View Full Version : OT Rant: Music / fans / Pop music

04-01-2003, 07:46 PM
I was talking to someone about music the other day and it ****ed me off. Basically, this girl told me that the deciding factor for whether or not she likes a song is the lyrics! I was like: :confused: :eek: :confused: :eek:

Is this stupid to anyone else? It's called music. It's about tones and harmonies and rhythms and time. In the purest sense of the word, it's not about words at all.

I'm still so dumbfounded by her comment that I can't even compose my thoughts enough to talk ****. To me, I really don't care too much about lyrics as long as the song is pleasing. Don't get me wrong, great lyrics will do nothing but enhance a song, and can take a great song and make it even better. But, music is still music. I am also a huge fan of instrumental music (especially classical and neo-classical or progressive metal or whatever you want to call it). So, I guess a person like the one I mentioned above wouldn't have any interest in instrumental music.

If you like lyrics, go read poetry. Don't listen to music.

Here are some examples to help prove my point:

If you took the words greatest lyrics, whatever you think they are, and put them over a ****ing stupid song like that ******* graduation song by Vitamin C, you would still have a worthless piece of crap song.

But, if you take a rad song like "Everytime I Die" by Children of Bodom, even if you can understand the lyrics it's still an amazing song, isn't it? Exactly.

I think that people who like pop music don't really like music. ****, let's look at it for a second. I would say that 90% of all "pop" music, regardless of genre, is made up of 4 chords that are repeated over and over. Sometimes it sounds so bad I think they pulled the chords out of a hat and assembled them together in random order. This is true especially of "alternative" and dance music. Every once in a while, someone will come up with something a bit more complex, like how Green Day stole the chord progression from Pachelbell's Cannon in D to make "Basket Case," but like I said, about 90% of the time the rule I stated applies.

Now, it's ok to like pop music when an artist accidently stumbles accross something that sounds remotely decent, but I think that anything good sounding is a result of luck and not of knowledge of music theory or anything like that.

I was only going to rant about that one girl's opinion, but I got a bit off topic here.

I also recently found out that I hate R&B. For the most part, musically, it's ****. "But the lyrics are sooo good." Guess what, this is MUSIC, not poetry.


04-01-2003, 07:53 PM
Well, horses for courses. The great masters still wrote opera.

04-01-2003, 08:24 PM
Bad lyrics can really fuk up a good song.

Think about it.


04-01-2003, 08:27 PM
You are correct dude, what matters the most in music is music itself.
BTW how did we develop such refined taste for music related issues? :D

04-01-2003, 08:35 PM
Originally posted by Xebsball
BTW how did we develop such refined taste for music related issues? :D

Well, it's partially because, like you, I am awesome. :D

And, partially cuz I've studied and listened to music for a long time.



04-01-2003, 08:42 PM
Anyone that likes Children Of Bodom is awesome.


04-01-2003, 08:43 PM
Yes, I am awesome too.


04-01-2003, 09:17 PM
thanks for the new training music

so far I've listened to:




Every Time I die.

I'm reminded of older Metallica. good sh it !

oh, I like Greenday a lot, and I have all of their older albums from before 'dookie' and listen to them more so than the later stuff.

'hey there, looking at me.
tell me what do you see?
that you quickly turn away'

so, I guess I like lyrics too:)

04-02-2003, 12:48 AM
The quote ras kass (an excellent lyricist) in one the sketches from one of his CDs:

"music? you think that's what makes ras kass now? I'm a lyricist - I don't give a fuk about a beat"

beats are good - they attract you to the song, but it's the lyrics that bring out the song. Perfect example - oochie wally by Nas. good beat, screwed up lyrics. consequently, that song is on the arse end of a lot of jokes. Besides, it's good lyrics that will make you go "daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn" when you hear them.

"you ain't got enough calcium to have a bone to pick with me /
like a gracie, I'll choke a ***** out wit his own gi"

"Passion...Desire the fire that inspires. I don't state facts. I state buildings, like empires."

"If words could kill, I'd sentence you to death."

"Maybe you should grab a telescope to see my views like astronomy. It ain't all about economy, so the fact that all these wack mcs is making G's don't bother me. Honestly, my number one policy is quality, never sell my soul is my philosophy. High velocity, lyrics like Nostradamus making prophecies, I told you cats a long time ago there ain't no stopping me."

