View Full Version : What do you feel is a constructive way/reason to start a thread?

05-28-2003, 11:20 AM
What do you feel is a constructive way/reason to start a thread? How constructive do you think starting a thread with a question that implies lack of knowledge is?

Why would someone post a question (one of several threads started recently with a question that was answered by the thread starter) that they have already decided they know the answer to be? Then allow discussion of it, and then state/argue the 'real' answer as they know it.

What is the point in threads being started in this fashion?
IMHO it seems as if it is just done with the purpose of being antagonistic towards others, not because they are really seeking a greater understanding of the question (as they later imply they had the best answer already). Of course I could very well be wrong.
However, I question the motives as the answers, (given by the thread starter, later on in the thread, and not at the beginning,) are stated in a way that makes them appear to have the 'true' 'vast' 'complete' knowledge of the topic that they were implying (at the onset) they wanted some insight to.

I just saw this as a trend over the past few days (in at least 8 threads started this week) and it really made me wonder what the purpose of it was. Why not start the thread with something like, 'I understand the application of x to be this....... What's others takes on it? And then be open to the opinions/discussion.
As opposed to "What is x? How is it used?' In this way it seems to imply that the person (who started the thread) didn't have their own opinion or knowledge as to what x was or its purpose.

I am just curious as to whether other people feel the same way.

I think starting a thread with a legitimate question in search of answers to add to your knowledge, not believing that you already possess that knowledge, is a constructive way to start a thread. Another constructive way I see for starting a thread is to have a working knowledge of the topic and to state you would like to discuss/share your knowledge with other's working knowledge of the same topic.
I feel to start a thread with the implication that you have limited knowledge when you actually don't, also limits the productivity of it.

I am interested to hear other's thoughts on this.


Alpha Dog
05-28-2003, 11:36 AM
This is the best way to start a thread, from what I have seen: instead of asking a question, put a statement like "The myth of forward intention in WC is responsible for weakening the art to its current ineffectual state" in Liar's Quotes, sit back and watch the fur fly.

05-28-2003, 11:48 AM
If you have ever done graduate work you learn to state your thesis and then defend it.

An example of a thesis I defended was:

"Cellular differentiation and genetic polymorphism in Dictyostelium discoideum"

State your case, make your points, and allow others to cross examine you!

05-28-2003, 11:48 AM
Thank you for your contribution AD.

05-28-2003, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by marcelino31
If you have ever done graduate work you learn to state your thesis and then defend it.

An example of a thesis I defended was:

"Cellular differentiation and genetic polymorphism in Dictyostelium discoideum"

State your case, make your points, and allow others to cross examine you!

Thank you for your contribution Marcelino31.
That was my point exactly. State your points, support them, invite others to cross examine. Not pose a question, implying ignorance, let it be answered in earnest and then state your points with the support.
Hence my quote:

Why not start the thread with something like, 'I understand the application of x to be this....... What's others takes on it? And then be open to the opinions/discussion. As opposed to "What is x? How is it used?' In this way it seems to imply that the person (who started the thread) didn't have their own opinion or knowledge as to what x was or its purpose.

You start a thesis with a hypothesis and give your reasonings to support your arguement for your hypothesis BEFORE you elaborate on cross examination of that hypothesis.
For example, I am sure you did not write: what is "Cellular differentiation and genetic polymorphism in Dictyostelium discoideum"? on a page, and then wait for your professor/s to answer what they thought it was before adding your supporting theories and then submitting the completed thesis.
IMO of course.
Any ideas from scholars and others out there?

05-28-2003, 12:19 PM
Thesis is simply a proposition that is maintained by argument.

Proposition is a statement that affirms or denies something.

Argument is a course of reasoning aimed at demonstrating truth or falsehood.

Still there is nothing wrong with asking questions as a means to starting a discussion.

05-28-2003, 12:19 PM
Why does it matter? What do these threads and how people go about talking to each other on the forum have to do with your kung-fu?


05-28-2003, 12:23 PM
Originally posted by yenhoi
Why does it matter? What do these threads and how people go about talking to each other on the forum have to do with your kung-fu?


Hello yehoi,

Establishing methods of discourse is a good precursor to laying down the rules of how people should discuss things on a forum that is currently moderated.... or you can keep it simple and just
state you case either by positing a fact or asking a question...

"Big Brother is watching you"
- 1984

05-28-2003, 12:33 PM

How close you've just come to the facts!

"Forward intention"...not regulated by the ability to interrupt ones movements...is frequently a formula for losing the fight!

05-28-2003, 12:41 PM

Remember the story of the mouse that roared like a lion? Now if the mouse roars while being alone in the forest... and that forest..and this forest...and the forest over there...was there really a sound?

