View Full Version : Is anyone here besides me just totally sick of the main Kung Fu forum?

09-02-2001, 03:51 PM
I really tried to find a post worth responding to but it has been futile. I think they should rename it the Troll Forum. From what I can tell nearly all the BJJ guys are trolls in one form or another because all they do is wait for someone to post something they don't like and then gang up on them. Then there are the Kung Fu trolls who are so inept and lacking in knowledge that its almost funny. What, these guys dont don't get their knowledge form videos like the BJJ guys? Are Kung Fu vid's just hard to come by or what?If anyone would like to talk REAL MA feel free to contact me. I am a 1st degree brown belt in Judo and I now study Hsing-I and Tai Chi.

09-02-2001, 04:00 PM
i just saw the age post. and a lot of the really bad posters out there, just are 15. so let them have thier pretend glory...just stay out of there. i rarely post, but its good for a laugh.

09-02-2001, 06:39 PM
I'm through there, no more posts from me. Its interesting though, I was just chatting with a dude who posts on the underground forum and the topic of kungfuonline came up. According to him before the moderators tightened the clamps a while back, it was possible to obtain multiple I.D.'s. He also said that some of the guys who post on there he knew from the underground(mostly BJJ guys since thats who frequents there)and that they had three, sometimes four different identities. So when they'd get in an argument they'd post different slams with their multiple I.D's and it would appear as if a great assault of opinion was being waged against a particular poster when in fact it was only a couple of people. He gave me some screen names and told me who they really were, but for the sake of not stirring up a lot of crap, I'll keep them to myself for now. I'll also avoid the Troll forum.

09-02-2001, 07:21 PM
You think it's better HERE?

We've got one troll (reemul) who thinks he can defeat the Shaolin temple and another here (stumblefist) who thinks Shaolin is a conspiracy and that non-Chinese cannot master kung fu.

09-02-2001, 07:44 PM
I know exactly what you mean. I got into an argument with several of the BJJ trolls. From the discourse, I trained in BJJ for one year and I could tell that most all of the guys who were talking sh!t possessed no knowledge beyond that which could be picked up from a set of videos. I post under another name on E-Budo and a few of the guys over there used to post on Kung Fu online but got sick of being dogpiled by the BJJ trolls. If it is true what you were saying about posters using more than one name, that sounds pretty low but it would explain the "tag team" action that seems to go on over there a lot. Who in particular is using the names, if you don't mind?

09-02-2001, 08:15 PM
Its interesting what you said jockwurst. I haven't posted on that forum in probably over a year now. I refused to because I said I wouldn't and I accused the poster who goes by the name of knifefighter(who after being flogged by the kung fu guys said he was leaving never to return) of not living up to his word. I will live up to mine and not go back. I can vouch for your claims about multiple postings. Yes, in the old days when the forum began it was possible to get an almost unlimited number of IDs and Im sure that many did(I have 2). Furthermore after I left the forum i chatted with several peopl who were posters on the forum. I also have an inside source who i will not reveal. Many of the old trolls have come back as new posters. James(also known as Word) is now a prominent BJJ tycoon on the board. As is also the infamous Tae Kwon Do Man. How do I know? Because I have talked to each of them on other forums. In fact James was moonlighting from his main identity at the time(you would be shocked if I told you who he really is today)he was posting so much of his crap. TKD Man has 2 Bjj guy IDs that he uses now. Why am I not revealing the names? Simple because once I did they would just deny it and start launching their alter ego attacks against me. Anyway, suspense kills and knowledge is power! If ya want to exchange info or talk jockwurst my email is brat_9@email.com.

09-02-2001, 10:57 PM
Trolls are going to be trolls, you can't stop it entirely. As a Mod you hope to limit their effectiveness. But the forum members do help these trolls by giving them what they want....much wanted attention!!. But speaking as a forum member and not a Mod I don't see a difference in the amount of quality posting here.

If trolling upsets you that much, then that pariculiar troll has done his job in ****ing you off considering thats their main goal.

