View Full Version : augustine fong

05-18-2003, 03:41 PM
what are your opinions of fong's ability, and his teaching skills. he seems to have a very structured system

05-18-2003, 03:59 PM
Augustine Fong's skills, teaching ability and WCK system are first rate. He is often mentioned as one of the top WCK people in the USA, and deservedly so.


05-18-2003, 04:05 PM
One of the best in the world of Wing Chun.

05-18-2003, 06:31 PM
Flaco- curious- why do you ask?

Master Augustine Fong is superb in his understanding of wing chun and he is a superb teacher.

His website is at <www.fongswingchun.com/>

While he has had videos out for some time and gives seminars from time to time- his real teaching is at his school in Tucson, Arizona. He has no branch schools and does not run a chain of schools or a franchise.
On his website- he has a list of certified and recognized instructors who stand on their own merit... and also has a statement on studentship with him..No one "represents" him
(including yours truly).

When you say "structured"- it can mean different things. His understanding of wing chun is very extensive and therefore he states his understanding quite elaborately. But it does not mean that he is in any way mechanical in his approach to teaching.
Quite the opposite. He adjusts his regular student's motions, teaches carefully
and points the way to the improvement of their wing chun. He is interested in the full range of wing chun- from actual
self defense to the underlying concepts and their connections.

Master Fong was a long time student of Ho Kam Ming who in turn was a long time student of Ip Man. He keeps in touch with Master Ho per traditional values but he is has also developed on his own
as good students do and as good teachers urge then to do..

Many of his students have done very well in various competitions
and interactions.

If you wish I can elaborate on my comments off list:

He does not get involved in net discussions. He knows a lot about many martial arts- but his focus is on wing chun.

He is the real McCoy and a real kung fu treasure.

joy chaudhuri

05-18-2003, 06:36 PM
Flaco- curious- why do you ask?

Master Augustine Fong is superb in his understanding of wing chun and he is a superb teacher.

His website is at <www.fongswingchun.com/>

While he has had videos out for some time and gives seminars from time to time- his real teaching is at his school in Tucson, Arizona. He has no branch schools and does not run a chain of schools or a franchise.
On his website- he has a list of certified and recognized instructors who stand on their own merit... and also has a statement on studentship with him..No one "represents" him
(including yours truly).

When you say "structured"- it can mean different things. His understanding of wing chun is very extensive and therefore he states his understanding quite elaborately. But it does not mean that he is in any way mechanical in his approach to teaching.
Quite the opposite. He adjusts his regular student's motions, teaches carefully
and points the way to the improvement of their wing chun. He is interested in the full range of wing chun- from actual
self defense to the underlying concepts and their connections.

Master Fong was a long time student of Ho Kam Ming who in turn was a long time student of Ip Man. He keeps in touch with Master Ho per traditional values but he is has also developed on his own
as good students do and as good teachers urge then to do..

Many of his students have done very well in various competitions
and interactions.

If you wish I can elaborate on my comments off list:

He does not get involved in net discussions. He knows a lot about many martial arts- but his focus is on wing chun.

He is the real McCoy and a real kung fu treasure.

joy chaudhuri

05-19-2003, 06:48 AM
hi, i am studying fongs system under sifu christian pankhurst and
it is truly the real deal...

i am hoping to get out to tucson next year and train with sigung...

he is the best kept secret in the wing chun world!!

black and blue
05-19-2003, 08:18 AM
I thought Christian Pankhurst taught in Devon or thereabouts. Does he have a website?



05-19-2003, 02:04 PM
Augustine Fong was one of the top students from the Macau Wing Chun Athletic Association... I should know... I trained there myself. We all keep very close contact with each other, as well as with Sifu Ho Kam Ming, our teacher..... he is like a father to us all who trained under him. Augustine was also considered one of the top fighters in the school, and most of us from the school from that era of time can confirm his reputation and training.

Furthermore, Fong is an excellent teacher, and he has helped to make the system easier to learn and to understand by how he has structured the whole training program. If you are interested in lineages, debates, and politics, he would not be a good person to pursue. Sifu Ho was not into politics, but focused on Wing Chun totally, and this is instilled in his students. You will hardly find any of his students interested in engaging in these topics. Hence Augustine comes highly recommended if you are sincerely looking for a good teacher to learn the Wing Chun system.

05-19-2003, 04:41 PM

Good post!!

Sifu Fong's analysis and organization of the subject of
wing chun is a major contribution and the right people know of his figthing skills as well.

And Master Ho- has never got involved with wing chun
interpersonal politics. He was and is a superb teacher!

Joy Chaudhuri
Tempe, Arizona

05-19-2003, 07:55 PM
As someone not affiliatied with anyone in the Augustine Fong lineage I would just add that I have heard nothing but good things about Fong, Sifu as a person as well as his wing chun knowledge and skill.

05-20-2003, 05:45 AM
hi, i have been studying wing chun over 7 years and fongs system for the last 2.

his system is very comprehensive, non-believers accuse him of "americanising" wing chun by adding things to the forms or by the number of drills he teaches.

one of the reasons for this , is that he TRUELY understands the art inside out and is constantly striving to improve the way it is taught in order for the student to reach their maximum potential.

in order to understand how the forms work you need to break down the component parts and isolate the "concepts" contained therein into drills which then show the student the limitless ways in which the shapes and principles in wing chun can be used.

sifu fong also does not refer to himself as "master" which i think shows just how humble he is, everyone out there these days calls them selves master as soon as they get their black sash!!

christian is an EXCELLENT teacher, he is a chiropracter by profession so has a very good insight into body mechanics and how they relate to the wing chun system.

i have a small group of students that i teach here in jersey and i fly out to christians place every 6 weeks for an intensive weekend of private tuition.

he is very skilled and is the only certified fong instructor in the uk.

there is a website : www.wingchun-gungfu.co.uk

good luck with your training,


05-20-2003, 08:32 AM
Bougeac sez (my comment in brackets);

one of the reasons for this , is that he TRUELY understands the art inside out and is constantly striving to improve the way it is taught in order for the student to reach their maximum potential.