"Yo, the Canibus is an animal with a mechanical mandible
Comin to damage you, spittin understandable slang at you
I be the all seeing lyrical, hammerhead shark peripheral
With 360 degree visual"

04-02-2003, 12:52 AM
"Homicide's illegal and death is the penalty
What justifies the homicide, when he dies?
In his own iniquity it's the
Master of the Mantis Rapture comin at cha
We have an APB on an MC Killer
Looks like the work of a Master
Evidence indicates that's it's stature
Merciless like a terrorist hard to capture
The flow, changes like a chameleon
Plays like a fiddle, and stabs you like a dagger
This technique attacks the immune system
Disguised like a lie paralyzin the victim
You scream, as it enters your bloodstream
Erupts your brain from the pain these thoughts contain
Movin on a ***** with the speed of a centipede

"My techniques foul enough to shoot the flagrant technical
I be comin off the head rougher then ribbed tip recepticles
Expect the exceptional syllables to be the next man's umbilical cord
Catch distortion, ras cancels kids like abortions
Sendin ***** to hip hop hell, ock
Eternal ****ation through writers block"

"Connect the dots murder by design
Sh!t on your intellect and fertilize your mind"

Get it? the lyrics have a great impact on the song, regardless of the music itself.

04-02-2003, 12:56 AM
"My style is sex and violence, vocabulary and science, and an uneasy alliance Let's toast the bread like a plugged up appliance (I'll drink to that!) Remy on the rocks, the real estated eventually, son Reverse (deverdi pras to pras verdi?) like, Century 21 I want the mansion and the yacht And all the sh!t them rich wack rappers got"

"you couldn't beat me to death if i let you jump first"

04-02-2003, 01:01 AM
"you're right about my voodoo kid, I'm in a different class
you'll respect that voodoo too, when I put that pin up in your ass"

that one is mine. it's from a battle I had with someone.

04-02-2003, 05:27 AM
Michael Frante/Spearhead/Disposable Heroes of Hiphopracy is a good example of good music and great lyrics. A bit political at times but...

hmmm imo, other good music/lyric combinations are Beastie Boys, Rage Against the Machine, Marvin Gaye, Dave Matthews...

but that's just stuff I've listened to in the last week.

Repulsive Monkey
04-02-2003, 05:32 AM
I'd go along with your girlfriend, for a distance in that I could never own or listen to music with crap lyrics. Just like a song which might not sound that great could have an excellent message in it and the lyrics can carry or bury a song in that sense. Music in that sense is used for the attraction, but the lyrics are the undrlying message.

04-02-2003, 07:24 AM
It's the music for me also.

04-02-2003, 08:34 AM
Lyrics and music are two important parts of a song.

If a song has good enough music, it can stand on its own even with bad lyrics, or no lyrics. Hence, instrumentals, and other such.

If a song has good enough lyrics, it can stand on its own even with simple or no music. Hence, freestyle and beatbox rap.

Because rap and (to a lesser degree) hip-hop tends to focus on lyrical quality, the groove in the background is often not focused on. Good lyrics + mediocre music == top ten rap hit.

Because traditional rock and similar genres tend to focus on musical quality, the lyrics are often not focused on as much. Mediocre poetry + good music == top ten rock hit.

Most 'pop' music has crap lyrics AND music. But it's 'easy to listen to' and ClearChannel markets the **** out of it by putting it on heavy rotation. Therefore it's popular amongst the masses that don't spend much effort to go out looking for music.

04-02-2003, 10:40 AM
If a song has crappy lyrics, I turn the radio off when as soon as I recognize it. If you don't need lyrics, why not just listen to guitar riffs all day?

I mentioned in the original post that I am a big fan of instrumental music, whether it's guitars, organs, violins, etc. So, I don't get the point you're trying to make.


Um, yeah. Let me try to do this without stepping on any toes here. Ok, well, some rap is cool. The first time I heard "In Da Club" I was like "whoa, that's a pretty rad beat (rhythm and bass)." I didn't care about the lyrics at first, because I was listening to it from a musical perspective. I didn't care who shorty was and if it was her birfday or not. But, once I listened to the lyrics I guess they were ok.

