View Full Version : whats happening???

04-08-2003, 09:13 PM
hey guys whats happening,its gone a bit limp hasn't it?

why cr@p threads,honestly i leave you alone for a few months.....

hey f.t is it dew to this new moderator?whats his name?is it
"2 star hotel" $10 hks an hour???

listen carefully 2 star satifaction is for the greedy.......hahahahaha


Yum Cha
04-09-2003, 12:08 AM
Hi Sui,

Yes, it is rather boring without your contributions. Got any apples? <grin>.

04-09-2003, 12:17 AM
5 star hotel - $10 an hour.... X 100. :)

04-09-2003, 12:20 AM
There has been plenty of recent excitement, but of course I couldn't have that, so I ended it.

04-14-2003, 01:22 AM
hi hows it going yum?not so many apples but quantum physics,once again.

gravity?what do you recon yum?

well with me bieng over here,the practicing buddist that are here DO NOT sercome to this sientific notion.yet the tao do,why i wonder?

hi 2star how are you?so you ended it?but the money is not the issue but instead the moral fibre,go to know you are so called learning in your western way.lol.


Yum Cha
04-14-2003, 05:37 PM
Hi Sui, 7*

Hey, one man's apple is another man's physics. One man's Karma is another man's Science. Which is disease? Perhaps it depends on your perspective?

What do the ancestors tell you?

04-15-2003, 10:37 PM
yum they tell me not to think so much if i hear them correctly."let go of your fear to live and die is but one".
how difficult is that to accept?

this learning gets tire some don't you think?but then what the point of living eh?


Yum Cha
04-15-2003, 11:48 PM
Well said Sui. That sounds like just what the ancestors could tell you that you couldn't figure out yourself.

Learning tiresom? Unfortunately, its one of lifes last vices I feel free to indulge myself in, now that anonymous sport sex is off the table.

So, what are you doing in HK anyway? Work? Pleasure? Been down to visit the Pak Mei people? You're old friend?

04-16-2003, 01:25 AM
So I'm bored at work and you're doing pak mei in HK? Life can be unfair...

Training Pak Mei, beer in cafe Felix in the Peninsula, overeating in the Korean "all you can eat" BBQ places & chilling in Joe Banana's, D@mn, I must plan my next vacation fast!

Regards, Lau

04-24-2003, 11:59 PM
i've been in hk for a while now.all that i will say is that its a dark time for me ,with temptation and all.
i've met a brother and my uncle of pm but not gone to the otherside since mom passed.challenges are few.i've been planning to go down to TST of wing chun for a few bouts but with sars,i'm staying in so that i can travel back once business is done,or almost done.

lau,lol,i'm a peasant.the penninsula is a dream.still 12 green rolls guards this palace.
come over and give me something to hit.unless you are afraid of sars.lol

i know yum,how is sars related to kung fu?this will be intreasting,your answer that is?lol

see you later gents.

04-25-2003, 05:03 AM
That's exactly right this forum has gotten lammer than the lamest duck. But don't give youself so much credit Sui - because frankly speaking I don't recall your posts as being a least bit memorable.

There was a bit of fun i had with this Hung Kai Vun guy who wanted a wheel chair challenge with me on the Jerry springer Show. That was memorable as i didn't think he was that stupid.

There were a few others from Australia (or so they say) who think that I'm someone else like goktimus. But they too have departed from the scene. Not to say that they had much to speak about - its just that their repetitiveness and lack of vocab suggest that they must be from some inbred rural town.

There's afew who happen to be quite smart - but generally speakiing, the southern kung fu community is a close minded lot. Lacking the athelitism to do northern kung fu, they settle for something less phycially challenging, below self defence or performance arts.

Anyway I have returned again to this forum, if not to educate a new brunch of freshies, to breath some life into this dying community you call a southern kung fu forum.

Ao Qin
04-25-2003, 08:10 PM
Hi Ego,

Believe me, I'm one of your greatest fans on this forum, but I've often wondered why, if we southerners are all so terribly pathetic in your esteem, would you squander so much of your precious time on us? Wouldn't your time be better spent learning and growing in whatever art appeals more to you? Or is it better to be a big fish in a small pond?

Toodles, AQ

04-26-2003, 06:39 PM
Ao Qin,

Why? because the well being of every human being on this planet matters. I am happy to speard some good words, hope and eduacation to the miserable existence of some on this forum. Clearly the way southern kung fu is being taught is in need of reform. Too long have well meaning students served under the yoke and lies of southern masters. They pretend to offer self defence - yes self defence after 30 to 40 years of training. It takes less than 25 years for a child to gather most of what they need to be an adult - but 40 years before they can defend themselves? this is utterly nonesense. But southern masters in their cunning ways have been brainwashing their students and instilling outdated chinese culture to them. As a result many on this forum believe that they require to take part in chinese cultural events in their kung fu. Again this is a waste of time. What these southern masters are doing is ensuring a life time annuity from each student and breed a new generation of that is based on lies and deception.

Southern Kung fu is in need of reform. Although it may be unpopular in the beginning I know I am right and will be vindicated in the end.

04-27-2003, 09:58 PM
I'm STILL challenging you, Ego.

You wanted to fight, here I am.

Then again, you still haven't figured out that you live in Australia and not New Jersey.

I gave you my address, offered to face you, and here you are still talking trash. You who has never stepped foot in the continental United States.

Bring Springer over :rolleyes:

Yum Cha
04-27-2003, 10:29 PM
Ok, before the death match gets started, let me see if I can provide a moments entertainment for Sui with my feeble attempt to answer his question.

Sars and Kung Fu. Well, I bet traditional Chinese medicine practitioners have a treatment, probably nothing beyond any regular "stay healthy" aid.

The idea being to make yourself an unasailable target to the disease, to fight it by keeping yourself in your best health, a hard target. Running at 5% fatality rate (last I heard, please chime in if you have better info) Sars is by no means a death sentence, but facing it nevertheless requires you to face death and other base fears.

I read about a man who hung himself when he thought his wife had Sars, they found him hanging in the hospital room when they brought back the negative results.

So, now tell me Sui, have you learned anything new on your current trip to Hong Kong?

Shaolin Master
04-28-2003, 03:32 AM
I just came back from my Wudang trip............(organise agreement with San Feng Wushu Yuan [You Xuan De] as Aus rep)...........but I think it is futile..........as I sit here barely breathing hoping to overcome this **** thing.........

