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fiercest tiger
04-20-2003, 12:52 AM
Brian Gray on sex offences, WOW iron palm that a$$. Thats some ****ed up sh!T!

Martial arts instructor accused of sex offenses:


Royal Dragon
04-20-2003, 02:01 AM
Yeah, I saw something o it on Bullshido. It's pretty sad if you ask me. Can you imagine what must be going on inside of his camp rigth now? :(

04-20-2003, 04:18 AM
Can you imagine what must be going on inside of his camp rigth now?

no, and I really don't want to. :D

fiercest tiger
04-20-2003, 04:21 AM
Imagine if he has to go to jail, he will need his kung fu and iron palm skill.........I wonder how he would go in jail??

04-20-2003, 04:23 AM
I don't think any amount of skill would allow you to survive.
I think the punishment should fit the crime.

fiercest tiger
04-20-2003, 04:26 AM
Sad, to see someone of his level acting like a POOF! I wonder if it will close his school down?

What a miss he has got himself into!!

:D :eek:

Royal Dragon
04-20-2003, 08:58 AM
I wonder if it will close his school down?

You know, we had a sex scandle here at a gymnastics club called
American institute of Gymnastics. They are still open, but struggeling. They lost alot of competitors, DESPITE the offending coach being jailed. He was the owners son, but still, he was gone away "on vacation" and not only not coaching anymore, but not even there doing office work.

My guess, if Grey is the primary teacher, his club is going under, if it hasn't already.

If I was one of his seniors, I would pull up stakes, and open a club of my own down the street and totally disavow any knowledge of him to the public. I think this is a case where buying a certificate from 1 (800) buyablackbelt, or even forging yourself a new one would be acceptable. Either that, or his seniors need to get together and form thier own association, and certify eachother, so they can have credentials that don't lead back to Grey.

Either way you look at it, it's a nasty situation. There will be direct and indirect casualties for sure.

04-20-2003, 09:12 AM
...or how about just saying "I was a senior student of Mr. Grey's and because of an unethical and immoral situation I am no longer associating with him. I learned a lot and you are welcome to see what I have to offer"

04-20-2003, 09:22 AM
So he's guilty as charged?

The Willow Sword
04-20-2003, 09:26 AM
It was probably sessions in taoist sexul meditation and massage. You know it says in Dr Yang Jwing Mings bbok on the muscle tendon changing classics that small young boys were used in the yin massage. IN fact it said that several small young boys were needed for the yin massage as they and i qoute "would get tired".

im sure this is all a misunderstanding(heh heh heh);)

F&Ckin Pedaphile a$$hole c0cksucker. i hope he gets his nuts tied to a big rock and then dropped off a cliff.


Royal Dragon
04-20-2003, 09:38 AM
You know, if it was me, I'd find something other than Grey. I'd either convince all of the other seniors to form a new association for certifacation purposes so Grey's name is not connected, or I would join a new association. His seniors can all list eachother as thier teachers. It is better than admiting they learned from a Pedopile in my book.

Hell, I'd even prefer to be under Shaolin Do or Cloud Forest, or even Temple Kung Fu to this one.

TWS, are you serious about Yang Jwing Mings books? I have to look that one up me thinks :eek:

The Willow Sword
04-20-2003, 09:47 AM
HAHA yep in his book the i chin ching muscle tendon/marrow brain washing chikung book. towards the back it has a section on the taoist sexual meditation.. haha its mainly about masterbation and tieing your nuts to a swinging weight. its funny and interesting but nothin i would ever do. i have my own way of chokin the chicken and it serves me just fine thank you.

did i just post this?:confused:


04-20-2003, 10:09 AM

I agree with your intent but the examples you gave smack too much of the organizations you cited in your second email. I just don't care for the "Hey you certify me and I'll certify you" bit. I see it as a case of the sum being less than the parts.

04-20-2003, 10:10 AM
Hmm. When I read the Muscle/Tendon changing book, it was obvious that the young boys were engaging in massage only, nothing sexual whatsoever. The idea being that they had the appropriate energy for the qi gong massage, which was described as rubbing in small-diameter circles around the belly area.

Only a very sick mind would read that any other way. Oh, who was the other poster that suggested that? Oh, that's right, Stacey. You're in good company, TWS.


