View Full Version : Lessons Learned from Grapplers Quest Tournament

03-31-2003, 03:52 AM
Lessons Learned:

1. When the Gi comes off, so does the belt.

2. Gotta trust my takedowns and conditioning.

3. Joe's Shanghai on Pell Street in Chinatown STILL makes the best soup dumplings and chicken with chilies and cucumber in the world. Don't order the lion's head. Trust me.

4. Ferrara's off of Mulberry is still the best pasticciaria in the U.S.

5. New York pizza by the slice is still the best.

6. Strawberry yoo-hoo tastes like bubble-yum and has the consistency of watered down pepto.

03-31-2003, 07:18 AM
Sounds like you learned more about food than fighting! :D Have you seen my Training BLOG thread? you should post all of this there!

03-31-2003, 08:36 AM
so how did you do??

03-31-2003, 08:49 AM
Are u sure u went to the GRAPPLER QUEST or the IRON CHEF QUEST??? So this was in NYC??? Get the DIM SUM my brother...cheap and good...not really good for you...but u should spoil yourself for all the hard training at Lloyd's( the best vale tudo instructor in DC/MD/VA area ).

03-31-2003, 01:35 PM
I lost in the first round to Renzo Black Belt Shawn Williams. It wasn't a blow-out though. I lost 3-0. Seeing as I'm a lowly purple belt, and a reasonably newish one at that (only 3 yrs total in BJJ) I'll take it. But Nak showed how to beat him after with the takedowns... Ugh. I just need to trust them. I was a counterwrestler in high school and have to get used to the idea of attacking now.

03-31-2003, 01:44 PM
cool, congratulations on the learning experience. It's great to see good sportsmanship from the winner.

I was more of a counter wrestler in HS too. The biggest thing I'm being confounded with in this jj class I started going to is the gi.
It's dang hard to strip a garment grab if you can't go small circle:)