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03-25-2003, 08:21 PM
Okay, this thread is a training BLOG - we will post our training schedules, progress, etc. here - basically, it's a training diary. Train, post here, then train more.

I'll start:

typical schedule

mon - 12:00 - 1:00 - gym
mon - 6:00 - 8:00 - judo
mon - 8:30 - 10:00 - bjj

tues - 12:00 - 1:00 - gym
tues - 7:30 - 10:00 - bjj

wed - 12:00 - 1:00 - gym
wed - 8:30 - 10:00 - bjj or shuai chiao - depending on my training partners

thurs - 12:00 - 1:00 - gym
thurs - 6:00 - 8:00 - judo
thurs - 7:30 - 10:00 - bjj

fri - 12:00 - 1:00 - gym
fri - shuai chiao

sat - 10:00 -12:00 - bjj

I try to make it to the gym twice on tues, wed and fri if I can, and Hopefully, I will be adding silat (bukti negara) to my sat. and maybe sun.

Today, I hit the weights pretty hard. Due to the weather, I didn't make it to bjj.

03-25-2003, 08:30 PM
Kung Lek, I think this thread should really be in the Training and Health forum.


03-25-2003, 08:37 PM
LOL, you punk...

Actually though, I prefer this thread to be here. In the training forum, it will get gym replies. I want MA replies also.

03-25-2003, 08:41 PM

I stand by my previous assessment.

03-25-2003, 09:10 PM
come on... I know you people train...

03-25-2003, 09:12 PM
I have no fixed training schedule. Works around my kung fu training, which is usually Thursdays, Fridays, and Sundays. I go to the gym other days if I can make it.

03-25-2003, 09:13 PM
Geez you guys are taking this thread war thing seriously aren't you? :D

Fred Sanford
03-25-2003, 09:17 PM
usually 4-5 days of MA training, a couple days with my teacher and a couple days of solo training.

then at work I get to practice the techniques I learn in class by throwing a-holes onto the ground and handcuffing them. Just doesn't get any better than that.:D

3 days of weightlifting, possibly adding a 4th sometime soon. typically tues, wed, thurs

03-25-2003, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by joedoe
I have no fixed training schedule. Works around my kung fu training, which is usually Thursdays, Fridays, and Sundays. I go to the gym other days if I can make it.

Perfect. I don't want schedules. That was an example. I just want to hear your training updates and epiphanies. Like a training diary. Did you learn something today in class? post it. Did you realize how a principle works and apply it in a live situation for the first time? post it.

Black Jack
03-25-2003, 09:28 PM

Bukti Negra is supposed to be a great system, nice find sir.

Myself I am hoping to start Gayong Silat training and Sambo in about a month if all goes right. Depends on the teacher and his moving situation.

For now besides one training class a week I am pretty much solo.

3-4 days at powerhouse gym. Right now I am having a flair up in my left shoulder from benching. Which is the first time in my life.

2 Days of solo practice mixed in with the gym times, shadow sparring, the heavy bag, some war post, solo training drills.

Sunday my buds meet up and we work out, mostly ww2 close combat methods, drills and weapons.

If I can I like to go to the shooting range once a week but it looks more like once every two for a bit now.

03-25-2003, 09:32 PM
OK, here's 2 realisations in one - I realised that I really suck at weights despite my size, and I also realised that the art I practice must be more internal than I thought since I normally can throw my training partners across the room despite my apparent lack of strength.

Hang on, I see what you're doing ... :D

Fred Sanford
03-25-2003, 09:32 PM
that reminds me, I also try to practice some handgun stuff once or twice a week. things like presentation and holstering, loading, reloading etc.

03-25-2003, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by Fred Sanford
then at work I get to practice the techniques I learn in class by throwing a-holes onto the ground and handcuffing them. Just doesn't get any better than that.:D

It says in your profile that you own a junk yard. What kind of fukked up junkyard is it if you need to throw down and cuff people there!?

Fred Sanford
03-25-2003, 09:59 PM
here's a clue, I don't really own a junkyard. ah grasshopper, don't believe everything you read. You ever see a tv show called Sanford and Son? that will explain everything.

with a name like serpent, are you a snake?

03-25-2003, 10:06 PM
Well, I already knew you were an ******* from your previous posts. Now it's confirmed.

If you didn't want people to know what you did, just leave it blank. Why lie?

And maybe I am a snake. Takes ages to type though, having no fingers and all.

03-25-2003, 10:13 PM
Originally posted by Black Jack

Bukti Negra is supposed to be a great system, nice find sir.

Myself I am hoping to start Gayong Silat training and Sambo in about a month if all goes right. Depends on the teacher and his moving situation.

For now besides one training class a week I am pretty much solo.

3-4 days at powerhouse gym. Right now I am having a flair up in my left shoulder from benching. Which is the first time in my life.

2 Days of solo practice mixed in with the gym times, shadow sparring, the heavy bag, some war post, solo training drills.

Sunday my buds meet up and we work out, mostly ww2 close combat methods, drills and weapons.

If I can I like to go to the shooting range once a week but it looks more like once every two for a bit now.

cool. Hopefully you do get into sambo and the silat - we can compare notes between judo/sambo and gayong/bukti negara

03-25-2003, 10:15 PM
Don't worry about him Serpent, he's just a sh1t stirrer. He's another one who has come to preach to the masses about how much kung fu sucks.

Fred Sanford
03-25-2003, 10:21 PM
LOL @ serpent and joedoe

I am an @sshole, so what.

c'mon guys, I study a little kung fu. I just happen to think that for the most part you lot are clueless.

I happen to like martial arts in general, but to me it's also a tool. what's the point in practicing if you never get to use it? where's the fun in that?

03-25-2003, 10:24 PM

And that is supposed to convince us that you are an OK guy? Don't worry, I don't hate you. You kind of amuse me actually. You have no idea about who I am or how I train, so how do you know I am clueless?

03-25-2003, 10:25 PM
Originally posted by joedoe
OK, here's 2 realisations in one - I realised that I really suck at weights despite my size, and I also realised that the art I practice must be more internal than I thought since I normally can throw my training partners across the room despite my apparent lack of strength.

Hang on, I see what you're doing ... :D

Why do you suck at weights? How often do you lift?

03-25-2003, 10:26 PM
What am I possibly trying to do? :D

Fred Sanford
03-25-2003, 10:28 PM
And that is supposed to convince us that you are an OK guy? Don't worry, I don't hate you. You kind of amuse me actually. You have no idea about who I am or how I train, so how do you know I am clueless?

I'm not worried.

Laughing Cow
03-25-2003, 10:30 PM
Todays training:

05:00am ~ 05:15am - Zhang Zhuang
05:15am ~ 05:30am - Chan su Jin
05:30am ~ 06:00am - Single movement practice.

What I learned today:

Don't practice backwards walking without shoes while some your sons toys are left lying around.
:D :D

Reminder to self:
Don't forget to buy new toys to replace the ones broken this morning.

03-25-2003, 10:30 PM
Originally posted by joedoe
Don't worry about him Serpent, he's just a sh1t stirrer. He's another one who has come to preach to the masses about how much kung fu sucks.

S'cool man, I'm not that bothered about it. I'm amused, really, like yourself.

The funniest bit is the way he calls us all clueless when he's never contributed one constructive thing anywhere in the forum. :)

03-25-2003, 10:33 PM
Originally posted by SevenStar

Why do you suck at weights? How often do you lift?

I joined a gym at the end of February and was put on a weights/cardio program. I weigh around 100kgs (admittedly I am carrying some extra weight :)) but find that there are guys there who lift way more than I do but probably weigh a good 20-30kgs less than me.

I do an upper body workout twice a week, and a leg workout twice a week.

To be honest it really doesn't bother me but it is sometimes a little embarrassing putting the measly amounts of weights on the machine that I do when these guys seem to have no problems with 2 or 3 times the amount I am doing. I do realise that I haven't been doing it for long but I always thought I was a bit stronger than what I appear to be.

Fred Sanford
03-25-2003, 10:36 PM
The funniest bit is the way he calls us all clueless when he's never contributed one constructive thing anywhere in the forum

but you have? Now that's funny :D

never? you checked all the forums? 100% certain of that?


03-25-2003, 10:43 PM
Joe, you'll probably make quite fast gains now that you've started weight-training.

Did you do much bodyweight stuff previously?

03-25-2003, 10:44 PM
Don't sweat it. you'll get stronger, and once you hit your goal weight, you can get on a strength program. you'll catch up to the others, then leave em in smoke. Plus, you know that you can throw them across the room. :)

03-25-2003, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by SevenStar
Don't sweat it. you'll get stronger, and once you hit your goal weight, you can get on a strength program. you'll catch up to the others, then leave em in smoke. Plus, you know that you can throw them across the room. :)

He makes a good point there! ;)

03-25-2003, 10:52 PM
Thanks for the encouragement guys. I have already noticed that I can up my reps every couple of workouts already, and I am feeling so much better for having done regular weights and cardio workouts. It feels good to finally be regaining some of my fitness.

Serp - I never really did weights before. I always found it kinda boring, but now the views at the gym are great so I am enjoying it more than I used to :). The most I used to do is push ups, chin ups, and sit ups, but I haven't done that for a long time. What I have found interesting is that my power in training my kung fu has gotten better regardless of my lack of 'gym' type training. Unfortunately my aerobic fitness has suffered, especially since I stopped playing volleyball.

03-25-2003, 10:53 PM
Originally posted by SevenStar
I just want to hear your training updates and epiphanies.

OK. The TKD guys I regularly work out with are from a "Freestyle TKD" system, not a traditional TKD style. They have recently brought in an Arnis instructor and another instructor who also does different Japanese styles, including weapons. And he's a Judoka. :) I mentioned I was trying to learn a little grappling, and that was all it took.:D

I just got back from class, and tonight I learned:

*Grappling is an internal art (sort of). We did some Sumo drills for ballance, which reminded me of Tai Chi push hands in that you try to feel his energy and ballance and put your opponent on his butt or a knee.

*I actually managed to work him into an armbar (he obviously let me), which I didn't realize I had untill he tapped. I knew I had the arm, but I was still trying to work for better position and almost gave it up.

*I finally figured out that I should just undo the #@*^ ties on my gi before we start! (Don't laugh, you wankers. Some of us are not as quick as others!)It might not be a bad idea to invest in a Judo gi at some point too. I have a heavy weight gi, but it ain't that heavy.

*We went through some escapes from various holds, locks and chokes. Good stuff, but it sometimes involves sacrificing somethin of yours.

*Worked some takedowns and some principles in the clinch.

All in all a good workout. I hope they keep this up!

03-25-2003, 10:59 PM
Joe, training your kung fu will always improve your kung fu and it will improve your strength and fitnes to a degree. But, I discovered long ago that it is essential to do extra cardio and strength training all the time in order to kinda keep up with yourself if you take your kung fu seriously.

You know that, obviously, but I think that's where you're finding correlations and differences at the moment. Does that make sense?

I've never been into weights really, but I do a lot of bodyweight stuff.

03-25-2003, 11:12 PM
What kind of bodyweight stuff do you do?

In the past I had always found that doing too many push ups and sit ups and stuff had an adverse effect on my kung fu because it seemed to stiffen up my torso, making it harder to generate power. I also found that my shoulders got too tight as well - this also occurred after a weights workout. I guess that is also another reason why I avoided weights.

What I am finding this time though is that despite the weights training I am still able to remain loose. Maybe I am at a stage in my training where my technique etc. can overcome any problems introduced by my 'gym' training.

03-25-2003, 11:20 PM
Monday/Wednesday 11:45 a.m. until 12:45 p.m. Yoga

Tuesday/Thursday 11:35 a.m. until 12:50 p.m. Concepts of P.E. (weight training or cardio)

Basically some home stuff such as push ups, crunches, curls when I find the time.

Monday/Wednesday 6:00 until 9:00 Wing Tsun

And in between I just find stuff.

03-25-2003, 11:22 PM
and putting on muscle mass will help you lose weight even better, even when you're asleep ! Double whammy.

03-25-2003, 11:26 PM
I have actually noticed in the last week or so that I feel warmer and sweat more readily. Is this a product of more exercise, or the weights workouts?

03-25-2003, 11:35 PM

Most often your cappillary system increases and hence better circulation.

And also, muscle mass is always burning energy, so you'll also find you wake up hungrier.

Word of advise, if you have troubles sleeping and wake up with a heightened heart rate, ease off.

