View Full Version : Student tells me Adults don't need protine

Royal Dragon
04-07-2003, 09:07 AM
Ok, I finish with my first class, and since it is in between sessions, I only had one student in my second class. She is anemic and is a vegitarian. She was feelling dizzy, and shaky, and almost didn't come to class, but ended up doing so because her husband forced her too because he is worried about her health.

Anyway, we were talking about this, and she tells me she is a veggietarian, and how she feels so much better since she started that (I almost cried seeing her all pale and unstable wile she said this) Just then, she tells me that according to experts, adults don't really need any protine. I almost blew a gasket!!

I spent about 20 minutes of the class explainig to her the human body needs at least 35% protine in the diet. I did'nt say "Meat" because she has some sort of moral thing against eating meat, but I told her that she MUST get atleast 35% of her diet to be protine some how Tofu, soybeans, peanut butter, whatever, just so she does it.

I then put here through a really easy lesson, because she just looked like she was going to pass out in my class (Mind you, my Taiji class is about as easy as sleeping as it is).

Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Any good online sources of info I can download and print that are from repuatable sources that explain not only how much protine the body needs, but why? I especially want CHINESE sources if possible.

She is from Taiwan, and based on the way she said certain things, I suspect she is following some Taiwanese "Guru's" twisted idea of healthy eating. I can see it's killing her. I need sources far more credible than me to not only site, but to print out and give her as a hand out. I will be doing this for everyone in the class so as not to sigle her out, but this woman really needs some factual info from reliable sources.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

Royal Dragon
04-07-2003, 09:10 AM
Oh one more thing, so you understand what I'm dealling with, She thinks eating bannana's caused joint problems. BUT she believes if you eat the Bananna from the Back side first, this aleviates the problem, and is good for the joints.

I was going to explain why that is sooooo Fu(ked up thinking, but I didn't want to over load her and lose her.

All I can say is


04-07-2003, 10:03 AM
I don't know of any Chinese sources, but if you're searching you may have better luck if you spell it "protein."


Black Jack
04-07-2003, 10:14 AM
She sounds like she has a mental illness. I am not joking.

Either that or she is borderline retarded.

04-07-2003, 10:25 AM
Sounds like she's been brainwashed by some guru. I'll check around the web and see what I can find. I don't read chinese, but maybe there are sources listed in English. I'd like to help out this kid as much as I can.

04-07-2003, 10:32 AM
You've got a tough case there ... she's convinced herself to the point that she can't even hear her own body. :(

She needs B complex vitamins immediately to strengthen her immune system. She also has got to start eating protein in some form. If you can contact a Chinese herbalist/acupuncturist and ask about supplements that provide B vitamins that would be best.

Presenting the information to the entire class rather than singling her out is a good idea. But you may also have to approach her boyfriend as well (privately), tell him your concerns and give him information on how to help her, where to get professional help, diet, etc.

The last thing you should do is approach her, because she might take it wrong like you say and leave -- the reason she's doing this to herself is because she believes she's a fu*ked-up person who is doing everything wrong, and telling her that her diet is messed-up will just reinforce that. It's a downward spiral.

All you can do is give her positive reinforcement in class, encourage her ... and set out a big Chinese dinner, all high-protein stuff, right after every class until she can't stand it anymore and dives for the table ... :D

04-07-2003, 10:34 AM
Husband, not boyfriend. Sorry.

04-07-2003, 11:17 AM
Give her a myoplex shake.
Tastes good and has lots of protien.
Although if she hasnt had protien for a long time it might make her hurl.

Royal Dragon
04-07-2003, 12:53 PM
Hi, No time, but.......

I already sugjested Bee Pollen as a substitue.

I belive the "Brain washed by some stupid Guru" over retarded.

She's not a Kid, but maybe early 40s, late 30's. Although Terri was looking much older when I started dateing her, due to eating Oreo's for breakfast, and not much else the rest of the day. Once I got her to eat right, she gained some weight (Muscle), Looked a few years younger and stopped acting like Mrs super witch all the time. She had a total personality change (for the better)

Now she's trying to get her sister to eat right too :D

Anyway, I'm concerned about my student. She's probably been doing this for a decade at least.

Anyone know any GOOOD Master's in Taiwan I can send her too when she is going home to visit family for a month? Someone who will tell her to eat right?

