View Full Version : Pot and Martial Arts? Opinions anyone?

04-11-2003, 11:01 AM
Okay, Im sure theres a few cops and parents on here, just as well as stoners. So... Any opinions on the affects of marijuana to kung fu or training? or ability? (please note and take into consideration the word "opinion") :)

Chang Style Novice
04-11-2003, 11:04 AM
Doing taiji forms while high is fun, but worthless as a training endeavor. Pretty much the same as drawing or painting while high.

04-11-2003, 11:09 AM
So what's your take on the creativity aspects while high? true or bull?

04-11-2003, 11:11 AM
Kee-rist. How often is this topic gonna ressurect itself on this f*cking board...?

I guess what they say about stoners is true. Re: short term memory lapse.:rolleyes:

Chang Style Novice
04-11-2003, 11:14 AM
I think pot CAN be, but isn't always, helpful for creative inspiration. You definitely don't want to rely on it. And I'm unconvinced creativity has any place in MA (this goes back to my old hobby-horse about the difference between martial arts and expressive arts.)

Water Dragon
04-11-2003, 11:14 AM
AFTER training

04-11-2003, 11:14 AM
pot or not thread (http://forum.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=14312&highlight=pot)

just didnt feel like reading the whole pot thread (http://forum.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=14687&highlight=pot)

pot tea thread (http://forum.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=12953&highlight=pot)

there have been others too, but i dont think they saved anymore.

Chang Style Novice
04-11-2003, 11:15 AM
Budokan -

Are you kidding? This is way less prevalent and annoying than tma vs. mma threads. Not that that is saying much...

04-11-2003, 11:17 AM
Yep, or the "Bruce Lee Sucks" threads. You're right. I apologize.

Chang Style Novice
04-11-2003, 11:19 AM
Maybe we could combine them all into one, like with the iraq threads.

"Pothead Bruce Lee sucks because his traditional martial arts is helpless before modern MMA" or something.

04-11-2003, 12:03 PM
Bruce Lee wasn't a traditional martial artist.


04-11-2003, 12:18 PM
hehe. :)
good to see there werent any hasty generalizations made. I for one do agree that it definately has a creative aspect - I produce hip hop and jungle, breakbeats - forms are also more fun... :)
Dont get me wrong, forms are fun anyways...

04-11-2003, 01:06 PM
Pot is fun,
Training is fun
Pot + training = not fun

For training, especially realistic training, you need a clear head. Not a cloudy one. Pot leads to memory lapses so if your high there is a good chance you wont remember anything youlearned while high.

Just train sober then you can blast yourself when you get home.

I always wondered why a student cant afford to pay his dues on time, but can afford pot at $400 an ounce. guess its priorities,,hmmmmmm?

04-11-2003, 01:10 PM
er... I tend to be blown quite a bit... whilest posting... ect... So I beg to differ - In a real life situation, chances are Im going to be stoned. I may as well spar and practice high because most fights around here occur because people are drunk at a party - lets face it - at a party I wont be sober, and neither will most the people on this forum.
Anyone ever tried drunken boxing forms drunk? :)

04-11-2003, 01:17 PM
One more thing... I just wanted to let everyone know once again that I dont represent the beliefs of shaolin-do... vice versa... :)

monk weed
04-11-2003, 01:19 PM
pot before training? I'd rather enjoy it after.


04-11-2003, 01:28 PM
Originally posted by Chang Style Novice
Maybe we could combine them all into one, like with the iraq threads.

"Pothead Bruce Lee sucks because his traditional martial arts is helpless before modern MMA" or something.

Originally posted by Oso
Bruce Lee wasn't a traditional martial artist.


I find it funny you say he wasn't a tma but don't defend him on the pot part. Hehe...(yes I know he had traces of illegal substances in his system after he died, blah blah blah)

04-11-2003, 01:29 PM
It's ok to smoke a little weed before you train. Just sweat it out with a hard cardio workout first, and your head will clear up, you won't really be stoned anymore.

