View Full Version : Southern KF vs Kali/Kuntao

05-03-2003, 05:29 AM

Have someone any experience with fights(or other) between any southern combat KF and Kali, kuntao or silat.

And does know if there are any big different/simmilaties in the way of the blade between the arts??


05-05-2003, 04:13 AM
I know quite a bit about all this styles, not as much as I would like though ;) And I do not agree with Grinding Hands on some points that he meantion, but the history wasn't the question!

The question was if you have had any experience to fight against these arts, and in which way they are hard to fight with/against!

I know that kali/escrima uses alot of knife drills meanwhile I think that the kungfu uses more forms and singel technics to theacht how to work the blade, does other people have the same experience in this matter? :confused:

Grinding Hands , how did you manage the limb destructions when you play with these guys. I find it difficult to apply during a friendly fight without hurting the one I´m fighting with!

I have to meantion that I combine my KF with the other arts that I'm training, this to get a better understanding about some "ordinary" weaponds, and such.....

Are your friends members at this forum??