View Full Version : Black Jack

Royal Dragon
05-26-2003, 09:06 AM
You know a good place to get pepper spray that would be good for a 13 yearold girl to carry?

Mine is starting to wander the neighbor hood more and more (not anything like when I was her age but...............)

I was thinking of getting one of those Key Chain deals for her.

Your thoughts?


Black Jack
05-26-2003, 05:19 PM
Happy Memorial Day.

Naperville riverwalk had a killer parade, tons of red, white and blue everywhere you looked, proud people clapping and waving flags at the marchers and the honored war veterans, plus a cool overhead pass of ww2 bombers and fighter planes.

Royal incase you did not know there are really four kinds of OC Sprays to pick from and they are based on spray pattern so it is best if you choose the spray based on your daughters enviroment and her daily life.

* FOG- This is a large amount of spray that is released at one time covering a big area. It is best used outdoors and is good for multiple targets and it is easily inhaled. In windy conditions their can be cross contamination.

* CONE- This is my pick as IMO it has the best all around pattern for me. It is a large spray like FOG but in much more controlled and concentrated pattern. It has greater control and less cross contamination than FOG but is still good for multiple targets and is easily inhaled. Can be used both indoors and outdoors. Some makers might also call this spray pattern a MIST.

* Stream- This is a spray pattern that uses pin point accurate targeting. You have to really hit the selected target. It is good in the wind.

* FOAM- I believe this is the one most used in correctional facilities as it releases a large amount of spray but is still vary good in doors. From what I hear it is the best inside.

OC btw stands for Oleoresin Capsicum and it is this alkaloid which burns and irritates.

Some local places you can check instead of buying online-

Midwest Guns (Great Store)- 1730 Ogden Downers Grove- 971-0101

Cliffs Guns & Surplus- 501 Pennslvania Avenue, Glen Elyn- 858-2815

J.R. Shooting Sports- on Oakhurst in Aurora- 236-7788

You can also call Kwons Martial Art Supplies at 847-451-1302 and USA Karate at 665-8322 to see if they have any.

Come to think of it the massive Myers on rt 59 in Naperville/Aurora might have some spray.


Royal Dragon
05-26-2003, 06:15 PM
Hi, I missed the parade, i was busy grilling Brats. I experimented with barba'q Brats this year. They were not half bad, I may do it again sometime.

Happy Memorial day to you too!!! :D

I didn't know there were so many options, I just thought there was spray, or foam. I want her to have something to carry with her incase of trouble wile running around the neighborhood outside. Most likely is going to be an adult attempting to abduct her ( I think, that's my biggest fear anyway). BUT I supose getting cornered by multiple kids older than her is a possibliity too. I'm not sure what the neighborhood is like near me as I have only lived here for about a year and a half. I'm just now starting to get out and about so I really don't have a feel for it yet.

Laughing Cow
05-26-2003, 06:19 PM
How common are the sprays over there that use colour that won't wash off for a few days.

They seem to be the prefered method over here, as the attacker is easy to identify with a face full of colour.

05-26-2003, 09:54 PM
Originally posted by Royal Dragon
Hi, I missed the parade, i was busy grilling Brats..... They were not half bad, I may do it again sometime.

Didn't your kids object?!?:eek:

Royal Dragon
05-27-2003, 07:22 AM
Nope, Terri and my daughter got in to some sort of "Video game" war, and marathoned it for half the day. I don't understand those two sometimes, it can be beautiful out, and all they want to do is fight eachother in a "Godzilla" video game instead of going out. :rolleyes:

05-27-2003, 07:40 AM
"I don't understand those two sometimes, it can be beautiful out, and all they want to do is fight eachother in a "Godzilla" video game instead of going out"
Sound just like my dad when I got my first supernintendo ages ago. :)

I would honestly say to go with the colorizing stuff if you can... that way after she sprays 'ol dude or 'ol girl with the sh!t, daddy will know exactly who the culprit was... and can finish handling it yourself in what way you so deem appropriate.
Agree with cone spray as well, but wreckless use can make the wind carry it right into a bystanders face, trust me, i know. (was on recieving end) Fog can be bad when used wrecklessly too, As was the case on the beach in padre during the spring break riot last year. Cops just started spraying fog pepper spray... on the beach? f*cking morons. It carried half way down the beach...

