View Full Version : More Bare Knuckle fight Video

04-20-2003, 08:00 PM
I added a bunch more Bareknuckle Burmese Boxing video to my page. I left the original videos up but added more complete video of those matches to give a better feel of what the matches look like. I also added some other fights there is allmost 100mb of fight videos up.
In the furture I hope to get a bunch more fight video up along with more instructional footage.

Please help me out I am looking for feed back on what people think and if they like watching the fights. Remember this is my first attempt with video so I really do not know what I am doing.

My goal is to let people know about and educate them to Burmese martial arts and fighting sports.

fight vids (http://www.thaing.net/technique.htm)

Thaing (http://www.thaing.net)


04-20-2003, 10:55 PM
Only watched a couple and im not dead sure on what you want comments on. Im not knowledgeable enough about vid to give you an idea of how well they are done but to the average person (me) they looked fine. Dated ill certainly grant but still perfectly watchable.
Regarding the qualitys of the fighters, i was pretty impressed.
There out there doing it hard and obviously can take some mean punishment.

I would be interested to know what the general rulesets for the fights where? It seemed very similar to the way an average San Shao fight plays out.

Still looked pretty solid to me, fast, fluent, direct and with some great throwing skills.

PS the second clip is *much* more impressive than the first.

04-21-2003, 08:13 AM
What video decoder do I need? I cant get the clips to play.

04-21-2003, 11:20 AM
Windows media player 9 works.

04-21-2003, 12:47 PM

thats what I am looking for feedback of any kind

Rules allmost none

The hands are wrapped in Hemp/Gauze the wrapping is a little bit abrasive and there is no padding.

This is Burmese kickboxing and resets on a takedown or knockdown.

Traditional rules all strikes legal including groin strikes and headbutts. Alls all takedowns are legal and you can strike in the continuation to the ground but must stop with contact from ref.
No groundwork allowed that would be a thaing (nhb) match.
Fight lasts untill one fighter can no longer continue there can be multiple knockouts and wake ups. Rounds end after devastating blow or set period usually 5 min. Rounds keep going untill win or lose

In Modern variant there are 4 round ways to win is opponent can no longer continue or first blood after 5th min of 4th round. Early rounds are usually 4 min. No decisions must win by Ko or first blood


04-21-2003, 12:49 PM
I was sent this to tell people having problems downloading

This may help: If your win-media player is down-level, you may have to update it to at least 7 to view wmv files. Usually you get sound but no video with an older version like under win-me.

More data: The video did not work on a xp system with an older version of mplayer BUT it did work on another xp system with the player updated to version 9 (MPSetupXP-9.exe. Go to MS to get latest update.

04-21-2003, 09:26 PM
Those clips look pretty tight Phil. My personal favorite is the frantic elbows to the head the one guy keeps throwing during the take down in the second Lethwei clip.

Kinda makes me want to learn how to grapple a bit, you know?

04-22-2003, 01:57 AM
Do you have any clips of Thaing or know where to dl them?

04-22-2003, 11:44 AM

I hope eventually to get some thaing and Naban matches up eventually but the footage i have is terribly poor quality video