Royal Dragon
04-20-2003, 11:20 AM
Yeah, on the whole I am in total aggreement with you, but when your faced with haveing to admit you learned form a Child molester, or the likes of a Temple Kung Fu, what do you do?? Your between a rock and a hard place.

Personally, I'd go certify under one of these personal trainer organisations that offeres "Martial arts" instructional certifications. I don't know why I didn't think of it in the last post, but it's probably the most honerable way out of it.

04-20-2003, 11:21 AM
From the Cecil Whig newspaper,
Cecil Whig
P.O. Box 429
Elkton, MD 21922
Martial arts instructor accused of sex offenses
By:Dewey Fox 04/15/2003
According to Smith, Gray first came under scrutiny on March 30 when one of his former martial arts pupils came forward and told authorities that Gray had sexually assaulted him on several occasions

The victim, whose name was not released, is a 32-year-old white male. The alleged sex offenses began in 1984 when he was 13, police said.

At the time of the offenses, Gray owned the Shao Lin San Kung Fu School at 111 W. Main Street, Elkton. The victim told state police investigators Gray had kept him at the studio after the martial arts lessons had ended and molested him. The studio has been closed for a number of years.

Police also allege Gray brought the boy to his Mountain Hill Road residence near Perryville where he allegedly performed sex acts with him and took pictures and videos.

The victim informed investigators that these incidents began in 1984 and continued on a weekly basis for the next four years. The alleged offenses ended when the boy was 17, police said.

Delaware police arrested Gray on Tuesday, April 8, and held him until Friday when he was extradited to Cecil County. A district court commissioner set his bond at $65,000, a figure Gray has been unable to meet.

Smith said the victim has named other students of Gray's studio who had also been sexually abused. As it stands, no charges have been filed against Gray in any of those cases. However, the investigation remains open, Smith said.

Smith asked anyone who has information pertinent to this case or was a student at the martial arts studio at the time of the alleged offenses to call her at 410-398-8101.

04-20-2003, 11:26 AM
"If you are accepted for a private lesson with Grandmaster Gray, one of Grandmaster Gray's assistants will call you to schedule. Grandmaster Gray's hourly fee is $275 per hour. During your private lesson, you may learn Iron Palm,or Kung Fu forms and weapons, or T'ai Chi Ch'uan. The session is determined by you.
Seminars are arranged by addressing your letter to Master Gray at the same address. Fee schedule for seminars is $1500 for a one-day seminar, $2500 for a two-day seminar."

04-20-2003, 11:39 AM
Kung fu expert held in sex abuse
Del. teacher faces charges in Md.
Staff reporter

A longtime Delaware martial arts instructor has been charged with sex offenses by Maryland State Police in connection with the molestation of a 13-year-old karate student nearly 20 years ago.

Delaware State Police arrested Brian W. Gray, 51, on fugitive charges April 8 at his Newport Kung Fu studio, 409 Meco Drive.

Gray was extradited Friday to Maryland, where authorities charged him with two counts each of second- and third-degree sex offense, and one count each of child abuse, perverted sex practice and sodomy. He is being held in the Cecil County jail after failing to post $65,000 bail, Maryland State Police Trooper Susan Smith said.

Gray, who has been teaching martial arts for 32 years, has operated several Kung Fu schools in the area over the years, including in Elkton, Bear, Peddlers Village and Newport. Gray now operates only one school, which is in Newport, police said.

Smith said the victim, now is in his early 30s, came forward March 30 with the accusations against Gray dating to 1984. She did not say why the victim waited so long to report the alleged incidents.

The victim, who was a student at the now-closed Shao Lin San Kung Fu School on West Main Street in Elkton, told police Gray allegedly molested him over a four-year period at Gray's Perryville, Md., home.

Gray, who bills himself as the "the father of the Iron Palm in America," was credited in the January issue of Inside Kung-Fu magazine with helping to popularize the iron palm technique, a Chinese kung fu skill involving physical hand strikes coupled with the use of the mind. The magazine called Gray one of the 30 most influential Chinese stylists of the past 30 years.

Smith said the investigation is continuing.