And stretch and massage relieves DOMS (ie. intense pain 2 days after) :)

03-25-2003, 11:38 PM
not sure how you can maintain the flexibility for gor jor though...

that is a tough one. After climbing, there was no possibility of gor jor. Stiff as a stick... and not stronger either, just more injury prone.

Personally, I prefer to stick with gor jor if compared to doing weights... but that is only for me, and I respect you're different.

03-26-2003, 12:56 AM
Originally posted by dnc101

OK. The TKD guys I regularly work out with are from a "Freestyle TKD" system, not a traditional TKD style. They have recently brought in an Arnis instructor and another instructor who also does different Japanese styles, including weapons. And he's a Judoka. :) I mentioned I was trying to learn a little grappling, and that was all it took.:D

I just got back from class, and tonight I learned:

*Grappling is an internal art (sort of). We did some Sumo drills for ballance, which reminded me of Tai Chi push hands in that you try to feel his energy and ballance and put your opponent on his butt or a knee.

*I actually managed to work him into an armbar (he obviously let me), which I didn't realize I had untill he tapped. I knew I had the arm, but I was still trying to work for better position and almost gave it up.

*I finally figured out that I should just undo the #@*^ ties on my gi before we start! (Don't laugh, you wankers. Some of us are not as quick as others!)It might not be a bad idea to invest in a Judo gi at some point too. I have a heavy weight gi, but it ain't that heavy.

*We went through some escapes from various holds, locks and chokes. Good stuff, but it sometimes involves sacrificing somethin of yours.

*Worked some takedowns and some principles in the clinch.

All in all a good workout. I hope they keep this up!

glad you had fun. And glad you got an intro to what grappling is about. I have said in other threads that it seems to have an internal quality to it. If you're going to grapple on a regular basis though, I'd suggest investing in either a bjj or judo gi.

Often you may have to give up something to gain position. sometimes in will benefit you and sometimes it won't. it's all part of the game.

03-26-2003, 12:58 AM
Originally posted by joedoe
I have actually noticed in the last week or so that I feel warmer and sweat more readily. Is this a product of more exercise, or the weights workouts?

Increased metabolism, I'd guess.

03-26-2003, 01:00 AM
Originally posted by joedoe
What kind of bodyweight stuff do you do?

In the past I had always found that doing too many push ups and sit ups and stuff had an adverse effect on my kung fu because it seemed to stiffen up my torso, making it harder to generate power. I also found that my shoulders got too tight as well - this also occurred after a weights workout. I guess that is also another reason why I avoided weights.

What I am finding this time though is that despite the weights training I am still able to remain loose. Maybe I am at a stage in my training where my technique etc. can overcome any problems introduced by my 'gym' training.

were you stretching properly? I don't have that prob, and I was one of the best kickers in the school.

03-26-2003, 03:57 AM
Monday: 3 6-minute conditioning sets with 3:30 rest between sets. 2 hrs BJJ

Tuesday: 2-3 hrs BJJ

Wednesday--see Monday

Thursday: See Tuesday

Friday: See Monday

Saturday--10:00-2:30 ish BJJ/Vale Tudo type training. Although I've been slacking in the Vale Tudo lately :D

Chang Style Novice
03-26-2003, 06:01 AM
I've said for a long time that I basically treat ma as a fun and healthy hobby. Plus the fact that until lately I was recovering from a knee injury and I'm broke all the time means I'm not going to class and only training solo. Plus, I don't do weights (something that really ought to change) so this will look pretty pathetic to most of you.

First thing in the morning: qigong; internal eagle claw and eight silken brocade.

various times throughout the day: chang taiji long form, probably a total of about 4 reps

evening: crunches, pushups, hindu squats (now that my knee is okay) also sometimes taiji iron ball or 13 naughty boys qigong.

sparring/rolling - none

cardio - do hindu squats count? Carrying my books and art supplies around campus? Probably not.

weight training - none

If I suddenly get money and time to do what I want, I'll probably be training at Tai Chi People three times a week, for his tai chi shuai chiao classes and saturday morning qigong, then at the Integrated Arts place I stumbled onto last week twice or three times a week for ground grappling and maybe I'd try his kickboxing, too. If I really wise up, I'll also start running and weights on alternate days.

03-26-2003, 07:09 AM
Yeah, I'm a hobbyist myself, so what. I enjoy it. ;)

I get in about an hour of yoga, ~ hour of qiqong [hard or soft, alternate], and ~ hour of forms, more or less each day [usually less nowadays :( ]. Classes run monday, wed, saturday, but I'm off them for a little while. I throw in weapons when I'm hanging out with JMA & WMA friends who do them, which is ~ once a week or so [not at that point in kung fu itself yet]. :rolleyes: gotta get more serious.

03-26-2003, 07:43 AM
Great idea for a thread SevenStar. Just the sort of information this forum needed.

I only wish I had more to contribute myself right now. Truth is that I've been largely inactive for a few months now. Aside from the odd occassion when Merryprankster manages to drag me out to a grappling practice.

Last night, though, I found an honest-to-god boxing gym up the street from my home. So I'm going there tonight. And I still want to join Khun Kao's muay thai class when I can manage it too. So... more to report later.

Stuart B.

03-26-2003, 11:16 AM
you live near khun khao's school? Sweet. Let us know what happens with the boxing gym

03-26-2003, 11:30 AM
Originally posted by Chang Style Novice

evening: crunches, pushups, hindu squats (now that my knee is okay) also sometimes taiji iron ball or 13 naughty boys qigong.

Okay, curiousity got the best of me on that one... 13 naughty boys?

03-26-2003, 11:50 AM
I'm up to 320 reps on the Hindu squat - 4-5 times a week. I do calf raises, 40 reps while leaning against the wall at about 30 degrees (PI/6 of a radian for you nutts). I'm going back to jumping rope this month and will begin running sprints in May.

I can only do 30 regular pushups and 9 pullups. I laid off for too long, plus I always sucked at pushups even though I used to bench 260.

Haven't been stretching. Bought Matt Furey's stretching tapes used from Mr. Bao, watched three out of 4. Matt is either punch drunk, on drugs, or mildly retarded. I think some combination. Still, I liked the tapes.

Haven't been training. First I was injured, now life is in the way and will be for some time. Do plan to go back to it someday - maybe in a year!

Joedoe - Not to pick on you, but the best rapper is white? Must be some English or Italian guy.

03-26-2003, 12:01 PM
Yup Seven. Khun Kao knows how to coach. Sweet hands for a thai boxer ;)

I'd like to get out there too (sigh) BJJ takes up all my time.

03-26-2003, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by SevenStar
you live near khun khao's school? Sweet. Let us know what happens with the boxing gym

Yep. Actually, he lives about four blocks from me. But he teaches about 45 minutes beyond that. And since I work 45 minutes in the opposite direction, it makes getting around kinda challenging. (Not that getting around in the DC metro area isn't challenging enough as is.)

Still, he ran a great class when I was there last. So I'd like to manage it soon. Perhaps after I get these grad school apps finished. [groan]

Stuart B.

03-26-2003, 12:14 PM
I'm going to get up with Khun Kao for a MT 'intensive' next month…

as for revalations in my training…

*5:30 am workouts suck…
*cardio cardio cardio… easier said than done…
*I really suck at groundwork…
*not too many 'regular' people understand the pain I'm going thru to compete… this is d@mn near a second job… sorry I cant hang out I'm REALLY tired :mad:...
*and as a second job…… the pay sucks...
*I need to get back into working out with the local Judo club… my throws have went down hill…
*I really need to start taking advantage of this gym they have here at my job… b'cuz I don’t know how much time I have left here… and my next job might not have such facilities…

Golden Arms
03-26-2003, 01:07 PM
Mon: Morning Stretch legs for 20 min or so
Lunch Compound Heavy Lifts (Deads, Side Press, etc) 1 Hr
Heavy Bag work and Conditioning 6 to 7
Hung Gar 7-9:30
San Shou and or Sparring 9:30 to 11:00

Tue: Morning Stretch legs for 20 min
Lunch HIIT for half hour, then 30 min Horse Stance work.
6 to 7 Forms work
7 to 9:30 Hung Gar
9:30 to 11:00 Forms and Sparring

Wed: Morning Stretch legs for 20 min
Lunch Compound Heavy Lifts (Weights/Shadowbox) 1 Hr
Heavy Bag work and Conditioning 6 to 7
Hung Gar 7-9:30
San Shou and or Sparring 9:30 to 11:00

Thur: Morning Stretch legs for 20 min
Lunch HIIT for half hour, then 30 min Horse Stance work.
6 to 7 Forms work
7 to 9:30 Hung Gar
9:30 to 11:00 Forms and Sparring

Fri: Morning Stretch legs for 20 min
Lunch Compound Heavy Lifts (Deads, Side Press, etc) 1 Hr
Heavy Bag work and Conditioning 6 to 7
Hung Gar 7-9:30
San Shou and or Sparring 9:30 to 11:00

Sat: Forms 10-11
Hung Gar 11-1:30 or 2

Sun: 10 or 11 for an hour or two, heavy bag, and Forms.

Life outside of Hung Gar? I try to play hard when I get a chance, but I really plan on doing it full time in a couple more years if things permit. I find that you also dont improve so much any one thing a lot more by training this heavily, though you can improve many MORE things incrementally at the same time by keeping a heavy and unbroken schedule week to week.

03-26-2003, 01:18 PM
Fa_jing - pushups and bench press don't correlate - one is strength and the other is endurance. Don't sweat it if you can't do alot of pushups.

And I'll agree that one of the best rappers is white - eminem is a fuggin lyrical genius.

03-26-2003, 01:26 PM
And I'll agree that one of the best rappers is white - eminem is a fuggin lyrical genius. :eek: *SMH* he's good and all… but c'mon… he cant compare to folks like Black Thought… Talib… Mos… GZA… but I'll give it to him… out of all the cats that get airplay… Em kills 'em…

GA has my schedule beat… by Sunday I cant even move…

03-26-2003, 03:31 PM
prana - I agree, I will give up weights as soon as it adversely affects my kung fu training. Until then I figure it can only be good for me. I checked with James and he said that weights are OK as long as I am careful not to injure certain tendons.

7* - Back then I didn't stretch enough, but the other thing I found was that as my muscles got stronger they seemed to get 'tighter'. This was more a problem with my abs and this affected my ability to use my waist to generate power. It appears that this is no longer a problem as I stretch more after workouts and I suspect my technique is better than what it used to be.

fa_jing - hey, it was a quote. I don't really listen to rap :) I have to admit that I do find Eminem's lyrics interesting though.

03-26-2003, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by joedoe
What kind of bodyweight stuff do you do?

In the past I had always found that doing too many push ups and sit ups and stuff had an adverse effect on my kung fu because it seemed to stiffen up my torso, making it harder to generate power. I also found that my shoulders got too tight as well - this also occurred after a weights workout. I guess that is also another reason why I avoided weights.

What I am finding this time though is that despite the weights training I am still able to remain loose. Maybe I am at a stage in my training where my technique etc. can overcome any problems introduced by my 'gym' training.

What do I do? Pushups, Hindu Pushups (love those guys!), dips, pullups, chinups, jackknives, crunches, back raises, single-leg squats, Hindu squats... probably some more that aren't coming to mind right now!

I stretch a lot and I work on a lot of speed and bagwork before and after classes. I do a lot of work on core body flexibility too so that waist turning doesn't become an issue.

03-26-2003, 04:37 PM
Oh yeah. I'm not particularly into hip hop, but Eminem rules! ;)

Chang Style Novice
03-26-2003, 05:12 PM
13 Naughty Boys is Paul's translation, and you know how those chinese to english translations can be!

We've actually talked a bit about this set before; it's the balance and strength qigong for shuai chiao. Let me see if I can remember them all...

1 Jump into the sea (stand on one leg, stretch the other behind, stretch your arms forward, make your torso parallel to the ground)

2 Send hay to the barn (same as above, with arms stretched behind you)

3 Sparrow flies over the water (in horse stance lean forward until your torso is parallel to the ground and stretch your arms behind you)

4 Three levels (with feet together hold feet, thighs, and arms (forward) all parallel tot he ground)

5 Confused root of decaying tree (in horse stance bend forward and wrap one hand through your legs to grasp the outside of the ankle, raise the other hand high and fix your gaze on it)

6 Reap grain in the wind (balance all your weight on one foot, touch the heel of the other to the ground in front of you, bend over and sweep both hands in circles around your front foot)

7 Immortal looks in mirror (get some free weights, stand in front stance, and do wrist curls with one hand in front and one behind you)

8 Li Hei sharpens his axes (with free weights stand in front stance and push the weights forward horizontally palms down, bring them back palms up)

9 Green onion sprouts in the wild (hold both arms and one leg horizontally in front of you)

10 Rhino looks at the moon (cross your legs at the ankles, bend forward, and with the hand on the side as your front leg reach around to grasp that leg's ankle while the other hand sits on your hip and you fix your gaze on the elbow of the upper hand)

that's all I remember this minute.

