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03-23-2003, 01:38 PM
Just for the sake of it i thought i'd see what my diet is like, not that im slowing down on my fitness progress or anything but i know that nutrition plays a huge role in anyones progress.

so anyways, i came to the conclusion that i need to reconsider my diet when today i found out i've consumed well over 350g of fat. lol.

if im still making progress is there any reason to change what im eating?

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03-23-2003, 01:49 PM
There's bad and there's good fat, depends on what fat we're talking about here

03-24-2003, 06:28 AM
While you can see progress on the outside and perhaps you can feel it a bit in keeping your wind in cardio, I can't imagine 350 g of fat is good for anyone.

Get your cholesterol checked among other things. Talk to your doctor about it--he/she knows your individual body better than we can.


03-24-2003, 03:05 PM
350g of fat is 3150 calories alone from just fat. What are you eating?


03-24-2003, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by IronFist
350g of fat is 3150 calories alone from just fat. What are you eating?



03-25-2003, 02:47 AM
Originally posted by IronFist
350g of fat is 3150 calories alone from just fat. What are you eating?


well among other things i had two pots of prawn mayo and they had 44g per 100g. each pot was 200g, lol. i also had a 4 selection pack of cakes and i think each cake had 20g of fat in.

the thing is, although i don't eat two tubs of prawn mayo a day im always eating crap. partially because of my job at a petrol station and i work on my own surrounded by sweets and cakes....and burgers and sandwiches...mmmm. :p

also does fat affect our water retention? because when i have a once in a blue moon "good" day the fat around my gut seems to be sorta less dense, if that makes sense.
PUBLIC OUTSIDE (http://www.****tube.com/categories/938/outside/videos/1)

03-25-2003, 06:18 AM

I nearly had a heart attack just reading that. Ack!

03-25-2003, 11:36 AM

Fat is important to the body, especially for the imune and digestive systems. But, too much of anything is not healthy.

There is a big difference in the types of fats and cholesterols. I believe the studies agree that the bad fats and cholesterols should be severely limited.

In any event, everything in MODERATION.


03-25-2003, 12:04 PM

03-25-2003, 01:45 PM
LOL, Robinf, you're walking on the wild side! :p

inic, I believe you follow a raw-foods diet (or similar)? I don't want to knock it because I haven't tried it, but I'm more of the "everything-in-moderation" type.

The problem here is that, even if a strict diet was implemented, stubbs is surrounded with sugary goodness during his workday. (note that I didn't say "wrapped in sugary goodness" because that's a place I don't want to go). Basically, stubbs, you've gotta minimize the cravings for prawn mayo and stuff.

Number One thing: Keep a bottle of cold water next to you at all times. Since it's easy to impulsively reach for a snack, reach for the water instead and take a sip. It will put a lid on the cravings (somewhat).

If you've gotta eat, and you didn't bring anything from home: Go for the freshest food in the store. If it's all shrink-wrapped, then avoid the candy and cookies and pick up something with protein, real fruit, or complex carbs. Minimize sugar, fat and oils. Can't do much about reducing sodium in convenience store foods, but you do what you can.

Incidentally, some US convenience stores are stocking more "healthy" stuff like fresh fruit, sandwiches on whole wheat, boiled eggs, etc. Don't know if your store is similar but these are good alternatives to sugary snacks.

03-26-2003, 09:00 AM
"Number One thing: Keep a bottle of cold water next to you at all times. Since it's easy to impulsively reach for a snack, reach for the water instead and take a sip. It will put a lid on the cravings (somewhat)."

i already do that and i usually drink about 2 litres of water and some other fruit drinks during an 8 hour shift. lol sometimes i don't even mean to pick stuff up, quite often i have to walk from one end of the shop to the other and i pick things up without thinking about it, lol it's like a reflex action.

"Incidentally, some US convenience stores are stocking more "healthy" stuff like fresh fruit, sandwiches on whole wheat, boiled eggs, etc. Don't know if your store is similar but these are good alternatives to sugary snacks."

we don't stock any fresh stuff. our sandwiches are really bad, some of them containing 65g of fat each!! but we do sell eggs and i quite regularly have them. we don't have a stove or anything so i boil them in the kettle, lol.

i think im just gonna have to start bringing my own food in. has anyone got any good, healthy, and very filling recipies that i can make in bulk cheaply and freeze? we've got a microwave at work so i can heat stuff in there.

thanks for all the help guys!!

2007 lexus cup history (http://www.toyota-wiki.com/wiki/2007_Lexus_Cup)

03-26-2003, 09:20 AM
nnoooooooooooo its coming up to easter and i just couldn't resist eating the huge chocolate bunny!!!!
Suzuki Boulevard S40 (http://www.suzuki-tech.com/wiki/Suzuki_Boulevard_S40)

03-26-2003, 09:29 AM

drop the fruit drinks. They're a waste of calories.

Cook up anything you like and freeze it. Why didn't you tell us there was a microwave and a fridge there?

I cook on Sundays, myself. Actually, I have found that chicken and turkey lasts from Sunday through Friday without freezing provided it's properly refridgerated.

03-26-2003, 10:43 AM
Hungry Man dinners...

Well, I eat them a lot, but I've never seen that breakfast one! Holy ****! I must admit, when I saw the advertisement for the breakfast version in one of the dinners I bought I thought "cool, they make breakfast!" But, after seeing that article, I don't think I'll be eating it anytime soon.

That being said, if you're not worried about sodium, Hungry Man boneless fried chicken (not "classic" fried chicken, that one's different), turkey, and if you're really hungry, the XXL Backyard Barbeque are very good in taste and in calories, and at super walmart they are only $2.50 each (I think the XXL is $3.76 or something) so they're good if you're on a college students budget.

That could very well be the longest sentense on KFO this week.


03-27-2003, 12:52 PM

d*mn those chocolate bunnies!! D*mn them!!! They're everywhere!

I try to put a few things together on Sundays too. Like: I make a big pot of brown rice and store it in the fridge. Then at night I just cook up veggies & chicken, beans, whatever, and serve it over the rice.

You could also cook up the chicken beforehand, break the rice & chicken out into small tupperware dishes, and put fresh/frozen veggies in with them. Take to work & microwave.

03-27-2003, 08:17 PM
I gagged reading about that Hungry Man breakfast. Definitely a heart attack waiting to happen.

03-27-2003, 09:33 PM
OMG! I thought for a while that it was a joke, but that's actually a real product, readily available!?


03-27-2003, 11:37 PM
Ill try one of those hungry man breakfast things. ;o
Hope its good :)

03-30-2003, 05:54 AM
hi guys,

thanks for all the replies again.

i went to a funeral this weekend and they had a buffet afterwards. there was loads of food left over and guess who got asked to clear it up? lol.

at the moment im at a good weight with about 13% bf which is just about right for me. if i suddenly cut out loads of this fat bearing in mind the amount of calories per gram of fat compared to protein and carbs, im i gonna loose loads of fat? i don't mind losing a little bit of bf but i don't wanna go crazy.

also i hardly ever feel full unless i eat loads of fat, even loads of stuff with a low GI doesn't keep me stuffed for long.

thanks again,

Hemp (http://marijuanahemp.com)