But, if a rap song has a crappy backing track (ie. something that is ****ing annoying, like "Country Grammar") then it doesn't matter what the lyrics are because as a musical song it has failed.

Now, some rap lyrics can be cool. The one SevenStar posted with the Gracie reference was kind of cool. Or like when Drunken Tiger said "doin' my deadly combos I'm the Law like Tekken 3, you can't **** wit me" that was cool, too. And I give them both props for creative references. But if a song is annoying from a musical perspective, please don't try to validate it with lyrics. Music is music first, lyrics second (if there's lyrics at all). If this were not the case it would just be poetry read over background music.

I still stand by my opinion that someone who bases their fondness of a song on its lyrics and who doesn't appreciate instrumental music is not a fan of music at all.


04-02-2003, 11:01 AM
Listen to any rock musician talk about the importance of their music, and you will quickly surmise THEY believe they are spouting poetry to all the "depressed" 12 year-olds that buy their albums.

Maybe it's cuz I'm getting a cold right now and it's ****ing me off, but I think I completely missed your point. Can you rephrase please?


04-02-2003, 11:35 AM
Originally posted by IronFist

Um, yeah. Let me try to do this without stepping on any toes here. Ok, well, some rap is cool. The first time I heard "In Da Club" I was like "whoa, that's a pretty rad beat (rhythm and bass)." I didn't care about the lyrics at first, because I was listening to it from a musical perspective. I didn't care who shorty was and if it was her birfday or not. But, once I listened to the lyrics I guess they were ok.

But, if a rap song has a crappy backing track (ie. something that is ****ing annoying, like "Country Grammar") then it doesn't matter what the lyrics are because as a musical song it has failed.

both of those are perfect examples of how music can sell a crap song - the lyrics are awful, but the music is catchy, so it sells. Typically, a good lyricist will not sell as well. eminem is an exception, but he has both good marketing and good producing on his side.


04-02-2003, 02:24 PM
Afterall, how many Rock Musicians can play Orchestra quality music? Shlt, how many can read sheet music?

Are you talking top 40 rockers or not?

However, if you are the average Joe or Joette, who watches MTV and Joe Millionaire, then you probably don't have the finer appreciation for tonality and expression. Therefore, when listening to a song, such a person would undoubtedly get partial satisfaction from the lyrics, and partial satisfaction from the music.

Maybe my entire point was just that these people suck and shouldn't voice their opinion about music. I don't feel good now and kind of forgot what I was ranting about.

The fact is, people WANT music to be poetry. They WANT lyrics to mean something.

Really? Wow, maybe I'm the one with the skewed viewpoint. No, wait, I'm not. Do fans outside of the Top 40 crew want lyrics to mean something to the extent of them being the determing factor in whether or not a song is good?

(That's a serious question by the way. I know sarcasm is hard to detect with written words, but it wasn't sarcasm.)

That's why kids kill themselves when they hear Stairway to Heaven . It's not the drums that does it....it's the lyrics.

Kids do that? I thought all the "music kills people" stuff wasn't really true.


Chang Style Novice
04-02-2003, 03:04 PM
Most popular music is very simple. Nothing wrong with that in and of itself, of course. Sometimes simplicity is the height of eloquence. What's more, almost all of it simple in the same way - there are lots of methods of simplicity, but popular music tends to stay with only a few. For example, when was the last time you heard a song in 3/4, or 5/8, or anything but 4/4 on the radio? Even music that's allegedly in different 'opposite' genres is very similar, as can be proven by the trend of mixing 'mash-ups' like "A Stroke of Genius," which mixes "Genie in a Bottle" and "Hard to Explain" into a seamless whole.

As a result, the music listening public is pretty undereducated about the nearly infinite possibilities of music. A few years ago I took a class called "Introduction to Classical Music" as a requirement for my major. I'd heard a pretty fair amount of the stuff they played for us before, but I'd been a serious jazz head for years. One day I played some classic bebop for my lecture section when the TA was running late (it was Charles Mingus' "You Better Get It In Your Soul") and it got a tremendous reaction. The TA arrived halfway through and insisted I play the whole thing over for him after class. He, like some of my fellow students said they'd never heard anything that combined high energy, catchiness, melodic sophistication, and passion in that way before. And in jazz circles, this is about as famous as songs get! Perhaps needless to say, it's an instrumental. Anyway, anyone with file-sharing capabilities should download it today and let it change your life.

