View Full Version : Politics, Religion and Martial Arts

04-26-2003, 11:50 PM
~ I always am amused at people who say that politics should not be involved in a martial arts forumn. This line of thinking tends to forget or ignore the fact that martial arts developed on the battle field for the most part in defense of certain political views and powers. Martial arts historicaly are and expression of international relations and civil wars. The soldier with his Dao in an army conquering a foriegn land, protecting his homeland, or helping to defend the land of allies honed the skill with gruesome practice the techniques that we strive to master today. The peasant who learned his techniques from his father or some village elders so that he could try to protect his family and property from others gave us a legacy in forms that we work on in the hopes that it will help us if the time should arise that we need to defend ourselves or families or homes.
~ Religion is much the same. Heck, the "Shaolin Temple" was a religious organization where instruction was administered by religious personnel under the guise of religious activity. Buddhism, Taoism, Shinto, Animism and other religious activities all played a major role in the development of martial arts and related morality. "Wude" if you will...
~ In fact, religion and philisophical world views are often times the guiding factor in when we use our martial skills in the first place. (Sometimes it is a total lack of relgious ethics that creates the conflict that leads to war.)
~ It seems to me that many people who don't like to hear about religion or politics in a public forumn are or often very insecure about what they believe in the first place. Or maybe they are so dogmatic in their anti-religion/anti-politics that they cannot bear to extend the courtesy of free religious practice/expression to others. Thus, the free exercise of political opinion or religious practice becomes a desire to force freedom from religion and politics on others to satisfy their own feelings of insecurity or lackof opinions. Often these people will complain about other peoples total lack of "tolerance" and "respect" based on historical events and ascribe such attitudes to everyone of that religious or political viewpoint. i.e. All republicans and white male racist extremist that are they cause of all problems in the world. or, al muslims are terrorists, all muslims are peaceful people, all Chinese in China are are sly communists, all asian girls are sex machines.... I think you get the idea.
~ Like it or not, martial arts are closely linked to politics and religion.
~ The open discussion with the willingness to permit criticism of your own ideas will develop charactor and reasoning ability in the long run.
~ Since my fingers are tired now, I will relax from this rant for a little while.


Sin Loi

Yi Beng, Kan Xue


Former castleva
04-27-2003, 11:23 AM
Yeah,tell me about it.

( :confused: )


04-27-2003, 03:16 PM
all asian girls are sex machines.... I think you get the idea. NO! Do tell!! ;) :p