I guess Eminem isn't too bad, for the mainstream. But then I also like Ludacris, so I better not talk too much smack about the mainstream.:D

03-26-2003, 05:12 PM
Thanks Serp. Sounds similar to what I used to do.

BTW I am going to show my ignorance here, but what are Hindu squats & Hindu pushups?

Chang Style Novice
03-26-2003, 05:20 PM
I dunno from hindu pushups, but to do a hindu squat, plant your feet about shoulder width apart then bend your knees until you're almost sitting on the back of your heels. Your heels may raise up a bit for this. Then stand back up. Do it slowly enough to feel tension going both up and down. Don't let yourself 'bounce' at the bottom of the squat. Swing your arms gently to stay balanced. Then paint a red dot in the middle of your forehead and refuse to eat meat (optional.)

03-26-2003, 05:24 PM
Sorry, I can't do them then - I can't bring myself to cut meat out of my diet :D

Seriously, how slowly should they be done, like 10 secs per rep or faster?

03-26-2003, 05:25 PM
Yeah, CSN is right about the squats. The push up is like this:

Start with your hands and feet double shoulder width apart and your arse up in the air, like an inverted V. Then bend the arms and lower your head between your hands and then kinda surf forward and extend up till your arms are straight...

Wait a minute...

Here (http://www.cbass.com/Furey.htm) you go.


03-26-2003, 05:27 PM
With regard to that link above, I do the pushups slightly different cos I go back the way I went forward and I find it works the muscles more, rather than the return as described there. Give them a go, cos they rule! ;)

Chang Style Novice
03-26-2003, 05:39 PM
As long as you don't just relax and fall on the downward part of the squat, that's what's important. Slow enough to avoid that is plenty slow. 10 seconds per rep is positively glacial.

03-26-2003, 05:39 PM
OK - I see what you mean. We used to call those tiger push ups - dunno why :)

So how fast do you actually do each squat? Is it a quick motion, or is it done slowly?

03-26-2003, 05:45 PM
I think the pushups are also sometimes called dive bombers. The squat is done relatively quick, but you have to avoid the bounce. Wait a bit and I'll show you them both, mate. ;)

Chang Style Novice
03-26-2003, 05:49 PM
It looks to me like the pushups y'all are talking about are the same as the yoga transition from downward facing dog to cobra (if my long dormant yoga knowledge isn't too rusty.)

03-26-2003, 05:53 PM
Originally posted by Chang Style Novice
It looks to me like the pushups y'all are talking about are the same as the yoga transition from downward facing dog to cobra (if my long dormant yoga knowledge isn't too rusty.)

Yeah, it's almost exactly that. It's also exactly the same as the middle portion of the Salute To The Sun asana.

03-26-2003, 06:39 PM
Tiger Push-Ups, Hindu Push-Ups, and Divebomber Push-Ups are three different exercises. :cool:

03-26-2003, 06:50 PM
Originally posted by Serpent
I think the pushups are also sometimes called dive bombers. The squat is done relatively quick, but you have to avoid the bounce. Wait a bit and I'll show you them both, mate. ;)

No worries. Looking forward to it.

03-26-2003, 07:25 PM
Originally posted by Stranger
Tiger Push-Ups, Hindu Push-Ups, and Divebomber Push-Ups are three different exercises. :cool:

I only really know what I do and I call them Hindu's, but they're not quite like the link I provided.

Can you descibe the differences between the three and what their pros and cons are?

03-26-2003, 08:35 PM
Hindu Push-ups:
(The set-up for proper start position)Start in basic push up position / separate legs wide / walk back your hands until your arse is in the air and you feel the stretch in your hamstrings

(The movement)Swoop down and forward directing your chin, then chest, then abdomen, then groin towards the floor / You should then be well forward and looking up towards the ceiling / rock directly back to starting position / DO NOT RETURN THROUGH SAME PATH AS FORWARD MOVEMENT

Divebomber Push-ups:
(The set up for proper start position) Same as in Hindu Push-up

(The movement)Swoop forward as in Hindu Push-Ups / Return back along same path as forward motion

Tiger Push-Ups:
(The set up for proper start position) Heels against a wall / bend at waist sharply until hands are on the ground- you should have your arse way in the air and be in an acute upside down v-angle / slowly rotate both hands inward so that the fingers of one hand point towards the fingerson the other hand- like this E 3

(The movement) bend at elbows and dip straight down / return to start position along the same path

03-26-2003, 08:48 PM
Cool, thanks for that. So what I'm doing are actually divebombers by your definitions.

(E 3. You have hands like the Simpsons? ;) )

03-26-2003, 08:57 PM
D'oh! :(


03-26-2003, 09:12 PM
Originally posted by Suntzu
:eek: *SMH* he's good and all… but c'mon… he cant compare to folks like Black Thought… Talib… Mos… GZA… but I'll give it to him… out of all the cats that get airplay… Em kills 'em…

GA has my schedule beat… by Sunday I cant even move…

eh, I dunno... the more I listen to Talib, the less he seems to impress me. The others are pretty tight though. two more I couldn't leave off that list are ras kass and mad skillz (before he started calling himself "skillz" - I dunno why he dropped the mad part.)

03-26-2003, 09:23 PM
Maybe his skillz aren't mad any more.

03-26-2003, 09:26 PM
Originally posted by Stranger
Tiger Push-Ups:
(The set up for proper start position) Heels against a wall / bend at waist sharply until hands are on the ground- you should have your arse way in the air and be in an acute upside down v-angle / slowly rotate both hands inward so that the fingers of one hand point towards the fingerson the other hand- like this E 3

(The movement) bend at elbows and dip straight down / return to start position along the same path

Hmmm. Just gave these a go. They're interesting; a bit like a hand stand pushup, only easier and with your hands at a mad angle.

Couple of questions though:

Why have the hands positioned like that?

How are these better, if at all, than a hand stand push up?


03-26-2003, 09:28 PM
Originally posted by Chang Style Novice
13 Naughty Boys is Paul's translation, and you know how those chinese to english translations can be!

We've actually talked a bit about this set before; it's the balance and strength qigong for shuai chiao. Let me see if I can remember them all...

1 Jump into the sea (stand on one leg, stretch the other behind, stretch your arms forward, make your torso parallel to the ground)

2 Send hay to the barn (same as above, with arms stretched behind you)

3 Sparrow flies over the water (in horse stance lean forward until your torso is parallel to the ground and stretch your arms behind you)

4 Three levels (with feet together hold feet, thighs, and arms (forward) all parallel tot he ground)

5 Confused root of decaying tree (in horse stance bend forward and wrap one hand through your legs to grasp the outside of the ankle, raise the other hand high and fix your gaze on it)

6 Reap grain in the wind (balance all your weight on one foot, touch the heel of the other to the ground in front of you, bend over and sweep both hands in circles around your front foot)

7 Immortal looks in mirror (get some free weights, stand in front stance, and do wrist curls with one hand in front and one behind you)

8 Li Hei sharpens his axes (with free weights stand in front stance and push the weights forward horizontally palms down, bring them back palms up)

9 Green onion sprouts in the wild (hold both arms and one leg horizontally in front of you)

10 Rhino looks at the moon (cross your legs at the ankles, bend forward, and with the hand on the side as your front leg reach around to grasp that leg's ankle while the other hand sits on your hip and you fix your gaze on the elbow of the upper hand)

that's all I remember this minute.

I guess Eminem isn't too bad, for the mainstream. But then I also like Ludacris, so I better not talk too much smack about the mainstream.:D

gotcha. I'm familiar with 7 of those. Em - mainstream only? nah. I've got some of his underground stuff. old battles and a track he did with scam.

03-26-2003, 09:30 PM
Yeah man, search the net for old Eminem stuff. There's a lot more to him than the commercial stuff. He really worked hard and earned his place.

03-26-2003, 09:47 PM
I strike a still pose
and hit you wit some ill flows
that don't even make sense
like dykes using d!ldos

03-26-2003, 09:50 PM
As for today's BLOG -

ran two miles and did some cable work - endurance exercises and throws. did several reps of judo and shuai chiao throwing techs. didn't really learn anything new, just good training.

Chang Style Novice
03-26-2003, 10:26 PM
Eminem is about to become as much of a digression as Gerhard Richter. And I'll bet a pint of ice cream that's the first sentence ever composed that mentioned them both.

I have to admit I'm playa hating Marshall just a little, because his stuff isn't that amazing in technique, or subject matter, or wit, etc. to me. If you've been listening to the underground for a long time, you've heard it all before - 'shocking' lyrics (Ras Kass, Chino XL, Necro) fast rapping, internal rhymes and polyrhythms (too many to mention but I think the Freestyle Fellowship did it best) confessionals (Biggie, Tupac, Ice Cube) nasal smart@ss vocals (Beasties, Eazy E, Cypress Hill) and folks that combine all of the above in different styles and proportions. Em's got skills and he paid his dues, and although I don't personally feel the neo-Dre production that he's made his fame with, I recognize it's a popular and distinctive sound. But it just doesn't move me, and I don't think there's any question that the big reason he's gained such a huge following when others haven't has to do with his melanin deficiency. And it's not like I'm a self-hating white man talking here: I like House of Pain, and El-P, and Beasties, and Grouch, and 3rd Bass. And some pop rap like Ludacris and (older) Busta Rhymes.

Now, back to the training. Tonight I added back raises to my bodyweight routine, since serpent mentioned them and they require no extra equipment. I also tried that hindu pushup stuff, and I definitely see the improvement over the regular pushup. I've been elevating my feet for my pushups, though. Is there anyway to do that with the hindus? I can't quite figure out an appropriate way to get both sets of benefits from one excercise.

03-26-2003, 10:59 PM
On Eminem:

I haven't had much experience with rap before, so when I hear his stuff it's all new to me. I think he is a lyrical genius and I think he's playing the mainstream for suckers and for that he gets huge props from me. Plus, he cracks me up and anyone that makes me laugh gets a gold star.

Beyond that I don't analyse it too much.

On training:

I would suggest maintaing both sets of pushups in your workout. Raising the feet for hindus would remove the ability to stretch at the end and the core muscle stretch is one excellent reason for doing hindus. One of many, that is. Raised feet pushups are also excellent, but also do non-raised ones as then you will target other shoulder muscles more specifically. Also do hand stand push ups as this is like a military press with 85kgs (or whatever you weigh) with the added advantage of giving your brain a blood bath. When you're strong enough and confident enough, do them between two raised surfaces (which won't move!) so that you can go full range of motion with them.

The combination of hindus, flat push ups, raised leg pushups and hand stand push ups is excellent. Add to that dips and your arms and shoulders are getting the goods, plus all your core stabilisers are involved all the time. Add the pull ups and chin ups to this routine and you're pumpin'!

The back raises are essential. Doing situps and no back raises is like rowing with one oar in my book.

03-26-2003, 11:34 PM
Why have the hands positioned like that?

I don't know. :confused:

How are these better, if at all, than a hand stand push up?

I don't know. :confused:


Mr Punch
03-27-2003, 01:23 AM
Irregular schedule unfortunately, due to working and playing very hard as usual...!:eek: :D :D ... usually only get to train hard once every couple of days at the mo... as an example:

Yesterday morning something like this:

My standard basic maintenance workout:

Standing hip twisting/arm swinging exercises (various from chikung sets).

Standing back bending sets (can comfortably place my palms on the floor with straight legs, and backwards can make it about halfway without any strain).

Various faster back bending sets (eg bending backwards as far as possible and coming up into a stable posture and guard as fast and explosively as I can, paying special attention to linking my spine and hips and driving up from my feet... still look like a marionette sometimes though!:eek::D

SLT three times, once with 500g weights on each arm, once without for slow relaxation, and once without as fast, powerful and snappy as I can make it.

550 centreline punches in sets with weights, 550 palms, varying heights of striking, half for speed and half for relaxation.

Same again without the weights.