Again just don't respond to troll threads there are a lot of threads with good info in them, but its up to that individual person to get what they want out of them :cool:

09-03-2001, 05:26 AM
Maybe the situation isn't any better over here. What mainly ****es me off is that it seems that no one over there can have a descent talk about traditional Chinese Ma without some BJJ a$ jumping in. I am a grappler. I did that earlier on in life and now I practice Kung Fu. Personally I havent heard any talk from any of the supposed "experts" in BJJ that represented anything greater than what could be gained from watching any training videos as Studd earlier pointed out. There all a bunch of fakes in my opinion and the fact that they seem to be using multiple I.D.s to gange up on people supports this.

09-03-2001, 06:02 AM
I wonder if you could help me please!!!! their is a guy named 6hrmantis who says he lives by me and has said some really nasty rumors about me (please read grandmasters in the northern praying mantis board), he even said some crap about my innocent wife! I would love to know who he really is or how I can find out. He emailed me and threatened to break the windows at my school! I can't have this, so please if you can help me find out his name you have free lessons for life!!please email me through my web site www.kungfuusa.net (http://www.kungfuusa.net) all help will be appreciated thank you so much


09-03-2001, 06:20 AM
"and another here (stumblefist) who thinks Shaolin is a conspiracy and that non-Chinese cannot master kung fu."
Well Huang as for your latter statement i've said just the opposite and as for the former i have the same practical views of Shaolin that many others have. Not only that but i just successfully completed arrangements for a British group to train 500 meters from Shaolin.
Rather than making up stories about me, why don't you get your anger out and tell me dierectly and honestly what is your beef?

"Without water there would be no fish"

09-03-2001, 03:53 PM
You hate all of us who practice real kung fu, stumblefist.

You've insulted the temple, flamed Gene Ching, and accused me and my sifu of being novices. Obviously, you respect neither the art nor the people that train it.

Why do you ally yourself with those that hate kung fu and try to put down all of us who sweat blood and tears in order to TRAIN?

Don't you train yourself?

[This message was edited by HuangKaiVun on 09-04-01 at 07:07 AM.]

09-03-2001, 04:37 PM
Or is your name really jiu jitsu jedi or one of the other tags that the real person behind the name uses? This is a classic atttempt at exactly what I've been talking about so Earth Dragon, JJJ, or whoever the hell you are why not head back over to the BJJ troll forum where you belong.

F*&^ you.

09-03-2001, 04:58 PM
Ok! That's great Huang! You are slowly getting out the real story. Isn't that better than beating around the bush? Previously you said you didn't want to argue with me but it looks like you really don't know yourself.
I'm afraid you are just going to have to live with other people's opinions just like i will have to live with your opinion that i hate kungfu, etc, etc.
But since you don't seem to understand simple things i don't much feel bothered by someone who doesn't understand my words.
I don't know who it is that "hates kung fu". There really aren't people that HATE kungfu are there? I can't imagine it! There wasn't any Kungfu Holocaust while i wasn't looking was there?
Since i have (ahem) accused you and your Sifu of "being novices", perhaps you might explain how i did that and who it is that is your sifu? Perhaps that might help to clarify matters. If i can know the facts thaen i might accept or deny the responsibility of such an opinion.
You are becoming an easy argumentational target. It seems that "anger" you accused me of is really your own, you seem to be projecting. Two other bpeople already spontaneously told you don't have a sense of humor on the other thread. That's a serious blindness. You don't seem to have too much to say, just expressions of dislike.
But it's no use trying to get my goat, I ate it a long time ago. Take it easy. I can't stick around here much and help you out with this.

"Without water there would be no fish"

09-03-2001, 07:54 PM
I assure you that my posts are real! I place my website on the bottom of my posts for all to see, so how am I hiding my identity? my name is sifu Michael Haley and my nick name is earth dragon. Check the website for yourself!I am a 35 year old man not some kid, I just asked for your help becuse you seem to know a lot about this forum and the people on it, If you cant help me I understand but again all I asked is for your help! you don not have to insult me to get your point across just say you cant help and I will be on my way. thank you again! email me through my web site if you are willing to help .


09-03-2001, 07:59 PM
to assure you that I'm not lieng my kung fu brother lives and teaches in birmingham and is also a plastic surgeon in your local hospital, his name is damian peter ray or peter ray which he likes to be called and also the forum creator steeve creel also lives in AL and is one of peter rays students. Just wanted to show you that I am on the up and up other wise why would I post my website on this forum?


