View Full Version : Chen Tai Chi

Phil Redmond
04-16-2003, 07:44 AM
Has anyone ever heard of Chen Tai Chi Sifu Mah Hong (sp)? who lives in Canton?

04-16-2003, 09:57 AM
Ma Hong is a well known Chen Tai Chi teacher. He doesn't live in Canton. It may be one of his students that is teaching there.

Phil Redmond
04-16-2003, 11:04 AM
Thank you very much for the info.
A Chinese guy from Gwandung Province named Stephen Feng visited my school in Detroit a while back. He says he learned from Ma Hong. That's why I presumed that Ma lived in Canton/Gwandung. Stephen speaks a little English, but I speak Cantonese so we talked a while. He mentioned that he studied White Crane and Chen TC. I have always wanted to learn Chen style. He's teaching me and one of my students privately at my house now. He showed me a book written in Chinese by his Sifu. The pictures are of the same man on the site you led me to. Thanks again.

Phil Redmond
04-16-2003, 01:19 PM
I just saw Stephen. He says his Sifu is from Ho Bak/He Bei. Stephen is from Canton. He went to Ho Bak to train in Ma Hong's home.

04-16-2003, 09:00 PM
George Xu used to sell his tapes. Unfortunately they are all in mandarin.

Ma Hong is fairly well known and a number of his students teach at Universities. The one I met and competed against in Qingdao is from Jiangsu and a professor at one of the Universities.

His tapes are worth having.

He also wrote quite a few articles (or they were translated) in the old Journal of Chen Style Research.

Stumblefist was collecting information on him about 6 or 7 months ago.

Laughing Cow
04-16-2003, 09:27 PM
Ma Hong is very well known.

I sometimes speak to a student of his Tuky Lam via his Mailing List.

Tuky Lam also writes articles for T'ai Chi magazine.

I only heard good things about and his Books/Tapes.