View Full Version : for vts student and others chum kill russellsherry

05-06-2003, 05:57 PM
hi anthony, hows this for a joke ,my former sifu, the one i told you
about, in the private messeage i sent, you now olny teaches
chum kill . after 3 years trainining red sash level mongel long time between drinks bill jees six or seven years training and i dont want to even think about dummy i know of no other school in the world that does this , i hope none of hs guys get into a fight with someone who knows how they whould get killed they don'teven do chi sau with forward force untill blue sash level , how can you
train for correct , responce? its not there fault with whom they train for they dont know the truth , but they should look to other,
schools for , the answers russellsherry