04-29-2003, 02:36 PM
Awww crap. I had lots of questions for Shaolin Master ... and now he's croaked ! I shall wander endlessly in wonder and ignorance I guess ... no wait ! There's still some here who hold knowledge to all, isn't there ?

04-30-2003, 12:40 AM
hahaha i am well entertained well wrote.

no i haven't. still learning through a glance"left and right"moves of len fa shui is blossoming,but the mental practice of"if i should not if i could"leaves me in torment?i have excelled in my search for balance but keep falling......the roots are stronger but lack a certain leaf wich will fall,frail in autumn.

anything with you,like new studs etc?


Yum Cha
04-30-2003, 06:02 PM
Yes, indeed! I see your search for balance continues with enthusiasm, even if you still doubt the value. Falling is as much a part of climbing as rising, perhaps more, as with out the fear of falling, the climb is worth less. What value is a good view versus conquering death?

You're not a young man, you already know what you could. I know your temptations, perhaps even share them, to some extent, but this is not the future. Will it be wrenched from your hand or will you yeild to it as stone yeilds to wind?

New Students? Yes, most interesting is a Wing Chun student coming to learn. I get to touch his hands a bit, he's not a novice... I think he has promise, if he decides in his heart to change style. If he just wants to add it together, he'll muddle for awhile and lose interest I fear.

I've always been told you can teach Pak Mei over other styles, and give them Pak Mei power, but I have to admit, it doesn't always work that way. Some styles are more "adaptable" than others. The untrained novices seem to progress fastest.

05-05-2003, 01:53 AM
yes i agree yum.

if he loses intrest its because of time,alot of pple are in a hurry like myself and don't see this as progress instead a set back.

pak mie power and wing chun power is already mixed------sip batt mor and i guess thats where the muddle is?

the innocent novice will progress faster but then a major setback deeper i believe.it balances out.

oh btw you are not a youngman but atleast l'm younger than you.lol


p.s tell me more about are temptations?do they balance that what i want to know bro:)

Yum Cha
05-05-2003, 08:20 PM
Yes older, and wiser, remember that...<grin>.

One thing I remember from my novice years was the total lack of comprehension of what really waited ahead. It's like climbing a mountain, everytime you clear the rise you thought would reveal the summit, you were simply presented with another incline, some more brutal, some more benign. Each presenting in its time its own challenges.

I think by definition, temptations are not in balance. Or, are they simply a response to another imbalance?

05-07-2003, 09:17 PM
:) ecellent

a young man,thills at destruction and yawns at creation.

a mid-age man searches for meaning,accomplishments and worthyness.

a old man searches for peace and tranquility.

so brother you are **** old,and no i won't forget it lol.

are all men tempted and how many and why take it?


Yum Cha
05-07-2003, 09:36 PM
A lovely bit of wisdom my poetic friend. Well worth the price of admission.

Ahhh, yes, peace and tranquility are out due rewards, I guess it just depends on how long it takes one to earn your rewards.....

I guess I should be honoured that you preceive that I have earned mine, however I cannot concur.

I'm still trying to learn the difference between the dragon and the tiger.

Ben Gash
05-08-2003, 03:01 PM
Sui and Yum Cha, is it me or you who's had too much mescalin? I'm having difficulty telling........

05-09-2003, 12:05 AM
yum do you believe a man can ern this in a moment where as others a million years?and why of course?

the dragon and the tiger?lol then the man......lol

not erned brother but earning,yes,rememder this "it takes 2 to tango"!!! however when one is centered there is only one center of the universe.you are the "king of kings"

great kung fu is not sucking the marrow out of life!
my question-which is greater?

benjamine,do you not write poetry???lets feel some if you care to print?


p.s whats up with ft?

05-09-2003, 07:40 PM
Hey Yummy,
Is there a difference between the tiger and the dragon?

If so who to- The tiger? The Dragon? or the donkey?

Peace and tranquility is it yours to earn If so wouldn't you be better off dead?

Is it the style changes that changes the man?

05-10-2003, 01:45 AM
well cloud,its all belief in what happens when you die?some say nothing,but i don't believe we are that lucky.
i say torment,regret.lol


p.s every moment changes yet you do not.

now answer this brother cloud:why is pak mei more superior than wing chun?

05-10-2003, 06:41 AM
Bro Sui,

Even you're the Champ in the Bak Mei Pai. RH is here and you're in big trouble.

Btw, how did you handle Yuanfen's wing chun lin wan kuen?


Roger Rollinghand

05-10-2003, 07:08 AM
Hey Sui, still busting balls?
Why is Pak Mei more superior than wing chun-mmmmm
Which is more superior the mouse or the cat?

Don't laugh too loud at Rollinghand's question on Yuanfen's lin wan kuen.

He still has the problem of getting Yuanfen to consider him.LOL

But hey sui might be nice enough to show you how to deal with the Golden Boy of the Wing Chun forum.

By the look of the w.c forum you definately need help.lololol

Yum Cha
05-11-2003, 07:25 PM

>>>>"do you believe a man can ern this in a moment where as others a million years? and why of course?"<<<<

I wouldn't say a moment, as I wouldn't say a million years. The earning comes in the doing, and not to do is not to earn, the two go hand in hand, to become satisifed with "having it" is by definition to lose it. Likewise, after a million years, perhaps another million wouldn't illuminate it for some.

But, in principle some quicker, some slower, some succeed, some fail. It is the human condition. The question of why? I would hazard to guess, that growth comes from within, and can't only be found by searching outside of your self alone. And, as with all things there is a balance, a mix of the two, and the search for that balance is the stuff of growth.

>>>>"not erned brother but earning, yes, rememder this "it takes 2 to tango"!!! however when one is centered there is only one center of the universe. you are the "king of kings"<<<<

Yes it takes two, but you reckon there can only be one. But, you said it takes two. There is no King, only those that pursue the title, perhaps to hold it for a moment before time prises it from their grasp. When it comes down to the your humanity, you are alone, no matter what you do or are, there is but you alone in your self, and love, hate, admiration, disgust are just what you show to others. As you come into this world, so you shall leave it.

"great kung fu is not sucking the marrow out of life!
my question-which is greater?"

Sorry Sui, all out of answers. What do you think is greater?

I reckon FT is out there lurking, waiting for his chance to pounce...

Yes, we donkey's are often prey... Everybody loves a piece of Ass.