Anyone with information about this case is asked to call Smith at (410)398-8101.

herb ox
04-20-2003, 11:58 AM
I wonder how this affected the Iron Palm convention... anybody know if it still happened?

seems all classes are cancelled (http://www.shaolinsan.com/classescancelled.htm)

04-20-2003, 12:14 PM
Shao Lin San Kung Fu School, based in Newport, DE, combines martial arts with exotic choreography, music, and beautiful costumes. In 1971 Grandmaster Brian Gray, a leading force in the promotion of genuine Shaolin martial arts and philosophy, founded the school. Shao Lin San is based on the belief that by searching through the records from the famous Shaolin Temple in Henan, China, one can locate the best methods and techniques for practicing the ancient Chinese art of Ch’uan Fa (Kung Fu in Western terms). With this theme Gray, known worldwide as the Father of the Iron Palm in America, strives to provide the best for those who seek the knowledge of Kung Fu within the walls of Shao Lin San. Students who train at Shao Lin San find that this school is not like any other in the United States. Gray patterns the training for his classes after no other model but the Shaolin Temple.

The School's performances range from martial arts demonstrations, street parades and Chinese Lion Dances to elaborate costumed stage shows seen locally at The Grand Opera House, the Playhouse, and First Wilmington, as well as at First Night Annapolis, MD, and York, PA.

04-20-2003, 12:58 PM


The Willow Sword
04-20-2003, 01:03 PM
Lighten up man. and besides,,,the thought of small young boys massaging my belly does NOT appeal to me whatsoever.

Maybe you like getting stroked by small young boys Fa_jing but i dont,,and im sure ALOT of others here arent into it either ,,regardless of what the massage is supposed to do for yin energy.

fiercest tiger
04-20-2003, 02:28 PM
And theres nothing totally wrong with THAT!

But the head band things had to go!:)

04-20-2003, 02:41 PM

Registered: Dec 1969
Location: St. Simons Island, GA
Posts: 249
herb ox
I have known Master Gray for eight years and in those eight years I have seen him perform. He is the real deal. He has been teaching, at least, 40 years.

When I recommended the website to you, I wanted you to see what was going on in his kwoon. He is busy all the time. He keeps his students very active. Maybe you should get up close and personal with one of his instructors and he just might fill you in on what you desire to know.

Bottom line - lineage is not important (to me). It is what a person does, who he is and how he conducts himself. Grandmaster Brian Gray has inspired me, motivated me and given me reasons to stay in the martial arts. To put aside the "warrior" and become a "healer". Have a good day herb ox.


04-20-2003, 05:48 PM
FT, are you saying that paedophilia and ****sexuality are the same thing?


04-20-2003, 05:58 PM
Shao Lin San Kung Fu School, based in Newport, DE, combines martial arts with exotic choreography, music, and beautiful costumes.
There was some kind of show that they did. I've seen a little bit of his show, and it was actually pretty enjoyable.

He had this one student who visited our school a few years ago who was pretty good at Tiger Claw and with the rope dart.

fiercest tiger
04-20-2003, 06:01 PM
That says it all!:)

04-20-2003, 06:30 PM
If he actually is guilty of molesting young teen boys... man... I may have come close to being one of his victoms :eek: I was about 16-17 the last time he was at our school(well, our old school, lol), and my mom thought he was taking an "unusal" interest in me and my classmate *gags!* Gross, gross, gross!!!!
I hope his students end up ok. At least most of the forms I've seen them do are authentic, so it's not like they have to ditch their training and everything if he gets put away.

David Jamieson
04-21-2003, 07:17 AM
ok guys.

I'm all for the open discussion of this topic. But let's keep the sentiments in the appropriate sphere of discussion and keep the cussing and lash outs to a minimum.

Let's keep the toilet humour out of it too.

People, read the article before blasting out your opinion. It's important that it is understood at this point in time that all charges are just that, charges. The crime is alleged and also consider this is coming from way out of the past for the person in question.

I will reiterate once again that this forum is not for bashing other schools or teachers.


