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View Full Version : When did you fight your first Sanshou fight ?

04-15-2003, 02:10 AM

I'm wondering when you guys (the ones that practice this) actually fought your first tourney. Since it involves throws etc.. I can imagine it won't be for the next year for me cause that's something totally new for myself. So I'm wondering how much training (and in what did you train except sanshou ?) did you have before entering your first tournament ? With kickboxing it's fairly fast since it's in my experience not as complicated as sanshou (no disrespect meant). My trainer says it's almost a must have to enter a couple of tourneys if I want to get really good at MA, and I couldn't agree more.

Also I would like to know what kind of injuries you ran into with Sanshou. Since there's quite alot of protection involved I wouldn't know what could happen except for a mean kick on the knee or something.

And also please tell me exactly in what section you competed so the full contact without protection, with protection, without hitting the head etc.. etc...


04-15-2003, 03:53 AM
Hey TazChan,

I did my first san shou fight after about 3 years Tai Chi training but could have done it sooner really.

Extra training? Only real extra training we do is stamina....mostly sprinting up a reallu steep 200m hill over and over. We also step up the bag work, pad work and sparring.

Injurys, in about 18 odd (i lose count) fights I have only had 1 injury and that was a deep cut to my head from an elbow but looking at others fights and other guys from my class who fight then the main injury to worry about other than getting knocked out would be dislocated sholulders. I have seen lots of guys dislocate their shoulders but cant really see a reason for it and if it happens it takes ages to heal and may never heal perfectly.

I have competed in: (all full contact)

No protection.

Head guard only

Head guard+body guard+only 1 attack to the head (i.e no combos to the head).

Best set of rules is to have a full lei tei, no body armour, no head guard and minimal rules.

If your really thinking about doing a san shou match just remember that you need to get really really fit.....hence the hill running.

04-15-2003, 08:46 AM
After 3 years of Wing Chun/JKD.

4 fights, won two, lost two. Make sure you get someone to film.

Got concussion in my last bought, got concussed again two weeks later in training, very bad combination, causes swelling in the brain. forced to quit Kung Fu for a time.

No regrets.

Special training: sparring with 16 oz gloves, which I did from the beginning of my training, also jump rope, bag work. Developed repitoire of 7-8 basic throws. Did not use these, but was able to defend throws because of this practice. Also reversed a couple throws.

04-15-2003, 09:09 AM
1st san shou fight… April 20, 2002… I know bcuz the poster is on my wall right in front of me… after only 4 months of training… specific training for san shou anyway…

injuries?… mostly just little nagging stuff… ankles… toes…

haven't fought 'naked' yet…

04-15-2003, 09:20 AM

How many fights u done, and how many won and lost?....just out of interest.

04-15-2003, 09:27 AM
5… my record sucks right now at 1 and 4 :(... due to poor conditioning and tuff azz opponents… oh... and a badd decision on the judges part... but i'm not gonna complain about that...