View Full Version : Seriously, Bush might be evil

chen zhen
04-17-2003, 03:03 AM
Before I was just kidding around. Butthen read this (http://www.asksollog.com/2003/0401.shtml)
But don't take it too serious, though, if it seems too fantastic:rolleyes:

But then again, Bush (both sr. and Jr.) has publicly admitted they are freemasons in the "skull and bones society". :eek:

Internal Boxer
04-17-2003, 03:57 AM

04-17-2003, 05:06 AM
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

what a joke

David Jamieson
04-17-2003, 05:13 AM
whoever thinks that Masons are evil are just a little uninformed :rolleyes:

Ah, the conspiracists love to target freemasonry.
Idle musings of lazy minds. It's easy to target a secret society simply because of it's secrecy.

The guys have a plan (Bush et al) and they are invoking that plan.
I do not agree with that plan, but that doesn't make me pure and good and them evil and bad.

It just means they have put into action a plan that had only been an idea previously.

I still strongly disagree that the war in iraq was a solution and I know we will see more problems arise from these actions than we will see solved.


chen zhen
04-17-2003, 05:38 AM
And have you seen the rest of the site? It's totally screwed up.
It's made by a bunch of messed-up religious conspiracy-extremists. it also says that the terms that Jesus used for himself has the same meaning as Lucifer when translated into some language :D , and that the world is about to end:rolleyes:
I had a feeling no-one would fall for it..

old jong
04-17-2003, 07:03 AM
He simply believe that he is "good" and all that not share his points of view are "evil". He is determined to fight evil in order to create peace and security for all,even if he has to kill millions in the proceding. He sees himself as the instrument of God.
There is no "evil" there. ;)

Ford Prefect
04-17-2003, 07:23 AM
lol! I thought I knew people that did a lot of LSD, but those people are rediculous.

04-17-2003, 10:14 AM
GW is into OZZY OSBOURN!?!?!?

:eek: :eek: :eek:

African Tiger
04-17-2003, 11:21 AM
You just gotta love a website with a black background and the smallest possibly readable font, calling someone evil...

...what do they themselves have to hide?

BTW, Bush was right. We are only scratching the surface of what the Iraqi's were trying to hide. Who do you think was going to get those 1,000 suicide vests? WalMart?

norther practitioner
04-17-2003, 11:32 AM
Who do you think was going to get those 1,000 suicide vests? WalMart?

I thinkith, AT speakith the trutheth

Former castleva
04-17-2003, 12:37 PM
I´m not into Bush Bash but I think it indeed is a bit sad that he picks religiously influenced words to boost his projects,opium for the people as Marx put it (not that good for christianity/chr. society itself,which clearly does not follow him as a whole)
From this light,it is not THAT wierd that these uhh,conservative people have their "ideas" on this,may they matter or may they be of comic appeal.
As for such,if you find the right references you can basically wrap anything around it that you want.

04-17-2003, 12:52 PM
He's some sort of puppet. I don't know who has the strings.

I think it's entirely possible that the war started on the third of the third of the third for some numerological reasons Bush had, possibly involved with some secret society.

He's that dumb.

Whoever is actually making decisions probably let him do it to mollify him. Let him think he actually has some power.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist, puppets are pretty common. It's usually an 'heir' of some sort, it's usually an idiot and there are usually dubious circumstances surrounding their rise to the 'throne'.

And in the name of all things good and holy, there's just no way THAT guy is running this country.

Maybe I'm just in denial.

04-17-2003, 01:02 PM
Actually.... :)
G.W. Has indeed admitted his involvement in the skull and cross bones, but thats not who tells him what to do... :)
Im not going into all of it and making myself sound like a kook, but i certainly dont trust GW, and a book I read 10 years ago pretty acurately describes whats going on now... kinda scury... :)
its called "behold a pale horse, by william cooper"
he is the ex-secretary of intelligence... Interesting sh!t. Was written in 91... A Lot of it is bs, and Ive always thought that, but its just trippin me the f*ck out that everything in the **** book is happening. hehehhe.

Former castleva
04-17-2003, 01:28 PM
For those interested,I think there also exists a book called "Bush´s brain" or something like that,which is built on puppet hypothesis.

04-17-2003, 01:35 PM
I'm sure there are tons of books based on the hyposthesis that Bush is a puppet.

It's so obvious that he's a puppet.

That's almost a given. The hard part is figuring out who's got the strings.

Black Jack
04-17-2003, 01:52 PM
Right-wing conspiracy's. Fun to read about but a little whimsical to believe in mass. I read a lot of conspiracy junk as source food for writing but most of it is pen and ink prestidigation.

Behold a Pale Grey Horse was a cool book but the author now dead from a shootout between himself and the the F.B.I. was a total f@cking lunatic paranoid loner.

G.W. evil- thats rich.

04-17-2003, 02:00 PM
Ah, but according to his book they already wanted him dead, and him being a looney was the excuse!
touche misoure ***** cat!
Thats interesting tho... hehe. f*cking locos.

04-17-2003, 09:26 PM
"New World Order?" Sounds, much like other Bush Jr. rhetoric, to be filled with an underlying Nazism influence. The people running the White House currently, are people of the same breed of Hitler and his cronies. They're just a bunch of gangsters that own the biggest stick in the world and feel that it gives them more power. I personally think that Bush Jr. and Co. want people to think they are evil an call them evil. This isnt' about stupid words or any of that bull****. The media is even worse; we've got our big dissent all rolled up into a picture comparing various pictures of Bush Jr. to a monkey! Give me a break! This is serious stuff and this ridiculous mockery has no place as the word evil has no place. It's all a shadow over what is really happening.