04-21-2003, 07:32 AM
"I will reiterate once again that this forum is not for bashing other schools "
Bahahaha... I would beg to differ.... ;)

anyhow, As for this goes, this is truly a f*cked up situation.... Gotta take into consideration, What if this is just some BS claim? Whoever said they were his student seemed pretty sincere about his ability to teach.... So if in fact this event never really did happen, what did this guy lose out of it? Probably most of his students and livelyhood.
But if he did do it... I hope he gets sent to prison and repeatedly drilled in the arse.


monk weed
04-21-2003, 07:52 AM
I have to agree with kung lek.

I am by no means a Brian Gray fan but lets not forget that this claim is 20 or so years old. Let's see if any other claims come out of this. Who knows who this guy is or why he is coming forward now.

04-21-2003, 08:16 AM
Someone sent me an email on Brian Gray and I just can't believe this has happened. In the eight years that I have attended the Iron palm conferences I have never seen him act "different"/"differently" in any definition of the word.

This past March, all of us met at the Iron Palm convention in San Francisco and had a good time. This happening will be a heavy blow to the Iron Palm practitioners who are members of the Organization.

But as one person said let us see what happens before he is judged. Have a good week everyone.

fiercest tiger
04-21-2003, 10:21 PM
I have no isuues with brian gray really, i was just giving sh!t about it. Its a shame to go out like tjis if anything comes of it!

Poor guy will loose everything he has acheived for a little a$$ or to get his rocks off if its true.


SanSoo Student
04-21-2003, 10:34 PM
maybe those people that taught at Gray's studio should open a Shaolin-Do McDojo. Its cheap and shameless, AND...
:D :D :cool: :eek:

04-22-2003, 01:37 AM
HAHAAHA!! San Soo people throwing stones at Shaolin Do. I swear, this forum is fargin priceless at times.


04-22-2003, 02:59 AM
Use your wisom for a moment about what has happened to this person. He is a good martial artist, weapons champion, master, and has his own school. Even if he is innocent this person's life is pretty much toast. He will see what students and friends are loyal and who are not. We can joke, judge and criticize all we want but I would not want to be Brian Gray at this moment. What would you do in this situation??Have a good day everyone.

fiercest tiger
04-22-2003, 04:32 AM
hahahaha u funny *******!:)

The only thing about Gray is his background, who was his teachers and when!?


David Jamieson
04-22-2003, 05:48 AM

are you going to turn this into a slamfest?

people have already stated, the charge is alleged, it is yet to be seen what comes of this and now you are raising questions about lineage?

seems a little petty.


04-22-2003, 05:52 AM
I don't know, but I have video of his students competing(I think they're his students) and they were doing modern wushu longfist forms. The beginer or intermediate ones that don't contain the flashy/acrobatic moves. I know we've exchanged forms with them before(well, my last coach did). Maybe he never had one formal teacher?

Black Jack
04-22-2003, 06:43 AM
Thats it, raise the criminal up, and lower the victim down. Poor Brain Gray. It's never the child molestors fault. He is a victim of society:rolleyes:

Kon- No one said it is, but you don't see straight guys molesting little boys, maybe little girls, but not boys.

04-22-2003, 07:33 AM
dude....he's ACCUSED... not CONVICTED... jeez

if i go "hey black jack molested me!", that makes you accused... if that got out, and some folks posted about it, i can bet you'd be glad if the folks were a little hesitant about passing judgement on you immediately! ;)

shaolin kungfu
04-22-2003, 08:16 AM
Oh my god! Black jack molested you! That's horrible! Did you tell the police, or your parents?

04-22-2003, 09:21 AM
don't think my parents would be relevant, they're in their 50's :)

but you know he's guilty. cause i accused him. that makes him guilty, right? ;)

04-22-2003, 09:22 AM
This is probably the most depressing thread I have ever read.

Kung Lek - Your statement regarding the fact that this alleged incident occured so long ago implies that time destroys the validity of the experience of the abused. This is so incredibly wrong, insulting, and uneducated. I suggest you read Judith Herman's "Trauma and Recovery" so that you may understand the incredible difficulties sexually abused persons face when they come forward, or even simply remember that it happened in the first place. Her account of the political and social history of trauma, as well as her indepth discussion of recovery process, is truely enlightening.

You think it is a simple thing to "accuse" someone of sexual abuse in our society? You are dead wrong.