>>>"Peace and tranquility is it yours to earn If so wouldn't you be better off dead?"<<<<

Tell me what you've earned and I'll tell you about the search for peace and tranquility.

Do you find tranquility at full-tilt-boggie? Do you find peace amidst chaos? Peace is an element of life, not death, yet death is our final reward, eh? You tell me, am I better off dead? Am I dead already? Is learning to live your life, learning to accept your death?

Why is Pak Mei superior? If I stick to my belief that no style is superior, then I would have to say that perhaps Pak Mei just draws a Superior individual...<grin>or creates them from common stuff.

05-11-2003, 11:29 PM
pn the topic of sars anf Kung-Fu-we have been sending face masks to Hong Kong because they are in such short supply. I suggest that others also do this. They are cheap here and easy to obtain.

05-18-2003, 09:20 PM
we walked to the sea just my father and me
and the dogs played around on the sand

winter cold cut the air hanging still everywhere
did he say:"come,hold my hand"

its not easy when you're far away
its,only easy when you write

We're just ships that pass in the night
when we smile then we say its allright

we're still here,its just that we're out of sight
just like though's ships that pass in the night.


we walked to the sea just my father and me
and the dogs played around on the sand

winter cold cut the air hanging still everywhere
did he say:"come,hold my hand"

05-18-2003, 09:45 PM
the other side of pak mie?

ans:wing chun.lol

superior comes within,and roger a doughnut has no center.or does it?quantum physics my lad.so brother you are wellcome......but cloud topels you with the mouse and cat.creat in the w/c forum and i'll come and help.


05-19-2003, 06:24 PM
sui- did you write that poem?
It's pretty good!!
(never mind the pak mei)

05-21-2003, 09:24 PM
ans:wing chun.lol

superior comes within,and roger a doughnut has no center.or does it?


Bro Sui,

Obsession may be forcing you to over play your Bak Mei fist. Nothing good comes from fixation. Back off so you can get a more balanced view of WING CHUN.


Roger Rollinghand

05-21-2003, 11:00 PM
i have no loyalty to any fist,i am a son of a b*stard.lol
as for your fixation did your grandparents conceive your parents out of wedlock-theres no shame even the great Da vinchey was of this nature.


p.s roger on a serious note w/c is niether here or there,very indecisive,can't take blows,buis,pheonix eyes,palms etc of pm.yet pm are trained to take all these plus w/c.

so go ahead roger give it to me,all your might.


05-22-2003, 06:27 PM
p.s roger on a serious note w/c is niether here or there,very indecisive,can't take blows,buis,pheonix eyes,palms etc of pm.yet pm are trained to take all these plus w/c.

so go ahead roger give it to me,all your might.



Bro Sui,

On a serious note....

You my discover a new trick or two while you're at it;blows,buis,pheonix eyes,palms etc of pm.

But no one can touch RH's centerline....hahaha!

05-22-2003, 11:06 PM
sorry rh,but don't you mean no-one of yips wing chun can touch your center?
me personally woudn't go for your center,instead chop you down,its much more painful that way.only time will tell that your center has been touched,by you.

you are confident rh,however i sense some hesitation.maybe its because you're in the woods?your bak mei can't save you here let alone your wing chun.

don't tell me you're following yuan about?don't do this to me please.


fiercest tiger
05-24-2003, 02:04 AM
Very nice come back at RH!!

rh, not everything is centerline, WATCH OUT for sui, count 1,2 and 3 your down....by the hand of sui...........!

He has rolled the bamboo too long nothing will stop sui.

(SUI) WHATS UP BABY? CLOUD your still here as the boywonder sui's side kick....can i join the gang......im not hakka but chinaman trapped in a white body



i have been lurking, you feel my presence old donkey!;)

"You bakkkkkkkkkkk Meiiiiiiii is the best ive seen" Those bai mei fist are terrible!!!....in a chinese voice from a shaw brothers movie.


Yum Cha
05-25-2003, 06:46 PM
<Yummy mouths a series of words, changing inflection back and forth, hesitates and speaks one more sentence, then smiles>


So, Roger Rollinghand, I have to pay my respects to your style. I met the most competitent wing chun player this weekend. I don't quite agree with all the elements of the "technology" but touching his hands I could feel a level of skill, undeniable. He had a Mui Thai background, which I suspect had hardened him up a bit. We swapped a few tales as well. He was a young bloke, mid-20's I hazard to guess.

I also got the chance to meet Jon....<grin> He's very talented, not just talk. He's well on the Way.

05-26-2003, 05:11 AM
bannana joe's goes off i love that place did you go to china jump its closed now but was hot my girl's causins work in thes bars, missing it now !!! oh, wan chai

05-27-2003, 01:14 AM
hi f.t,so you've been lurking have you?you know the bamboo is my favorite,lol and you also know that wing chun can't deflect let alone stick,eh bro.lol

hey yum,i suspect that 90 percent do take m-t to balance their femininty.
i have no doubt that jon is talented[it shows in his writing]however he doesn't believe in the word talent.also"not just talk"well,opinions vary,now doesn't it?until i meet him which i hope i do[before i'm as old as you]i won't be able to experience if he is on the way to his death?but i'm glad he touches you as he touches me in his writing,but hence quality is not touched yet,or may never will be?


p.s jon if you're reading[and roger]ba-gua is not a style but a status/stage point wich no-one can teach you.do i haqve evidence to prove this?yes when i meet you face to face with no words.please don't take that the wrong way i want to meet you for a play or more as a healthy competitor.
also f.t knows maybe can't explain but never the less ask him.

05-27-2003, 02:45 PM
Very nice come back at RH!!

rh, not everything is centerline, WATCH OUT for sui, count 1,2 and 3 your down....by the hand of sui...........!



A tiger, while you're at it, a four legged animal, you're not thrilled about pressing a point - "not everything is centerline".....hahaha, indeed, you're an old pro -"without your centerline".

On a serious note, skip the reasons and excuses. It's all just about smoke-screen. Get to the point - which is setting up a centerline that you will be able to keep.

05-27-2003, 03:03 PM

rh, not everything is centerline, FT

Your statement shows that you are lost surely if you don't know the alpha and Omega Rolling_Hand can show you the way.

Yum Cha
05-27-2003, 05:58 PM
Well, an old donkey like me is easy for these young guns to push around <wink>. You should show more respect for the aged, allow me some dignity in my infirmity...

