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View Full Version : Tai Chi Fighters Represent

05-02-2003, 09:48 PM
Just wanted to congratulate my training partners, Aaron and J for their excellent showing at a Judo tournament in Prince George, BC this past weekend.

Aaron has fought twice in MMA as well as sweeping his division last spring in a sub-wrestling tournament.
This weekend, Aaron scored ippon against his first opponent in less than 20 seconds and took bronze when it was all said and done. He was eliminated by J in their match when he got countered while attacking. Anyone who's pushed with J knows there's no shame in that. hahaha Way to go Aaron!

Jeremiah hospitalized his first opponent with a huge throw and went on to win the gold by scoring 2 separate ippon and choking out another one of his opponents. J has fought a couple very tough MMA fighters and has done very well for himself, and also swept his division at the same sub-wrestling tournament that Aaron competed in.

Afterward, both of them were refused entry in the Open Class for some reason. :confused:

Nice going, guys! :cool:

Mr Punch
05-02-2003, 10:04 PM
Nice work.

Originally posted by Shooter
Afterward, both of them were refused entry in the Open Class for some reason. :confused:

Didn't you/they ask why?

05-02-2003, 10:41 PM
i would assume the same but you know what they say ....

assumptions are like as sholes ... everyone's got one and they're both round.

Shuul Vis
05-02-2003, 11:09 PM
I dont think they looked very good mostly because they all sucked. and that one guy Jeremiah...he put someone in the hospital? He is going straight to hell i tell you.

shaolin kungfu
05-02-2003, 11:09 PM
Assumptions are round?

05-02-2003, 11:13 PM
they sure are.

05-02-2003, 11:14 PM
ha ... your sig rocks.

shaolin kungfu
05-02-2003, 11:15 PM

05-02-2003, 11:18 PM
yeah. im sorry to see riti go ... ill miss that agusta kid ... but the new girl seems to be doing a good job.

shaolin kungfu
05-02-2003, 11:20 PM
I like the story about the tard that lost a fight with a table.

05-02-2003, 11:24 PM
that's actually my favorate ... i couldnt stop imagining that and laughin for about 20 minutes.

.................................................. .................................................. ....
from http://tardblog.com

"#13: Tard loses fight:

Angelo was walking towards the coat room today, when he clipped one of the classroom tables with his hip. Feeling slighted, he cursed at the table and swung his leg to kick the corner he'd bumped into. He missed the table leg by inches and sent his foot smashing into the underside of the table. He screamed and bent down to grab his toes, banging his head against the topside of the table.

At this point Angelo started crying, fell on his butt, and started trying to take his shoe off. He leaned forward to untie his shoe and hit his forehead against the edge of the table. After this he just curled up into a ball. I have never seen a tard lose a fight with an inanimate object quite as badly as this."

shaolin kungfu
05-02-2003, 11:51 PM

That almost doesn't seem possible.

05-02-2003, 11:54 PM
Congratulations, Shooter, Aaron, and Jeremiah. Good job! It's great to see someone putting their art to the test, and even better to see them doing well.

05-03-2003, 10:15 AM
i agree ... its good to finally hear of some traditionals doing well, but why werent they alowed to continue?

05-03-2003, 12:29 PM
Oh come on, some guys got to say that they were not "really" doing tai chi in thease fights.

Its like a tradition or somthing.

But way to go.

05-03-2003, 01:39 PM
Fine, I'll say it. Chokes? groundwork? these guys aren't doing pure tai chi. and hospitalization? isn't that against the whole hippy creed?

;) :D

05-03-2003, 04:37 PM
I have developed a ground tai chi form simply by starting my tai chi form by laying on my back and modifying the moves to fit the situation.

I will be giving a seminar on it in the middle of june. Probably 2 days and it will only be $5600 for both days.

serious inquiries only.

05-03-2003, 04:40 PM
Oso - you forgot the letter of reccommendation :D


05-03-2003, 04:56 PM
no, I'll teach anyone this form. It has been a secret for far too long.

I will also be offering a children's session that is guaranteed to make your kid a straight A student, or your money back.

oh, and there is the 'direct transmission' session which is guaranteed to improve your sex life.

If you send your money in by next Tuesday it will only be $3900.

05-03-2003, 05:00 PM
Congratulations to Shooter's team! :)

05-03-2003, 05:01 PM
yes, in all seriousness, congratulations !!!!!

05-03-2003, 05:12 PM
for sure congrats! :)

Oso: ur selling to the wrong guy - u already read my unemployed thread :D


05-03-2003, 06:06 PM
I was selling to anyone foolish enough to send me that much money for a seminar.:p

05-04-2003, 01:45 AM
why werent they allowed to continue?

05-04-2003, 02:49 AM
scotty1, we're nothing more than training partners. They stand on their own legs.

I wasn't there, so I don't know why they weren't allowed. It's just that they should have been.

05-04-2003, 10:19 AM
I have some questions Shooter if that's cool.