04-22-2003, 09:24 AM
but you know he's guilty. cause i accused him. that makes him guilty, right?

Not only did you accuse him, but you did so on the internet, which is a double-whammy. There is no escape from such an air-tight, plausible, accusation...

Black Jack
04-22-2003, 09:32 AM
How was I to know what you had under the dress. Jeesh you would think a guy can pick up a normal hooker for once and not end up with a tranny.:D

Not saying that he did it or not, but have you not seen pictures of the headband, it screams brando.

My point is that people always want to jump on the side of the criminal, if that is the case here, then instead of the victim, degenrates are celebs to some people I guess.

04-22-2003, 11:57 AM
LOL @ headband comment

nah i agree with you, folks should not jump to EITHER side is what i'm saying... it's hard , because everyone wants to feel for a "victim"... situations like this one appeal to deep emotions (anger, sympathy, etc)... but let's not forget the lessons of the Salem Witch trials, the "satanic panic" of the 80's, etc...

not saying we should all be instantly on the "perp" side either... it's hard to be neutral. i try to suspend judgement at least on these public type things... i mean, you know we only get fed what folks want us to know (if that smacks of "conspiracy" so be it)

Royal Dragon
04-22-2003, 12:54 PM
It does not matter if he did it or not. If he's convicted rightly, or wrongly, he's ruined.

If he gets off due to lack of evidence, he's screwed because most people will stay away from him anyway. Getting off does not prove your innocent, only that there was not enough to convict. Again, he's screwed.

Black Jack
04-22-2003, 12:56 PM
Your right. I am really not taking any sides. Though if I had to wager......

The one thing that makes me wonder a little about cases like these is when the victim comes back after such a long amount of time. That does not mean that he was not assualted just that it makes one wonder a bit more on motive.

shaolin kungfu
04-22-2003, 01:02 PM
It also makes it harder to find any real proof.

04-22-2003, 01:16 PM
"Delaware State Police arrested Brian W. Gray, 51, on fugitive charges" - does this mean he was on the run or something? Fugitive charges?

04-22-2003, 04:38 PM
I met Gray at Shaolin Temple. He published a rather silly article in our magazine a long time ago about training Anthony Michael Hall (one I protested against running it, but was out-voted.) He also wrote some pieces on Shaolin, one on Yanming and another on the relocation of Shaolin village, if memory serves.

This is an unfortunate situation for martial arts when such a high profile martial artist falls to such wickedness. Despite our own catty slams about whether Gray was genuine ot not, it is sure to reflect badly on the arts as a whole. I had a good friend that worked for criminal psych and sex offenders and he said something that always stuck with me - sex crimes are really hard to prosecute. So if one goes to court, it is highly likely that there was some sort of transgression to get that far. Now my friend believed strongly in innocent until proven guilty, except with sex crimes. Now I don't know what to think about Mr. Gray, but I hope that the martial community reacts appropriately so whatever the case maybe, this doesn't condemn martial arts in the public eye.

fiercest tiger
04-22-2003, 09:32 PM
I asked many times on this board about Grays lineage and never got an answer exept ask him urself. Look, let the punishment fit the crime, if he has done that then he deserves alot more then a payout from me or anyone else here.

I couldnt care less and yes ill ask about his lineage thanks!

Why you so up tight about this?


04-23-2003, 09:09 AM
Good to see the police on this one. Lord knows Cecil county won't tolerate child molestation outside of the home.

04-23-2003, 09:49 AM
I see the little punk has disconnected his mail server.

04-23-2003, 11:32 AM
I'm sure any story he wrote was very weak.
And you'll never get any info on his lineage or teachers out of him.

monk weed
04-23-2003, 11:37 AM
shaolinboxer said:
Kung Lek - Your statement regarding the fact that this alleged incident occured so long ago implies that time destroys the validity of the experience of the abused

I made the comment that the alleged crime took place 20 or so years ago. In no way do I mean that the weight of the crime has been diminished over time. I feel that more information is needed to understand what is happening. Who Knows if this person has a personal vendetta against Brian Gray. If Brian Gray abused one person then chances are there are others out there. Let's see who else steps forward.