As for MT, one of the most important things for a fighter to learn is how to get hit. People come upon this experience in different ways, eh?

There are two schools of WC here in Oz. The ones that keep their stance small, and the ones that have a wider stance, a leg drops back. What's the history of that?

05-27-2003, 07:31 PM
Hey the old gang is here-----Hooray I thought it wasn't just F.T's school that had gone to sleep but the whole Bak Mei Pai.
LOL, nice to see you have your wit still sui, but ''your weakness is not your technique''
hey yummy still trying to catch sui's tail, well good luck and ''your weakness is your technique'' HEHEHE.

Hey F.t rolling hand has invisible hands and superior footwork, so centreline or not can you find his centre?(ask yuanfen he knows the secrets)

BTW viagra does the trick to harden your wing chun pole,so I have heard.

05-27-2003, 07:48 PM
Hey F.t rolling hand has invisible hands and superior footwork, so centreline or not can you find his centre?(ask yuanfen he knows the secrets)


Cloud One,

hahaha....be picky about where to invest your energies.

About that Yuanfen, you have a wonderful way of telling it like it is while making FT chuckle.

05-29-2003, 03:16 AM
hey yum i've seen your "stances",you're no push over and niether is roger.i do respect you while its morning,then we tango?
totally agree we must be hit to know,wake up or sleep,may even die,if you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen eh yum?

looks like no-one wants to go at the history of w/c.well yum its like this fung ken/hung kuen is responsible for many kf eg.wing chun.yip mans is a new[and some say improved] session.thats all i'll say,unless you wanna have a go at me roger?

hahahaah cloud,my weakness is my strength and thats cruel to say about yum.and roger's not laughing these are our brothers but somewhere in the dark yuan is laughing.so am i hahahahaha.


p.s yum how do you know i'm "not just talk?"

fiercest tiger
05-29-2003, 05:04 AM
same goes for FT's Body shifting can a centerline be felt? lol

Is there a DOOR / GATE to enter? maybe??


Hey my school is closed but still teaching mate, still strong my friend YKM will live forever....AHHHAHAHAHAHAHA LOL:)

05-29-2003, 08:09 AM
' hahaha....be picky about where to invest your energies'
Got you.........Ok so where should I invest my energies?

Hey F.T- press hard press soft do you decide? or has roger gone.......with the wind!!!!

''Is there a DOOR / GATE to enter? maybe??'' are you asking or have you found any?

YKM will live forever- but what's in a name?
Do you make YKm alive or are you alive????

p.s yum how do you know i'm "not just talk?" talk is cheap and it only takes a click!!!! but that click can open a can of worms----hey sui:D

05-29-2003, 05:09 PM
<<Got you.........Ok so where should I invest my energies?>>Cloud One

Clond one,

How about have a go with Yuanfen yourself?

hahaha....so you don't have to hide behind my back!

<<looks like no-one wants to go at the history of w/c.well yum its like this fung ken/hung kuen is responsible for many kf eg.wing chun.yip mans is a new[and some say improved] session.thats all i'll say,unless you wanna have a go at me roger?>>Sui


Things will unravel before they come together, so adopt a more fleexible approach. Wing Chun is the way to go. IMO, the Bak Mei stance is too hard, and the fists are too stiff.

hahaha......you're having a donut - *no center*

On a serious note, what WC history are you talking about? Have you forgotten that story between WC and Bak Mei in China two years ago? That Bak Mei Grandmaster both father and son were down by the Fatshan WC fighter. Now, that's the real WC history you should know about. LOL!

05-29-2003, 06:20 PM

Yum Cha
05-29-2003, 07:05 PM
Wing Chun history.

Without bias, and as a casual observer, I was always under the impression that regardless of its original roots, or it components, that Wing Chun was a tool of the Anti Ching revolutionaries that wanted to train up an "army" of rebels, quickly and efficiently. It was the first of the "scientific" arts if you will. It was taught by the guys on the red or the green boat, or something like that, a travelling entertainment boat, Opera, theatre, or something like that. It all started at the same time as the triads.

Now, what it was made from could be relevent, just like what Pak Mei was originally made of could be relevent, however I suspect it is its more modern phase which we know and love so much <grin>.

Is that anywhere close Roger?

Your comments on Pak Mei hands being hard are fair ones. Pak Mei hands are harder, and in a difference, there is an opportunity, and as the opportunity goes both ways, it comes down to the practitioner, training, sifu.

I've been told of WC seniors that could rotate the torso quickly enough to dodge attacks and send the attacker falling over their own feet.

It appears to me, however, that Wing Chun focuses on the centerline techniques, and while Pak Mei has this, it has much more as well. This is the problem with the widespread nature of WC, its easy to see it, know how it works and plan strategy against it.

What has me most interested is the difference in the stance between two WC clans, one close, toes in, one with the foot dropped back.


Concerning Futsan WC. Do you know of the Mirrored Trophy and a Guangzhou Pak Mei fighter named "ah Bang." There is a history here, how much of it do you know?


Cloud, what ever in the world made you think I thought you were anything more than talk?? Get your hand off it.

Sui - you're my buddy Sui, what makes you think I'd doubt you? You don't doubt yourself, do you? Now, what's all this about "b@st@rd" kung fu??


And who is Yuanfen? Is this like 3 billy goats gruff?

05-29-2003, 11:34 PM
This is the problem with the widespread nature of WC, its easy to see it, know how it works and plan strategy against it.
Really? :D

05-30-2003, 05:37 AM
I been waiting here for months, where you been man?!

Still making trouble in chinatown lol?!

05-31-2003, 12:15 PM
<<Without bias, and as a casual observer, I was always under the impression that regardless of its original roots, or it components, that Wing Chun was a tool of the Anti Ching revolutionaries that wanted to train up an "army" of rebels, quickly and efficiently. It was the first of the "scientific" arts if you will. It was taught by the guys on the red or the green boat, or something like that, a travelling entertainment boat, Opera, theatre, or something like that. It all started at the same time as the triads.>>Yum Cha

We like to remind ourselves that this part of WCK history was founded by two risk-takers, and our ancestors and heirs want that to continue...--RH

<<Now, what it was made from could be relevent, just like what Pak Mei was originally made of could be relevent, however I suspect it is its more modern phase which we know and love so much <grin>.