-"Aaron has fought twice in MMA as well as sweeping his division last spring in a sub-wrestling tournament."

How long had he been practising tai chi when did that?

- What's an ippon?

- chokes. Do you use movement found in the tai chi as chokes, or use 'techniques' taken from other arts and apply them using tai chi principles?

Excuse my ignorance if the last question's stupid :)

05-04-2003, 10:27 AM
Congrats Shooter and Shooters dudes :D

An ippon is a point in judo, a full point, when you get an ippon the judo match is over and you win. Its when you flip the dude and he ends with his back against the floor and/or when you do a perfectly fine judo "flip dude movement" :)

05-04-2003, 10:58 AM
How long had he been practising tai chi when did that?

- What's an ippon?

- chokes. Do you use movement found in the tai chi as chokes, or use 'techniques' taken from other arts and apply them using tai chi principles?

He'd been training for about 10 months prior to his first time in MMA.

Ippon is like xebulon said. Thanx, xebbic answerman. :D

Chokes are just applied chin-na. Like attacking the joints, tendons, muscles, arteries, and breath. Chin-na methods are hitting, seizing, pulling, and rending. There are no techniques...just good movement.

05-04-2003, 03:16 PM
Cool, thanks.

10 months, jesus.

05-05-2003, 01:05 AM
Shooter you got any video or action shots on the net?

Heh, this thread title makes em think of:

"smoke the motherfuker like it ain't no thang"


from Dogma.

05-05-2003, 03:36 AM
Hang on i thought Tai Chi wasnt meant to leave the training hall for ten years :)

I hope they at least did some chi blasts, if there was no chi blasts then how is the audience going to recoginse it?

Did they at least wear the silk?

Did they execute all there movements at slow speed?

Did they offer there opponent a flower before the match?

Did they wait patiently for there opponent to move first before every exchange?

Did they require ten minutes of seated meditation before being able to fight?

Did they get beaten up then claim a moral victory anyway?

If any of the above were not present at the match then i really fail to see how you guys represented Taiji at all?

Great to see people are having fun and furthering there training, not to mention turning a few heads while there at it. Top job:D

05-05-2003, 10:30 AM
Hey Shooter,

Props to your training partners! The world needs more people to step it up and put it on the line, regardless of style or profession.

granted it's already been said and said better, but I thought I'd throw my two centis into the mix. ;)

05-05-2003, 09:22 PM
Hey guys

The tournament went good. My fight with J went the same way they always do but he's got 30lbs solid muscle on me but all the other guys had at least 2 belts higher than me and at least 10 lbs and i still did ok with the bronze.

I would have gotten silver but my 2nd opponent wouldn't tap out.
I swear his arm was made of rubber. He ended up beating me by a Yuko.

The reason they gave me for not letting us enter the open category was that we registered late. But thier club would have made an extra 80 bucks by just putting our names in.

It seems to me that they didn't want us fighting the browns and blacks because of the short work we made of the greens and blues considering we just got our oranges

Anyway i don't want to be too much of a spoil sport but those blacks better watch out cause next year they're gonna get it :)

05-05-2003, 09:26 PM
So you guys do Judo as well? Does that mean you were competing as Judoka, or as Taichi practitioners? :)

Or is it all Taichi? :D

Congrats BTW.

05-05-2003, 09:46 PM
To answer as best I can some of the questions and responses from the previous posts.

Before, between, and after all my fights in the Judo tournament I was grinding corn and pracitsing my Chi Kung Breathing techniques taught to me by shooter. I think this gave me a competitve edge when stepping on the mats and it was this edge that I had in Grapplemania last year in Edmonton

I was in Judo for 3 months before doing any Tai Chi or MMA. Until I learned any Tai Chi I was a very stiff judoka and was always being taken down and before I learned how to breath correctly I was always winded a minute or two into the matches. Now I have cardio out the ying yang, and stay relaxed no matter whether i am on my back or standing. Judo classes didn't give this to me as much as the Tai Chi.

I wouldn't say I only used Tai Chi in the matches. I would say that I do Tai Chi, Judo, and MMA but once you learn how to apply the Tai chi techniqes it is imposible to keep from using them.

I couldn't tell you what throw I used to win my first match because I was fighting with an empty mind. My opponent moved
I moved with him with the motivation to put him on the ground and there he was. I actaully got in trouble because I kept fighting and didnt realise that i had beaten my opponent.

The armbar I used was a basic keylock. but that is used and taught in Judo, Jiujitsu and tons of other martial arts

I also used the scorpion leg lock, i don't even know which martial art that originated from but somewhere i learned it (shooter)

Everything overlaps each other that's why no one thing is best it's best to have a balanced knowlege.

Like if you were an amateur wrestler and you went into a judo match if you can use a wresling techinque and it's not illegal fly at it. Thats the way I see it hope i didn't bore you all to death

05-05-2003, 10:01 PM
Cool. I was just taking the p!ss, but your reply was very informative. Thanks.