04-23-2003, 11:43 AM
the police check carefully before proceeding with charges in this sort of thing.
He's also clearly guilty of wearing a preposterous hairpiece.

04-24-2003, 09:58 AM
I'm not posting that Anthony Michael Hall piece. Nope. No going to do it.

African Tiger
04-24-2003, 10:36 AM
What bothers me the most about this is that some a$$ monkeys are now going to start associating child molestation and martial art instruction as a whole, the same way priesthood is so associated.

Some people are simply pedophiliac bast-ards who can't keep their hands off children. :mad:

04-24-2003, 12:32 PM
"I'm not posting that Anthony Michael Hall piece. Nope. No going to do it."
It was that bad?

04-24-2003, 01:31 PM
I know of an instructor , who in the late 70's was accused of molesting quite a few of his young teenage male students. It was never reported to the police. As I recall, there was an agreement within the school that he was not to teach kids without supervision.
I ran into him a few years ago and was shocked to find out that his current job was counseling troubled youth.
:eek: :eek: :eek:

And, no, I won't say who it is.

04-25-2003, 11:18 AM
Let me ask you this, do you think that instructor was guilty?

04-25-2003, 01:03 PM
Yes I do.
Another instructor who worked there at the time recently told me of a story where a teen boy student of this man went to him and complained that this instructor was hitting on him and that he felt uncomfortable with it.
The instructor who told me is a person of great credibility. You would know him if I told you his name. An instructor of instructors, if you know what I mean.
I had some dealings with this school in the 70's and most of the older students and fellow instructors back then knew of his desires. Once it came into the open and couldn't be denied, they restricted him to only teaching with supervision.
In fact, alot of people who were involved with Kung-fu in the 70's in Los Angeles know about this.

04-26-2003, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by fiercest tiger

What a miss he has got himself into!!

:D :eek:

Taken from the website..

The victim, whose name was not released, is a 32-year-old white male

Mr. C
04-27-2003, 11:02 AM
Is this the one and only Authentic Iron Palm Authority from the pages of Inside Crap Fu?

las artes marciales te hacen estupido

04-27-2003, 11:32 AM
Hello! And welcome to last week! (http://store.yahoo.com/martialartsmart/dvd40028.html)

chen zhen
04-27-2003, 11:34 AM
We also had a case with a child-molesting MA- instructor in my country. the problem is, that the victims can't defend themself against the instructor, because he's more experienced in MA.
personally, I would've done anything to defend myself against him, if I was in those kids' situation. I would've killed him!!:mad:

Mr. C
04-27-2003, 11:48 AM
Sorry, didnt see it posted last week

Mr. C
04-27-2003, 04:09 PM
Found this and finally a picture of Gray without his hairpiece here:


04-27-2003, 04:12 PM
That picture is priceless! Finally revealed as a bald gay pedophile.

David Jamieson
04-27-2003, 06:06 PM

please don't start hateful rants here.

the point is made


04-28-2003, 10:24 AM
This is a delicate topic, but one I think is important to address. It brings up a lot of issues, not just the legal ones. Personally, being a parent, I get a visceral repulsion to anyone who would molest a child, especially an adolescent, and especially a teacher. But guilty to proven innocent here in the USA. As for all these other cases, I'm surprised martial artists didn't take the matter into their own hands and break their martial skill. Not that I'm propounding that idea.

By the way, has anyone here ever read the Hakagure? It's a foundation text for Bushido - I guess the samurai of those times were into little boys like the ancient greeks. I always have to laugh when people quote it in a macho sort of way...

04-28-2003, 10:41 AM
re: Hakagure
I was quite suprised to read those passages in the hakagure. Eye opening. Made me laugh also.

re: current abuse cases
Any industry where you have adults in contact with children will always have this type of abuse. Martial art schols, church groups, grade school, it doesn't matter because the problem is a human problem, not a sensei problem or a teacher problem. So I saw it in the 70's and still see it now.
Hopefully now people are much more open about this and parents can keep a closer eye on things.

04-28-2003, 10:45 AM
I guess the samurai of those times were into little boys like the ancient greeks. I always have to laugh when people quote it in a macho sort of way...

Samurai didn't limit their experiences to little boys. They used to practice warrior love, similar to the Greeks. Basically, they felt it was more honorable for two warriors to make the two-backed-beast, and engaged in **** relationships often.

