View Full Version : Xing Yi Quan

04-09-2003, 04:07 PM
In the Jet Li film 'The One' Jet uses a style which looks very similar to wing chun. does anyone know anything about it? the following info is pasted from the official jet li website.


Within Chinese Wushu there is a division between the internal and external styles and within the internal branch there are three main styles. Most people are familiar with Taiji Quan and many are also familiar with Bagua Zhang. But Xing Yi Quan is not as well known outside of Asia even though it predates the other two internal styles.

Characteristics of Xing Yi Quan

Within the forms of Xing Yi Quan the Shanxi and Hebei styles both use three postures of the body, five major movements (axing, bursting, penetrating, hurling and traversing) and imitations of 12 animals (dragon, tiger, monkey, horse, turtle, chicken, hawk, swallow, snake, owl, eagle and bear). The Henan style differs in that it imitates just 10 animals (dragon, tiger, chicken, eagle, snake, horse, cat, monkey, hawk and swallow).

However, even though there are elements of animal imitation in the form, don't expect the practitioner of Xing Yi Quan to jump around like a monkey and soar like a hawk. The forms themselves are very rooted and stable with quick bursts of energy following each other in a succession of strikes. It's a very direct, linear style with emphasis on application. This is why it is so appropriate for Yulaw's character -- a man with a singular purpose in life: to become The One.

04-09-2003, 07:08 PM
there are several xingyi practitioners on the forum - ask this on either the internal or general forums.

04-10-2003, 02:09 AM
Foolin ,

Hi again. If you train with Mike (Hart) then why not ask him? He is extremely well up on the internal arts and will fill you in. He's also got a book i gave him years ago from China on Hsing Yi. Mike also know some Hsing Yi as fas as i remeber - i recall practising the punches in his old class like beng chuan etc

Offer is still open by the way, and my Sifu will be giving a seminar at my club this saturday. Come and see for yourself the Ip Ching method of Ving Tsun.

By the way, I think Mike (Wing Chun) may still have my copy of the power of the internal arts by Bruce Kumar Frantzis which has immense detail on all the three internal arts. If he has ask to borrow it and then if you could return it to me !

Best wishes, Stuart

04-10-2003, 02:47 AM
look at http://www.emptyflower.com/xingyiquan for more info - one of the best MA websites i have seen on the Net! :)


04-10-2003, 10:49 PM
WOW :) Thanks for the link dezhen !!! :D