View Full Version : Yin Knife Hand and Yang Knife Hand in Wing Chun ?

03-29-2003, 06:48 PM
Yin and Yang Knife Hands in Wing Chun in the books by K. T. Chao called Secret Techniques of Wing Chun he uses what he calls the Yin and Yang Knife Hands does all Wing Chun use these techniques and do all Wing Chun systems call it Yin and Yang Knife Hands and how do you use the Yin and Yang Knife Hands in combat or in fighting what are the possibilities useing the Yin and Yang Knife Hands technique wise and in theorey and applications in useing them to strike places on the human body ?

03-29-2003, 07:10 PM
Different names- palm up or palm down "chops".
Of course it's wc....if you dont tense like karate.

03-29-2003, 07:52 PM
Ok thanks for the information .