Is that anywhere close Roger?>>Yum Cha

Past history certainly colors actions, but it shouldn't become an excuse. You may want to learn a little more about your centerline in your kung-fu. hahaha...please don't shoot at me, I'm just a wild bird and I like to sing my song.--RH

<<Your comments on Pak Mei hands being hard are fair ones. Pak Mei hands are harder, and in a difference, there is an opportunity, and as the opportunity goes both ways, it comes down to the practitioner, training, sifu.>>Yum Cha

What used to open for debate is now marked "off limits." As for that Bak Mei father & son story, you don't want to be taken along the ride.--RH

<<I've been told of WC seniors that could rotate the torso quickly enough to dodge attacks and send the attacker falling over their own feet.>>Yum Cha

LOL...have you talked to Yuanfen lately?--RH

<<It appears to me, however, that Wing Chun focuses on the centerline techniques, and while Pak Mei has this, it has much more as well. This is the problem with the widespread nature of WC, its easy to see it, know how it works and plan strategy against it.>>Yum Cha

You see...that's your problem here -"plan strategy against it." In WC, we don't need to think, we just react to it. A donut for you - "You have no time to plan anything in the real fight."--RH

<<What has me most interested is the difference in the stance between two WC clans, one close, toes in, one with the foot dropped back.>>Yum Cha

Yeah....WC is a big family. Sometimes people want to talk about
Microbiology. because they want to impress you. LOL!

<<Concerning Futsan WC. Do you know of the Mirrored Trophy and a Guangzhou Pak Mei fighter named "ah Bang." There is a history here, how much of it do you know?>>Yum Cha

I'm listening if you have a story to tell.--RH

05-31-2003, 07:57 PM
hahahahaha,my god you don't know do you roger?cloud stuffed your buddy about a year ago[on about 3 different threads] so i don't know what hes laughing about.maybe,its that you caio down like a good boy.....hahahaha
"things will unravel"==so you're telling me you don't know,well thats fair enough.
no i haven't forgotten,all i can say they don't represent I.so what ever their problems with wing chun they must be cr@p.
pm stances-I only have 3 the same as w/c.your problem roger is you trust w/c wich is foolish my little bird,here have some more worms.LOL

yuan,2 words-lim lik.hahahahaha oh some more-you don't know it.lol oh some more-mole hill comes to muhamed.lol

hi bui you good?

yum,doubt is too strong,but as you've asked yes i do.it happens when i think.
come to hk you will see,there is no middle ground.and you can't doze for a second.
hahahahahah yes yuan is something like that.

sui xxx

05-31-2003, 08:57 PM
hahahahaha,my god you don't know do you roger?cloud stuffed your buddy about a year ago[on about 3 different threads] >>SUI


Is there a story behind Cloud's backyard?

Though you hate going backward. It's clear that a report about Cloud may be in order....hahaha!

Yum Cha
06-01-2003, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by Rolling_Hand

What used to open for debate is now marked "off limits." As for that Bak Mei father & son story, you don't want to be taken along the ride.--RH

The father and son story is a little different in Guangzhou.

<<I've been told of WC seniors that could rotate the torso quickly enough to dodge attacks and send the attacker falling over their own feet.>>Yum Cha

LOL...have you talked to Yuanfen lately?--RH

I see, it is something better explained by an elite player, like Yuanfen?

<<It appears to me, however, that Wing Chun focuses on the centerline techniques, and while Pak Mei has this, it has much more as well. This is the problem with the widespread nature of WC, its easy to see it, know how it works and plan strategy against it.>>Yum Cha

You see...that's your problem here -"plan strategy against it." In WC, we don't need to think, we just react to it. A donut for you - "You have no time to plan anything in the real fight."--RH

You overstate the obvious. I mean no disrespect for your art, I offer only my insight that you might consider it. I think you agree with my simple theory. Practice, practice, practice. When you touch only your training can carry the day. If you practice the same weak sh1t, you fight weak sh1t. If you practice hard sh1t, you get hard sh1t, and weak sh1t too, for whatever its worth. I don't use side kicks, but you would understand my arrogance when I say I can attack one, because I have the training. If you live in America, I would lay better than even odds you've never seen the hand, much less touched it, much less trained against it. Yet you are so sure. Strategy is not your combinations, but the belief that to know your enemy is to know yourself.

You are right in respecting the centerline. But the weakness is in the horizontal centerline, against a vertical centerline, perhaps also called an axis. There's a hole for your doughnit. And you can rotate on it.

And with Pak Mei, you can turn even a stone into gold.

<<What has me most interested is the difference in the stance between two WC clans, one close, toes in, one with the foot dropped back.>>Yum Cha

Yeah....WC is a big family. Sometimes people want to talk about
Microbiology. because they want to impress you. LOL!

All life comes from microbiology, perhaps again I should ask Yuanfen?

<<Concerning Futsan WC. Do you know of the Mirrored Trophy and a Guangzhou Pak Mei fighter named "ah Bang." There is a history here, how much of it do you know?>>Yum Cha

I'm listening if you have a story to tell.--RH

1966 Lai (or Ly, Li) Ban (or bang) The trophy was a mirrored plaque awarded by the Futsan Wing Chun to the Champion of a Challenge tournament. I don't know too much more about it, perhaps you might enquire if you have any sources, it was a WC thing. 1966 puts it at the end of the era of the suppression of the 4 old ways, but not in the open yet.

Sui - certainly you find no doubt when you think like a Tiger? UK, I wish. Are you back now, or still in HK?

06-02-2003, 06:47 AM
You are right in respecting the centerline. But the weakness is in the horizontal centerline, against a vertical centerline, perhaps also called an axis. There's a hole for your doughnit. And you can rotate on it.
Sorry= you dont understand wing chun. You first master the
vertical-then the horizontals. One step ata time in development.
Dont mistake the step for the whole walk.

Yum Cha
06-02-2003, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by yuanfen
You are right in respecting the centerline. But the weakness is in the horizontal centerline, against a vertical centerline, perhaps also called an axis. There's a hole for your doughnit. And you can rotate on it.
Sorry= you dont understand wing chun. You first master the
vertical-then the horizontals. One step ata time in development.
Dont mistake the step for the whole walk.

The most interesting WC I've seen are some demo clips from "Sifu Grados" in NY I believe. Does he rate? We have a guy here named Sifu Jim Fung as well, I've seen his stuff a few years back, and watched his seniors fight. Are they on the WC map?

How far from Hopi Land is Tempe? Isn't there a University in Tempe?