I definitely don't recommend smoking up before you spar, although I've done it myself plenty of times. You will get hit more.

I used to run with my friend back in Philly, and we would always smoke up before running 5 or more miles. It was nice. I smoked up before a 10 mile race and finished in under 75 minutes. They say that the runner's high and a MJ high are similar.

Also try taking some time off from the weed, IMO it is good.

04-11-2003, 01:40 PM
Personally I rather enjoy sparring high :) The breaks off are also always of course good for you.... lots of anti oxidants during that time always too... :)

Laughing Cow
04-11-2003, 02:23 PM
Personally, if you can't do the forms properly now, what makes you think that they will improve under the influence of drugs.

04-11-2003, 02:31 PM
it's fairly simple to me. as my sifu told me, and it makes sense... it scatters your intent. not a good idea for training.

04-11-2003, 03:09 PM
I find it funny you say he wasn't a tma but don't defend him on the pot part. Hehe...(yes I know he had traces of illegal substances in his system after he died, blah blah blah)

I would say he wasn't a TMA because he did nothing but talk trash about TMA, the whole "classical mess'' bit.

but, I was mostly just trying to be controversial.;)

04-11-2003, 06:31 PM
I'm with Water, only AFTER. Traditional medicinal herb should be used as needed and not as a lifestyle.

04-11-2003, 07:16 PM
er... I tend to be blown quite a bit... whilest posting... ect... So I beg to differ - In a real life situation, chances are Im going to be stoned. I may as well spar and practice high because most fights around here occur because people are drunk at a party - lets face it - at a party I wont be sober, and neither will most the people on this forum.

I laughed so hard when I read this, and I'm not even high. :D

I'm all for smoking, but I've never trained high, though I'm not against it. I doubt it would work for me. Whenever I get high, I get into a sitting-around-drinking-some-beers-and-talking-about-weird-crazy-stuff kind of mood, so I think it would be counterproductive with my training. Though maybe I'll try it some time and practice some Taiji forms (I doubt I could do gongfu forms and not fall over if I'm high).

04-11-2003, 09:08 PM
Personally, I don't care what a person does AFTER class as long as it is away from the school and doesn't get brought into the school.

However, as a student, I don't want to deal with the person that thinks they CAN control things when high...when in reality they are out of control. They are simply adding a level of danger to a training class and a level of distraction that doesn't belong. There may indeed be those that can smoke and go to a class, but there are more out there that THINK they can than there are that REALLY can.

As an instructor, I don't want it in my class. First, if the person does that on the way in, they probably have it in their car. Well, that is illegal AND when they leave, they ARE driving under the influence. Any way you slice that, you are allowing unsafe and illegal behavior to come into your school. This can cost you students as well as bring in legal and insurance hassles you don't need.

Second, and more important to me, knowing that there are more that think they are all there when high than really are all there, I don't want to waste my teaching time dealing with someone that is not 100% there. I understand dealing with people with life issues or even those that are mentally challenged. That is NOT my problem. With them, as long as they are trying their hardest, I am happy.

With the high person, they made a CHOICE to come to MY class high and to take MY instruction time high. Wasting your own time with repetition that doesn't need to happen is one thing. When you do it with an instructor's time, you waste double the time and you also take that time away from other students.

On those grounds, I do not allow such things into my class. I have had 2 students in the past 10 years that tried this. One quit because he couldn't hang physically. The other pushed it to the point where I KNEW they were coming in high. Up until then, I gave the benefit of the doubt...innocent until proven guilty. When I had their number (pun intended) and was about to take action, the left....case solved.

In BOTH instances, I had students state that they were glad that person was gone because they did not enjoy working out with someone stoned.

04-11-2003, 09:21 PM
"Personally, if you can't do the forms properly now, what makes you think that they will improve under the influence of drugs."

i'm not all about training high, but i also dont think anyone said it improved their performance. they said it made it more fun. also getting high and deciding to train is completely differant than getting high when you know you have to train ... especially at class.