Okay, I'm wandering, what was my point? Oh, yeah.

"You Better Get It In Your Soul" is a brilliant, accessible piece of music that most people never have never heard, despite it's classic status. It's pretty exceptional in quality, but hardly unique in style.

Lyrics can be poetry - mostly they're just drivel. Music can be art - mostly it's just sound. The combination can be transcendent - mostly it's just catchy (at best.)

That's not to say that some great music doesn't get to be hugely popular. A fair amount does. But it's always the same kind of great music; simple, honest and passionate. Great music can also be complex, nuanced, and chilly.

BTW - Dolly Parton does a quiet, spare, hopeful, and incredibly moving version of "Stairway to Heaven" on her latest album. Hey, if Johnny Cash can do Nine Inch Nails, why not?

04-02-2003, 03:42 PM
he-he, I just heard that Cash version of 'hurt' the other day.
pretty cool, imo. Cash's latest is all remakes of some pretty modern stuff. I know he also did 'personal jesus' by DM.

But, Maxwell just ruined 'closer' when he remade it.:(

why is it always this vs. that around here???

Chang Style Novice
04-02-2003, 03:52 PM
That reminds me - a great singer can make a mediocre lyric really eloquent. Or anyway, Trent Reznor sounds mediocre to me when he sings "Hurt" but Cash sounds like a genius.

Who's the genius? Reznor for writing the song the way he did? Cash for singing it the way he did? Both? Neither, but together they are more than the sum of their parts?

I can't honestly say.

04-02-2003, 04:00 PM
dude, you talked about Johhny Cash and Trent Reznor's 'parts' :eek:

that just ain't right.:)

but, I agree, JC (whoa) did a fine job with the song.

04-02-2003, 04:08 PM
I prefer to listen to classical over most modern music. I have never really gotten into rap, and pop music doesn't do much for me. Rock (no soft rock please) and classical are my favourites.

04-02-2003, 08:41 PM
All I know is that I wish I could write a song like Ellie Greenwich, Gershwin, Irving Berlin, Brian Wilson or Lennon and McCartney. And produce like Phil Spectre or George Martin. And create an album like Hotel California or Darkside of the Moon. And to put my stamp on a song like Sinatra. I've played in alot of bands and played alot of music, but nothing ever was more fun on the band stand than seeing people at a wedding getting off on our KC and the Sunshine band music block.

04-02-2003, 08:53 PM
Rogue, you scare me a little more every day.

Chang Style Novice
04-03-2003, 03:43 PM
Just saw this:

"Michael Frante/Spearhead/Disposable Heroes of Hiphopracy is a good example of good music and great lyrics. A bit political at times but..."

To correct this sentence change the word "bit" to "extremely" and insert the word "all" between the words "at" and "times."

But yeah, I love that dude. Ever check out the Coup? Or Fishbone? I have a hunch that stuff is right up yer alley, Oso.

"Ride the Fence" by the Coup

I'm anti-imperial
anti-gun if the sh!t won't bust
anti-corporate, they anti-my essence
anti-snortin' them anti-depressants
but i'm not pro-poppin' em;
i'm provocative
and pro-stoppin' them FBI operatives
who professional at Black Man Pounce
and hand you a sentence that you can't pronounce
I'm also anti-narco, anti-vice
911 marks the anti-christ
they anti-social, pointin' M-16's;
guess i'm anti-the-anti-n!gger-machine
Proletarian, funkadelicparliamentarian
pro-running up in Congress sayin' "fu(k it all!"
but bring the people with you, that's the protocol
This beat is joyful like jailbreaks
the whole world is anti-United Snakes
so check it out, anticipate the anti-venom
and move your antibodies to this revolution rhythm
we goin' be fu(kin' with 'em
pro-union but most lost they bite
anti-muthafu(kas-crossin' a strike
take a look around and be for or against
but you can't do sh!t if you ridin' the fence.