Chum kiu, as SLT, with 1 kg on each leg... usually throwing in some extra kicks and stepping moves.

Biu jee, as above.

The 5 parts of the dummy set I know as above. Occasionally I remember the sixth, but for some reason it keeps slipping.

10 situps breathing out, rising as fast as possible, holding for 3 secs breathing normally, down slowly.

10 situps same, but breathing in.

20 of each of the same but twisting left/right (60 altogether - not many but if you do them properly it still hurts a bit the next day in a good way).

10 pushups, hands in the middle of my chest at nipple level (explosive?... the ones when you push yourself off the ground, clap and land again)... more if I have time, or feel particularly good.

10 with hands as far apart as I can, to get that nice burn in my chest muscles.

10 same explosive if I feel good... this sometimes ends up with me eating floorboard:eek:!

10 divebombers apparently... thought they were hindu pushups until I read this thread...!

10 hindu squats (can do hundreds - maybe 5 - but usually don't have time, find them extremely boring and don't see the point of that many reps).

10 hindu bridges (still can't reach forehead yet).

10 of two varieties of lower back exercises (lie on your front, lift your legs and head, hold, and down: lie on your front and raise yourself up on your forearms).

Aiki tai sabaki (various, usually lots but yesterday didn't have time for many).

Shadow boxing: starting off with a WC format and moving on to anything really!

Later met with a friend and did an hour of chi sau in the park.

Revelations (negative):

1) Must do more shadow boxing;
2) Must get heavy bag;
3) Must sink my root in chi sau, when I do I'm good and only move when I need to, when I don't I would be a pushover for your average grappler... not even the 'good' one (TM)!
4) Must relax more in chi sau, so I don't try too hard to stick to the hands when I have contact in an attempt to get the locks;
5) I still suck!

Ongoing revelations (positive):

1) It's really good to move your head to stop getting it punched: forget the WC purists who don't seem to like that idea; the structure regaining movements in Biu Jee are there to be used, not preserved as a mistake-correcting exercise, but as a living part of the system... and hell they work well!
2) The stop kick is really cool at any range to the back leg of your opponent;
3) Aiki locking techniques are really good for breaking your opponent's structure, but don't follow them up: you overcommit and get whooped!
4) Biu jee's finger movements are not really much to do with finger strikes.
5) Japanese onlookers asked us what 'kakutougi' we were practising (the word means fighting techniques, as opposed to budo which means martial arts!) and said we were very flowing...! Our heads swelled beyond all proportions till we realised that they didn't know what the hell they were talking about, and in reality, we still suck ass!!!:D :D

Why have the hands positioned like that?
Probably blowing it out me arse, but isn't it better for working your triceps rather than your shoulder and biceps? Try it and see what hurts!

Why are these better, if at all, than a handstand pushup?
1) Handstand pushups look silly.
2) A tiger pushup may help you get out of a nasty position in a fighting situation... well probably not, but it's a bit more bloody useful than training for that time when you need to push yourself upwards from the top of your head!!!
3) Handstand pushups make your veins pop out like those geezers form 'Scanners' and thus even more unnattractive to women.
4) Oh, OK then... I can't actually do handstand pushups!:D

Sevenstar, can I just say that your thread is way better than Serpent's and I'm sorry this post is so long when

Mr Punch
03-27-2003, 01:24 AM
I could have

Mr Punch
03-27-2003, 01:24 AM
broken it up more and

Mr Punch
03-27-2003, 01:25 AM
improved your count in the Thread War!;) :D

Mr Punch
03-27-2003, 01:26 AM
BTW, how the hell does anyone work out that Eminem 'played the system'? The boy is part of the system!

And OK, his lyrics are sometimes cool, but he's such a ****head he still sucks...!

03-27-2003, 07:36 AM
Two weeks ago, my weekly routine was:

Monday: 30 minutes weights (bench press, deadlift, calf raises, shrugs, weighted bridges and wide-grip pullups)
30 minutes cardio (swimming)
Tuesday: 30 minutes weights (bench press, deadlift, calf raises, shrugs, weighted bridges and wide-grip pullups)
3.5 hours grappling (1.5 hour class, and drilling and rolling with coach and other students after class)
Wednesday: 30 minutes weights (bench press, deadlift, calf raises, shrugs, weighted bridges and wide-grip pullups)
30 minutes cardio (swimming)
Thursday: 30 minutes weights (bench press, deadlift, calf raises, shrugs, weighted bridges and wide-grip pullups)
Friday: Rest day
Saturday: 2.5 hours grappling (Openmat: continuous rolling and drilling with whoever else is there)
Sunday: 5 hours grappling (Openmat: continuous rolling and drilling with whoever else is there)

Then I broke my foot last week.

So, it's gonna be three more weeks before I can even think about training again, and probably 4 more weeks after that before I can train as hard as I used to. Right now I'm doing pushups, bridges, dips, and hanging leg raises, and trying to work out a schedule for myself.

03-27-2003, 08:40 AM
OK…… no trip to Florida this weekend… so I need to reset my training… need to get back to lifting heavy and improve my absolute strength… max strength… whatever… so back to the big 3 as far as lifts go… the weather outside is helping so back to the track i go to bang out some sprints... i'll start those next week... i'm looking to add something new to my training but i'm not sure what... come May... its back to Judo....

Edit - gotta get back to working my basics… foot work… the pivot… kickcatches… esp my footwork gotta stay on my toes… I get flatfooted sometimes…

hip hop side bar - about Talib… that's not the first time someone said that about him… but I still feel him all the same… CSN… always full of surprises when it comes to the music… and I understand about not getting past the mainstream when it comes to music you really aren't deep into... i get alot of sh!t for liking Linkin Park etc...

03-27-2003, 09:02 AM
M&M - too much shock value, but yeah the boy's got skillz. He admits as much, that he's not the best. I'm really not into offensive lyrics anymore. I actually attended one of his concerts at my friend's school, he had the whole crowd put their middle fingers in the air. It was like a sideshow attraction. He could never top Spice1 and MC Eiht anyway for hardcore. Too mainstream, too grating. Do dig the Dre production.

I'm more of a Black Thought kind of guy, although my rap-listening days are mostly past. Used to like Method Man, Ice cube etc.

Lately I've been listening mostly to *gasp* classic rock! Go Neil Young, Def Leopard! Especially in the car, I have virtually no such CD's.

Latin Music (NOT pop!), classical music, are some other interests.

03-27-2003, 09:10 AM
Originally posted by fa_jing
Lately I've been listening mostly to *gasp* classic rock!

Congratulations! You've taken your first step into the world of OLDPHARTDOME! The second step is to relax your training schedule and get your post count here to two thousand. It's all downhill thereafter.:(

03-27-2003, 09:20 AM
in the past year my musical intrests has changed greatly… from electronic… high energy to lounge… a lil nu metal or whatever they labeling it now… African house is str8 like that… hip hop has gotten boring… so I had to look elsewhere…

training entry… its shopping time… I need a new traing toy… it’s the whole 'proud to be an American' consumer in me… my choices are…
Jens Pulver's Dirty Boxing video…
Agility Ladder…

03-27-2003, 09:22 AM
Originally posted by Mat
10 hindu squats (can do hundreds - maybe 5 - but usually don't have time, find them extremely boring and don't see the point of that many reps).

That may be. However, it begs the question: what is the point of doing 10 Hindu squats??




p.s. LOL @ dnc101

03-27-2003, 09:44 AM
dam-n havent posted here for aaages

Typical training during the week

Monday - 8pm to 9.30pm White crane
Monday - 9.30 to 10.30 White crane sparring

Tuesday - 7.00 - 9.00pm Shotokan Karate, with a slight jujitsu influence

Wednesday - 8.00pm - 10.00pm Shotokan again, some sparring

Thursday - 8.00 - 9.30pm White crane

Friday - day off

Saturday - practice forms in park for about 40mins - 1hr

Sunday - 10.30 - 12.00am White crane sparring

good idea for a thread, btw

Chang Style Novice
03-27-2003, 10:15 AM
Peoplesforum > I Spit on your Groove > Rebuilding in a Cipher (http://peoplesforum.com/cgi-bin/forum?50@@.ef91776/487) A more appropriate venue for discussing hiphop. In fact, I Spit on Your Groove is the best collection of music posters on the internet. I go by my first name there, Austin.

03-27-2003, 11:04 AM
What if you want to discuss Hip -hop with your KFO buddies??

What if this is the only forum you ever frequent and you don't feel like becoming aware of some other forum's set of handles and personality types?


Chang Style Novice
03-27-2003, 11:12 AM
Start a thread, cross your fingers, and hope?

03-27-2003, 11:20 AM
Actually, start a thread about training and it will be sure to be hijacked. Controlling the direction of this hijack is difficult, especially since you can't really hijack your own thread, people keep coming back with on-topic posts.

OK, pretty much what you said. LOL

03-27-2003, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by Chang Style Novice
Peoplesforum > I Spit on your Groove > Rebuilding in a Cipher (http://peoplesforum.com/cgi-bin/forum?50@@.ef91776/487) A more appropriate venue for discussing hiphop. In fact, I Spit on Your Groove is the best collection of music posters on the internet. I go by my first name there, Austin.

Your real name is Austin and you live in Austin? Cool.

Was that deliberate?


(Is your surname Texas?)

03-27-2003, 05:02 PM

Or Powers? :D

03-27-2003, 05:22 PM
Or Seven, for the old car enthusiasts!


03-27-2003, 05:40 PM
Or Healey

Chang Style Novice
03-27-2003, 05:46 PM
Swinburn, actually.

And yeah, I've heard just about every "Austin in Austin" joke conceivable. And I F@#$ING HATE Michael Myers! My name used to be interesting and unusual until he got hold of it, now it's a punchline to the worst joke ever. The most recent movie flopped, though, so I won't have to deal with that much longer. I have no feeling pro or con towards Austin vehicles.

03-27-2003, 05:53 PM
Hmmm. I wonder if you'd hate Mike Myers so much if it had been Billy Powers, Man Of Mystery or something else like that?

So your name is Austin Swinburn?

That makes both your names also place names (there's a town called Swinburn in England)!

What's your middle name? Los Angeles?


03-27-2003, 11:22 PM
Originally posted by Mat
BTW, how the hell does anyone work out that Eminem 'played the system'? The boy is part of the system!

And OK, his lyrics are sometimes cool, but he's such a ****head he still sucks...!

his lyrics kick arse. Especially his older freestyles. As far as his personality, it's great for publicity. Since his first CD came out a few years ago, he's sold over 10 million CDs.

03-27-2003, 11:26 PM
Originally posted by Suntzu
i get alot of sh!t for liking Linkin Park etc...

So do I. I get sh!t for listening to groups like Disturbed and Creed too. But I'm diverse - I listen to pretty much everything except country.

03-27-2003, 11:33 PM
Originally posted by fa_jing
M&M - too much shock value, but yeah the boy's got skillz. He admits as much, that he's not the best. I'm really not into offensive lyrics anymore. I actually attended one of his concerts at my friend's school, he had the whole crowd put their middle fingers in the air. It was like a sideshow attraction. He could never top Spice1 and MC Eiht anyway for hardcore. Too mainstream, too grating. Do dig the Dre production.

I'm more of a Black Thought kind of guy, although my rap-listening days are mostly past. Used to like Method Man, Ice cube etc.

Lately I've been listening mostly to *gasp* classic rock! Go Neil Young, Def Leopard! Especially in the car, I have virtually no such CD's.

Latin Music (NOT pop!), classical music, are some other interests.

Spice 1??!??! Maybe in his old days - back when "East Bay Gangsta" was still hot. His first couple of CDs were pretty tight, but, After "Amerikkka's Killer" he went downhill. MC Eiht was pretty good.

On a Spice 1 sidenote, when I was in HS, most of the football team were bloods and many of my friends were GDs. The GDs Had this affinity for spice's song "Trigga gots no heart" The bloods had a thing for "Trigga Happy" weird...

03-27-2003, 11:44 PM
Training entry.

Went to judo tonight - ground work was great, everything seemed to click. Did speed drills and turtle drills.

worked kesa gatame escapes in bjj, in addition to some intense rolling. I caught a knee to the chin and got kicked in the face, with a small cut on my eye to show off to the ladies (who says you don't have to worry about strikes in grappling?)

No workout during lunch (shuddup RTB! :D)

It's almost 1 am here, but I'm not sleepy, so I may go hit the treadmill to make up for missing my workout.

