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View Full Version : Nam Pai Chuan - shaolin apparently

09-01-2001, 03:06 AM
I'm going to university in the uk soon and there is this school Shaolin: Nam Pai Chuan (http://www.cf.ac.uk/suon/au/kungfu/) at the college which i could attend.

Has anyone ever heard of nam pai chuan? On the site, there are pictures of people wearing karate gi's, practicing bearfoot, and doing lots of breaking.

Honesty? Looks like a shaolin do school.

Any info on this guys? Anyone ever heard of it?


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"What you wan' cry fo? You know that my hammer is heavy and it got kick like tae kwon do, now you gwarn die slow... I'ma show you how to stretch a m0ther****er if you wanna watch tae bo"

09-01-2001, 04:14 AM
Sharky. Honesty? It looks like a Shaolin-Do school. Their historical make-up is a close parallel to Shaolin-Do as well. SD is supposed to be traditional shaolin (at it's core) which adopted karate training techniques (belts, gis, etc). Nam Pai Chuan claims to be traditional shaolin (at it's core) which adopted taekwondo training techniques. The pictures in the gallery of forms looked a lot like a frozen moment in some of the forms I've learned. Heck, I don't know...maybe all CMA forms look the same frozen...but it did look familiar. You MIGHT like it, you might not. Most folks don't have a problem with the SD system, just the Grandmaster. I wish they'd have listed a few forms they teach, I'd be able to tell you more. I've never heard of them, or the instructors...but I'm certainly no expert.
Let's do Sharky a favor and not turn this thread into another SD debate, ok? :)

09-01-2001, 04:30 AM
Thanks for that! Kind of confirms what i'd suspected. I'll try out the 2 free lessons regardless :)

Any other info lads?

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"What you wan' cry fo? You know that my hammer is heavy and it got kick like tae kwon do, now you gwarn die slow... I'ma show you how to stretch a m0ther****er if you wanna watch tae bo"

Shaolin Master
09-01-2001, 07:09 AM
That is not Shaolin-Do in anyway.

It is chinese martial arts from malaysia and singapore descended from true origins not falsified ones.
If the teacher truley studied the art that the history claims.
It would have some Southern Shaolin Lohan and some Wuzhuquan flavour.

09-01-2001, 03:00 PM
ah! why the gi's and bare feet?

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"What you wan' cry fo? You know that my hammer is heavy and it got kick like tae kwon do, now you gwarn die slow... I'ma show you how to stretch a m0ther****er if you wanna watch tae bo"

Shaolin Master
09-01-2001, 03:44 PM
well seems the dumb teacher did tae kwon do and seeing as he did not fully understand the system adapted some of the ethics. So check whether the teaching is more to the TKD side of things if so the teacher is a substandard individual and did not train long enough or well enough to understand what he claims to be his chinese martial art. It is probably another proclamation to a lineage that really has only a few real masters.
Barefeet, ah many malaysians do it, nice weather and want to have good strong feet hehehehe.Just kidding that is just a choice thing probably TKD related.
Anyways the first form should be 'Yi Zhi Mei'[Small prunus]. Starts with a double Knife palm strike to the side.

But I am sure it is some crappy mix'n match ....Ah Annooying.

09-01-2001, 04:27 PM
Annoying indeed my friend. Would have been ideal (Very close etc).

Ho hum - thanks for your help.

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"What you wan' cry fo? You know that my hammer is heavy and it got kick like tae kwon do, now you gwarn die slow... I'ma show you how to stretch a m0ther****er if you wanna watch tae bo"