((Good points. The principles and concepts that Augustine Fong
practices and teaches come from his best understanding of HKM as the latter's was of Ip man's teaching. Like good sifus- they each have further evolved in their teaching. HKM calls his teaching umbrella-
the Ho Kam Ming Martial Arts Association. BTW- he liked the younger Tyson's peekaboo style which controlled the center better than he does after straying from the D"amato roots. He has lost his mobility and is wide open at the center-these days... and has lost his focus- the ear biting(Holyfeld), attemped arm breaking(against the south african white buffalo!), hitting the referee and knee biting(Lewis) at a weigh in--stuff that does not help him in using and being able to deliver the awesome power that he still has- he has trained in phoenix.

Fong has his own association- from the start and has always called it Fong's Wing Chun federation.
On my website at <joy@azwingchun.com> I have an interview with Fong which analyses the differences between the Ho and Fong forms....including the double punch in the slt, fok-tan-huen-wu...the extra kicks in chum kiu, the extra ending in biu jee and
the incorporation of leg drills in the mok jong including the two "hanging" motions which involve biu jee principles of recovering balance and the center- similar adaptations on the bjd- on the kwan he took the separate motions and put them in a logical sequence. The subject-wing chun- remains the same- a good teacher organizes the course in his own way...you stand on the shoulders of those who came before you-in the world of knowledge and teaching.

Similarly, in my small way, I stand on my own two feet such as they are- I am a member of Fong federation in good standing- but I use my own logo for Tempe Wing Chun- and teach in my own way without straying from the subject to which I have had the good fortune(yuanfen) to have a great introduction.))

in order to understand how the forms work you need to break down the component parts and isolate the "concepts" contained therein into drills which then show the student the limitless ways in which the shapes and principles in wing chun can be used.


christian is an EXCELLENT teacher, he is a chiropracter by profession so has a very good insight into body mechanics and how they relate to the wing chun system.

((I have met Christian-probably twice. Seemed like a good person devoted to wing chun. Hope that you can come to Tucson- next year. Sifu Fong has a week long course every day-all day- during the week before the annual two day reunion. The course is NOT limited to people in his line. With good wishes-joy C))

black and blue
05-20-2003, 08:39 AM
With regards the week-long course Fong Sifu offers, do you happen to know how much it is to attend?


Thanks for the heads-up regarding the website. Glad your training is still going well and you're enjoying the private weekend lessons.

Keep me posted with regards visiting Augustine Fong in the US. If money can be scraped together, I might just see you there. (at the least it will be good to hear another British accent :) )

05-20-2003, 08:48 AM
thanks for your comments and invite joy!

with a bit of luck i will definately be going to tucson next year
, ideally for the week course and reunion , may be going with christian.

will look forward to meeting you then...

best wishes

05-20-2003, 01:56 PM
i ask about fong, because i have spoke tro him about becoming a student, and i highly respect him, and wanted to know of veryones experince with him. i know his history, so theres no need for that, i was just wondering what everyones opinions were. i think hes a great teacher, and i may see him in july.

old jong
05-20-2003, 03:01 PM
Even if you find the best teacher in the world,you need first to have trust in his teaching and in his system.If I base myself on your "WC fighter" thread,I get the feeling that you will always find your answers in the MMA domain. Do you have the patience to really learn Wing Chun?...

05-22-2003, 10:19 AM
old jong, i already am a certified wc instructor, i studied the art for over ten years. so i may have my own opinion about many schools out there, but its because of my own experience. not lack of experience.

old jong
05-22-2003, 01:58 PM
O.K.!...I just wish you the best in your studies with Augustine Fong. My only questionning was: Can you empty that big cup of your's?...;) ;) ;)

05-22-2003, 02:27 PM
I had the pleasure of meeting him at the Taiji legacy last year as well as his wife and 3 students. My brothers and I touched hands with his students for several hours after the Chi Sao competition and traded ideas and drills. The next day we met again and Fong sifu was present watching us Chi Sao. He and his wife were very laid back and friendly. She is quite humorous too. I was filming to have some footage to go back to later and he did not mind being on camera and offered suggestions during Chi Sao. I had been rolling arms for maybe 6 or 7 months at that time. He was able to demonstrate to me the difference between touching hands and sticking hands with a plastic knife and a popsicle stick that made the lightbulb pop on, if you know what I mean. They invited all of us to the annual seminar in May, which I had to miss due to work. I hope to see him and his students again this year at Taiji Leagcy.

05-22-2003, 02:55 PM
Shadowboxer- As of a week or so ago- he was not planning on going to the Taiji legacy affair- this year. Of course things like life could change.

05-22-2003, 03:19 PM
Well, it's not until August 1-3. So there's still hope.;)

05-22-2003, 07:43 PM
old jong, why start with me? why would you say my cup is full? i just started a new art, a few years ago, and im willing to start from scratch, with fong sifu, so how can my cup be full? all i stated before, was what i think was lacking in many wc schools today. and i always gave props to the guys that train hard.

i just hate the insults that my bjj buddies say about wc, but many of them have gone into wc schools and pounded the guys they sparred with. and again, i argue with them, that wc is effective, but many schools dont train realistically. so i see no cup being full.

old jong
05-23-2003, 05:23 AM
Hey!...Good for you! Again best of luck in your studies. Sincerely.