I didn't hear anything...

05-28-2003, 12:46 PM
Thank you for your contribution.

Why does it matter? What do these threads and how people go about talking to each other on the forum have to do with your kung-fu?
IMO, we all use this forum for knowledge and further understanding of our MA.
As to what it has to do with my kung fu.......if it is constructive and with right intentions, then I think it has quite a bit to do with my kung fu. It contributes to my growth in it. If I am suspect as to the motives as to why a thread/s may be started then I tend to be more closed minded to the answers provided. It then becomes not as constructive as it could have been. If someone pretends not to know something then later states that they in fact do know something then I am left with the question.....do they know or are they just pretending to in reaction to the responses received. Of course that is only on topics that I don't know that much about (and there are many). I would hate the opportunity to miss something that could very well be important.

Why do you attend, read others dialogue, participate on these threads/forums? What does it have to do with your kung fu?

05-28-2003, 12:54 PM
Sifu Parlati,
Thank you for your contribution.

Originally posted by Ultimatewingchun

Remember the story of the mouse that roared like a lion? Now if the mouse roars while being alone in the forest... and that forest..and this forest...and the forest over there...was there really a sound?

I didn't hear anything...
Are you ABSOLUTELY 100% positive that there wasn't a sound or did you just hear from someone or read it somewhere.:D
BTW, wasn't it a tree falling lol. That was the story I heard.;)

05-29-2003, 09:38 AM
Best response I have ever got for those questions before.

I use the forums for much entertainment and to catch a small part of many other peoples angles when it comes to the vast subjects that make up the study of fighting and self-defense. I dont give a **** how the info is offered - afterall this is the internet, and much like the real world, its 99% bull****.


05-29-2003, 09:49 AM
hmmm. i like reading other peoples takes on things that i may or may not feel that i know the answer to. i hadn't given much thought to how i worded my questions or justifying why i asked them..... just went ahead and asked. even if i think i know an answer and prefer it, i still find it interesting to hear what others have to say.
that's an interesting question you put forward though, and i'm glad you answered it too:D

05-29-2003, 11:11 AM
i guess a good thread for wcis4me,is one she does not disagree
with,lest she run and blab to sandman like a brat who had their bigwheel taken!!!!


05-29-2003, 11:21 AM
Originally posted by yenhoi
Best response I have ever got for those questions before.

I use the forums for much entertainment and to catch a small part of many other peoples angles when it comes to the vast subjects that make up the study of fighting and self-defense. I dont give a **** how the info is offered - afterall this is the internet, and much like the real world, its 99% bull****.

Why thank you Yenhoi!
I understand where you are coming from on the rest. Thanks for letting me know how you like to use these forums.


05-29-2003, 11:32 AM
Originally posted by captain
i guess a good thread for wcis4me,is one she does not disagree
with,lest she run and blab to sandman like a brat who had their bigwheel taken!!!!

Tsk Tsk Captain,
You are assuming that has taken place. You know NOTHING regarding my discussions or lack thereof or the context of any conversations I have had with Sandman.
I think there are several that can attest to the fact that if I don't agree with something I don't have any issues with taking it directly to the person I don't agree with, I don't and never have reported someone to Sandman to get their post deleted because I was offended or otherwise. I am simply not that thin skinned.
I also think many more can agree that I am quite civil and agreeable.

I was clear as to what a good thread is to me at the start of this thread.
Unfortunately, your trolling reputation is becoming clear as you could not follow the topic of the thread and simply answer what is a good start to a thread to YOU!

But thanks for your attempts at contributing all the same.


05-29-2003, 11:39 AM
Hi Sel,

hmmm. i like reading other peoples takes on things that i may or may not feel that i know the answer to. i hadn't given much thought to how i worded my questions or justifying why i asked them..... just went ahead and asked.
Thanks for contributing.
I actually wasn't referring to any threads you had posted. There was a flurry of them from someone else that caught my eye and posed the question for me personally. Then I thought about ......hmmmm.....wonder what other people think about it as well......hence this thread.
I agree and like to get other people's takes on things I may or may not know, I just am not one to ask a question like I know nothing about it, then wait and sees what comes out of it before announcing that I actually think I have more knowledge about it than those answering my question. I dunno just seemed different to me. I am really glad for peoples input regarding their takes on it in this thread though.
It is cool and interesting (to me anyway lol) to see the forum and its postings and their uses from other's perspectives.


05-29-2003, 12:00 PM
yeah, I dont like marcelino either.


05-30-2003, 08:07 AM
lol, i didn't think you were either! but your question did make me think about why/how post a question so it was a good question....it provoked thought!

05-30-2003, 08:34 PM
Cool! Glad you didn't think that and even cooler that I can provoke thought :D