View Full Version : My dad's problem.

05-03-2003, 07:44 AM
Hey, you know you've got some sort of tendon or something which seems to link your bicep to your forearm, you can feel it when you put your arm at 90 degrees and tense it.

Well, I think my old man's ripped his lifting weights. Anybody done this themselves? Any ideas on what may need to be done to heal it?

Cheers in advance


Former castleva
05-03-2003, 10:51 AM
Always to see a MD.

Sorry,but I even go as far as to dare to say that I´m handing out excellent information. :cool: :o

I think this is referred to as "colgi´s tendon".

05-04-2003, 08:15 PM
Yeah, he needs to see a doc right away. Orthopedist or sports doc would be good choice.

Sounds like he ripped his biceps tendon. If he tore it near the elbow, you might be able to see or feel some of the loose fibers - they pull up like a window shade from the tension, and roll up in a ball. There might be a lump in his biceps. This needs to be surgically repaired if a significant amount of the muscle is no longer attached to the bone, and it needs to be done soon. If he just sprained it, then some rest and rehab should do it.

sticky fingers
05-04-2003, 10:08 PM
I've done something similar with my triceps. After an arm workout, I was stupid enough to do some sparring witha full pump in my arms. My partner did an armbar and I felt something snap in my triceps near the elbow like a guitar string breaking. Couldn't bend my right arm for a week.
Saw the doc straight away who put me on piroxicam.

Took months to recover, and the elbow still hurt sometimes 3 years later. My pain tolerance in my right elbow has diminiished noticably.

05-05-2003, 02:17 AM