View Full Version : Have yall noticed any new security measures in your cities?

03-21-2003, 09:48 AM
We have three choppers hovering overhead downtown Chicago this morning. Traffic was normal, anybody take public transportation?

03-21-2003, 09:50 AM
I haven't visibly seen anything. I take the bus and drive past the airport everyday. Our building has tightened security a little and we have more cops directing traffic as of late.

03-21-2003, 10:11 AM
I live very near John Wayne Airport, so I see an increased security presence there routinely. The sheriffs like to get their paramilitary gear on and scowl out front. Also, though this may be coincidental, I saw a CHP motorcycle cop with a shotgun mounted across the back of his bike yesterday...first time I've ever seen that.

03-21-2003, 04:57 PM
i think there might be an extra rent-a-cop on duty at the mall, but that's about it.

i've been back home in town for about five days now (was in texas for a week) and i don't think i've seen a total of ONE cop the whole time -- and that's a university cop that was down at my office.

i think my sleepy little town doesn't have much to offer terrorists.

or maybe it's just the obscenely high hippy-to-normal person ratio. here in a washington college town. :D

03-22-2003, 08:44 AM
A lot more cops all over town, and now it seems they send 2 or more cruisers on every call.

But then, I work near the FleetCenter and the NCAA tourney is going on there, so it's a frickin' madhouse this weekend anyway.

03-22-2003, 11:50 AM
I just found out this morning that the county is providing extra security at "The Cove" which is Billy Graham's enclave just outside of Asheville. I found that a bit odd but the deputy that told me said that they considered it a high level target ???

The VA hospital has locked all but the main entrance since we went to the Orange Alert status.

Like everywhere else we've had a protest march every evening in the downtown area. Several people have gone to jail and our PD is getting a lot of flack for 'abuses'.

03-22-2003, 01:15 PM
apparently london has 2000 more policemen and policewomen on the streets.....Havent noticed it yet though.....