View Full Version : comhrac bas?

04-10-2003, 03:58 PM
Anyone heard anything about or have any experience with this fighting system? Apparently they opened a school in my area. Seems to be associated in some way with the TRS stuff. The website is at www.theburst.com thanks

old jong
04-10-2003, 04:31 PM
Just erase the unecessary dot after the dot com in your address bar and the link will work.
I'm sorry but it looks like B.S. to me (IMO)

04-10-2003, 04:46 PM
login: secret
password: protection

and not too secure of a website... guess thats what they get for using a txt file to store a username and pass


04-10-2003, 04:48 PM
Good rule of thumb - avoid anything associated w/TRS. No harm in checking the school out, but I wouldn't get my hopes up. What I know of comhrac bas is that it's a made-up style, originally claiming to be derived from the fighting techniques of Roman gladiators and legionairres. I've run into it's "founder", Chris Clugston, online a few times, and have been unimpressed. I've ordered from TRS, and found the products to be overadvertised, overpriced, and underproduced.

The school *might* be worthwhile, but nothing you've mentioned suggests any evidence of that.

Lee Casebolt

04-10-2003, 06:02 PM
Good rule of thumb - avoid anything associated w/TRS. Frank Cucci, Paul Vunak, Tom Carter, Jim West, Vladimir Vasiliev, Randy Warner, Jesse Luchuga, Joe Nepo have all been associated with TRS and are all people I've studied under or would study under.

I will agree with you about the TRS hype, there's no arguing about that.

04-10-2003, 09:02 PM
Alot of hype there. I wonder why a bunch of ads are password protected. I have Clugston's first two releases. The second one, Comhrac Bas, is very good IMHO especially for a beginner. What you've got in CB is some wrestling and JJ moves combined with techniques more commonly seen in other non-MA sports like rugby and football. No lineage going back to Rome but then again lineage wasn't mentioned in the ads I saw and effectiveness is what counts. Most of the moves look like they fall within the parameters for learning set by Fairbain, Applegate and Siddle. Don't know about the later releases. TRS is running a 50% off sale right now so you may wanna check that out.



The Yellow Dart
04-11-2003, 10:58 AM
I've got Clugston's first release as well, can't remember what he was calling his system back then. It's not bad, better for beginners though.

To me, it's not Clugston's skill level that bugs me, it's the hype and grandiosity he attaches to his stuff. Roman Gladiators? Sure....

However, if he unearths the secret and devastating fighting system of the ancient Atlanteans, that might be worth a look :)