View Full Version : Don't go in there!! Poll!!

Black Jack
03-26-2003, 12:05 PM
If you were watching a horror movie on tv and all of a sudden you ****ed so hard that you started a dimensonal rift which caused you to become a character in the movie, transforming the movie into real life, which of these horror movies would scare you the most, pick the movie which you would LEAST like to be stuck in if you ****ed so hard you caused a space and dimension warp


03-26-2003, 01:02 PM
Maximum Overdrive - the threat is over relatively quickly.

Night of the Living Dead - it seems more like a challenge than a threat. Like Mad Max or something. It would be good for you, test you mettle and what not.

Halloween or Friday the 13th - Just play by the rules and you'll be fine. No frivolous sex or drugs and stay out of the guy's way.

Phantasm, on the other hand, who knows what the rules are. Who the hell even knows what's going on in that movie. What are those guys moving across dimensions. I swear I've seen that movie more than once and I don't understand half of it. That's where the real danger lies. How can you watch your back when some unknown force with unknown reasons wants to kill you or transform you into some midget slave.

03-26-2003, 01:09 PM
Shop smart! Shop S-Mart!

You forgot Army of Darkness AND Big Trouble in Little China!

Protest! Protest! :D :D :D


03-26-2003, 01:37 PM
Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Being hung on a meathook while Leatherface cuts choice bits off me to put in the smokehouse is not my idea of fun.

But the most horrific movie to be transported into interdimensionally would be that abortion from Britney Spears. Now that's horror.

shaolin kungfu
03-26-2003, 02:06 PM
Evil dead should have been on that list.

03-26-2003, 02:24 PM
I voted the Halloween/Friday the 13th because, well, who wants to be in the woods when a serial killer is loose? And Halloween defined horror movies (though Texas Chainsaw was before it).

Indeed, that horror Britney Spears made is wrong, but I'd go into that movie to boink her.

03-26-2003, 03:03 PM
Think about it... the others have an ending of some sort... you'll either Live/Die or become some kind of midget...

Think of the long term horror of life in a world of the living dead...

Black Jack
03-26-2003, 03:04 PM
Yeah as a horror ubbernerd I should of had Texas on that list but with the Halloween/Friday the 13th line up I figured I had enough stalkers to go around for awhile.

Philbert...actually I believe Halloween was before Chainsaw?

Some believe Halloween was the first movie to show the killer POV but it was really a horror flick called Black Christmas one year prior.

I voted for Halloween as it is my all time fav. I should of also put Nightmare on Elm Street (the first one was scary as hell/mega classic) The Fog, The Hills Have Eyes, The Howling or Silver Bullet, Demons, Duell or Jaws.

03-26-2003, 03:12 PM
Think about it... the others have an ending of some sort... you'll either Live/Die or become some kind of midget...

Nah, the living dead need brains to keep functioning. You just need to find a place that's isolated long enough to wait them out.

The people in the one that takes place in a mall had the right idea.

Granted, the world you would have to live in after the zombies are through would be a pretty bad one.

David Jamieson
03-26-2003, 03:16 PM
what about "the hills have eyes"?

or "the exorcist" or "exorcistIII" ooooo, verry scarrrry kids.

the halloween and jason movies never thrilled me personally, but that's just me.

living dead out of the above would be my choice of where I would not want to be in a dimensional rift sort of way.

ds makes a good point, you never know who would want to eat you brains because the meteor effected the whole planet.

nowhere to hide from the incessant chant of "braaaaaaiiiinnnnnss"


Black Jack
03-26-2003, 03:36 PM
The Hills Have Eye's rocked. Talk about a good setting.

Night of the Living Dead would take on a new dimenson if that dimensonal **** rift not only took you but your family with it. In the open country it would not be that bad but stick you in the deep heart of the city and I think it would be something else all together on the level of scare.

03-26-2003, 09:00 PM
Exorcist SUCKED. Im sorry Kung Lek, but that movie was sad. I didn't find it creepy at all.

Laughing Cow
03-26-2003, 09:03 PM
How about "The Omen" series.

03-26-2003, 09:05 PM
Originally posted by PHILBERT
Exorcist SUCKED. Im sorry Kung Lek, but that movie was sad. I didn't find it creepy at all.