03-28-2003, 07:16 AM
training entry - definitely gonna add b-ball… but need a new pair of shoes… so now my wish list is Jen's tape… agility ladder or shoes… tuff decision… I think im gonna rest tonite and veg out on the couch… next week the reset begins…

music edit - I've been listening to the new Linkin Park album all week… I'm feeling the suburban pseudo angst thing they got goin… the MC could be better… we writes well but his voice and flow need work… but I can deal with it… tryin to watch 8 Mile… I dont see what the big deal about it was :shrug:...

03-28-2003, 08:27 AM
I get sh!t for listening to groups like Disturbed and Creed too.

I've been playing the Disturbed CD essentially nonstop for the past three months.

03-28-2003, 11:32 AM
Originally posted by Suntzu
training entry - definitely gonna add b-ball… but need a new pair of shoes… so now my wish list is Jen's tape… agility ladder or shoes… tuff decision… I think im gonna rest tonite and veg out on the couch… next week the reset begins…

music edit - I've been listening to the new Linkin Park album all week… I'm feeling the suburban pseudo angst thing they got goin… the MC could be better… we writes well but his voice and flow need work… but I can deal with it… tryin to watch 8 Mile… I dont see what the big deal about it was :shrug:...

I don't think it was a huge deal. I like the last couple of battles though, with lotto, lykety split and papa doc.

03-28-2003, 12:16 PM
I didn't get that far yet… the battles so far… the first one anyway were good… even tho Em choked… but being a trailer trash MC is not really streching Em's limits *shrug*…
whats getting me is that when it came out all the critics were all on his nutz like he was doing Shakesphere or some ish… all of a sudden they had a change of heart… so I put the movie on expecting some … some… something… well I got a shot of Kim Basinger's(or body double's) azz...

03-28-2003, 12:35 PM
My car's 6 disc changer currently contains:

Parliament Funkadelic
Groove Armada
Sex-O-Rama 2 - music inspired by 70's porn-funk
Noir Soundtrack

My home CD player contains:

Tom Waits
The Pogues
Bad Religion

My tastes are fairly eclectic.

And obviously, I don't pay much attention to my self-image, or I wouldn't have admitted the presence of Aqua :D

Chang Style Novice
03-28-2003, 12:45 PM
My CD carrying case currently contains

Bjork, Vespertine
Neil Young, Freedom
Henry Threadgill and Make-a-Move, Everybody's Mouth's a Book
X, Under the Big Black Sun
Common, Electric Circus
Dilated Peoples, Expansion Team
RJD2, Deadringer
Dave Tronzo and Reeves Garbrels, A Night in Amnesia
Fred Anderson, Hamid Drake, Kidd Jordan and William Parker, Two Days in April (disc one)
Woofer Abuse, a mix disc*
The Liars, They Threw Us All in a Trench and Stuck a Monument on Top
Matthew Shipp vs. Antipop Consortium
The Chris Speed Trio, Iffy

*"What's Golden" Jurassic 5
"Mortal Thought (Kenny Parker remix)" KRS1
"Steppin' to the AM" 3rd Bass
"Blood/Bullies of the Block" Freestyle Fellowship
"End 2 End Burnaz" Company Flow
"Let My Niggas Live" Wu-Tang Clan (featuring Nas)
"I Against I" Mos Def and Massive Attack
"Bumpin' Contraption (the Recalibration)" Latyrx
"Now What?" Extra Prolific (featuring Opio)
"Gimme the Loot" Notorious BIG
"Souf Wes Rida" P.E.A.C.E.
"How I Could Just Kill a Man" Cypress Hill
"Crash" Public Enemy
"The Prose Officially" Pep Love
"Jeep Ass Niguh" Masta Ase
"Thirteen" Organized Konfusion
"Hold the Floor" Camu Tao
"Stay Chisled" Large Professor (featuring Nas)
"It Ain't Hard to Tell" Nas

03-28-2003, 12:59 PM

Aqua. Why does that ring a bell? What songs did they do that I would've heard on the radio?

03-28-2003, 03:03 PM
Originally posted by apoweyn

Aqua. Why does that ring a bell? What songs did they do that I would've heard on the radio?

"Barbie Girl".

03-28-2003, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by Suntzu
I didn't get that far yet… the battles so far… the first one anyway were good… even tho Em choked… but being a trailer trash MC is not really streching Em's limits *shrug*…
whats getting me is that when it came out all the critics were all on his nutz like he was doing Shakesphere or some ish… all of a sudden they had a change of heart… so I put the movie on expecting some … some… something… well I got a shot of Kim Basinger's(or body double's) azz...

It shows a different side of him - kinda softer. He's an aspiring MC who hangs with a nerd, a fat guy and a retarded man. You see a side of him in that movie you don't see on the news, his tracks or anywhere else. The battles at the end.... you gotta see... check out the extra battles that are on the dvd too.

03-28-2003, 09:02 PM
Training entry

I spent the past 3.5 hours helping to set our club up for a tourney tomorrow. We laid out all the mats according to judo regulations, set up the tables, etc. I weighed in since I was there - 230. I will be in the 220 + category, and I'm at the bottom, meaning that I will have to fight the fat arses. A friend of mine will be in it - he's 6'3 and weighs 335. Fighting him is gonna be a pain....literally.

His throw is a right harai goshi. Luckily, I have a good right tani otoshi and a good right ko soto gake. Hopefully I can use those to take him down. I'm counting on having more mobility than the big guys, so I will be attacking their legs hard. Heck, I'm gonna be attacking the legs of the smaller guys in my division too. my main techniques are

tani otoshi
ko soto gake
hiza guruma
double hiza guruma
triangle cut / o soto gari

Everything else is setups for those. I've got a decent kata guruma, but there's no way I'm gonna pull it off on a big buy like some of these.

03-29-2003, 06:32 PM
training entry.

tournament's over, I got robbed. It was still fun though. In my first match, I was attacking a guy with hiza guruma which he evaded and then used the same throw on me! That's my frickin throw and he used it on me. In my second match, Everytime we went to the ground, I would work for a choke, and the ref always stood us up early, even though I was visibly making progress on the choke. I wasn't even given the full 10 seconds to work! Ah well though, you win some, you lose some. I got compliments on how action packed my matches were, and some comments from people who noticed I wasn't getting time to choke - I even got introduced to a guy who runs a local club and he invited me to come train there whenever I wanted... I may take advantage of that, on days where I sometimes don't have class (wed and fri)

All in all, it was a great tournament. It was organized well and there were some absolutely beautiful throws.

Black Jack
03-29-2003, 08:49 PM

Sounds like a good all around time if you ask me, not to mention the nice perk of a coach inviting you over to train at their gym whenever you want to :D

On the off hand though......

It would sound cooler if you started your training journal here with a nice.

Captian's Log. Stardate 2003.


03-29-2003, 09:31 PM
Captain's log. Stardate 20030329

Good idea. I think I'll do that from here on out :D

shaolin kungfu
03-29-2003, 09:43 PM
I've lost my tupee and girdle, and I can't leave my room.

03-29-2003, 10:01 PM
Captain's log. Stardate 20030329

I've just learned that Captain Kirk is a balding fatarse! :eek:

03-29-2003, 10:19 PM
Found out that you CAN train hung over; although the first 15 to 30 min will feel like you're dying. The next hour or so is worth it. But might not be a good thing if you're so tired you kinda black out, get on the highway going the wrong direction and get lost for a half hour in a town you don't know so well.

Overall the week was a disaster. Only worked out twice cuz a lot of personal issues came up. Next week will be better.

Don't always agree with the way you handle things on the Southern forum, but this thread's a real good idea. This thread is basically what I intended for my old "training thread" on the Health and Fitness board. That one had more training theory stuff, but the "training log" aspect never really quite caught on. Hope it catches on and rivals the old ultimate street fighting thread. I'll contribute what I can.

03-29-2003, 11:06 PM
LOL, I Don't always agree with how I handle things on the southern forum, but, of the two probs we had, both were solved, so it worked... Thanks for contributing. I'm hoping that this can be a pretty informational thread and something we can all benefit from.

03-30-2003, 04:48 PM
Friday night trained some strength exercises at class before being called upon to demo for some visiting instructors from abother school. There were 4 of them each with 20+ years of experience. Interesting experience touching hands with them.

Saturday upper body workout + cardio

Sunday 2 hr class, then leg workout and cardio.

03-31-2003, 08:53 AM
I'll give a synops of last week first

Sunday-whitewater canoing-2 hours-Class II water

Mon-morning-26 minutes on stairclimber-3.4 miles
-(can't run flat or downhill due to hip issues so I do stairs)
-evening 10 minutes stance training with my class
-taught class

Tues-nothing-travelled to seminar for work

Wed-normal class warmup with a friend of mines karate class
-45 minutes of moderately heavy sparring with friend after

Thur-taught kids class then went to:
-jujitsu class-1 1/2 hours (not long enough)
-high points of the warmup:120 bodywieght squats;sit out drills
-skill drills for the main part of class
-sport jj sparring for about 20 minutes at end of class
light contact striking as we didn't have pads or mouthpieces
but full strength/speed w/ throws and groundwork


Sat-gave a private lesson then:
-15 minutes on stairs-2 miles-HIIT
-15 minutes on rower-didn't really capitalize this time as it was 1st time on a rower

Sun-(yesterday) nada, this is usually my boating or biking day but we had 3 inches of snow.

wow, that looks pretty weak.....ok, this is pretty inspiring.

03-31-2003, 01:51 PM
spent this past weekend eating everything in site… no training… 5:30am training starts tommorrow… give me strength :(... didn't even see a b-ball court this weekend… and what was up with the snow :confused:...

music edit - the bonus freestyles were hott… I cant front… he ate them folks up…

03-31-2003, 02:12 PM
Training epiphanies, huh?

These recent days I've found out that I wouldn't be bad at training for competitions. In fact I think the mental, emotional, and physical aspects of training to go to a certain place and test yourself is kind of fun... Whether I compete in the future or not, I don't know.

I have discovered that I'm a lot better than I give myself credit for. I'm actually quite strong in boxing, kicking, trapping, and groundfighting ranges.

My groundwork is better than my boxing.

My boxing is getting better.

I have greater respect for the straightblast. It should be done a certain way for maximum power and speed.

I'm very good with a stick and knife... in fact I'm focusing on these things much more than I had before.

I know there's better fighters out there than me. I know what it feels like to grapple on hard ground, get bitten, cut your head on a rock (or whatever it was that hit me) and keep fighting at full speed and contact.

I know what it feels like to tap from a choke and not have the person let go.... ;)

I know that your biggest enemy in martial art is always yourself.

I know that if I'm going to succeed in this business I need ethics, legitimacy, and business sense. Lots of it.

Making martial arts something you want to do as a career is about so much more than knowing how to fight....

how's that?


03-31-2003, 02:22 PM
Martial arts suck and you people cant fight! Ha! :D

03-31-2003, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by Suntzu
spent this past weekend eating everything in site… no training… 5:30am training starts tommorrow… give me strength :(... didn't even see a b-ball court this weekend… and what was up with the snow :confused:...

music edit - the bonus freestyles were hott… I cant front… he ate them folks up…

Yeah, he ripped them apart. Especially "Confusion".

03-31-2003, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by Ryu
Training epiphanies, huh?

These recent days I've found out that I wouldn't be bad at training for competitions. In fact I think the mental, emotional, and physical aspects of training to go to a certain place and test yourself is kind of fun... Whether I compete in the future or not, I don't know.

I have discovered that I'm a lot better than I give myself credit for. I'm actually quite strong in boxing, kicking, trapping, and groundfighting ranges.

My groundwork is better than my boxing.

My boxing is getting better.

I have greater respect for the straightblast. It should be done a certain way for maximum power and speed.

I'm very good with a stick and knife... in fact I'm focusing on these things much more than I had before.

I know there's better fighters out there than me. I know what it feels like to grapple on hard ground, get bitten, cut your head on a rock (or whatever it was that hit me) and keep fighting at full speed and contact.

I know what it feels like to tap from a choke and not have the person let go.... ;)

I know that your biggest enemy in martial art is always yourself.

I know that if I'm going to succeed in this business I need ethics, legitimacy, and business sense. Lots of it.

Making martial arts something you want to do as a career is about so much more than knowing how to fight....

how's that?


you're making it a career?

03-31-2003, 08:17 PM
Stance training at beginning of class, 9 minutes.