I'm anti-uppin'-your-dollars-with-telekinesis
(I done tried everyday, and that sh!t decreases)
We need cash and that's the anti-thesis
I'm pro-overthrow of the "Hip-Hop Nation"
pro-prophylactic yet pro-creation
but i'm not anti-thug
i know that power is the most effective anti-drug
i'm pro-Zapatista
pro-Cuba, Viva!
Pro-la raza sayin' "fu(k la migra!"
policia se asesina
lemme show you what i mean
I'm anti-republican and democratic
if they self-destruct
that's anti-climactic
tired of bein' hunted like an antelope
take the system by the throat
that's the antidote
so I pose a proposition
take a look, be in support or opposition
then be proactive proceed with confidence
'cause you know that you can't change sh!t by ridin' the fence

04-03-2003, 08:16 PM
Be afraid Serpent, be very afraid. Really the thing about music is it should be fun. Miles Davis is fun to listen too, Bach is fun, Dylan is fun, the Clash are fun, The Ramones are fun.

My idea of good song lyrics from just one of my many favorite song writers...

In My Room by Brian Wilson
There's a world where I can go
and tell my secrets to
In my room
In my room

In this world I lock out
all my worries and my fears
In my room
In my room

Do my dreaming and my scheming lie awake and pray
Do my crying and my sighing laugh at yesterday

Now it's dark and I'm alone
but I won't be afraid
In my room
In my room

When I Grow Up (To Be A Man)
(written by: Brian Wilson)
When I grow up to be a man
Will I dig the same things that turn me on as a kid?
Will I look back and say that I wish I hadn't done what I
Will I joke around and still dig those sounds
When I grow up to be a man?

Will I look for the same things in a woman that I dig in a
(fourteen fifteen)
Will I settle down fast or will I first wanna travel the
(sixteen seventeen)
Now I'm young and free, but how will it be
When I grow up to be a man?

Oooooo Ooooooo Oooooooo
Will my kids be proud or think their old man is really a
(eighteen nineteen)
When they're out having fun yeah, will I still wanna have my
(twenty twenty-one)
Will I love my wife for the rest of my life
When I grow up to be a man?

What will I be when I grow up to be a man?
(twenty-two twenty-three)
Won't last forever
(twenty-four twenty-five)
It's kind of sad
(twenty-six twenty-seven)
Won't last forever
(twenty-eight twenty-nine)
It's kind of sad
(thirty thirty-one)
Won't last forever
(thirty-two . . .)

04-03-2003, 08:34 PM
"Michael Frante/Spearhead/Disposable Heroes of Hiphopracy is a good example of good music and great lyrics. A bit political at times but..."

To correct this sentence change the word "bit" to "extremely" and insert the word "all" between the words "at" and "times."

But yeah, I love that dude. Ever check out the Coup? Or Fishbone? I have a hunch that stuff is right up yer alley, Oso.[/QUOTE]

:) i wuz tryin' to be diplomatic.

Never heard of the Coup but I've got a fishbone tape or two.
I'm pretty much a dilletant(sp?) with music. I don't know cr ap about the technical side of music. Frante has, imo, one of the coolest voices in the industry.

rogue, I like your comment that music should be fun. I don't have any biases towards any type of music but it's got to be fun and/or move me emotionally or viscerally.

my mostest favoritest style of music is ska. From the older blue beat stuff to the mighty mighty bosstones ska-core type stuff.

lately, what's been gettin' me jumpin' is some good riffing bluegrass.

Qi dup
04-04-2003, 11:42 AM
Uh yeah I relate to lyrics.

If you like children of bodom check out soilwork.

Former castleva
04-04-2003, 12:23 PM
Two things rocking my world in this thread:
1:Ironfist arguing on what is good music.
2:Ironfist along with a few others referring to a Finnish band.

As in defense of instrumental,thanks to Ironfist and Mr.Binx (spelling?) I came up with this site.

04-04-2003, 02:11 PM
Okay, to start with. I HATE rap and hip hop.

Moving on now, I think your wrong about lyrics Iron Fist. Think about this, when someone is walking down the street listening to their favorite cd on their favorite portable cd player, what do you hear 90% of the time? You hear them repeating the lyrics.