06-04-2003, 07:17 PM
Hey yum,

Yuan will be sorry when you touch his hands with your geng jak ging hands;)

Axis, centreline, proof is in the touch. although reading your Mushy books might not work for you this time!

Strategy is to know your enemy as you know yourself- wise words, are they yours or are they Mushy's?
If they are yours what made you come to that conclusion?
If they are Mushy's what made him come to that conclusion?

Hmmm fresh donuts for Yum:D :D :D

Yum Cha
06-04-2003, 08:26 PM
I tell you, Australia is sadly lacking in quality doughnits....we got your common garden variety, but none of the real special, fruity, fancy, filled, or supersized kind you get in the States. That's probably why our cops look like they have low blood sugar...

So, you think I can't appreciate a good doughnit? Hardly. Hrumph.

Firstly Cloud, in an ideal world, your hands never touch your opponents hands, they touch his body. Regardless of who you or your opponent are, or the style.

Secondly, The quote is probably Musashi, its one of those things I've simply known so long its second nature. <grin> Read it and find out.

Why? Perhaps you should offer your interpretation in an attempt to tease me into play....

Like Sui says, it takes two to tango. Two to complete the balance.

06-17-2003, 06:01 AM
well yum looks like you stuffed everybody.no-ones got anything to say.

r-h whats it feel like to be stuffed from a pm guy?hahahaha

yuan-you are not in the same league as r-h.he is respected here for his w\c here you are not.and whats it like being stuffed by one of our seniors??? hahahaha

cloud looks like yuan is still chasing you[muhammed] be careful you might have to show him your lim lik.hahahaha
you're not scare of yummy are you?

yum still in hk but not for long.want to come to oz but for the sars decrimination.but i hope soon.
tiger question?try not to think like a tiger to much fire cannot be controlled in my opinion,even by the wisest of all dragons[i'm a walking anomoly of this.lol.and as for r-h's backwards theory yes i am,ready to return a dfifferent samsara to his doughnut.but r-h this is much clearer to me and there are less temptations.

p.s you bet it takes 2 to tango.;) hey yum.

pps mush is less advance,also japanese and the simplicity of a zen buddhist.true if you are him.don't you think?

Yum Cha
06-17-2003, 06:58 PM
I was a bit disappointed the thread had died. It seems the WC Cadre simply didn't have enough bigger billy goats to parade across the bridge...

Perhaps they prefer the part of the troll under the bridge, as opposed to the billy goat, (or donkey) that crosses over...I dunno. They're your friends, I tried to be honest, up front and respectful. Perhaps it was just to boring.

Mushi is fun, just like Ma Bu. Strong foundations upon which to build, but no temple. Craft, but not craftsmanship.

Still in HK? What? Have they closed the boarders, or is it just hard to get a flight? We don't hear much these days. Do you have family/work there to keep you busy, or are you just on extended holiday?

The old Dragon Master, Chan Yu Gai (sp?), just retired last month. Another one of the Great Old Masters closing his hands. I know him by reputation only, he knew my Si Gung inhis youth when they both trained with Lam Yu Gwai. There are ever fewer of these great men teaching openly, its sad.

06-20-2003, 11:47 AM
how are you yum?

this is it,if they'd only practice "sinking the bridge" instead of "seeking the bridge"?let that be our little secrect eh yum.lol

yes boring to them but for poets,true to nature.

even though haven't met mush or read,i agree.

no not in hk.my last post was in the airport of the arrivals coffee place on the right;) and you're getting a bit personal now.

well for what its worth,i don't think its sad but instead real to enlightenment.you can show me poetry but teach me another thing.is this where you really want to go?you might not respect me in the morning my friend?


Yum Cha
06-22-2003, 11:37 PM
OK, perhaps Sad on a personal level, good as this is the way of life, to be born, to mature and to pass into the realm of the immortals. My comments were only as a mark of respect for a man worthy of it.

Ei Yah Sui! Could I ever presume to teach you? I'm just a broken down old donkey with a taste for apples. Nevertheless, I'll take it with thanks as a sign of respect.

I'm sure I could teach you no more than the tea can teach the cup about form and function. As they say, we must all learn how to empty the cup.

Funny you should mention sinking bridges.....me old chum. First you sink the bridge, then you teach them how to fly? Is that right??

Be well.

06-25-2003, 08:38 AM
flight is impossible to those w/c girls,lol no muscle a few feathers and a beak that just keeps peckin.hahahaha

as they say,but i learn from your poetry,or didn't you know that?

respect i'll show you when or if we meet.but hey i'm not in oz but i wish i was so i could go to that dinner that f.t has invited us to.
is there any cross hands at those dinners?well there definatly would if i went[for a laugh that is]

hey f.t,i might f--- everything here and join you.man it would be a blast i'm sure.have you got my vcd yet?

yum are you going??? if so let me know and i'll send you and f,t a photo so you can act as if i were there.

see ya guys

Yum Cha
06-25-2003, 06:58 PM
If you find my writing entertaining, then I am happy to have repaid some small measure of my debt to you in kind. I appreciate your gifts. In the words of my Sifu, everything is Kung Fu.

If you came to Oz, we would throw a dinner in your honour. But its a long way to come just to feed your hunger. But perhaps you are a wealthy man, and can indulge such extravagance, who knows. You are welcome here, and I know I speak for several Sydney-siders when I say our hands are extended in friendship.

I hope to make the dinner, but I can't quite commit to crossing chopsticks with the Sydney family as yet.

06-27-2003, 01:55 AM
entertaining?yes i suppose,but a learning curve never the less.but to me kung fu isn't everything but yes everything is in kung fu.

now you tease me,not wealthy but heathy as to means of possibility?my curiosity to the oz hand,i must admit is intriging.and it would be great to see you guys.to learn of course of the self.

haven't you earned your place yet?i'm suprised with such poetry.or is it your size that matters?lol cause i know your a big guy and that can be daunting to some.i see it that the smaller the person,the better the root can be,the better the balance can be and the energy concentrated.big ppl arn't slow but can be made slow.
a so called master said once[japanese art]"a good big one will always lick a good small one" of course i proved him wrong.i'm 5.8" when tall but sink/shrink to less than 5,its very difficult to manipulate me,strike me etc even if you know how,but not impossible.


Yum Cha
06-29-2003, 04:50 PM
Hey Sui, an interesting question size.

