View Full Version : Lineage Question

04-24-2003, 10:17 AM
Ok once again, I'm talking about moving to Indiana and planning to move kwoons/lineages.

The one that I'd be moving to would be the Siu Yuk Men lineage. However I can't find any trace of his lineage anywhere.

Is anyone familiar with this lineage??


04-24-2003, 12:52 PM
Hi there,

You would appear to be quite lucky - Siu Yuk Man is an original student of Ip Man and i dont believe he has many instructors outside of HK.

Ive seen him on the VT Conference 1999 and he looks fine, and i know hes pretty high up in the VTAA.

Love to know how you get on - good luck !


04-24-2003, 01:02 PM
is he the sifu who played his CK and then did applications?(against knife etc...)

04-24-2003, 02:49 PM
and what is his CK ???

04-24-2003, 10:07 PM
ck is Chum Kiu....

If you have questions I think you should ask your teacher not the forum....

04-24-2003, 10:45 PM
Ask my instructor about internet shorthand?

I've never heard anyone refer to Chum Kiu in the sense "he played his Chum Kiu" so I never figured that CK actually was Chum Kiu

And my instructor knows just as much as I do about Siu Yuk Men--- nothing more than a name and thats about it.

04-25-2003, 06:57 PM
Your teacher may know more than you know.

Sometimes it is up to a student to find the questions and answers they need in there quest. The teacher can only show you the path they can not walk it for you.

Investigate things help make thoughts more sincere.

04-25-2003, 09:17 PM
Tippecanoe Wing Chun Kuen Association
342 St Rd 25 West (school location)/3815 Gate Rd. (Mailing Address), Lafayette, IN 47905
Tel: (765) 714-2112
Email: chongnoi@mailexcite.com
Instructor: Sifu Chad Williams, a private disciple of Grandmaster Siu Yuk Men, and the first to open a school and represent Siu Yuk Men in the USA. Siu Yuk Men was one of the earliest students of Great Grandmaster Yip Man, and one of his few closed door students to learn the whole Wing Chun system from him, was President of the Hong Kong Ving Tsun Athletic Assoc. for 1996 & 1997 and the Secretary and Chairman since 1979. Classes every evening and morning in traditional Wing Chun taught with a conservative, disciplined foundation striving to develop a virtuous character and realistic self-defense skills.

04-25-2003, 09:22 PM
http://wckf.nl/stor5.html http://www.vingtsun.org.hk/schools.htm