If you took a song, say, Disturbed's song: Devour. And you took out the music, the lyrics alone wouldn't be very good. Take the same song and remove the lyrics and the music alone wouldn't be very good either. However, put them together and you have an awesome listening experience.

On another end of the spectrum though, you have rap and hip hop. Do the same process as was done to Disturbed's Devour and you still come away with crap. Even after you put them together. Why? Because the lyrics are meaningless words thrown together with little attention to whether or not they even rhyme. Also the "music" is not music, it's bass hits thrown together with synthetic NOISES.

In closing I think that it is the conglomeration of music and lyrics that really makes a song.

Chang Style Novice
04-04-2003, 02:47 PM
Sure thing, GH! Minutemen, Gang of Four, Clash...

old skool punk rox rules!



list monitors arrive with(out) petition
iron fisted philosophy
is your life worth a painting
is this girl versus boy with different symbols
being born is power
scout leader/nazi tagged as big sin
"your risk chains me hostage me
me i'm fighting with my head
am not ambiguous"
i must have looked like a ****
me naked with text book poems
spout fountain against the nazis
with a weird kind of sex symbol
for sex in speeches that are big dance thumps
if we heard mortar shells
we'd cuss more in our songs
and cut down on the guitar solos
so dig this big crux:
organize the boy scouts for murder is wrong
ten years behind the big sweat point
man, it was still there
ever without you
coming back around
the coming together for just a second
a peek
a guess
at the wholeness that's way too big
at the wholeness that's way too big!

Gang of Four:


Aim for the body rare, you'll see it on TV
The worst thing in 1954 was the Bikini
See the girl on the TV dressed in a Bikini
She doesn't think so but she's dressed for the H-Bomb
(For the H-Bomb)

I found that essence rare, it's what I looked for
I knew I'd get what I asked for

Aim for the country fair you read it in the papers
The worst happens any week a scandal on the front page
See the happy pair smiling close like they are monkeys
They wouldn't think so but they're holding themselves down
(Hold themselves down)

I found that essence rare, it's what I looked for
I knew I'd get what I asked for

I found that essence rare, it's what I looked for
I knew I'd get what I asked for

Aim for politicians fair who'll treat your vote hope well
The last thing they'll ever do act in your interest
Look at the world through your polaroid glasses
Things'll look a whole lot better for the working classes
(Working classes)

I found that essence rare, it's what I looked for
I knew I'd get what I asked for

I found that essence rare, it's what I looked for
I knew I'd get what I asked for



The offered me the office, offered me the
They said I'd better take anything they'd got
Do you wanna make tea at the BBC?
Do you wanna be, do you really wanna be a cop?

Career opportunities are the ones that never knock
Every job they offer you is to keep you out the dock
Career opportunity, the ones that never knock

I hate the army an' I hate the R.A.F.
I don't wanna go fighting in the tropical heat
I hate the civil service rules
And I won't open letter bombs for you

Bus driver....ambulance man....ticket inspector

They're gonna have to introduce conscription
They're gonna have to take away my prescription
If they wanna get me making toys
If they wanna get me, well, I got no choice


Ain't never gonna knock

Former castleva
04-04-2003, 02:48 PM
R.E.M-Losing my religion.

Life is bigger
It's bigger than you
And you are not me
The lengths that I will go to
The distance in your eyes
Oh no I've said too much
I set it up

That's me in the corner
That's me in the spotlight
Losing my religion
Trying to keep up with you
And I don't know if I can do it
Oh no I've said too much
I haven't said enough
I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I heard you sing
I think I thought I saw you try

Every whisper
Of every waking hour I'm
Choosing my confessions
Trying to keep an eye on you
Like a hurt lost and blinded fool
Oh no I've said too much
I set it up

Consider this
The hint of the century
Consider this
The slip that brought me
To my knees failed
What if all these fantasies
Come flailing around
Now I've said too much
I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I heard you sing
I think I thought I saw you try

But that was just a dream
That was just a dream

04-04-2003, 03:31 PM

"Somebody Put Something In My Drink"

Somebody Put Something In My Drink

Another night out on the street
Stopping for my usual seat
Oh, bartender, please

(Dacqari) tonic's my favorite drink
I don't like anything colored pink
That just stinks...it's not for me

It feels like somebody put something
Somebody put something in my drink
Somebody put something
Somebody put something

Blurred vision and dirty thoughts
Feel (out of place), very distraught
Feel something coming on

Kick the jukebox, slam the floor
Drink, drink, drink, drink some more
I can't think
Hey! What's in this drink?

