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04-19-2003, 05:32 PM
anyone ever heard of this? I asked the gentleman offering tai chi which tai chi form he did and replied "Chi Kung Tai Chi"

His literature also stresses tai chi with "no martial arts"

04-20-2003, 10:07 AM
i know there is a set of "tai chi qigong" - 18 exercies, but they are not in a form aspect, and much different form traditional taijiquan.


04-20-2003, 10:14 AM
dez, sure most tai chi systems have a set of chi kung that are associated with them but I think this guy is promoting "Chi Kung Tai Chi" as a style of tai chi.

kinda just venting again so just ignore me:)

the level of cr ap in this town just seems to be getting thicker.

I plan on taking his class at least once so maybe I'll learn something new and wondrous.

04-20-2003, 12:50 PM
well i mean this is a specific set outside of taijiquan called !18 movement taiji qigong"... i forget who its by but its quite common and there are a number of books on it.

if its what you said, then i misunderstod and it sounds very dodgy :( oh wells, maybe he knows how to do qigong? But i guess thats a bit optimistic...


04-20-2003, 02:28 PM
no biggie, dez.

I think the difference is you are talking about "18 movement taiji qiqong" and this guy is talking about "Chi Kung Tai Chi". That's how he's spelling it on his flyer. I will just go to his class and see what I think. He may be simply capitolizing on the tai chi name recognition.

I'll see if he pushes at all. If he can't beat me at push hands he really sucks cuz I'm awful at it.:)

04-20-2003, 04:08 PM

i have never done taijiquan (Chen) pushing hands as i chose to do wing chun not taiji. But i played with some of my chen kung fu brothers, using my wing chun sensitivity... that was until sifu put a stop to it :( For a good reason though - he demonstrated on my taiji friend what a wing chun person would do and proceeded to palm and chop him using centreline - he could do nothing... then on moi he proceeded to lock and hit me and make me fall to the ground, and again i could do nothing as i was not used to it. Lesson learned :p


04-20-2003, 08:10 PM
a buddy of mine who has a school in town is a much better push hands person than me. He and I have both been studying ma almost the exact period of time and fair pretty evenly in regular sparring. But then he wants to play push hands and I end up on my azz :D I feel that tai chi practice has augmented my kung fu but I am not by any means a tai chi player. Though, I have seen some push hands at at tournemant that looked like a slap fight:eek: I could do that, but I didn't really think it was good pushing.

Repulsive Monkey
04-21-2003, 02:05 AM
I think this may come from Mantak Chia. I think he labels his stuff as Chi Kung Taiji. I'm sure others do aswell but I do recall one of his books largely using the term.
It's Qi gong using Taiji static postures.

04-21-2003, 04:06 AM
RM, thanks.

But would that be 'tai chi' as in a set or form? or would it be qi gong only?

the red flag for me was the line in his flyer that insisted there were no 'martial arts'.