View Full Version : Perennial question: new teachers and student quality.

Mr Punch
03-25-2003, 01:41 AM
OK, seems like a good teacher.

30 years in. Couple of styles. Ring, challenge and street experience it seems.

But his students all suck. Even those who are supposed to have progressed past the basics.

His power feels good, maybe he's good for someone with more experience.

Should I join?

Yeah, I know it's my choice, but any help appreciated...

03-25-2003, 02:30 AM
There is a difference between been a good martial arts practioner and being a good martial arts instructor. If his students suck, it may be an indication that he is not a good teacher.

Laughing Cow
03-25-2003, 02:53 AM
Have to agree with Vapour.

How many years has his longest student studied under him?

03-25-2003, 03:44 AM
Hey, that's not really always the truth, in my WT class, let's say 70% of em sucked ass, that wasn't the instructors fault, he explaine dit very well, but if you don't practice at home when you take only one course every week, then you're bound to suck, since every week you'd have to relearn what you learned and are supposed to know already. but fortunately the instructor noticed I meant business (I think) so I was able to learn quite a lot, and was progressing really fast, after a couple of months he always used me to demonstrate what we were going to do next etc.. so seriously, if there is one or two good students in his class, then it's worth the try, and even if there's not a single good one yet ..

Mr Punch
03-25-2003, 03:59 AM
8 years I think.

Tzu has a point, but surely the students shouldn't have gone onto Chum Kiu if they can't handle the basic concepts of SLT.

Now I'm thinking that he may be some use to me, as I have 7/8 years experience in this style anyway, but is it worth flogging the dead horses of his students' asses for a few minutes of hands-on training each class?

Last time I did that just for the sparring and chi sau, I found myself getting worse!:eek:

herb ox
03-25-2003, 10:34 AM
Brother Mat,
Does this instructor offer an introductory session of like, 3 classes or something? You may want to do that first if possible... the only way to determine a teacher's effectiveness is to actually take a couple of classes from him/her. As an experienced martial artist, you should be able to figure out fairly quickly if the issue lies with the students or the teacher.

This is a Wing Chun instructor, I assume?

good luck :)

03-25-2003, 11:23 AM
A teacher is only as good as his students.

I say, do some 1 on 1 train with the guy in the gym sometime.

Don't become one of his students.

03-25-2003, 11:47 AM
A good teacher attracts good students, retains good students, and transforms the rest into good students. This is the only way to measure teaching ability. No excuses.

If he is a good practitioner and a bad teacher, then practice with him and don't allow him to teach you!

03-25-2003, 04:18 PM
Censored is correct, as is Arrowfists. A good teacher will produce good students - they should be able to inspire bad students to become good. But the teacher cannot force the student to put in the extra training required to become good, they can only encourage. The rest is up to the student.

03-26-2003, 06:16 AM
How many students does he have?

Did you see every student he has in action?

On what are you basing that the students suck?

Remember, we're dealing with the public here. The vast majority will not look good, but will be good for their particular self.

03-26-2003, 09:20 AM
Take a look into any training hall and you'll probably end up walking away holding your nose. A student is only going to be as good as he wants to. And we all know that takes practice and dedication -- lots of it. You can't always blame the instructor on the stink level of his students' abilities. He's not a magician. He's only as good as they individually want to be...or are willing to sweat.

Felipe Bido
03-26-2003, 10:36 AM
Tzu Chan is correct. I have seen very good masters with students that suck horribly. They don't practice at home, don't have the desire to improve, and practice once a week.-

Oh, and they only get happy by saying "I practice with Master X" and talk about theory the whole day, without actually doing some real work. They're a shame to their teachers