09-03-2001, 08:20 PM
Sorry I got so riled, but I thought that your post was one of the goons I talked about. Its a common tactic to sign on as an alter ego and poke ridiculous fun at a poster so as to divert the conversation away from the original premis. As to the guy who's bothering you, I dont have any info on that,I have about 18 or so odd tags that are used by the BJJrs on the main forum when they want to change identities and make it appear that there is a large compendium of posters waging an online war when in fact its just one or two people.If you are really concerned why don't you ask the mods to track the ISP he's using. That would tell you if the clown is even in your area or not. If the threats he's making are serious enough then I believe that you can take legal action. I believe that a poster known as Neal Cameron was convicted of some kind of harrassment charge involving a Sifu Abel who posts on the main forum and was banned from online discourse for a while. It may have been someone else besides Abel, I don't really remember. I'll ask around and contact my source maybe they can find something.

09-03-2001, 09:36 PM
Good to see another Birminghamian Jockwurst. E-mail me so we can chat....kentl@mindspring.com :)
Always looking for people to train with here.
Take Care!

09-03-2001, 10:46 PM
thanks again jockwurst for your response , I have asked the forum mod to check into it but she said the have little power to do anything on the board and she said she would check into it for me, but you know how that goes, yes I would like you to check your sources also this board is for martial artists and not Ass***es so i would be graetful PS I think xygie is the same guy as 6hrmantis but not sure but thanks for looking into that for me! I wish you were the moderater LOL


09-05-2001, 02:54 AM
Neal was convicted of indecent exposure.

I had nothing to do with it. He hung himself out to dry, pardon the pun.

Knifefighter is a dolt.

Its dangerous to think you are immortal.

09-05-2001, 01:49 PM
Actually you're the one who comes across with the attitude that the only "real" shaolin practioners are the modern day monks of Shaolin and that westerners are incapable of mastery or apraoching the level of the monks you worship.

As history tells it, the world once thought Americans were lazy decadent slaves to Europe before entering WWII. Then we came and kicked everbodies ass and been doing so ever since. As a super power we have no equal. This is the power of the American mindset. Sure a lot of americans are lazy and fat, but there are a lot of us who aren't and if you step up and test us, we'll kick your a$$

Crimson Phoenix
09-05-2001, 02:00 PM
Yeah, you'll kick asses except if these a$$ are vietnamese, corean, ethiopian...hahahah
Sorry, nothing personal, but this nationalist "USA is the best in the world" shiat makes me puke (like any "our country is the best in the world" does actually)...thanks god all americans are not like this...

09-05-2001, 07:37 PM
Here's the thing. There are a large number of blatently stupid posters on KFO. It's obvious they're trying to start trouble, and have little knowledge or skill. Yet normally right-minded posters feel the need to reply to them. Ignore these ones flat out! C'mon...it's easy!

A couple years ago, the main forum was very readable. At one point in time, you could safely read every new topic, and find useful gems in many of them. Now that board is hardly worth a look. I still scan through, find the interesting posts, and read/reply. But I haven't bothered to open a ".vs" thread or anything with the words "bjj", "Bruce Lee", or "Sucks" in the title in over a year.

Do yourselves a favor and be selective in what you read, and especially in what you bother replying to. You'll live longer :)

09-05-2001, 08:00 PM
Jockwurst and I exchanged info and we were pretty much right on target. Of all the BJJ blowjobs over there who claim to be legit, they amount to about 4 people. Like I said I'm not going to post this info because what good would it do? They would just denty it.

09-06-2001, 01:11 AM

You can say I am the most guilty of the guilty when it comes to humoring trolls and mat-heads like knife and ginsue. But, it's our own fault that the Kung fu forum is overrun by the NHB mafia. The forum is also overrun by children and newbies that don't know why I say the things I do to ginsue and the like. They just take it as me being the "bad" guy. So be it. There are very few kung fu practicing posters of any merit there. Most of the more frequent posters don't have more than a handfull of years training, if that. The "lurkers" outnumber the posters 20 to 1. That last "age" post was innocuous enough to get people I had never even heard of to post for once.

Its dangerous to think you are immortal.

