View Full Version : Chi kung and allegies/asthma

Grinding Hands
04-27-2003, 01:22 PM
Any of you guys have serious asthma or allergies? Has chi kung helped? Anybody know any ways to relieve allergies naturally? I have a serious case that prevents me from doing alot of things.

04-27-2003, 04:59 PM
I suffer from pretty severe asthma and have found that the chi kung I have learned has taught me two important things. 1) Breath control and 2) Not to panic when I am having an attack.

ursa major
04-28-2003, 06:15 AM
From what I have seen of asthma it is vital to keep the body strong but it is a catch-22 how do you engage in strengthening excercises when it may bring on an attack ? I practice Hung Gar which possesses numerous chi-kung building sequences. One of my students suffers from asthma and we have been working through Kung-Tse/Taming the Tiger. He has taken the bridge hand breathing excercises and made it into a ritual daily routine of it's own. As far as I know since he started these drills his attacks have subsided I am not sure to what degree I'll have to ask him. Now that may be due to winter and better quality air ? We'll have to wait through the summer to see what happens when the air quality reduces ?

I respect that asthma can be a very serious condition so I would encourage you to explore Chi-Kung excercises for possible relief. IMO they would be beneficial providing you did them while giving high regard to your current physical limitations.

I have seen numerous cases where allergies were relieved by change of behaviour. In one case using a different soap/shampoo in another case stopped eating wheat products I am sure you've heard similar stories and I am sure it depends on the allergy itself. Not sure how well your local medical system handles these things but I encourage you to pursue relief as aggressively as you pursue your martial arts. I find the internet to be a valuable source of info on these matters.

By-the-way everybody has some degree of asthma and some degree of allergies. For those in doubt just get a little older and you'll see.


Jim Roselando
04-29-2003, 10:05 AM

I had some of the worst allergies for quite a long time. It would constantly effect my Chi Kung training to the point that I gave up on it seeing how I was not able to practice regulary. If I cant breath in threw the nose then there was nothing I could do and unfortunately I was congested all too often.

Cats, Hay Fever, Pollen, etc.. You name it! It effected me!

The one thing I did have going for me was that when my body started heating up from the normal Kung Fu work out (or any athletics) my breathing would open up as long as I was exercising. Yet! The moment I cooled down it was back to congrestion time. Very frustrating!

For the last few years, for a reason perhaps god only knows, my allergies have finally started going away! WHY? I have not clue but now I am doing my Jam Jong and other stuff again and find it makes me feel much healthier and lighter with my skills.

I know its frustrating but stick with it, and practice what you can while you can, and hopefully the healthier body will start working on the non healthy areas of your body. A friedn of mine had some wonderful results with magnets! I think he was wearing some kind of magnetic neckless for a while and got good results. I also know another person who placed a magnet (and taped it) to his Dan Tien and had his allergies start feeling better! I would suggest Nikken products but they are a bit expensive.

Nothing is for sure but it can't hurt.

Regards and best of luck!

Grinding Hands
04-30-2003, 01:55 PM
Thanks Jim! What are nikken products?

Jim Roselando
05-01-2003, 06:37 AM

Nikken is a kind of Magnet company that makes all sorts of magnet items. Bracelets, chains, pillows, matress, etc.. There has been some studies as to the effects of magnets. I can only give you my experience with one study.

I had a majoy bruise! You know, the typical yellowish and black looking ones, and I placed a small magnet over a portion of that spot and left some of the other area open. The part that was coverred by the magnet was healing quicker.

So, it may be worth a shot.



05-01-2003, 09:40 AM
I have really bad allergies and have tried everything. Qigong and kung fu only work while I'm doing it. As soon as I stop, the symptoms reoccur, and I got to work so I can really be jumping around doing forms as I work. Acupuncture worked really well for me, but I only used it as a desparate measure because I dislike the vulnerability in acupunture immensily. Sudafeds make me psycho. Benadryl knocked me out. Beconase made me too spacy and weird. I had some success with homepathics and I like Claritin, especially now that it's OTC. This year has been rainy so it's kept the pollen down.

05-01-2003, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by GeneChing
Acupuncture worked really well for me, but I only used it as a desparate measure because I dislike the vulnerability in acupunture immensily.

What do you mean by this, Gene?

Grinding Hands
05-02-2003, 12:50 AM
Have you guy ever suffered with these symtoms?

My allergic reactions are very painful. My chest where the lung meridian starts by the end of pectoral starts to get sore inside and out. The chest gets inflamed. The muscles feel like i was doing heavy weights. My throat gets swollen and the muscles tighten. My lymphnodes swell up feeling like someone is stabbing me there. My nose feels like i snort cayenne for a buzz. Im not showing off like my allergies are worse then you guys. But this is everyday! Im sick of it. And I didnt even mention the asthma. My body sometimes forgets to breath on its own. I wake up all of a sudden taking deep breaths.

05-02-2003, 10:57 AM
I mean that I'm undcomfortable with have needles stuck in my meridians. Maybe it's a trust issue. One of my best friends became an acupuncturist, and while I'm sure he's quite skilled, there is no way I'd let him neelde me. Too much water under the bridge between us - for instance, I have several incriminating photos of him...

Former castleva
05-08-2003, 05:49 AM
My advice is to stay away from magnets.
Magnet therapy is recognized as quackery and has no real basis for efficiency (for those that suggested magnets,no offense is meant)
Please do check out this link:

I´m quite confident that qi-gong does not have much documented basis for efficiency in treating asthma,but even as a skeptic I do not close away the possibility that learning to relax,breathe properly etc. would help (of course you should discuss these kinds of things with your physician)

05-12-2003, 07:49 AM
Reason magnets tend to help bruises is cause its like a cold press :)
I have hella bad allergies, and athsma. Ive been doing accupressure on myself, and its helping a little. As for the athsma... I just keep my inahlor on me dude :)
The kung fu has definately helped my lung capacity since I started however.

05-15-2003, 05:58 PM
Magnets helped my knee. It may have all been placebo effect, but hey, acupuncture might just be placebo effect. If it works...