04-07-2003, 01:33 PM

can't help you out on the taiwanese kick, but you have the right idea -- use something she may believe in for YOUR argument.

if she claims vegetarianism, find some articles BY vegetarians in vegetarian journals that say, "well, we just cut out meat, but we still need protein. here's how do get it."

if she is against eating meat, i doubt you can change that. but if you can support her in her vegetarianism but show her how to eat properly while still avoiding meat, i think you'll have better luck.

need tips on how to find this info? check the vegetarian thread, or ask one of our 8 million vegetarians on the forum. :)

04-07-2003, 03:26 PM
there is a cult going around Taiwan called "Dien Dao", and their diet consists of pure vegan including abstinence from the 5 spices. They also claim that "cultivation" is getting others on board their sect, and they also claim that the 3 jewels of Buddhism is something other than the BUddha Dharma and the Sangha. THey also believe enlightenment is instant and transmitted by their guru.

I recommend the diet that TJD has, the Indians are the best at Vegetarian diets. Heck, they have had to do this to surivive the lack of good meat in India.

There ya go, now you probably know her diet habits and sect.

04-07-2003, 08:55 PM
Do what I used to do to prana - surround her with meat and protein, trick her into eating it, anything to get her to eat it. Not only will it be good for her, but it is good fun for you too :D

BTW I do hope you know I am kidding right - I used to force feed prana :D

04-07-2003, 10:13 PM
Originally posted by prana

I recommend the diet that TJD has, the Indians are the best at Vegetarian diets. Heck, they have had to do this to surivive the lack of good meat in India.

There is meat in India, but the hindu's arent supposed to eat meat.

04-07-2003, 10:20 PM
It's not so much the religion (although the Brahmins's are very disciplined Vegans) its difficult to get good clean meat in India, at least that is what my Indian friends tell me.

Hence they have perfected the art of making a good quality balanced diet out of non-meat dishes....

04-07-2003, 10:53 PM
Maybe not clean in the big cities?
A lot of INdia is still rural.

04-08-2003, 12:37 AM
Originally posted by prana
there is a cult going around Taiwan called "Dien Dao", and their diet consists of pure vegan including abstinence from the 5 spices. They also claim that "cultivation" is getting others on board their sect, and they also claim that the 3 jewels of Buddhism is something other than the BUddha Dharma and the Sangha. THey also believe enlightenment is instant and transmitted by their guru.

I recommend the diet that TJD has, the Indians are the best at Vegetarian diets. Heck, they have had to do this to surivive the lack of good meat in India.

There ya go, now you probably know her diet habits and sect.

woah my diet? its not all that complicated and i dont think i'd call it a "diet" :D

aside from her "being brainwashed by a guru," while it may partially be true it's no different than young girls being brainwashed by mass media into being anorexic. she definately has a mental problem and getting her to seek psychiatric help would be a good thing to do, while breaking down her barriers towards eating healthy foods. if she's the type who wouldnt see a psychiatrist, mabye direct her towards some dr of TCM, who could help her see the light.

my girlfriend suffered (and still does) from an eating disorder for quite some time - they aren't easy things to get rid of. i do my part and try to get her to eat very often. that and with help from her nutritionist we've had her gain over 25 lbs in the last year and a half(woo woo). she went from being around 90 lbs and looking like a skeleton (a very kind pretty skeleton but still a skeleton) to around 120 lbs and looking quite radiantly healthy :)

i've had to break part of my diet for her, because she loves sushi with a passion so i take her out for it as much as possible - gives her valueable protien and some carbohydrates from the rice, and she just gobbles it down :D

anyhow if shes buddhist and follows any of the sutras you can point her to majjhima nikaya sutta #55 : to jivaka. words straight from the buddha's mouth. it doesn't get any better than that :D

the gist of it isn't for veganism, not even for vegatarianism. eat what is given to you, if theres meat in it - no problem! just so long as the animal was not killed for you. if it wasn't killed for you, no bad karma comes from eating the food :D not a bad deal.

anyhow, my diet is really simple - if it's given to me i'll eat it (so long as it wasn't killed for me or will kill me). when i go out and buy food - i stay away from meat, simply because of the fact i don't particularily like supporting that industry (i don't approve of most of their methods).

(i hope that was the one you were talking about prana ol' buddy :D )

in this modern day and age (esp america), rarely if ever would an animal be killed for someone to eat. we just go out and buy our food :D the only real point i see in even having a diet is to make sure your body is comfortable (eating some things can do weird stuff to our digestive track while its there! really can mess with meditation) and even worse than making your body feel all funky some foods (or the idea of some foods) makes our minds all riled up. so what my diet really consists of is staying away from the foods that funk up my body and the foods that funk up my mind.

when you pay attention its amazing what some foods can do to your body. onions make me feel all oniony all over - i can't eat 'em. :)

anyways back on subject, it really sounds like this girl needs some professional help. eating disorders are very serious things - they kill people. getting her to go to a dr of TCM might be your best bet. if that doesnt work, prana is right. indian food is amazing :D take her out for some or get her husband to :)

best of luck,

04-08-2003, 05:05 AM
TjD, sadhu sadhu sadhu :)
Dewd, thats some deel and meaningful stuff... hope your gf and yourself are well ;)

Originally posted by joedoe
Do what I used to do to prana - surround her with meat and protein, trick her into eating it, anything to get her to eat it. Not only will it be good for her, but it is good fun for you too :D

BTW I do hope you know I am kidding right - I used to force feed prana :D

yeah, wheres my pork chop ?

