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View Full Version : Excellent Crime Prevention Tip Website

Black Jack
04-29-2003, 09:48 AM
I thought I would pass this on as its a great website piled full of crime prevention tips. From parking lot security, to home security, to apartment security, family security, to hotel and motels, international, white collar, cruise ships, what have you.

Good stuff. Bookmark it. Pass it on.



Black Jack
04-29-2003, 10:13 AM
For hotel room security you can buy a security door jam that locks into place beneath the door handle and the forges with the structure of the floor. It is telescopic so you can pull it out of your bags and hook up at night within seconds.

You can also get a smaller floor model or if nothing take one of the chairs at the table in your room and if it fits stick it underneath the door handle.

Always better to be safe then sorry. You can even get small mobile air alarms that go off when a window or door is opened in your hotel room.

04-29-2003, 11:47 AM
in order to encourage intruders:)

04-29-2003, 02:05 PM
in order to encourage intruders :)
feeling lonley :p? :D

One plan I alway had was that since I carried a cell phone with a speakerphone feature (i worked for radioshack at the time, gotta love the gadgets ;)) I practiced dialling 9-1-1 blind, then i figured I'd scream FIRE! or SHARK! or something else that would get everyone's attention, maybe "OH MY GOD! It's ELVIS!" :D

People can be a bit self centereed, many will ignore a plea for help, by nearly everyone will around for a fire, or a chance to see the king!

04-29-2003, 02:12 PM
I pile glasses up on top of each other at the door, and it actually worked once, when they fell, waking me up when a hotel employee tried to turn thief one night.

04-29-2003, 08:08 PM
Good site.

I spent a couple nights at a Helliday Inn while in Chicago. Weird place, used to be an open air motel but they put a roof over it. Left the pool and street lights so it looked like a motel that sunk underground. Anyways there was so much bizaar stuff going on and the locks sucked so I slept on the floor with the chair jammed against the door.

Black Jack
04-29-2003, 08:11 PM
Yeah its a real good site. The type of info that should be passed around in a martial art school.

Rogue.....so that was your room? How is a guy supposed to pay for his martial art classes when dudes like you don't leave their doors unlocked and their wallets out in the open?:mad:

04-29-2003, 08:16 PM
Thanks for the link, Black Jack. Keep up the good work.

Black Jack
04-29-2003, 08:18 PM
Cheers mate. I think I heard you been doing some bowie work with your wing chun stuff.

If so that is cool.

04-29-2003, 08:23 PM
I think I heard you been doing some bowie work with your wing chun stuff.

That is correct. After moving into a place with an actual backyard, the first thing I did was dig a hole, bury a lodge pole, wrap it in cardboard and duct tape, then run down to the local pawn shop and buy up their cheap bowies.

Cutting posts + Bowie knives = Fun!

Royal Dragon
04-29-2003, 08:26 PM
Your neighbors must love yoooooouuuuuuu!!! :D

04-30-2003, 06:44 PM
More so when he's yelling "Who's your daddy!", wearing his loin cloth and blasting Ted Nugent over a cheap PA system.:D

04-30-2003, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by rogue
More so when he's yelling "Who's your daddy!", wearing his loin cloth and blasting Ted Nugent over a cheap PA system.

Now there's an image that'll keep me smiling all day!


04-30-2003, 10:46 PM
LOL @ Rogue!

I knew you had me under surveilance.

04-30-2003, 10:51 PM
Put the video online!