09-06-2001, 01:24 AM
If you have the information, post it. Maybe they'll deny it, but so what? If you're right, you may convince others and if you're wrong, perhaps there's a way the claims can be refuted. I remember at least one occasion when someone was accused of being Rolls, the IP addresses were checked and they were found not to be. I find it extremely suspicious that you claim to have this information but refuse to give it out in case they deny it. That just makes no sense to me. Typically, people who behave in that fashion have some hidden agenda.

09-06-2001, 01:28 AM
Ah yes, anarcho, you're a help. You are just one of the reasons I don't post there anymore.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Just started learning Wing Chun. [/quote]

To quote the Rock "Who... in the blue hell......... are you?"

09-06-2001, 04:20 PM
Reemul said:
"To HuangKaiVun"
"Actually you're the one who comes across with the attitude that the only "real" shaolin practioners are the modern day monks of Shaolin and that westerners are incapable of mastery or apraoching the level of the monks you worship."

Reemul: I think you pegged Huang correctly, his other remarks are something like a device for antagonism.
I do have a special glow when i see the stars and stripes but i don't "play" America against anybody.
CP, i think you Europeans just resent being saved so often. You are just like some guy on crutches complaining "Hey, i can do it myself". WW1, WW2, Saddam, Yugoslavia, the Cold War: those were joint efforts.

"Rejoice not that the beast is dead for the b!tch that bore him is in heat again."

"Without water there would be no fish"

09-06-2001, 04:40 PM
I don't think the U.S. is perfect and I don't necessarilly get warm fuzzies when I see the flag, and by no means do I think we don't **** up enough as a nation.
I just don't like the sereotype that everyone in America is fat and overweight or incapable of mastery of Shaolin kungfu.

So the next time someone gets the impulse to lable us fat and lazy, remember who the super power on this planet is. The irony is All the other countries in the world made us what we are. Your people come here and help to improve and keep our nation strong.

Crimson Phoenix
09-06-2001, 05:08 PM
Stumble, I don't want to argue over a country being better than another, but PLEASE don't bring it in...from my window I can see a church that is twice as old as the USA, you are still descendents of europeans as far as I know, and the real american guys, the ones that were there before are now dying in parks, and you even celebrate thanksgiving when they helped you out of hunger and you rewarded them with genocides...Saddam?? That was a menace to Europe? YEAH RIGHT, CNN made you believe it...you had more casualties from "friendly fire" than from Irak hahahah...I don't even know why I'm arguing on this, it's so stupid...it just shows how poorly enlightened I am...what the hell's with WWI and WWII?? Can I scream Lafayette?? Maybe you'd be just a big UK territory if French didn't help you ?? Pffffff this is all so pointless...it doesnt even have a shiat to do with gong fu...
I beg pardon to all Americans that may have felt insulted by my words, my former stepmother was american and my father has US nationality...but I just can't help it when i hear such stupid propaganda stuffs (from whatever side)...before giving lessons, make sure you don't need some.

Reemul, sorry for my ironic reply, I can imagine that you react to such an insult, but saying all americans are lazy and fat is as stupid as saying arab guys are all terrorists, thai girls prostitutes or parisian guys impolite (uuhhh...that's a bad example hahahahahha).
You shouldn't even be caring about this shiat, talking that way about americans or anyone else is more an insult to the poor mind issuing thoughts like this than to the intended target.
Meanwhile, take care

09-06-2001, 08:25 PM
SifuAbel, weren't you leaving? Or is that just the main forum? If so, it'll be a lot less poncy without you. :) If you were any further up yourself you'd be coming out the top of your head.

09-06-2001, 11:48 PM
The answer of a whimpering dog.
You still haven't answered my question. Who you the heck are you and what makes you think you have enough knowledge about MA to make any sort opinion that is worth the time to read?

Its dangerous to think you are immortal.

09-07-2001, 01:56 PM
Nothing you said was offensive, to me anyway. Just as I don't like generalization about americans, I don't cast them on poeple from other countries.

