View Full Version : Fukien Lo Chiu...dont drink it

05-02-2003, 09:45 AM
Friend came over with what he said was a bottle of plum wine he bought at the local Asian Market. I didnt pay any attention to the lable so we poped the cork and poured a couple of glasses, and sip.....near puke....spit...quick find something to wash out my mouth... water, coke, beer, anything.

Now we read the bottle, its nearly 15% salt, actually says on the bottle, not for human consumption. Guess its for cooking or non human drinking.
Wait till class on Monday, he's gonna hurt. can anyone say Dragon Walk?

05-02-2003, 09:48 AM
Reminds me of the time I tried to drink cooking sherry when I was 12. Bad, bad idea.

norther practitioner
05-02-2003, 09:52 AM
which is dragon walk?

15% salt...wow...:eek:

05-02-2003, 09:56 AM
the dragon walk is a training excercise where you step to the side extending your leg while bending the other to a partial split partial third world squat position. as you come up you shift your weight to the forward foot do a crossover step and extend again.
F-in brutal but builds great stregnts and flexability.

Water Dragon
05-02-2003, 10:03 AM
Dragon Walking in application is kinda like a combination of a kick, a stomp, and a step.

It can be a simple kick. You can kick-step the knee and roll it over to take him down and stomp it. You can kick the hip jopint (inside kua) and push straight thru. This will make him fall down

My favorite is to kick the shin and let the foot slide down. If I can get it, I'll end up pinning his foot with mine. From here, toe in to a leg lock and press to take his balance. Then sweep as you pull him backward. If you don't get the "pin", just clock him.

05-02-2003, 12:41 PM
had a real hard core friend who would bury 2x4's in the ground and then break them in a very similiar way to what you described.

Water Dragon
05-02-2003, 12:49 PM
Cool. We work it on a live tree.

05-02-2003, 12:56 PM
what did the tree ever do to you...just joking I beat my sticks on a tree all the time. My teacher once had me doing so many thrust that almost all the skin on my plam just came off. Then he poured some type of jow on it, ouchie mama, but it healed up nicely