It feels like somebody put something
Somebody put something in my drink
Somebody put something
Somebody put something in my drink
Somebody put something
Somebody put something in my drink
Somebody put something...in my drink...in my drink...in my drink...in my drink

So you think it's funny
A college prank
Goin' insane for something to drink
Feel a little dry

Oh, I couldn't care what you think of me
Cause somebody put something in my drink
I can't think
Hey! Give me a drink

It feels like somebody put something
Somebody put something in my drink

Somebody put something
Somebody put something in my drink

"Everytime I Eat Vegatables It Makes Me Think Of You"

She was a really good friend
A really good friend to me, yeah
She was a really good friend
A really good friend to me, yeah

But they took her away
Tossed her in the bin
Now she's hanging out
In East Berlin, ow-ooo

She had a very bad affair
With some cat from Hiroshima
She turned into a head of lettuce
She eats Thorazine in her farina
But they took her away
Tossed her in the bin
Now she's hanging out
In East Berlin, ow-ooo

And everytime I eat vegetables
It makes me think of you
And everytime I eat vegetables
I don't know what to do, to do ow-ooo

04-04-2003, 04:20 PM
Well, different kinds of music speaks to you in different ways. They all have their place and purpose.
Music is more of a primal energy to me than something intellectual, generally speaking. blah.

04-05-2003, 10:52 AM
Originally posted by Former castleva
Two things rocking my world in this thread:
1:Ironfist arguing on what is good music.
2:Ironfist along with a few others referring to a Finnish band.

As in defense of instrumental,thanks to Ironfist and Mr.Binx (spelling?) I came up with this site.

Which Finnish band did I refer to? Children of Bodom? I didn't know they were from Finland.

Stratovarius is from Finland, though. They rule. They're the first progressive metal band I ever heard. I got their album "Episode" in highschool and I was like hell yeah they rule!

I love the European metal scene.

As for the rest of you, can we please not take up so much space by posting entire song's lyrics? It's always different reading them by themselves versus actually hearing the song.


04-05-2003, 11:09 AM
Originally posted by Former castleva
As in defense of instrumental,thanks to Ironfist and Mr.Binx (spelling?) I came up with this site.

Whoa, this site is rad. I just checked it out. Thanks for the link!


Former castleva
04-05-2003, 11:17 AM
"Which Finnish band did I refer to? Children of Bodom? I didn't know they were from Finland."

Well they are.It seems that when it comes to Finland influencing a lot of ppl with music outside our lines,it has to do with metal bands.
I have had a few of those records when I used to like this kind of stuff.
Just to let you know out of irrationality,the name has to do with an old,minor mass murder tragedy that a famous Finnish doctor is possibly about to solve by now (it was 1960īs) Living and learning.

"Stratovarius is from Finland, though. They rule. They're the first progressive metal band I ever heard. I got their album "Episode" in highschool and I was like hell yeah they rule!"
Used to have many records.

"Whoa, this site is rad. I just checked it out. Thanks for the link!"
That site is the "****e" as they say.
Take some time searching it to not miss anything.
Thanks to you too btw for pointing out other site(s) that did lead to this finding.

Chang Style Novice
04-05-2003, 12:52 PM
It's always different reading them (the lyrics) by themselves versus actually hearing the song.

All too true. That's why, as an example, NIN's "Hurt" sucks hairy sweaty etc. whereas Johnny Cash's "Hurt" is an emotional masterpiece.

As for the rest of you, can we please not take up so much space by posting entire song's lyrics?

Hey, GH asked for examples!

quiet man
04-05-2003, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by Chang Style Novice
All too true. That's why, as an example, NIN's "Hurt" sucks hairy sweaty etc. whereas Johnny Cash's "Hurt" is an emotional masterpiece.

Personally, I could listen to Johnny Cash singing the weather forecast and I'd still consider it an emotional masterpiece.