What I want to know is, how come in all those Akira Kurasowa films, they shave the tops of their heads? Was male-pattern baldness sexy to other samurai?

04-29-2003, 09:06 AM
That's too good a set up for some Gray baldness joke so I'm going to diffuse it by stating so. I think Mojo's post is correct, but it always hurts when it's within your own community. Martial artists, despite our feuds, are all one family, and when something like this happens, it reflects poorly upon us. I'm sure we will all remain vigilent to avoid any further such evil.

04-30-2003, 11:01 AM
Gene, you've got a cruel mind:)
And from The Onion:

PINE BLUFF, AR—Pine Bluff Middle School band teacher Walter Moreland was "so clearly, obviously" gay in retrospect, former student Gary Dolan, 32, realized Monday.

Above: A 1984 yearbook photo of Moreland.
"Me and a bunch of people at work were reminiscing about middle-school band class," Dolan said. "I was just about to say something about how my old teacher Mr. Moreland used to be obsessed with The Music Man when it suddenly hit me. How in the world could I have not seen that he was gay? I mean, he was so gay."

Though the unmarried, childless Moreland never discussed his romantic life, Dolan is "99.999 percent sure" he was ****sexual.

"I figured he acted flamboyant because he was artistic," said Dolan, who attended the middle school from 1982 to 1985. "Mr. Moreland played, like, 20 instruments. He had this little Lhasa Apso named Trixie that he'd bring to class sometimes. And he'd tell us about taking tropical vacations and driving to Little Rock to see art exhibits and musicals. Basically, he did all this stuff that no one else in town ever did."

Added Dolan: "I knew he was different, but as a 12-year-old, my understanding of gay culture was limited to Three's Company. I had no idea they actually walked among us in Pine Bluff."

Ever since coming to the realization, Dolan has remembered more details about Moreland that seem to affirm his gayness. Among them are the sack lunches of yogurt and carrots he ate on field trips, his excessive attention to detail when ordering new band uniforms, and his elaborate decorations for the holiday concerts.

Dolan said he also remembers the effeminate way Moreland kept his classes under control.

"Mr. Moreland was a fun teacher, but he could be moody," Dolan said. "If we were talking during class, he would yell, 'People!' and bang his conducting wand. If he got really mad, he'd stomp into his office and slam the door, leaving us all sitting there, holding our instruments. Basically, he'd throw a hissy fit."

"Thinking back, he even looked gay," Dolan continued. "His hair was always perfect and he had a well-trimmed little mustache. He dressed better than any of the other teachers, in these crisp button-down shirts and nice shoes and..."

"Oh my God," said Dolan, interrupting himself. "I just remembered. On concert days, he wore an ascot. An ascot. How clueless was I?"

On a spring day in 1984, Dolan got a glimpse of his teacher's secret life when he was given a ride home by Moreland in his immaculately clean teal-blue Plymouth Reliant. Dolan recalled noticing the Broadway cast recording of Godspell in the car's cassette deck and two scented candles laying on the Navajo-blanket-covered back seat.

Another time, while at the grocery store with his mother, Dolan spotted Moreland with another man.

"It never occurred to me that the guy might be Moreland's lover, even though they were standing there picking out vegetables together," Dolan said. "I remember thinking, 'That guy acts like Mr. Moreland. He must be a band teacher from another town.'"

Though Dolan recalled hearing jokes about Moreland's ****sexuality back then, he said they were indistinguishable from the deluge of similar accusations levied at every male in school.

"Back when we were kids, we called everybody—and everything—'gay,'" Dolan said. "It didn't occur to me that Mr. Moreland actually was gay."

While the children in Moreland's class were oblivious to his sexuality, Dolan said his fellow teachers must have known the truth.

"I just hope the other teachers weren't ****s to him about it," Dolan said. "I don't think he hung out with any of his colleagues much, except for Mrs. Pickens, the art teacher, and occasionally Ms. Sarnofski, the gym teacher. Holy ****—Ms. Sarnofski."

04-30-2003, 05:41 PM
Whaa? Now you're gonna be tellin us that Rosie O'Donnel is gay.