View Full Version : Bad Knee

05-08-2003, 10:45 AM
When I was practicing Tui Shou today (TJQ Pushing Hands) I realized that my right knee was crackling a lot during the rotation of my waist. After the practice I did some stretching and still my right knee would do this crackling sound. After the strecth I change position in order to train the left side of my body and the very same would happen to my left knee. The thing is I've been practicing Tui Shou for a while and this was the first time this ever happened.

On the stair of my building I've noticed that each and every step I took would do this crackling sound on my knees. The thing is that it doesn't hurt (yet :) ), but I'm kinda worried.

Aside from seeing a Doc, would any king of stretching help/prevent this in the future?

05-08-2003, 10:48 AM
half lotus, progressing to the full lotus pose, like in Yoga.