09-07-2001, 06:04 PM
Ive left that board and Im never going to post on it again. What Jockwurst and I would like people who do post there to realize is that what Abel refers to as the "NHB mafia" is about 3-4 people posting under multiple IDs. All the more reason tio ignore them. There is really no way to refute them one way or another and ISPs are unreliable because you can always go to another computer that uses a different provider and log on. be suspicious of me all you want I dont give a F%#@. And the only ones with a hidden agenda are the 3 or 4 mobsters who have held that board hostage for over a year now. Trust me Ive been in arguments with them before and when you are dealing with the multiple Id guys its hopeless because they try to make it appear as if theres about 15 people supporting them. I'll give you a little hint as to how it works. Of the 4 or so people who are false posters all have what I call an ego-ID. This is their main one. They will use the other IDs to lob insults at posters who are arguing with their main ID thread so as to defend this ego. I'll give you a challenge: go to some old threads where these guys are fighting it out with someone and isloate just WHO it is that everyones rallying around. That will give you the ego ID. most of the other postings in support are the same person, just trying to divert the focus of the thread or comein from the flank as another screen personality. For example remember James aka Word. Well he's got a new handle as a BJJ poster(we were chatting about this a while back). I'll let you try to guess who he is? Oh suspense kills doesn't it Anarcho?!!! If you dont buy what Im saying then fine, head on back over to the BJJ troll forum where you are obviously more comfortable.

09-07-2001, 09:50 PM
Hehe...SifuAbel, that's a very apt title for your post. I know how much you love to trade insults on here, but I don't go in for that, so my part in this conversation is over. Feel free to call me names. ;)

Brat, it's fair enough that you've left the board because of these multiple posters, I'd just like to know who you think they are. Yes, the suspense is killing me, and I don't get why you won't just tell everyone in public what's going on. :) Then we could get the mods to confirm or deny that they have the same IPs or that they have IPs that originate from the same area, or whatever.

09-08-2001, 02:16 AM
yap yap yap, geez how smarmy. You are so sugarcoated I think I'm going diabetic..

Its dangerous to think you are immortal.

09-08-2001, 05:09 AM
Back to the topic,

It looks like the tides are a changing. If the CMA people that are missing from the kung fu board want it back NOW is the time. Speak Up!!!

Its dangerous to think you are immortal.

09-08-2001, 05:21 PM
Why not make a list of the suspected alternate ID's of the NHB syndicate on this thread?

09-09-2001, 06:05 AM
I wouldn't mind seeing that myself.

Its dangerous to think you are immortal.

09-09-2001, 09:33 PM
Post it. Plain and simple. Knowledge is power. Reading is Fundamental, etc.

Air Force One
09-10-2001, 01:51 PM
How is he trolling? Just imagine this. Suppose that he posts just one I.D. that can be proven to be false. They'll all gang up on them just like they do everytime and itl be over and they'll go back to business as usual. I used to post on the board under a different Id I have fought with these same guys before. Jock and Brat....why don't you email the info to Abel, watchman, or me? Watchman, anarch aren;t you BJJrs and havent you defended these guys before? I dont know it just seems that Ive seen your names on some of the hot threads over there. COuld you clear this up for me?

09-10-2001, 03:57 PM
Watchman is one of the most uniformly respected CMA posters on this forum. If I could only trust one person on this forum to not be an alternate ID, he'd be my first choice. Anarcho would be up near the top of that list as well.
They're not BJJers. If you saw they're names in a "hot" thread, it's because they're prolific posters and probably had something to add.
Hope this helps you out Brett.

09-11-2001, 08:03 PM
It seems like every time he gets rubbed the wrong way there are a pile of thugs hitting you from all sides. We went at it a while back, when he couldnt disprove my Gracie jiu Jitsu affiliation he backed off. I will be the first to admit that i only trained one year. Knifefighter claimed just six months ago that he had 16 years experience in the martial arts. Just last month he claimed he had twenty. Go figure. Time flies when your havin fun..or jerking off.

09-11-2001, 11:04 PM
It is pretty convienient isn't it.Ü

Its dangerous to think you are immortal.

09-13-2001, 09:58 AM
>>>Watchman, anarch aren;t you BJJrs and havent you defended these guys before?<<<

I apologize if any of my past posts on the threads in question seem to in any way to have been in support of BJJ "trolling efforts".

If watching a few UFC's count as being a "BJJ'er", then I suppose I'm guilty as charged, but the fact is I sold my soul to Wing Chun a loooong time ago.

As far as BJJ itself is concerned...I echo the sentiments of the immortal Chuck D: "Don't believe the hype."


One is weak because he makes preparations against others;
he has strength because he makes others prepare against him.
-- Sun-Tzu