Taught class

Post Class: Stairs-15 minutes-HIIT-1.94 miles-

03-31-2003, 10:43 PM
SevenStar's log. Stardate 20030331

Spent alot of time thinking about my standup grappling game. I'm going to focus on a few different throws and see how well I do with them. A few of them aren't commonly used throws, which may prove to my advantage.

I'm going to focus on pickups, and alos on the following throws:

drop knee seoinage
tsuri goshi / tsuri komi goshi
harai tsuri komi ashi
harai goshi
ashi guruma
kosoto gake
kosoto gari

04-01-2003, 01:31 AM
Taking it wasy on my crazy pushups cause my forearm muscle is sooooooo tight

04-01-2003, 08:13 PM
A professional adult-fantasy role player for the past eight years, Mistress Victoria recently combined her on-the-job experience with a passion for physical fitness to create an S/M-themed exercise class and video called Slavercise.

"A lot of people coming in to see me as a dominatrix were morbidly obese and apologizing for the way they looked," Victoria explains. "I figured it was time to do something about it."

Plus-size men in leather panties aside, a sagging economy has also been a factor in the creation of this unique fitness regimen. "Slavercise lets me reach people for a lower fee," Victoria says. At just $20 for the hour-long group class, Slavercise allows its participants to take their lumps at a fraction of what it would cost to get slapped around by Victoria in her private dungeon.

safe link (http://www.salon.com/sex/feature/2002/10/25/slavercise/index.html)

Group Class??? :eek:

Tight outfits, a sultry demeanor and a penchant for name-calling aren't the only things Victoria brings to the picture. As a licensed personal trainer and group fitness instructor, she has made Slavercise a solid workout. Squats, lunges, crunches, suicide sprints and stretching exercises all factor heavily into the routine. Being forced to plant wet kisses on her ass while doing sit-ups is what made it so different from my high school gym class.

not safe link (http://www.slavercise.com/home.htm)

Well, i get called names, but geez... :p

04-01-2003, 08:23 PM
Zim, I saw this on TV the other day...maybe she's a porn star trying to go semi-legit...pretty funny though.

04-01-2003, 08:36 PM
ok, had a real hard day at work...first home baseball game and due to the weather I was a couple of days behind in getting the field ready...so, wimpy azz day workout wise

Jujitsu class, normal warm up-a little heavy on the pushups
worked a series of defenses against a side choke where you
put your trapped arm against your forehead and brace with
the other arm and grind the elbow into the collarbone as you
corkscrew out and down. Did this from standing and on the

THEN, in just as we get around to rolling a bit, I pull a
hamstring. Really dang high in my leg to: up in the crease
of the but t cheek.:( :( :( :mad:

04-02-2003, 01:14 AM
SevenStar's log. Stardate 20030401

worked basics in bjj - elbow escapes, getting mount, countering mount attempts, etc.

04-02-2003, 10:27 PM
SevenStar's log. Stardate 20030402

Drills and basics. I need to drill open guard passes, which is what I focused on tonight.

In the gym, I worked chest, shoulders and back.

04-03-2003, 03:57 AM
nursing the pulled hamstring

did wai gung and nei gung

taught class

04-03-2003, 10:19 AM
Chewed gum.
Excersiced jaw

04-03-2003, 10:20 AM
SHoulder hurt.Leg hurt. Refrain from all other training.

04-03-2003, 10:40 AM
been eating everything in site… worked out last nite… felt good… this weekend should be fun… really need to start hitting the weights again…

04-03-2003, 06:58 PM
Trained at the advanced class my sifu runs last night. Worked out with a huge guy that used to be one of my instructors but had given it up for over 10 years. Interesting experience. He was still strong but the technique and power generation were rusty.

04-03-2003, 09:01 PM
taught kids class

went to jujitsu class.

they had a guest teacher tonight. a real dynamo of a little guy.
He's moderately well known in this area and has been a karate/jj guy for a while but has also trained in bagua and hsing yi. we did bagua throws and neck crank/breaks all night. pretty freaking cool, good stuff. what was funny was listening to the reaction of the relatively new karate/jj people in the class.

hamstring seems to be ok, no strain on it at all tonight. I'll get some stairs in tomorrow or more probably go ride my bike after work.

04-03-2003, 09:27 PM
worked various throws. I'm really liking harai tsuri komi ashi, I just have to try it in randori now - I'll try it saturday. I'm liking harai goshi also. Heck, I dunno anymore... I know about 35 of the 60 + throws right now, and for some reason, my taste changed virtually overnight. I still like sweeps, but I want to work torquing throws also. Maybe it's a change for the better - hopefully it is.

04-05-2003, 01:34 PM
SevenStar's log. Stardate 20030405

On my own today - we didn't have judo or bjj. I'll be working my forms from judo and shuai chiao... maybe the longfist forms. I'm also going to do some cable work, light weights and hit the treadmill for at least 1.5 miles.

04-05-2003, 01:40 PM
Seven, just out of curiosity, I think we are about the same size.
around 6' and 225-230. What is your goal on the treadmill?
Do you just put in the miles or do you have time/distance goals?

04-05-2003, 01:59 PM
now, I just go for distance, but last year I went for time. I'm getting ready to start back going for time, as I plan on doing some 5k races this year. (planned on it last year also, but seems like something always came up) My primary goal is just building stamina for MA, but I do have a secondary goal of doing the 5k.

04-05-2003, 02:14 PM
I was just wondering. I was a cross country runner in HS so I feel like a wimp if I don't do at least 2 miles. But, I'm also 225 and can't get the speed I would like. (I was 140-180 in HS) Like I said earlier in the thread I can't run flat or downhill anymore because the bursa in my rt hip swells from the impact so I just do stairclimbers.

thanks, heading to the gym now. They just replace all thier old equipment with shiny new HammerStrength stuff and there's all sort's of cool new toys to play with.


Training Log for

nada, worked all day and it was an anniversary type thing for me and my girl so we went to dinner and I had a delicious cajun rubbed rib eye w/ steamed asparagus and yummy cheesecake for dessert. Complimented with a nice Chilean Cabernet.:D

04-06-2003, 07:37 AM

dangit, only got 1 1/2 miles before I just got too ****ed to work out.

04-06-2003, 07:29 PM
mountain biking 1 1/2 hours. Initial climb of around 600 feet in about 25 minutes. The rest was single track down hill w/ some uphill here and there.

Black Jack
04-06-2003, 08:37 PM

Arnis De Mano and Sinawali boxing class for 2 hours today. Core of basic solo baston techniques, then converted over to knife and empty hand, part of the signature flow of the fma systems, worked largo and corto range, some of my stick strips felt weak today, but my "live hand" was coming up pure Millhouse.

04-06-2003, 09:50 PM
You made it - sweet. You should have some good stuff to put here!

04-07-2003, 12:47 AM

did scrapper's workout.

04-07-2003, 07:06 AM
Went to class Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.
Tweaked my knee on Tuesday, but managed to push through it.

Worked out on Friday, got a small introduction to some higher contact sparring, it was a lot of fun, re-tweaked my knee.

Took too much medication way too late Friday night, woke up too late and missed Saturday workout.

Momz came on Sunday, we cleaned my house for a good 6 or 7 hours straight. Missed workout. She left with dog. Might be getting rid of dog. Have a week of freedom to decide. Midnight snack was a bad idea.

Overall, better than the previous week, but nowhere near where I want to be. I've got a week to test myself to see if I can get back on track with no distractions.

04-07-2003, 07:13 AM
Jow take care of that knee… Fri… a lot of sparring… Jow landed on me… end of sparring for me that day… Sat… SUCKED for me… new techniques were introduced… well… variations of other techniques… could not pick them up… my bad habits were pointed out… and in general fellt like a scrub for the day... and to top it all of i poked MYSELF in the eye.... on a sidenote... Carmelo Anthony is a MONSTER... hope SYR stomps all over Kansas...

04-07-2003, 08:12 PM

You gonna write the Ralek-esque recap? or should I? :D

04-07-2003, 09:12 PM
Did upper body workout. Have embarked on my plan to gradually increase the weights I am lifting. Lowered the assistance level for the assisted chin ups, and raised the weights used for the incline press. So far so good.

04-07-2003, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by Oso
Seven, just out of curiosity, I think we are about the same size.
around 6' and 225-230. What is your goal on the treadmill?
Do you just put in the miles or do you have time/distance goals?

**** you are HUGGGGE (thats muscle Im assuming).

04-07-2003, 10:05 PM
Did more pushups. Training to throw my friend on the floor various ways for practice

04-07-2003, 11:06 PM
SevenStar's log. Stardate 20030407

During lunch I ran 2 miles. Did lots of throwing and takedown work tonight.

04-08-2003, 04:05 AM

Nada. Couple of things going on messing with my head.
Taught class.

Guile, no unfortunately not all muscle. No flab, I'm just husky:D

04-08-2003, 06:36 AM
You gonna write the Ralek-esque recap? or should I? :D :D :D

04-08-2003, 08:33 AM
My Typical week:

Every Morning: approx~ 6-7am

situps and other light conditioning
smash heavybag or tire w/sticks for couple rounds
shower & eat

Work for a bit, sometimes 4hrs, sometimes 6, sometimes 8! (OMG)

Monday night: Open training from 5-8 or 9pm

Tuesday night: Open roll night at local bjj acad, 6-8pm

Wednesday night: Train with teacher(class) 5-8 or 9pm

Thursday night: Train with teacher (class) 5-8 or 9pm

Friday night: Open training from 5-8 or 9pm. Sometimes go sparr randoms at school across town.

Saturday morning: Private with teacher 10-noon

Saturday afternoon: sparring.

Sunday: Lots of rest and food, little bit of training here and there, maybe catch a movie or go drink a little tequilla somewhere.

No weight training right now, lots of jumping rope and situps and getting punched and kicked and hit with sticks.

Just went to a Rick Faye seminar in Sacramento this weekend (4/5, 4/6) - badass.


04-08-2003, 08:44 AM
Our silat is Bukhti Negara and of course Maphilindo (Guru Inosanto blend.)


Chang Style Novice
04-08-2003, 03:36 PM
More news from wimpville - tried doubling the reps on my hindu squats last night (uh, to 100:rolleyes:.) I made it to 70 but today I don't want to climb any stairs.

I was at 150 before I smushed my knee, dangit.

04-08-2003, 04:27 PM
stardate 20030408

45 minutes of cardio. I hate that rowing machine :mad: At least the view at the gym is worth it.

04-08-2003, 07:45 PM
Good night

Stairclimber, 2 miles, 96 flights, 15:31, HIIT 1 min level 5/1 min lvl 10

Chest and Triceps tonight, first time in 6 weeks or so.

Flat, Incline, Decline, Tricep extensions, Fly's

did some stuff on a Hammer Strength machine called a 'Jammer'
couldn't quite figure it out, seems like you start in a horse and then lean into the grips and basically do a military press and finish leaning forward and extended. Anybody know this machine?

then I went to jujitsu class. Finally worked their standing joint lock flow enough that I have it now. Then did some sparring and got a busted lip and caught an accidental head smash to the jaw reel gud. very nice.

04-08-2003, 08:16 PM
Date: today
gave blood, put a damper on my working out unless someone wants to give me a few red blood cells for the evening.

04-08-2003, 09:16 PM
hey girl! where the heck have you been?

04-08-2003, 09:34 PM
SevenStar's log. Stardate 20030408

Hit the gym - worked chest - 260 X 5 for two sets and 225 X 7 for two sets. ran 1.5 miles

In bjj, we worked transitions to mount and reversals to them. While rolling I tried several techniques that I've been working. I have to make a conscious effort to try something that I never use, so if I use and it's not successful, I'm still happy.

04-08-2003, 10:31 PM
Did ab work. Ow.

04-10-2003, 07:12 AM
Midweek update so this thing don't die.

Hit the gym- did a good 40 min of cardio. Didn't realize how crowded it would be, didn't do circuit room.

Slept for about 18 hours straight. Must have been sick or something. Maybe just sick of stress & everything that's been going wrong lately. No training.

Made it to class 2 hours early. Did forms practise and loosened up. Did great for about an hour, til I tweaked my knee again. Took an hour rest and started class on schedule. Went slow on the knee. By the end of class it wasn't much of a problem.

Diet's in a sorry state. Not dealing well with my vices. Dog comes back today (she wore out her welcome). Need to find her a home. Sick of being stressed. If I survive the next few weeks, things will finally start looking up. Only 1 day off my schedule, so this week may turn out well regardless- we'll see by this weekend. Lots to improve for next week.