Lam Yu Gwai, a beer keg of a man, and GM Cheung lai Cheun, a willow whip. Do their respective styles reflect the physical attributes of the master, or does it wash across every aspect of size, speed, weight and reach?

If you had 8 hands to choose, would you learn one, a few, or would you want to have them all? And would they then be yours, or would they still be from the immortals?

Big is relative. Sure, at 5'11, 210 lbs, I am not small, I'm big enough to scare most (but not all) my Asian brothers, but not really "Big", like some of my 6'3" or 6'4" inch 250 lb friends. In all truth, I consider myself about middle. I am handicapped by not having bigger boys to train with.

Also, there are ways to make yourself "bigger" in the eyes of your opponent, physicaly, and psychologically... For example, few people realise just how small Lee Siu Lung was.

fiercest tiger
06-30-2003, 12:02 AM
You havent answered if you are going to the bak mei dinner this year, are you or not?:) I feel you aint is there a problem? Give me a call tomorrow quickly let me know please mate!!

Depends on how big your heart is, seize isnt a thing when you know the principles!


Sui, sorry about last night bro!:)

06-30-2003, 02:54 AM
the both gm's had weakness's too,as all of us do.in comparison i would favour clc as to lyg.as i've heard i am similar frame to him.
for instance.teachers teach,fighters fight and students learn.clc is all of these three,was lyg?

well i would want,then give up trying,only to realize that it was one hand all along.;) what separates my hand from the immortals?

sorry yum i meant compared with the ppl that you dine with on these dinners?not with your school.
i too class myself as middle,however,why am i taught to shrink/sink to a smaller frame were you are taught to precieve bigger?
so does size matter?

f.t its ok but i do have a sore a$$ no way am i gonna share a room with you "the crying game".
so you don't think size matters when you know the princepals?but does it matter if you don't know the princepals?

well i don't have a big heart,so size should matter to me?big spirit or little spirit?or spirit no spirit?or throw caution to the wind?to be or not to be?do we exist metaphysicaly?lol have fun


06-30-2003, 06:05 PM
hi custom156

the answer would be no;)

Yum Cha
06-30-2003, 10:01 PM
Hi Guys,
Garry, I'm just trying to line up the time. Family committments, work committments, a fun night out on the turps for me isn't always that easy to organise too far in advance. Don't read anything more into it. I'll let you know as soon as I sort it out.

SM -
What was this talk about coming back to the big smoke? My brother is going to be spending a lot of time in Bejing this next year, anything to recommend?

Sui -
Trying to talk with you and FT on the same topic is like speaking two languages at once, its hard to get my point across on all fronts.

I would speculate that LYG was student, teacher and fighter from my limited knowledge about the man. Why would one speculate otherwise?

If you know what I know, than we both know that what comes from the immortals is no more ours than earth we walk upon or the air we breathe, yet we may think it ours, in folly. The harder the grasp, the more it slips away, but it is always there nevertheless. Then again, you may know something different...

Big, little, as you have pointed out, there are many ways to see this. Schen - Spirit. Size. Heart. Agression. "Big" can mean more than "Large" is my point, and don't try to sell us this "I don't have a big heart." I'm not buying. You show your weaknesses with your strength.

Every lock has it's key, some are stout, some are fine, some are delicate, some course. A good locksmith (or thief) can tell you which you need, but most people go by trial and error.

I suggest you like small because small is harder to figure out, and is more deceptive. But as to whether I "like" big, or small, well, that would be telling...

LOL Call that a Bui from Sui and enjoy the taste of bitter. How good is your Kung Fu?

fiercest tiger
07-01-2003, 01:07 AM
LOL, I dont read into things at all!!!:eek: So your basically saying F@ck you right??;)


LOL, pass me the shaving cream bi@tch! hahahaha i think size dosent matter in fighting unless sport judo/jujutsu and UFC events.

Yum Cha
07-01-2003, 01:51 AM
F@ck you? no, not yet. Gimme a couple more days, and I generally use "Bite Me."

Are there going to be any women?? All this talk is getting me edgy, I hate having to go to events with a frying pan down the back of my dacks.

07-01-2003, 03:39 AM
yum,yes why speculate indeed?lyg could be this could be that?

there is no question of possesion involed.so why bring it in to the quazion?what i mean is i am the product of my ancestors,therefore what seperates my hand from the immortals?
ok you and i may have the same ancestors.is this a possibilty?of course it is and should not be thrown out.

so size doesn't matter?lol or does it you won't commit thats why the lock story which i most like,thank you.lol

so my weakness and my strength?have you touched it yum?lol

then suggest my brother,for to know is your doom.you know what i speak if you are intuned to your dark desires.

how well you reconise what i write to costom156 but he is not convinced.lol

f.t so sometimes it does and other times it doesn't.my question is how and when should it matter.i think i know what you are sayin but unsure where it will lead.
listen i've told you before my buttocks are like iron with all the ma pu i do[which is real k.f btw] so that shaveing cream won't help,NO ENTRY.LOL


07-01-2003, 01:41 PM
hahahahaha,sweet and suttle i like that.please don't let me stop you on your way.aprehencive aren't you?you are an adult whereas i,questionable and no to some.teach me the old code if you may?

Yum Cha
07-01-2003, 06:03 PM
Sui - FT makes a point, that size matters when "rules" are oriented in their favour (judo, UFC, wrestling, Boxing), however, quite often, there are no rules, other than those of your own making. It also depends on what situation presents itself. Can you move. Are you trapped. etc, etc.

But, in answer to your question I would say yes, size matters. So does Speed. So does strategy. So does Spirit. So does committment. So does righteousness, anger, intelligence. I guess it all matters. But what really matters? What can you do with this information if you can recognise it?

Weakness and strength go beyond the physical, isn't that a fair comment? Doom and Dark Desires? Is this a strength or weakness? Everything is Kung fu.

I think we are all bound to the immortals, the question is, do we have the ability to understand how and why. If we share the same, now that is a question worthy of a bit of consideration.