GLW .... agreed 100 fu cking percent.

monkey mind
04-11-2003, 10:17 PM
In my experience, different people respond differently to smoking pot. Some get spacy, some get more manic, some gain focus, some are more creative... To make a blanket statement about pot & training doesn't make much sense to me. I personally don't like to train MA when high (though ironically I like to think about my training alot when I'm high). On the other hand, there are other things requiring focus & stamina, like mountain biking, that I love to do when I'm high. I wouldn't want to train with or teach MA to a spaced out pot head, but if someone's present & focused, then I don't care if they've smoked or not. IMO the drug, in this case, does not make the person. What I think is more telling is why someone's smoking in the first place.

04-11-2003, 10:55 PM
Getting mashed and going on a heavy bag is the coolest, but one day it'll be fine and another you'll be totally unco-ordinated.

Swings both ways. I sparred once after smoking and nearly blacked out so I never did it again.

I think it's definitely a case of thinking it helps, feeling more focused but actually being a bit slower than normal.

Once you realise that you stop doing it when you need to train and only do it when you're high and want some sh!ts and giggles.

But the number of times I've come out of my garage where the heavy bag was thinking "oh my god, I'm sh!t at MA, my punch isn't worth sh!t, I can't kick straight etc." when in reality I'm just stoned (OF COURSE that's whats gonna happen) is more than a few.

But like SD said, my lifestyle at the time told me if I got into a fight I would probably be stoned, so it was my reality-based scenario training. :)

Repulsive Monkey
04-11-2003, 11:09 PM
A perennial subject this one. Hash weakens the Kidneys and damages the Jing but has pleasent effects.

Go figure!!!

But mixing it with your art gets you
a) absolutely nowhere
b) dissipates the Yi
c) unhouses the Hun
d) can irritate the Shen

So once more go figure!!!!

Concentration and Intent is everything and when stoned both are totally compromised, as most people are under the illussion that the spacioussness they get and accuity (or what they think is accuity!) becomes unfocused and indulgent as is the way with getting stoned. Getting stoned should be just for that, it's probably worse getting stoned and doing your art than drinking is. The way it affects the qi is more damaging as far as TCM is concerned.

04-12-2003, 01:47 AM
There is a time and a place for everything. Training is your time and the instructors time. Lack of focus on either end is detrimental to flow.Nothing about a training hall or gym should lead you to believe it is smoke-out spot! Doing things at the wrong time in the wrong place will yield unfavorable outcomes. Debt. For the reals.

If you've ever fought while weeded (on the street), then you know that adrenalin overrides the effects of the anandamide-like molecule, delt-9 THC. You will sober up hella quick! You cats ain't real if you ain't been through that, hahaha!

So train with a clear mind. Testing ones endurance and focus should be done with clarity of mind/body. The tweeds is for a refreshing escape in the proper environ. Like training respect your relationship with it and the truth is revealed.

04-12-2003, 06:46 AM
i often decide to train when drunk. the most weed has ever done is make me want to talk, stare at people, and just walk around and disturb the neighborhood folk.

but alcohol is another story indeed :) i'm the type who feels very energetic and hyped up when drinking, and i'll often start doing training or lifting (or wrestling people) once i have some alcohol in my system. haha. in fact i often end up having to USE my MA training when i'm drunk (or around drunk people) simply because alcohol plus a rowdy group of guys often results in a fighting (a well known fact). I dont think i would attempt going to class like that, or esp driving TO class, because of my attitude and tendency to say/ do things i regret when drunk. I wouldnt want to bring that element into the school.

but yeah, unless i feel like throwin up, training while drunk can be fun.

Former castleva
04-12-2003, 07:42 AM
I have heard drugs are not very healthy,what do you guys think?
Then I sort of figured out that if drugs are not good for you,maybe you should not do them if you do pugilist arts?

