View Full Version : Why is it??

04-01-2003, 10:28 AM
That these Muay Thai guys are so violent and seething with hatred for other martial artists? So far, they seem to do not much else but go around attacking:

kung fu'ers
karate people
they seem to especially hate TKD'ers

Whats with them, are they hyper-agressive from kicking too many banana trees?

04-01-2003, 10:35 AM
Which muay thai'ers are you referring to, by name?

Former castleva
04-01-2003, 11:04 AM
Perhaps they want to test their skills. ;)


04-01-2003, 11:16 AM
Well, assuming that this is the case, they have been matches. (To my knowledge, there aren't wild packs of muay thai boxers roaming the streets of our fair city picking fights with aikidoka.)

In that case, it's not a question of hatred or anger. It's an event. People wanted to see a competition between sanshou guys and muay thai guys. Or taekwondoka and muay thai guys. Etc.

And, to my knowledge, the aikido vs. muay thai thing was mostly theoretical. The only incidences I've heard of are dezhen's accounts of sparring sessions with friends of his. Not that they aren't reliable. I believe dezhen of course. But he wasn't describing that as evidence that muay thai guys hate aikidoka. It was just an observation of outcomes.

Long story short, Mr. Sleazy has just posted a rather uninformed and probably trollish thread. And I'm nurturing it for reasons unknown.

Stuart B.

KC Elbows
04-01-2003, 02:54 PM
It's because they're hungry, and so they tend to attack the weakest members of the pack, you know, the tkdists, the wing chungers, the ving chuners, the wveing choyners, the kali guys(though not the escrimadors, no sir), the aikidoists, the ninjas, the jkd concepts guys, the jkd'ists without concepts, karate kids, copeiaristatists or whatever they're called, jun fanners, sun stylists, people who buy long books on the sil lum tao, and of course, mantis stylists, when the hsing yi stylists aren't stealing their lunch money.

Not to exclude(or, if you prefer, disinclude) John Cleade Van Damme, who, despite his fictional escapades in muay thai, is merely livestock fed steroids to fatten him up, should the hungry hyenoids known as muay thai stylists need a quick snack.

Frankly, I'm surprised this thread hasn't come up before. In thailand, mothers will spread lama blood on their doorstop at night with a consecrated emu foot to ward off hungry muay thai stylists from their succulent thai babies. I suggest we all do the same. Fortunately, this means that only every other member need kill an emu. Who wants my other emu foot?

04-01-2003, 02:58 PM
They're trying to act just like BJJ guys.

KC Elbows
04-01-2003, 03:00 PM
He said violent and seething with hatred, not effeminate and sleeping with Jared.

04-01-2003, 04:58 PM

Hey I got accused of trolling!! Right on!
But really, it was just a joke, not honest-to-goodness trolling. Nurture nurture nurture!


Nice post I think you hit the nail on the head. The Thai boxers are an awfully skinny bunch, aren't they? Do you think they eat their victims? In that case, they would have an especial preference for the fattest of the martial artists, the Kung Pao Chee-to'kists.

Please may I have your other emu foot now?

04-01-2003, 05:09 PM
when I was in Thailand, the Muay Thai'ers held these friendly tournaments for the towns men, it was brutal but still friendly. One waiter dewd was like all okay one day, and then the next day I saw him, he looked like a rat stuck in a room full of cats.

Anyways, maybe they just take their sport seriously ? :D But I like KC Elbows's response

04-01-2003, 09:10 PM
we were abused as children

04-01-2003, 09:19 PM
Originally posted by Mr.Sleazy

they seem to especially hate TKD'ers

Everybody hates TKD'ers.

04-01-2003, 09:24 PM
man, I turned the corner of an alley just today and saw a MT guy trying to get all thug like on a aikidoka and the aikidoka got that circle thing going on and the MT guy just kinda disappeared!!

friggin amazing !!! I'm quitting kung fu and am sitting outside the aikidoka's house in the rain waiting for him to open the door so I can beg to clean his house.

04-02-2003, 08:41 AM
Originally posted by KC Elbows
It's because they're hungry, and so they tend to attack the weakest members of the pack, you know, the tkdists, the wing chungers, the ving chuners, the wveing choyners, the kali guys(though not the escrimadors, no sir), the aikidoists, the ninjas, the jkd concepts guys, the jkd'ists without concepts, karate kids, copeiaristatists or whatever they're called, jun fanners, sun stylists, people who buy long books on the sil lum tao, and of course, mantis stylists, when the hsing yi stylists aren't stealing their lunch money.

