View Full Version : fassie dem

04-06-2003, 01:59 AM
i just coming home from a session ( party) zeen, and some extortionist man dem a try get some money from wi zeen. when we were parking earlier the security guard told us that we should park in a certain area and it would be safe, but after the party when we were leaving some unknown mofu tries to jack us and charge us for parking. i decide to turn back and stand up to this fool cause , he doesnt know what the dilly is . so he's trying to call to his peeps to give him back up for the 2 or three minutes im there in his face holding up the gate bar , telling him he's full of **** . no one comes to his assistance. he's shouting out to his suppoed friends some nonsense bout karate ppl. i dunno how he figured out we do martial arts of any sort , but i told him that we dont do no karate, the blasted idiot wearing some rastafari tee shirt a try extortion money from we. , i well want him try a ting but nothing happened , i just stayed there holding the bar up calling hthis fassie a eeediot an telling himk we not paying no blastwed money. and then my pps drove up and we drove off and that was the end of it.
Am i wrong for wishing the idiot would have made a move. cause . we'd have kicked some serious ass man , im telling you.

shaolin kungfu
04-06-2003, 03:54 AM
Now, picture Ali G saying that.

Booyakasha, Respect.:D

04-06-2003, 04:25 AM
$hit ****ing Bollocks

shaolin kungfu
04-06-2003, 04:37 AM
Oh holy ****! I just read the last part of your sig and laughed my ass off!:D

04-06-2003, 10:15 AM
Seen Battle Royal? :D