04-10-2003, 07:24 AM
Ate Pizza.
Expanded the stomach.
Waist power:p

04-10-2003, 07:39 AM
Really dang sore from chest workout tuesday. Must get into regular program again.

No real workout today, but I feel like I had one of those classes where I was really in the 'zone' with my teaching. Only 5 students, but my core group, and it was just a really good class, everyone training hard and sweating the whole class.

Seven, hope you don't mind but since we are of approximate size I'm using you as a benchmark -- plus, you're my hero, TKD chiks and all that real fighting:)

My usual chest workout is as follows, all on HammerStrength equipment cuz I train alone and my shoulders need the guided movement:

Flat Bench
Incline Bench
Decline Bench

I warm up with a set of 12 w/ 90 lbs (2-45's) on the flat
Then I do 3 sets of 12 w/ 180 lbs on each of the benches with a 60 second rest between each set.

Then I do tricep extensions a set of 12 w/ 60 lbs followed by a set of 12 w/ 40 then a 60 second rest.

Then I do a fly machine starting at 110 lbs to exhaustion, rest, 100 lbs to exhaustion, rest, 90 lbs to exhaustion.


so, what do you feel I'm getting out of this sort of workout. If I can get back into regular I will still only really have time for one day a week on chest/triceps and another on back/bicieps and maybe another day on misc stuff.

***end edit****

and what little bit I did on that jammer machine really pegged my front deltoids.

gonna do back and biceps tonight teach kids class and go to jujitsu class.

04-10-2003, 10:15 AM
awww, shucks :D

for the chest workout, sounds like you're trying to gain size and strength. If you can knock out 3 sets of 12 though, you can jump the weight up 2 something that will let you only do sets of 8 - 10.

I'm going mainly for strength right now, so on the bench, you're doing way more sets than me. Here's what I do:

1 set warm up - 135 lbs. 12 reps

265 lbs X 2 sets

- that weight varies, as the I try to increase weight each workout until I find a weight that I can no longer get for 5 reps - that will probably happen today at lunch when I try for 270. I take about 3 mins of rest between those sets.

225 lbs X 3 sets

I'll do that for sets of 7 or so with about 1.5 - 2 mins rest between sets. I don't do flies, inclines or declines.

The soreness will happen because of the volume of work you're doing.

keep it up!

Black Jack
04-10-2003, 12:51 PM

Last Tuesday.

Arnis De Mano class. Two and a half hours.

Worked on level 1 Panatuken boxing drills. Strikes, elbows, low-line kicks.

Worked over the level 1 grab/counter contact defenses. Almost all use the same basic flow structure ending with a rear leg sweep. My forearms are pretty bruised from repeated chops to the Radial nerve. A lot of elbows thrown.

Reminds me that I need to add some more wind to my workouts instead of just straight out strength trainining.

Reminded me again of why I so cherish the FMA systems. Instead of working a specifc counter or parry per each individual strike on the planet, we just deal with the 12 angles, in does not matter if the incoming strike is a stick, knife, hand strike or kick, it's just about the angle, keeps with the confines of Hicks Law as well as that the same technique done with the stick, flows to the blade, and thus flows to the hand.

04-10-2003, 12:57 PM
yup, cycle stopped there. I only pushed it 4 times. Also did some back work and 15 mins on the eliptical machine.

04-10-2003, 01:15 PM
Anyone curious to hear the powerlifter's bench press plan? This was taught to me by a world champ powerlifter:

2 times a week, first light day, rest two, then heavy day, rest three.

Light day: warmup set, 4 sets 5 reps at about 25-30 pounds less than your 3rep max

Heavy day: warmup set, 3 sets of 3 with the maximum weight you can handle

Good form is key.

You increase the weight 5 pounds a week, however if you fail to complete all the sets and reps, you drop back 5 down to the previous week's weight for the following week.

This will work until you are benching over 300, then you may have to change things up in order to break through a plateau. I never got to that point, when I was doing this program was when I hurt my back.

There are some supplemental exercises, like push presses, power cleans, etc. But no pec dec will be found.

04-10-2003, 01:16 PM
P.S. the squat plan was very similar.

04-10-2003, 02:23 PM
Hey seven, ive been way to **** busy, but its good. im gonna grad here in a few weeks.

and about the workout. i worked out at the trainers for an hour then did way too much leg cardo stuff for my own good. cant walk today.

04-10-2003, 02:34 PM
ok, what should I do if I just want to gain strength and endurance but not size(weight)

I guess we're getting OT

I'll go over to the training forum and ask.

04-10-2003, 10:52 PM
for strength, check out the PTP threads over there. there are several endurance threads also.

04-10-2003, 10:54 PM
Originally posted by halfling
Hey seven, ive been way to **** busy, but its good. im gonna grad here in a few weeks.

congrats! feels good, doesn't it?

and about the workout. i worked out at the trainers for an hour then did way too much leg cardo stuff for my own good. cant walk today.

lol, sounds like you had fun!

04-10-2003, 10:55 PM
SevenStar's log. Stardate 20030410

Gave a judo demonstration today. It went pretty well. Just rolled alot in bjj, trying to stay focued and work on things that I know I need work on.

04-10-2003, 11:04 PM
Was shown a great new training drill at training last night. Good way to develop balance & power when you cannot use your normal stance. Really enjoyable too.

04-11-2003, 12:50 AM
what was it?

04-11-2003, 03:36 AM
not a dang thing

crazy weather threw my schedule off, then I got home to no water, spent a while trying to figure out what was broke till time for kids class. didn't make it to jj.

04-11-2003, 11:07 AM
Woke up 6am, brushed teeth, kissed girl, go downstairs to dojo:

Move around, stretch a little, warm up
10 minutes stance
some pullups
some dips
some pushups
shadowbox 3 rounds

go upstairs and shower, goto work.

6pm @ dojo

Move around, stretch a bit, warm up
Sticks for about an hour
Sensitivity drills for approx 30 minutes
Work focus mitts for 6 rounds

Go eat sushi!


04-11-2003, 11:34 AM
lift heavy objects. Get big.
Eat more.

04-11-2003, 05:12 PM
SevenStar's log. Stardate 20030410

Did 2 miles on the eliptical machine. I'm going to work my throws and do cable exercises a little later.

Black Jack
04-11-2003, 07:42 PM
Arnis De Mano class-2 and a half hours.

After warmup we started with solo baston drills and then went to combat knife theory. Worked standup knife techniques in reverse grip, with transitional unarmed combat applications and then went to knife grappling on the ground.

Ended with some standup dumog grappling vrs the tackle.

Forearms are sore!!!

I am going to check out a traditional silat class tommorrow morning.

04-12-2003, 11:58 AM
SevenStar's log. Stardate 20030411

bjj - 2 hours

trained basic combos - armbar to triangle from the guard and a few reversals. afterwards, we rolled. I caught a purple belt with a nice tani otoshi as he stepped in for a takedown. That made me feel great, but he proceeded to kick my arse on the ground :D He loved the tani otoshi though, and asked me to show him how to do it after we finished rolling.

04-14-2003, 03:22 AM
Stairmaster: 2 miles, 96 Floors, 15:16

Iso-Lateral Pulldowns - 1 set 12 then 3 sets of 6 w/ 192

Iso-Lateral Row - 3 sets of 6 w/ 192

Wide Grip Lat Pulldown - 3 sets of 8 w/ 165

Rear delt fly - never did these before - 1 set each of 12 at 60,75,90

Front delt lift - 1 set of 12 w/ 20,15,12,10 no rest between sets

Bicep curls w/ preacher's seat - 3 sets of 8 w/ 80 immediately following each set w/ a set of 8 w/ 50 then a 1 minute rest.

04-14-2003, 10:10 AM
End of week update

Turned the week around after Tuesday's problems. Friday was fun. :D Saturday was suffering. :cool: And Sunday I learned my nose is flexible enough to touch my cheek.

Didn't hit the circuit room period and didn't do as much cardio as I wanted; but I was havin trouble with the regular workout.

It was my first 6 day workout week in a long time, so I'm happy about that.

Back to the gym tonite for some cardio and maybe a circuit or 2. Gotta figure out how to slash a massive amount of weight if i wanna drop weight classes.

My focuses are still diet, weight loss, endurance, and some strength.

04-14-2003, 11:03 AM
firday… sparring… fun…

Saturday… learnt some of the ways of the little Thai people… taught to me by a big white dude… picked up some great tips and training methods… plenty of contact… shins are a little raw… for all those guys wondering about kickin trees, etc… if trained correctly... crap like that is soooo unnecessary... plus you really wont want to after rounds of blocking leg kicks... i feel like i had an actual fight... hams are tight... shoulders sore... and appearantly i took a shot in the jaw because when i got home... like a half hour later... OUCH

have been slacking on the weights… and I have no excuse… they're only in the basement… and my diet could be a little(lot) better… but hey……

04-14-2003, 09:59 PM
SevenStar's log. Stardate 20030414

I'm continuing my trek to become proficient torque throws. I'm getting really comfy with uchi mata and am also working o guruma and ashi guruma. I worked my sweeps tonight also.

In the gym, I began a new cycle on my strength training. I also got volunteered to be a personal trainer to a woman I work with... Should be fun.

04-15-2003, 11:17 PM
SevenStar's log. Stardate 20030415

Ran two miles.

Drilled clock chokes and various reversals. rolled lots, as usual.

04-16-2003, 03:19 AM

Taught class, the two women who came in the previous Monday came in again. They seem pretty interested and are above average in fitness level but can only come to one class a week due to church on Wednesdays.:(


10 hour day at work, I was either sawing trees, mowing grass or vacuuming parking lots.:( sucked up lots of dust and exhaust all day.

Jujitsu class--still not feeling like we get enough of a warm up. Maybe I'm just old and need more warming up:)

Still a great class: worked escapes from a guillotine and the ground flow drill they have. 20 minutes of sport jujitsu based sparring at the end. not enough of that of course.

04-16-2003, 08:29 AM
Usually do 10 - 12 sets of 10 w/30lbs per arm on curl,
4 or 5 set of 15 on dips,
Usually get a good 10-15 min vigorous workout on heavy bag, followed by abs then speed training.
After speed training, when my wrist isnt f*cked up I finish with wrist push ups until I cant do anymore.

Then of course theres always standing in horse stance w/the heavy bag on your shoulders... :)

04-16-2003, 09:02 AM
Only when GM Sin is in town.

04-16-2003, 01:05 PM
4-14-03 (night):

Warm up
Work heavy bag for 3 rounds
Work sticks for ~45 minutes
6 thai rounds (3 minute rounds, 1 minute rest, ~24 minutes.)


Standard morning routine, rest rest of day. :eek:


04-16-2003, 01:12 PM
Im in the habit of playing with weapons all day while Im bored... No parents around to tell me "dont play with your nunchakus or bo staff in the house"... :)

Black Jack
04-16-2003, 01:45 PM
Tuesday- 2 and a half hour class

Did some endurance training to start off. Partner training like the back to back crabwalk. Then went into single and double baston drills, from their we worked on Dumog grappling and some Jujitsu style throws.

From the clinch, we worked a lot of head/neck manipulation, head twist takedowns, arm drags, compound wraps, sweeps and a few over the hip tosses.

Ended with some simple facial pressure points from the clinch, mastoid process, moler, hook under nose, neck/trachea, eye gouge, and something called "strumming" which hurt like a *****.

04-16-2003, 11:15 PM
Originally posted by Black Jack
Tuesday- 2 and a half hour class

Did some endurance training to start off. Partner training like the back to back crabwalk. Then went into single and double baston drills, from their we worked on Dumog grappling and some Jujitsu style throws.

From the clinch, we worked a lot of head/neck manipulation, head twist takedowns, arm drags, compound wraps, sweeps and a few over the hip tosses.

Ended with some simple facial pressure points from the clinch, mastoid process, moler, hook under nose, neck/trachea, eye gouge, and something called "strumming" which hurt like a *****.

strumming? Do tell.

04-16-2003, 11:20 PM
SevenStar's log. Stardate 20030416

hit the weights today. I worked my chest, shoulders and arms. Since my cycle has repeated, I'm doing sets with 235 on the bench. my shoulder movement is the dumbell press. I did dips, wrist curls and barbell curls for my arm work.

04-16-2003, 11:30 PM
Originally posted by Oso

Taught class, the two women who came in the previous Monday came in again. They seem pretty interested and are above average in fitness level but can only come to one class a week due to church on Wednesdays.:(


10 hour day at work, I was either sawing trees, mowing grass or vacuuming parking lots.:( sucked up lots of dust and exhaust all day.