:rolleyes: ;)

04-12-2003, 07:45 AM
If I were to smoke it to the point that I'm zombified, than that's it I'm Zombified, I avoid this as much as possible. Otherwise I agree with MegaPoint, the effects with MJ seem to be over-ridden easily. If I'm a little baked, then take a real hot shower the effects diminish almost completely. An adrenaline rush would be the same thing. But once the adrenaline calms down and the situation goes back to normal the effects usually return. Like alcohol only time will sober you up. If smoking is a major part of your lifestyle though it will hurt you cardio wise just like cigarettes. Everytime you clean your pipe keep in mind that's only half of the resin, the other half is collecting in your lungs.

04-12-2003, 03:57 PM
Mushin enhancer. just a minute, i have to go back and see what this thread was about...

04-12-2003, 09:26 PM
Personally, I find it annoying when the whole room starts smelling like pot from the stuff oozing out of someone i'm practicing's sweat, particularly when i'm having to do stuff where there's a lot of contact like throws and such where i'm having the stuff painted on me. Plus, the people who just sucked down a bowl tend to act wierdly and try to drag me into their chemically-enhanced flights of fancy.

04-14-2003, 06:39 AM
Glad to see there were some intelligent posts. :)
I personally dont blow before class, (at least 1 or 2 hours anyways) but not because it affects my coordination, simply out of respect for my kwoon and sifu. :) As for people who can and can't handle it, thats completely true as well. Some of my friends can rip it once and stumble around laughing like their drunk... and well... theres those of us *hint* that still get 1360's on the SAT's while stoned... ;)

04-14-2003, 09:24 AM
According to Wolfe Lowenthal, Chen Man Ching warned that
the the chronic is very bad for the kidneys.

04-14-2003, 09:39 AM
Yeah... drunk boys and martial arts...
Woke up yesterday (sunday) with asphalt (sp?) rash on my left eye, elbows, and knees, and my left knee and hip hurting like crazy. I didnt have the slightest reccolection as to why. I then remembered that in a stupor the night before we had somehow gotten into a 3 way grappling tourney, in the middle of the street in front of my house. Nothing serious, just too much alcohol and too much testosterone. :)
I didnt remember, but one of the spectators told me it was 2 on 1 and I pulled out some **** fine moves... :)

04-14-2003, 09:42 AM
Originally posted by Shaolin-Do
theres those of us *hint* that still get 1360's on the SAT's while stoned... ;)

Well my brother got a 1290 on the SAT while tripping on LSD - he took the test straight later on and only improved by ten points - that was before they adjusted the curve mind you, back when the test was a bit harder...

but really, after many years, I'd have to say why make things any harder on yourself - you may be able to focus with effort, but why bother expending extra effort to get high, just to focus yourself into sobriety again? It's kind of like smoking before work. Now I understand if you need a few puffs to help you take your morning dookie, since "you" are not a cig smoker...but again, having come down to normal before you begin the activity in question that requires focus...

04-14-2003, 09:51 AM
Well, your brother is one smart fellow then :)
Quit eating that sh!t a looong time ago... as for taking the SATs tripping, I would have a hard enough time just reading the **** moving letters.. lol...
In all honesty, Id have to say that Im one of the "half baked" style people, rip bowls out of bed, after food... ect... and your ****ed right it helps when your quitting cigs... (which I am...) But you also have to remember that there are several degrees of stoners... While the majority are idiots, theres a few of us unfairly misrepresented by pop culture and movies, ect...
Oh hell.... I forgot what I was getting at... ;)
As for making things harder, only thing it really gets me at is having a hard time remembering what the next move is in a form... :)
And about it f*cking you up cardio style, I can tell when I spar. :)

04-14-2003, 09:58 AM
There are stretching exercises for the neck, too. Forward, to the side hopefully down to each shoulder without raising the shoulder, also twisting to look over your back in both directions. You use force from your hand or hands to assist, and you can do the active resistance stretching, I mean where you resist for 10 seconds, then relax and stretch more, repeat etc.