Guile, about the food in India, I just realised we know someone who is in India who roams this forum. TkdWarrior, care to share some healthy recipes from the motherland ?

Royal Dragon
04-08-2003, 07:19 AM
Prana, my girlfriend and I are fine. 7-1/2 years ago, she was a rail. Now she is a Brown belt in Kempo, strong and healthy. It's my student I am worried about.

I noticed yesterday there is a Chinese doctor in the health club I go to (He's go an office in the building) I may go to him and talk about her. If I like his thinking, I am going to recomend she go see him. I'm tellin her he's a freind to help with motivation.

She was telling me she is a carrier for anemia, that means she can't be cured, and is always sick. I'm wondering if she may have some other type of blood condition and does not know how to translate it to english maybe?

Former castleva
04-08-2003, 01:24 PM
Plain and clear,she needs to know the facts.
However that goes trough.
It is of no good to die for a charlatanīs terribly twisted ideas of basic diet.

04-08-2003, 02:42 PM
I just dont see the competence in some people making smart assed retorts about this. This girl has a serious problem...
theres a few to start... just look around on the web and youll find something to show her... I dont really know what else to say for now, but good luck. Be careful in giving her the info though(dont "force" ideas on her, rather "suggest"), as some people have overcharacterized themselves through their beliefs.

04-08-2003, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by Shaolin-Do
I just dont see the competence in some people making smart assed retorts about this. This girl has a serious problem...
theres a few to start... just look around on the web and youll find something to show her... I dont really know what else to say for now, but good luck. Be careful in giving her the info though(dont "force" ideas on her, rather "suggest"), as some people have overcharacterized themselves through their beliefs.

I know this was directed at me. Look, if you can't take a joke, then this isn't the forum for you. I am sure RD knows I was joking. Big deal. Get over yourself and lighten up.

04-08-2003, 06:33 PM
Don't worry, when it comes to jokes, he takes the cakes! Shaolin-Do!? ROFL! ;)

04-08-2003, 09:53 PM
"Maybe not clean in the big cities?
A lot of INdia is still rural."

odd ... i figured it would be just the opposite. i'm not sure i really trust meat treated with the same stuff that they used to kill my cancer. plus beef i had straight from the cow was the best thing i have ever eaten .... ever.

"I just dont see the competence in some people making smart assed retorts about this."

firstly it would have little to do with competence. secondly you can go fu ck yourself.

04-08-2003, 10:27 PM
Yea were's TKDwarrior? That be kewl fora first hand prespective.

shaolin kungfu
04-09-2003, 01:02 AM
LOL at shaolin Do.:D

04-09-2003, 07:12 AM
Sorry to say Grandmaster Sin was right when he said kung fu forums were about as mature as a fu cking middle school cafeteria... Oh well... I cant believe that you guys even consider yourselves martial artists with those kinds of attitudes..... Why the hell are you ****s on a kung fu forum? It sounds like not a god da mn one of you has had a sifu. Did you never learn lessons with your martial arts? or did you all just learn how to be tough guy joe? **** off. You call yourself kung fu students but all you are is a couple sorry fu ck heads that know a couple flashy moves. dont fool yourselves.

04-09-2003, 07:38 AM
JoeDoe BTW I do hope you know I am kidding right - I used to force feed prana


yeah joe... it was aimed right at you....

mmmhmmm.... Not quite sure it was directed at anyone. I had just got into the office and I was having a bitter morning. But regardless you showed me your true colors.......

04-09-2003, 07:53 AM
SD, relax ... you can't win a p*ssing match long-distance, and like your sifu says, arguing is pointless. Everyone has their opinion about different styles.

Heck, this is mild ... go over to the NPM forum and type "Wah Lum" anywhere ... watch the hilarity ensue. :D

04-09-2003, 08:12 AM
hehe... yeah....
I usually only check these forums while Im at work though... so im already going to have a bitter tone ;)
Anyhow... F*ck it and forget it... not worth my time.
Oh well.
happy posting.
BTW... to all who read my posts, I tried to change my name as to not unfairly represent my style, but I cant. sooo... Dont take my opinions for the beliefs of Shaolin do as a whole, as they are just my personal opinions, not meant for any misrepresentation.