Jujitsu class--still not feeling like we get enough of a warm up. Maybe I'm just old and need more warming up:)

Still a great class: worked escapes from a guillotine and the ground flow drill they have. 20 minutes of sport jujitsu based sparring at the end. not enough of that of course.

Ask them for longer warmups. Our class used to be the same way. We would do a minimal warmup then go into drilling and rolling. During the month that adriano lucio was here coaching us, he had us doing intense 25 - 30 min warmups (classes are 2.5 - 3 hours, so a half hour warmup isn't a big sacrifice.) We adopted the practice and continue to do the intense warmup even though he's gone.

04-17-2003, 04:36 AM

The class is only 1 1/2 hours. It's japanese jj and part of a very heavy class schedule at this dojo. When I first started we were doing 20-25 minutes pretty intensely. The school owner instrusted the sensei teaching the class to lighten up the workout and spend more time on skills etc. It's ok, I want that as well. I just need to get in there hit one of the private rooms for some pre-class warm up.

The skill level of the sensei, and the school owner, is very high imo and I'm getting back into rolling shape and learning new things so it's all good. I wish class were longer and a bit more strenuous but it is the best of what's around. The tournement they have asked me to go to with them is in Oct and they say that they will pick up the pace with extra, longer workouts in July.

04-17-2003, 07:32 AM
Did abs. Eat more, heal.:p

Black Jack
04-17-2003, 12:23 PM
Sevenstar- The teacher called this method strumming and he mentioned that he learned it in his Marine Core days. I believe it was in one of those non-lethal restraint/subject control based classes.

He mentioned that it works great on guys that are kinda built. As it is easier to get to the muscle/pressure nerve targets. It is not a combat method but more of a fight/control method if you use the Marc "Animal" McYoung terms for what is a fight and what is a combat situation.

Lets just say it hurt like a b.i.t.c.h when he "strummed" my traps.

The grab looks like a 3 finger eagle claw but instead of one straight pinch/grab it is a continous grabbing/deep gripping movement that works the nerves in the muscle area.

He showed the traps, the tricep tendon area, under the delts, and two muscles on the neck. When he does it is hurts nasty, I was only able to get it to function one time with a nice pain turnout, I tend to pinch instead, which he also shows, either using a five finger pinch to lets say the kidneys if in a barehug, or between my thumb and first finger for softer tissue rips like maybe a ear, or what they call a "scorpion pinch" for areas like those on the under the arms, groin and any soft with loose skin.

A scorpion pinch is where you pinch the skin between the first and middle finger while using the thumb as a lever to press down.

04-17-2003, 01:43 PM
BlackJack, sound pretty much like dividing the muscle chin na.

04-17-2003, 02:37 PM
indeed it does.
and as for the pain, it hurts hella more when you already have the muscles tensed. (stressed, locked)

04-18-2003, 06:23 AM
jujitsu class; worked on several single leg takedowns that I pretty much new, worked some ankle locks which I needed, no randori though:(

04-18-2003, 08:18 AM
Midweek Update

Weird week so far.
Monday and Tuesday were bad- didn't eat right, didn't work out, didn't sleep enough.
Wednesday and Thursday were pretty good- ate well, worked out, and got a good deal of sleep.

Not goin to the gym on Friday (today), there's some stuff I gotta take care of down at the school.
(Sorry Suntzu, no beating me up at least til saturday lol)

Sunday- probably won't work out because I'm planning to do the family thing for Easter.

Overall the way I been eating since Wednesday is showing itself effective. It's probably just water weight, but I was down almost 5 pounds this morning from Tuesday. Going to try to maintain the same thing during the weekdays and choose one day on the weekend to cheat. It's not too drastic, it doesn't make me crazy, or feel too sick; so I've got a good feeling about it.

04-18-2003, 08:21 AM
My eating habits have been f*cked up this week, not eating till like 3 everyday, then stuffing my face all day from there...
Work out daily...
Been concentrating on upper body for past couple weeks, lower body just do intense stance training...

04-18-2003, 08:28 AM
I think this weekend is gonna be pretty mellow… me and Jon might get together Sunday and work out a little… today SHOULD be pretty easy… maybe… Sat MIGHT be a little intense… Sunday will be for fun… than I'm gonna do the whole family thing…

and as eating goes… somebody left a 1/2 dozen+ Krispy Kremes over my house… and I HAVE been working on getting rid of them…

norther practitioner
04-18-2003, 08:32 AM
I'll do some light form work tonight....
Got a tournie tom.... just doing forms ( the only sparring is point)

Black Jack
04-18-2003, 08:42 AM
Thursday- class 2 and a half hours.

Started out with brief review of Tuesdays dumog class then went into hubud-lubud drill work. After that we went into defense vrs kicks, using jamming and catching methods, followed by ground fighting with the knife.

Ended with moderate sparring.

04-19-2003, 04:52 PM
SevenStar's log. Stardate 20030417

Heavy weights.

cardio - 2 miles.

04-19-2003, 05:17 PM
SevenStar's log. Stardate 20030418

weights - legs, back and some chest work. I normally don't work all three of those together, but did for some reason yesterday. Same results as normal - I feel good, no soreness, etc. definitely no overtraining.

04-20-2003, 12:43 PM
Mountain Bike

The race I want to do is the first weekend of June. It's a short time trial type of race of about 6 miles or so on a fairly technical and steep course. It usually takes me 45-50 minutes to run the loop.

Went this morning. Still felt like I was going to puke an hour after I was done. Only 3 or 4 crashes, none serious although one puddle was rank as he ll.

Will go again Wed and Sat then starting the next week will go Mon/Wed/Sat. I won't start timing myself till next Monday.

04-20-2003, 12:46 PM
Happy 420 easter!


04-20-2003, 02:28 PM
A mary jane leaf in a yin & yang symbol? you turnin into a tai chi hippie on us?

04-20-2003, 02:30 PM
seven, you sound like you are 60, calling it mary jane:)

04-20-2003, 03:45 PM
The Avatar is to honor the date!

420 :D

04-21-2003, 09:15 AM
Pimp yin yang there yen hoi.
Think its funny when people call it mary jane, reefer, grass, doobage. :)
Its not hippie yin yang, the pot is right there in the middle signifying the unification of yin and yang through herbal practices.

04-21-2003, 10:18 AM
End of week update

Hit up the school on Friday for some good stuff and didn't even have to forego the opportunity to get punched in the nose. :D

Saturday was fun. Learned a lot. Pretty hard workout, but didn't feel like I was pushing as hard as I could've though. Not due to the workout, just a slight case of the lazies on my part.

Diet went to heck Saturday night, all day Sunday, and already today (Monday).

Goin down to the school tonight, but will probably get back on track tomorrow for everything else.

04-21-2003, 10:51 AM
but didn't feel like I was pushing as hard as I could've though. Not due to the workout, just a slight case of the lazies on my part. *taking notes*

Diet went to heck *lookin at KFC in front of face*:(

04-21-2003, 11:18 AM
Blah. Was going to joke about anorexia but decided it was inappropriate.
Sucks to miss the diet.

Black Jack
04-21-2003, 11:19 AM
Sat- 1 and a half hour training.

ww2 close combat training group. Pulled out the punching shields, hand mitts, and other tools and just went at it. Worked on committed strikes, ax hand, hammer fist, cupped hand blows, face smash, chinjab, knuckle strikes, forearms blows, elbows, edge of boot kicks, then went into close combat scenrio drills, adding the strikes with more forward movement, standup grappling chokes and sweeps, just did what came natural with no real set by set sequence. Whatever worked.

felt good.

04-21-2003, 11:43 AM
Originally posted by Suntzu
*taking notes*

Cr@p, I'm in trouble now! LOL :D
It was probably that bathroom break, gave me too much time to rest. Hey, waitaminit, loss of bladder control would make it a hard workout no? :p

04-22-2003, 03:47 AM
Stance Training 2 minutes in horse, 1 minute in all others, 10 minutes total

Pushups - finally hit 40

taught class.

04-22-2003, 07:54 AM
Right now I work about 25-30 hours a week and attend grad school full time working on a Masters Degree in Physical Education. Coursework right now includes body conditioning (the joy of rising at 5:30am to make a 8 am class, run for 40 min, lift, and then go to work), Biomechanics (I just finished a mini-thesis on the biomechanics of shihonage), Behavioral Perpectives of PE, Philosophical Perspectives of PE (did you know that the greeks had a word for "kung fu"....."arete"), and Physiology. I continue my aikido practice on mondays from 6-8:30 and fridays from 6-9ish. The weekends I try to spend with my wife, and I cater my weekend exercise to her skill level (fitness walking, stretching). I also read independently about a book or essay collection every two weeks, and my library of philosophical, historical, and martial manuscripts continues to grow. Some of the best writing on martial arts is a bit hard to come by (it doesn't sell, so it goes out of print), so I spend time scowering the web and the local used book stores. I was recently asked to become a member of the board of directors at the dojo I train at (aka a "sustaining member") so I've got new responsibilities there.

I have begun to work with children more often, and I am amazed at their capacity to process and adapt to new motor skills.

The summer begins in four weeks, and I will again train from monday to friday. It will take the entire summer to prep for my next aikido examination, and I can't wait to sleep with my bokken by my pillow again ;).

However, as important as my training is, I believe that the real application of martial arts training is in finding a lifestyle that allows you to use your social, physical, and intellectual skills. I have chosen PE in New York City...It's very tough. There's a lot of violence, PE is a seriously neglected subject that is generally misunderstood or undervalued by the public, and it's very competitive and political.

What challenge have you chosen to meet with your kung fu?

04-22-2003, 12:06 PM
Physical exhaustion starting to kick me in the ass... wake up for work at 7:30, work till 4, work out till 5:30, go to kung fu till 8, work out till 9:00, eat dinner, relax and "burn" some time.. :), 11-2am work on mastering tracks and laying down vocals with my m.c.'s... 2-2:15 shower.... wake up at 7:30.... :(
busy busy man these days...

04-22-2003, 12:11 PM
What challenge have you chosen to meet with your kung fu?

I have chosen to conquer the only obstacle I have control over--myself

04-22-2003, 12:14 PM
I am going to create a monopoly on the economy and subsequently take over the world.
And if you all start kissing my arse now, I may deed out some countries.
Actually Im quitting cigarettes. Cold turkey... Would be fun to hit people.

04-22-2003, 12:16 PM
I am going to create a monopoly on the economy and subsequently take over the world.
Won't you get kicked out of Shaolin-Do for copying their business model? :)

04-22-2003, 12:18 PM

04-22-2003, 12:21 PM
I dont think they're allowed to kick me out when I rule the world.
and I can force Sin to teach me golden cocaroacha!!!!!
Then I will be truly invincible...

shaolin kungfu
04-22-2003, 12:22 PM
Massive amounts of joint locks last night. Fun and painful at the same time.

04-22-2003, 12:26 PM
Originally posted by Shaolin-Do
I dont think they're allowed to kick me out when I rule the world.
and I can force Sin to teach me golden cocaroacha!!!!!
Then I will be truly invincible...

The world is nothing. Sin The' practices the original form of omnioptence, as taught to him by The Guardians of Oa.

04-22-2003, 01:23 PM
Oi... Hella tired and stressed.....
Only like 6 more days till the cigs are out of my system... Take a nap when I get home, go for jog, lift some weights......

04-22-2003, 09:00 PM
Tonight was my first time back at BAMA since I hurt my foot last month. For the next month, I can walk on it, but I can't put any more pressure than walking does on it. That limits my training considerably...

We did standing pummeling drills, standing switch into a double-wristlock, spinning, and the Russian 2-on-1, and drilled switching from top-wristlock to side choke and vice versa.

Felt really good to be training again.

shaolin kungfu
04-22-2003, 09:02 PM
Today was really hard for some reason. I bruised my knuckle and it swelled up more than any bruise i've ever gotten. It doesn't hurt too much, but it's all squishy and purple.

04-22-2003, 09:17 PM
jujitsu class tonight

still not happy with the workout overall

good skills going on, a different skill set for me so I am learning and that's good.

but, I'm just not sweating enough.

tomorrow, the bike....24 lbs of metal and plastic that CAN kick my azz.

04-23-2003, 09:52 AM
"I have chosen to conquer the only obstacle I have control over--myself"

And then what? One day you will succeed...then what will you do with your ability?