enough' when one of the basis for the start of this country was sort of an open call for migration?

03-21-2003, 07:37 AM
Fajing said: "Immigration does not reduce the number of white people in a country in any way."

Actually thats not true. You have to take into account that the majority of immigrants are from near third world countries where birth rates are higher due to lack of education and a more civilized culture. Third world families need to reproduce to survive since medical attention is not the best and death rates are higher, plus there is no medicare or social security so it is the children that take care of ageing parenst. Add to this a lack of general education on the subject of birth control and often, immigrants who have immigrated continue to have higher birth rates then those of indigenous populations of first world countries.
Not that ultimately any of this really matters to me. I could care less what color the "majority" is. As far as I am concerend we are all going to have a nice smooth brown color in another thousand years anyway....

03-21-2003, 09:13 AM
Red5 - you are talking about % of population being white. I'm referring to the absolute raw #. Example: Say there are 200 million whites (or reasonable fascimile thereof) in the US. 100 million Mexicans enter the country. How many white people are left? 200 million.

Sorry for the generalizations.

03-21-2003, 09:19 AM
fajing, I guessed I missed that. It read like it didn't contribute to the reduction of indigenous populations over time, not an immediate effect.

MonkeySlap Too
03-21-2003, 10:23 AM
Probably because I'm part Hungarian, I can't understand any of that. The Hungarians always beleived in accepting other 'tribes' into thier land, and that thier genetic stock and cultural richness would add to thier own. (Well, except for the Turkish invaders, and the Hapsburg overlords, but those are other stories...)

I've always seen myself as part of the world...shouldn't everybody? Isn't it exciting to encounter new cultures and new people? That's why I always try to live in major cities. It adds spice to life...

03-21-2003, 10:31 AM
I agree with your sentiment. I think the word 'race' has taken on a negative connotation due to our unfortunate past. There is nothing wrong with using the word race within the context of it's definition.

Not arguing against the statement so much as offering clarification based on historical use, YMMV:

Originally, the word 'race' was used to describe families and classes, used like 'the aristocratic race' or 'the race of the peasants' or even 'our race' when referring to one's family; this use came about from the french aristocracy.

The Germans later took this concept to form 'volk'- the people, essentially. That created with it the nationalistic baggage. The 'volk' was seen as pastoral and pure, leading to.. well, history....

Later, the term changed to become what we define it as now, as a result of [social] darwinism, in an attempt to identify speciation. Before this, we just called them 'peoples' or 'nations', like the Chinese people, the Cherokee nation, etc. There was a kind of equivalency carried with those terms, which the class-concious ppl changed.

03-21-2003, 10:47 AM
Originally posted by Oso

What word would you use to describe the distinctly different physical characteristics of humankind?

I agree with your sentiment. I think the word 'race' has taken on a negative connotation due to our unfortunate past. There is nothing wrong with using the word race within the context of it's definition.

Well, from the guys who mapped out the human genetic code and other contemporary scientists, apparently it's not longer considered acurrate to use the word "race".
But I'm afraid I dont have any better suggestions.
I think it's a fascinating subject, actually. A lot of people are overly sensitive, though, and the mere thought of being interested in another persons genetic heritage is offensive to them. I do not understand this attitude.


03-21-2003, 10:55 AM
and the mere thought of being interested in another persons genetic heritage is offensive to them (http://www.blackpeopleloveus.com/index.html)

You're telling me! ;)

03-21-2003, 11:11 AM
OMG that was funny

Edit: of course some (most?) people may find it offensive, but it is funny when isolated white people try to act "down" and don't know quite how to do it. Overall, it is a good trend because our culture, to the extent that is shared, is becoming more diverse.

03-21-2003, 03:41 PM

03-22-2003, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by Oso

miscegenation: n. the interbreeding of races, esp of whites and non-whites

source: Oxford Concise English Dictionary


Serpent chug is derogatory term like spic and ******* towelhead etc...i dont know what it comes from but im guessing it has to do with the stereotype that natives chug alot of booze?.

also lol at that blackslove us link, i got this article from a political HIPHOP board where their is white crackas trolling the black regulars, and one of the crackas posted the us no longer white article above, they should get a kick out of that site over on that forum, Thanks!.

03-23-2003, 10:00 AM
Jeez. I hope that creeps Mother is proud of him.

03-23-2003, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by MonkeySlap Too
Probably because I'm part Hungarian, I can't understand any of that. The Hungarians always beleived in accepting other 'tribes' into thier land, and that thier genetic stock and cultural richness would add to thier own.

OMG! Hungarians are the Borg!