07-02-2003, 02:01 AM
hahahaha excellent:-"But what really matters?"to be totally aware of this is heavenly,not a thought worth thinking?

that is an excellent comment beyond fair yum.dark doom desires from my experience is a strength of weakness and also the weakness of strength that an opponant as yourself could be aware to? but the question follows[with a smile] what can we do about it?as in completion?

how and why realy isn't significant through my eyes,to how and why we learn the hand of our immortals.for the seperation of possesion is in their favour,and harmony,balance springs to mind.

thanks yum

p.s are you going to teach them this at the pak mei dinner or at least bring it up?LOL i know i would LOL

sui XXX

Yum Cha
07-02-2003, 05:22 PM

LOL - If I could share only one thing with you, it would not be my hand, but rather the satisfaction in knowing that there is much more strength in light than darkenss, and that other people can neither give nor take away from your spirit, that is the gift of the immortals. You and I are not the same piece of the puzzle, if we were, it wouldn't be a puzzle, just two funny lumps of wood.

And what would I have you share with me? What do I need?

Do you believe that the harder you search, the harder your search becomes?

Me teach anybody anything at dinner? Ay, perhaps my secret for picking up those last little mushrooms dripping in leftover sauce with oily chopsticks....but I'm not sure I should share, who knows what they may do with the knowledge...

07-04-2003, 12:01 AM
" strength in light than darkness".to your experience i'm sure,but faith has a strong meaning within this,so does discepline.
what i'm saying is that we all believe that we do good or that we are good more than bad.but what if we are aware that we are more bad than good?and i don't mean in repentance.
ok accepted,when you write "....nor take away from your spirit,...." but i experience different,i believe that the spirit can be given and taken away.

no,you're a lump of wood,i'm the grace of the willow.lol

yes i do believe the search gets harder,however what is the reason for living?meaning,just because it gets very difficult at times doesn't mean it a waste of time,its also rewarding if you know what to search for?for me its the search for learning pure and simple.

yes you teach,lol.you see i don't look at teaching as a status,but instead to educate oneself of the self and its better when its not a consiouse decision,but a way of natural way.
its realy out of your hands what they might do with any knowledge,however,you can see their body mind and spirit.

custom156LOL it is funny but the suggestions may be brain washing.what i suggest is to "let go",but to you let go of your fear,we are all fools in the eyes of god.;)


Shaolin Master
07-04-2003, 05:34 AM
Well, I was recently in Xi Chan Temple (Fuzhou City, Fujian Province) and met the most admirable old monk he was 93 years and explained how "wisdom" was the key as my friend asked do you train any "gong" he replied, no need for that hit me (not that we did), then he jump of the 8 or so foot wall landing lightly ....after which he took us to his home and we sat and listened to how dedicated he was (he gave us so many sutras and CDs explaining Buddhism and how to apply it to our lives)...when we felt truely impelled to give some donation he said "please don't I have everything I need, Ou mi tou fo, please visit me in 50 years as I will still be here". We were bothed moved and touched by his dedication and true belief but also his deep and compelling words that would last a lifetime.

What does this mean....... {there is a road a path for all of us it is but the same and different at the same time. None more correct nor incorrect yet all so important. Respect kindness and devotion is the key, simplicity of thought, unnattainment of practice.

Yum Cha, I can provide you many numbers and recommend many in Beijing. When I return tell me what art is favoured (I know contacts on San Huang Pao Chui, Chuo Jiao Fan Zi, Heaps of Taijiquan and Tongbeiquan...to name a few).

Yesterday I spent time with the Dog Fist Master in Fuzhou and today with Tiger Fist master in YongTai. I will planning trips for different styles throughout the year for ASI (My students) and of course any related parties. Right now I am in QuanZhou (yes Joe Doe's styles home).


Yum Cha
07-07-2003, 12:30 AM
What I find most interesting is your comment that spirit can be given or taken away...at first glance, I don't agree, but upon reflection, you have to ask where does spirit come from in the first place in order to consider if it can indeed be given or taken away...

A lump of wood? Perhaps a man from Ironbark?
"IT WAS the man from Ironbark who struck the Sydney town,
He wandered over street and park, he wandered up and down."

One of my favourite poets, the rest is at the link below, I hope you enjoy it.


If you like that, try Saltbush Bill, and Saltbush Bill's Second Fight.

I hope you make the best of your opportunities as they are turly unique. I look forward to catching up properly when (or if) you ever come back.

07-08-2003, 11:17 AM
i'd rather say accept that there is spirit than trying to figuer where it came from.but the reason why i say this out of my own experience is that we are to "have" ging or to train this,which for us uniquely is to make contact with the spirit.without spirit the opponant is less than frail.spirit taken.also "drugs"[and not just the illegal ones] take the spirit away.to give and recieve spirit,maybe "bai sinn/san" for your ears?

yes i very much enjoyed it just my sense of humour as you know.lol thank you.


Yum Cha
07-08-2003, 06:32 PM
Yes, Sui, when you put it that way I understand. In English, the word spirit has a lot of work to do to cover its many meanings. Martial spirit, emotional spirit, genetic/family spirit, all convey subtle differences, yet remain bound. Can you take it away, or does the individual yeild it in weakness?

Can you defeat an opponent's spirit without defeating their body? Can you defeat the body, but not the spirit? That's not really a question, is it?

Glad you liked the poetry. Salt Bush Bill makes me laugh every time I read it. AB Patterson is essential Australian poetry, neither highbrow, nor self-possessed.

07-09-2003, 11:03 PM
you pick up quite well yum,however spirit is diverted to these 3,and salute it as one.

can i take it away?would you beleive me if i said yes it is possible?
"yeild to its weakness" i would have to say not conciuosly and not necesary?

i'll take your question.yes you can to both questions,however,can you defeat the mind that my question?lol

i've not read them all yet,but will get round to it.

cheers sui

Yum Cha
07-10-2003, 12:05 AM
Hey Cloud? You still out there? Concerning our pet topic, strategy, perhaps you might find some interesting reading in the Kung fu On-line edition, "On Exchange of Attacking and Defending in Chinese Sanda (Free boxing)."

An interesting article, well written (kudos Gene) and worthy of a look. There is plenty to agree with, plenty to elaborate upon and I suppose fodder for disagreement as well, but a good read nevertheless.

I suppose there's something to the comment "every man has his breaking point."

The mind is the first thing you attack, or??

07-13-2003, 05:46 AM
are you speaking from experience?well i speak that i don't attack first but to prevoke the opponant to strike first,but if the oppanant does not stirike then i would give a warning shot,then if still not then i call them a w@nker and leave it as that.
you see i don't believe in that their mind can be destroyed as its in conjunction to our own.you may think different?
but yes yum i attack the spirit or the ego,first and formost the n the body,but not the mind,purly because of the fear and darkness that surrounds us.


this is how i'm taught