Black Jack
05-27-2003, 07:41 AM
We grilled brats and hamburgers to. I love grilling. Add to the brats some grilled onions and mustard and you have yourself a chicago meal. It does not hurt to have some roasted corn, german potatoe salad and baked beans on the side either.

If it is not that big o' deal just call up one of those stores and pick up some spray. It is a good idea that she gets some and you show her how to use it. You should be able to find some pretty easy.

Just use those as a guideline when you find a spray so you know what kind of pattern it has incase the store guy does not know. If you get the spray at a gun shop they should be pretty helpfull.


05-27-2003, 07:45 AM
We grilled burgers and steaks :)
Had myself a 1.4 lb giant t-bone..... mmmmmmmm.........................
Add some worstechire(sp?) montreal steak and lemon pepper and barbq sauce and garlic salt...... mm.........
I sell brat to H-E-B also :)

05-27-2003, 10:25 AM
Now y'all are making me hungry. I will have to take some Brauts out of the freezer for dinner. The only Brat I've grilled would be my 15-month old who didn't believe me when I told him "don't touch, the grill is still hot."

Royal Dragon
05-27-2003, 12:11 PM
Yeah, I'm defenetly checking out those shops you listed above.

Terri made a crack last night that I should be getting her a .22..................I think she was serious :eek:

Black Jack
05-27-2003, 12:34 PM
A few of those stores have access to approved N.R.A and independent shooting courses for homeowners and general firearm users. From the strict responsibility of basic handling, tactical shooting, and sportsmanship.

By that :eek: in your post I take it you think she is not the right kind of person to own a firearm or at least at this time.:)

Royal Dragon
05-27-2003, 01:20 PM
By that in your post I take it you think she is not the right kind of person to own a firearm or at least at this time.

She will be 13 in July. I don't think it's legal for a girl her age to carry.

As for the shooting courses, That might be a nice romantic thing for me and Terri (The step Mom) to do together sometime. She likes stuff like that.

05-27-2003, 01:38 PM
Mmmm... 13 is probably too young to carry a fire arm. Pepper spray is uncomfortable, but you get to be very unlucky to kill or maim with it.

"As for the shooting courses, That might be a nice romantic thing for me and Terri (The step Mom) to do together sometime. She likes stuff like that.

Cool! Your only about the second man I've heard of who is willing to do something uncovetional for his wife. :) Not all ladies are into sappy stuff all the time.

Black Jack
05-27-2003, 01:46 PM
Here in IL it is illegal for law abiding citizens to carry...though their is a loophole called the six second rule...a concealed firearm unless you are law enforcement or related no matter the age.

Though it is not to young for her to learn to shoot. I know of a lot of kids who enjoy the hobby.

btw-I actually read the post wrong and thought the :eek: was about terry and not your little one. I could not picture a suburban 13 year old girl packing heat everyday. Though she might like to learn how to shoot and go to competitions.

P.S. Here is a great website you can order from or use as a reference when you contact these stores for stuff they can order for you or may have.


Check out the new ASP Key Defender OC from ASP which is a combo keychain, kubotan, and OC unit for her and the Stinger also is pretty wicked. I don't have one but I have heard great reviews and have seen them at knife shows.

They are both on that page.

Ben Gash
05-27-2003, 02:37 PM
.22's no good anyway, gotta hit them in the head or neck to do any good. Gotta be at least a .380 ;)
Oh, hang on, I'm pro gun control aren't I ..........:o

Royal Dragon
05-27-2003, 02:47 PM
btw-I actually read the post wrong and thought the was about terry and not your little one. I could not picture a suburban 13 year old girl packing heat everyday. Though she might like to learn how to shoot and go to competitions.

Actually, it was the fact that Terri seemed to be serious about her comment of getting my little one a .22 Apparently in her neighborhood growing up I wasn't un common for a 13 yearold to be carrring.

My daughter really does not want to learn to shoot. A bow and arrow yes (like that guy from Lord of the Rings). She's cool with the pepper spray though. She's seen some sh1t at her mom's in years gone by, and I think she understands things becasue of it. (So much for my plan to shelter her forever :confused: )

Royal Dragon
05-27-2003, 02:49 PM
As for the .22 comment, an M-16 uses a round that is only .003 (3 thousanth's) bigger than a .22, and look how destructive those are.

