View Full Version : Chan Family Internal Forms

04-15-2003, 02:09 PM
Here's a list of Chan Family internal forms from their recently updated website.

Lohan Qigong exercises include:

1) Stick exercise
2) Breathing exercise
3) Unicorn Hands
4) Standing postures
5) Walking exercise
6) Medical theories
7) Bak Gwa Kung Fu

Lohan Qigong forms include:

1) Sap Ba Lohan Kuen
2) Siu Lohan Kuen
3) Dai Lohan Kuen
4) Tai Git Kuen
5) Mo Git Kuen

Further study includes:

1) Ng Wan Lok Hei Bak Gwa Kung
2) Geo Kung Ngnoi Ga Kung
3) Geo Kung JONG FA
4) Stick Jong Kung

Most of these I've heard of. What are the last 4? I've never heard of these before.

04-15-2003, 04:29 PM
Just heard that Ng Wan Luk Hei Pa Kwa Kung is work of the five elements and 6 energies and eight trigrams.
I think that is the work done with the big green ball of luohan qigong master series.

04-16-2003, 11:11 AM
Isn't the eight drunken immortals form also considered an internal form?

04-16-2003, 12:29 PM
No, Joi Baat Sin Kuen is not considered an internal form. It does have some internal aspects but then again most forms will have some internal and external aspects just not what people typically think of in terms of internal and external. It does not relate to going slow or fast.


P.S. I think the Chan Family internal sets are more chi kung type forms versus the typical CLF hand form.

04-17-2003, 10:55 AM
Thanks, CLFNole!