View Full Version : Of Miyazaki... and things...

quiet man
04-26-2003, 11:41 AM
Well, today I went to our national SF convention (same as every year). It was rather lame, especially since it was the 25th anniversary of the convention. But I got to meet George RR Martin, he got to sign two of his books for me...

...and there was a very nice retrospective of Hayao Miyazaki's work: Kaze no tani no Naushika, Tenku no shiro Rapyuta, Tonari no Totoro, Majo no takkyubin, Kurenai no buta, and Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi. The first Miyazaki film I saw was Mononoke Hime (pretty much the same story as in Nausicaa), and now I'm officially a fan. That guy is awesome. Does anybody else like him (CSN?)?

Laughing Cow
04-26-2003, 12:25 PM

I am a big Studio Gibhli Fan.

Reason why Nausicaa & Mononoke Hime appear to be the same story is as follows.

Nausicaa the Novie is only the 1st Book in his Manga series, he always wanted to do the last Manga as a Movie too.
With so many years having gone he needed to do the ending for personal reasons, but could no longer do it as part of the Nausicaa series.


Chang Style Novice
04-26-2003, 12:48 PM
EVerybody loves Miyazaki!

Spirited Away is relatively easy to find. Find it.

04-28-2003, 11:39 AM
Spirited Away was good. The tanooki kungfu movie was good too.

05-02-2003, 09:25 AM
Just watched Spirited Away again last night... such a good flick... funny, wonderfully designed.

So let me see if I understand...

Nausicaa is a sort of prequel to Mononoke Hime a.k.a. Princess Mononoke?

quiet man:
Are you refering to the wondercon in S.F. last weekend? Missed it...:(

Laughing Cow
05-02-2003, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by Design Sifu

So let me see if I understand...

Nausicaa is a sort of prequel to Mononoke Hime a.k.a. Princess Mononoke?

Yeah, kinda the whole comic series runs I think for 7 volumes, but he never wrote the final one.

But the ide of the final volume was turned into Mononoke Hime.


quiet man
05-03-2003, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by Design Sifu
quiet man:
Are you refering to the wondercon in S.F. last weekend? Missed it...:(

Um... My location says 'Croatia' and yours doesn't, see ;-)? So no, it couldn't've been Wondercon, it was SFerakon (http://www.sferakon.hr) in Zagreb. But someday I'll have a great job and lots of money and I'll go to Worldcon and Eastercon and all other famous conventions. Hope to see you there ;) :)

David Jamieson
05-20-2003, 09:40 AM
I watched spirited away a couple of days ago and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

The guys style is excellent, some drawings very simple, but the ambience was totally complex in flavour.

The story was interesting too, though I personally felt it could have used a couple of little explanations in regards to the character -no face-. Maybe a little more robust character development in a couple of the others as well (plus that would have extended the flick for another 20 mins at least!).

Anyway, good stuff, loved the vistas.


05-28-2003, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by [Censored]
Spirited Away was good. The tanooki kungfu movie was good too.
The Tanuki film (Heisei era Tanuki war Pom Poko) was directed by Isao Takahata. I find most of his work to be sadder and darker than the wistful, nostalgic tone of Miyazaki's films. If anyone can claim to not be seriously sad and disturbed after watching Takahata's Grave of the Fireflies, you should check to see if they have a pulse.

SanSoo Student
05-28-2003, 11:42 PM
Grave Of the Fireflies is really sad, it was touching to see the love and compassion the siblings shared with each other.

I enjoyed Monoke HIme, the stroy is so good.

Laughing Cow
05-28-2003, 11:44 PM
Originally posted by SanSoo Student
Grave Of the Fireflies is really sad, it was touching to see the love and compassion the siblings shared with each other.

Considering that it is a story based on true events that happened to the author of the original book.

BTW, I got the same tin of candy sitting at home next to the PC.