Ben Gash
05-27-2003, 02:59 PM
Yes, but that's a high velocity round, and the bullet is also longer. High velocity rounds do as much damage through the cavitation effect of a hypersonic object passing through the body as the actual hit and splat effect of the bullet. That's why rifle exit wounds are so big.

Ben Gash
05-27-2003, 03:00 PM
And when the M16 was first used in Vietnam many soldiers reported that it lacked "fall-down" effect.

Black Jack
05-27-2003, 05:42 PM

I heard that they were often called "poodle shooters":D

If we are talking old school give me a B.A.R anyday.

Royal Dragon
05-27-2003, 07:13 PM
Not to sound ignorant or anything, but what's the difference between an M-16, and an AR-15?

05-27-2003, 07:48 PM
Read this FAQ (http://www.ar15.com/content/docs/primer/)

05-27-2003, 08:56 PM
Originally posted by Royal Dragon
Not to sound ignorant or anything, but what's the difference between an M-16, and an AR-15?

Basicaly, the m-16 has single shot and three-round- burst settings and the AR-15 is a civilian modle that only shoots single shots. There are some other minor diferences, but that's the biggest, and only real functional one.

Royal Dragon
05-28-2003, 05:33 AM
Ahhh, Ok, that's pretty much what I thought.

I read that whole artical through about 3 times. It's a bad thing for a fabricator to read in his off time. Now I want to build an AR-15 from scratch. Anyone know where I could get Machine specs for them?

05-28-2003, 07:08 AM
Gary Conway's AR-15 Web Site (http://www.combatsimulations.com/ar15/) has some info on it.

05-28-2003, 07:14 AM
The AR-15 Rifle was designed by Eugene Stoner
Eugene Stoner.
They sell them at the gun show down the street from my house every couple months.
I dunno tho dude... a 13 y/o with a gun sounds like the makings for an ABC drama special to me....

05-28-2003, 07:31 AM
Naa. There's nothin' wrong with it if you are careful. You can get a simple gun safe for a couple hundred bucks ant any sporting good store. considering how much the avarage person spends on weapons, that isn't all that much extra to keep their loved ones safe. If you have a weapon with a closed finger gaurd, you can even buy a large paddlock and lock it behind the trigger so it can't be pulled far enough to fire a round. :) Or for smaller pistols that can't be secured that way, you can buy an old ammo box, drill a hole at a 45` angle trough the top and side and put the paddlock there.:) Lots of ways to be safe.

05-28-2003, 07:47 AM
thought we were talking about giving the child a weapon, in which case, there would be no point to have a gun case.
I am confused.
I will own my Desert Eagle .50 soon..........


Royal Dragon
05-28-2003, 07:49 AM
Ahhhh, the AR-15 is not for my daughter, it's fo me. Could you see a 13 year old girl, on roller blades skateing around an affluant all white suburb like Westmont with an AR-15 hung over here shoulder??

As for locks, I already have a lock on Terri's shotgun. Due to her "Hot headedness", SHE can't even get at it (her own gun mind you) without my permission, as I have the one and only key to it saftely hidden away.

05-28-2003, 07:54 AM
As it should be! If you dont keep your wimmins under control, who will?
She should be fine if you get it painted pink. Rich white people are fooled by the color pink, and little girls.


05-28-2003, 08:05 AM
I will be buying one of these at the same time as my HK 9mm:


The gunlocker that is.

Royal Dragon
05-28-2003, 11:19 AM
LOL!! the scarry part is, your probably right. A pink 13 yearold girl roller bladeing around with pigtales on pink roller blades in a pink dress with a pink AR-15 would probably go completely un noticed.

Heck, if I killed soemone with a pink AR-15, and left the gun by the body, do you think it would be found? Better yet, if I killed someone with a Pink AR-15, and put it in a little girls pink toybox (under her supersoaker), do you think it would be found? I bet not!! :D

Nice gun cabinet bro. It looks like it fits nicely into the wall and everything.

Royal Dragon
05-28-2003, 12:10 PM
You know, I seem to remember seeing "Blank" ones for training. Anyone ever hear of this?

05-28-2003, 12:51 PM
To learn to avoid the spray? Or just .... ?
You could just give her a fat marker. :)

05-28-2003, 01:17 PM
Yes, Cold Steel's Special Projects section sells both inert training spray and self-defense spray.