Not to exclude(or, if you prefer, disinclude) John Cleade Van Damme, who, despite his fictional escapades in muay thai, is merely livestock fed steroids to fatten him up, should the hungry hyenoids known as muay thai stylists need a quick snack.

Frankly, I'm surprised this thread hasn't come up before. In thailand, mothers will spread lama blood on their doorstop at night with a consecrated emu foot to ward off hungry muay thai stylists from their succulent thai babies. I suggest we all do the same. Fortunately, this means that only every other member need kill an emu. Who wants my other emu foot?

Wow. Just wow. :)

04-02-2003, 08:43 AM


Hey I got accused of trolling!! Right on!
But really, it was just a joke, not honest-to-goodness trolling. Nurture nurture nurture!

well, i'm all for stupid jokes. so if that's the case, game on!

stuart b.

p.s. i find that a spritz bottle full of water usually puts the muay thai guys back in line.

04-02-2003, 10:05 AM
It's because they're hungry, and so they tend to attack the weakest members of the pack, you know, the tkdists, the wing chungers, the ving chuners, the wveing choyners, the kali guys(though not the escrimadors, no sir), the aikidoists, the ninjas, the jkd concepts guys, the jkd'ists without concepts, karate kids, copeiaristatists or whatever they're called, jun fanners, sun stylists, people who buy long books on the sil lum tao, and of course, mantis stylists, when the hsing yi stylists aren't stealing their lunch money.


I had no idea about this kickboxing mentalilty.....where have you seen it?

KC Elbows
04-02-2003, 11:45 AM
Ap, the truth is, if I waited for the doctors to get my dosage just right, I'd never get to post at all.

As for my emu foot, it's all yours, Mister Sleazy. You are correct, Muay Thai fighters are universally skinny, because, as any good muay thai coach will tell you:

skinny fighter=better cannibal

however, the one exception to this rule reads:

skinny tai chi fighter= better cannibis

Frankly, I do not know if anyone has ever tried to combine these two theorems in one system. Do cannibals get the munchies?

Let's ponder that.

On a more serious note, I think that is the most styles I've ever bashed in one paragraph. Someday the mantis stylists are gonna attack me en masse. I just hope they bring their lunch money.

04-02-2003, 01:54 PM
Muay Thai is violent and aggressive.

it should be no surprise that many of it's practitioners are the same way. there also seems to be this very power "survival fulfillment" type of psychology going on. it's interesting. if you don't like it, avoid it. i tried it and all i got (besides a pretty decent roundhouse kick) was golf ball size welts all over my shins and arms :p

04-02-2003, 02:02 PM
skinny fighter=better cannibal

someone put this in their sig line, NOW!

04-02-2003, 02:02 PM
I know what you mean. Every Muy Thai guy I have met has started fighting me before I even get to say hello! It's like they are popping roids or something! However luckily I have been training in ground combat and since Muy Thai is a striking art I usually end up winning. ;)

04-02-2003, 02:07 PM
Originally posted by shaolinboxer
Muay Thai is violent and aggressive.

it should be no surprise that many of it's practitioners are the same way. there also seems to be this very power "survival fulfillment" type of psychology going on. it's interesting. if you don't like it, avoid it. i tried it and all i got (besides a pretty decent roundhouse kick) was golf ball size welts all over my shins and arms :p

Tell me you're joking. (If you are, please disregard the following rant.)

Muay thai is no more 'violent' than dozens of other styles. Good grief. Kung fu exponents on this board frequently talk about jamming their fingers into people's eyes, crushing people's throats, whaling people in the nads... But muay thai is violent?

As for 'survival fulfillment', er, yes please! I'd quite like to survive.

The muay thai stylists I've known have all been extremely friendly, well-adjusted people. Much more likely to buy you a beer than nick your lunch money.

Stuart B.

04-02-2003, 02:10 PM
Apoweyn, seriously man. Everyone knows Muy Thai is the MOST violent of all martial arts. They don't teach you to be peaceful and humble they teach you to kill!!!! What other art teaches you to eat hot coals ot make your throat stronger and to wear glass bits on your arms when you are sparring so you toughen up, or kill your opponent!!!???

On top of that, from what I understand most Muy Thai schools are also centers for the spread of practice of santeria!!!

04-02-2003, 03:20 PM
At my muay thai school, we don't spar each other, what we do is send the "meat wagon" out to other schools, the local TKD schools being the favourites, and tell them we are reqesting them to put on a "demonstration" at the local "food court". Then with a windowless van full of hapless "volunteers" oops erg I meant victims, we take them back to class and first beat them silly, then take their money, then devour them.

School motto: "Beat them, then EAT them!"