View Full Version : ATTN: GENE Off-Topic Forum

03-28-2003, 10:48 AM
Gene, has the population of both members and off-topic posts grown enough to consider an off topic forum? It has been very successful for MMA.tv.

Just curious what the barriers were.

03-28-2003, 10:51 AM
i'm with MP on this one, while i truly enjoy debating some of this stuff and reading it, it really isn't serving the purpose of the forum to keep alot of it here IMO

Chang Style Novice
03-28-2003, 10:56 AM
There's no reason an KFM offtopic section has to be here. I post at People's Forum, and could easily start a "KFM offtopic" folder there, and the sysop could give our current moderators moderator access there.

That's presuming it would be too much trouble and/or expense for KFM to expand this forum accordingly.


There are many other similar free forum hosting sites, if that's not to your liking. ezboards.com, worldcrossing.com, etc.

Chang Style Novice
03-28-2003, 11:23 AM
I decided to go ahead and start a folder for offtopic chatter at peoplesforum. Here's the link

KFM offtopic clubhouse (http://peoplesforum.com/cgi-bin/forum?4@@.ee6b578). Let it sink or swim by it's own merits! I guess the fu-ragz people already do something like this, but what the heck. If it never gets any posts I'll just ask Lance to delete it. Nothing ventured nothing gained.

BTW, you can post images there with regular html and can have userpics up to 17k in size!

03-28-2003, 08:19 PM
i dont think another forum will work as before 911 all the offtopic posts were about ralek after 911 many regulars made a community debating about/on 911 and the others simply followed...so im saying now if you build it i bet ya they won't come!.

03-29-2003, 03:15 PM
Let's name it "Pub" section to encourage friendly atmospher.

Royal Dragon
03-29-2003, 08:32 PM
I started an off topic forum on my site called the Dragon's Dungeon. It soon became the most popular board, pretty much eclipsing the Kung Fu forum.

On the other hand, I don't have a whole heck of alot of users anyway, so an of topic forum might work better here. Maybe a tempoary one where we could put all the war topics or something?

I'd leave the Kung Fu forum for misc Martial arts discussion if it was me.

03-31-2003, 12:55 PM
People always post media, shaolin, southern, tai chi, etc. on the main forum, so I seriously doubt that members would delegate their OT's to an OT forum. And there will always be some OT, so at this time, we aren't planning any new forums here. There's a lot of other OT forums available it you want a place to be OT. Thanks for your suggestions, though, we'll continue to think about it.

04-01-2003, 01:34 AM
Ya, its easier to go to one forum and just wade through everything.