Read the book, you philistine.

Chang Style Novice
03-26-2003, 09:08 PM
The Romero movies have the most horrifying perspective. Therefore they are the best horror movies, and the worst choice of a place to live.

New one in the pipeline for the next couple of years btw.

"Twilight of the Dead" or "Dead Reckoning" are the rumored titles.


Article from earlier this year about the news.

Mr Punch
03-27-2003, 02:01 AM
The Exorcist is about as scary as my left testicle.

Halloween was made in 1978 and is about as scary as my right testicle.

TCM was made in 1974 and is scarier than my whole lunch box!
(BTW just because traditional Chinese medicine predates Texas Chainsaw Massacre by about 4000 years, don't think they have the monopoly on those initials...)

Friday 13th was far inferior to The Burning, in terms of plot and suspense and direction and music, and well, just about everything. The Burning was banned a release in the UK for about 8 years, but I don't know why cos neither the sex nor the violence were as graphic as F13.

Wouldn't fancy the Fog much.

The first Night of the Living Dead was the scariest... wouldn' t have fancied that much either, but I haven't seen Phantasm, so I voted for that in the hopes that it's scarier than any of the above!

The Shining is pretty ****ing scary.

Personally, I think one of the scariest movies is Dead of Night (1946?) with the forerunner of Chucky... the demonic ventriloquist's dummy... and that ****ing mirror...

Apart from that, I know they're not horror movies but I found Jacob's Ladder, Angel Heart, parts of Sixth Sense and the flying monkey scene in Wizard of Oz **** scary... (OK I was a bit younger at the time).

Nah, the living dead need brains to keep functioning.
**** me, the rest of the world would be safe, the poor diet-restricted mofos would 'die' out of malnutrition before they got to leave America!:D

Chang Style Novice
03-27-2003, 05:42 AM
For the old, old stuff, Todd Browning's "Freaks" still packs a wallop.

03-27-2003, 08:35 AM
this may not be a true "horror" movie, but "the shining" was pretty damm disturbing when i saw it.
jack has that "evil psycho" look DOWN

03-27-2003, 12:32 PM

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, 1974 (http://us.imdb.com/Title?0072271)

Halloween, 1978 (http://us.imdb.com/Title?0077651)

Mat, you gotta realize though, in 1978, the teen slasher flicks were not at all common. People did not suspect these people in that movie were going to die and it scared the **** out of them. We look back and we see slasher flicks and make bets on how each person is going to die.

One movie I have been trying to locate was Sleepaway Camp (http://us.imdb.com/Title?0086320). It was made in the mid 80s and was supposed to be INCREDIBLY creepy, mainly because no one knows who the killer is until the end of the movie. We know it is someone in the camp, but people keep dying suddenly and we don't know who is killing them, and it is not some psycho escaped from the mental hospital.

03-27-2003, 01:32 PM
I vaguely recall Sleep Away camp...

I've already gotten used to living in a world of FREAKS so that wouldn't be bad...

In terms of oldschool scarys...

anyone remember Trilogy of Terror?

that Doll!!! THAT doll!!!

Don't be afraid of the Dark was pretty creepy... but what about that movie about some poltergeist that haunts some poor woman... I think it even got her pregnant but I could be confusing '70s movies here...

Still the thought of some unseen force just tourmenting you 24/7 would be pretty harsh...

Let's not Forget Invasion of the Body snachers... sure there's a ton more designer drugs to keep you from sleeping then there was when the films first came out... but that sleepless "who do you trust" scene would be hell.

Black Jack
03-27-2003, 02:46 PM
Philbert- Thanks, I don't know what I was thinking, cheers

They just re-released Sleep Away Camp on dvd. What made it famous was the "shock" ending, which for the time was pretty creepy, and IMO it still is.

Good but underrated camp horror flick.

Triology of Terror was cool, it had that great Zuni Fetish Doll piece, freaked me out when I was younger.

03-27-2003, 10:26 PM
Yeah, I was able to figure out what that ending was before I rented it, so now when I eventually find a freaking copy, it'll probably ruin it all.