View Full Version : I'm now officially...old.

05-28-2003, 08:03 PM
So, I was at the grocery store after class and as usual I dropped my keys into the bottom of the basket since there are no pockets in my workout pants. I get to the line and the young guy rings up the groceries and hands me my keys saying I probably don't want to lose them and asked if they went to a mustang. I said no, just a truck but I've only had it for about 26 hours. He asked what year it was and I told him and he asked if I wanted to trade for his old piece of junk. I laughed and said probably not but...now get this...quite naturally and w/o any thought at all I replied with "That's ok, when I was your age I had a piece of junk too".

'...when I was your age...'


Holy crap

Jesus Tap Dancing Christ.

I'll be killing myself now, thank you very much.

Anyone remember "Logun's Run"?

05-28-2003, 08:11 PM
That would be "Logan's Run". Great movie.

I hear ya, Oso. I said to a guy the other day, "Oh, you'll probably change that opinion as you grow older."

The dude was in his early 20's!

Hang on a minute, I'll come over to you place and we can sit on the porch and suck prune juice through our false teeth and talk about the good old days.

05-28-2003, 08:12 PM
How old are you anyway, out of interest?

Laughing Cow
05-28-2003, 08:12 PM
Originally posted by Oso

Anyone remember "Logun's Run"?

OMG. If you are old than so am I.

Maybe the few months make the difference though, my Wife is still upset she just hit the big 4-0.

Yeah, I remember "Logan's run", "Rollerball" and "Soilent green" too.

Ringo star was great in "Caveman", aaah there were some good movies back than.

Nothing hits as hard as watching an old movie or listening to a goldie or evergreen song when the realisation hits that it was 25 or so yrs ago.


P.S.: Welcome to the Old Boy's Club.

05-28-2003, 08:21 PM
old people are funny.

and hey you dont have to be old to like the stuff you guys mentioned
i mean come on caveman (how can you not like some falling into a big pile of ptera-dactyl S***)
and if loving Benny Hill makes you old then i guess im old before Ive even hit my twenties

05-28-2003, 08:22 PM
That's Soylent Green.


05-28-2003, 08:24 PM
I am not that old and I remember Logan's Run.

BTW I said the same thing to someone the other day - said that the fear of commitment dimishes with age :eek:

Ben Gash
05-28-2003, 08:25 PM
Anyone see the Simpsons where Homer won't let Bart watch the Itchy and Scratchy movie, because he feels that if he puts his foot down Bart will make something of his life? At the end it shows them in the future (Bart's a judge) and Homer goes "Hmmm, soilent green" . Total quality ! :)

Ben Gash
05-28-2003, 08:26 PM
Tell me about it. I'm 25 and I get married 2 weeks on Saturday :eek:

05-28-2003, 08:29 PM
joedoe, LC, Oso - how old are you guys? I'm wondering what you consider "age" to be. ;)

Laughing Cow
05-28-2003, 08:29 PM
Originally posted by Serpent

That's Soylent Green.


Just the memory getting weaker.

05-28-2003, 08:29 PM
Along with the eyesight?

How's the libido?

Laughing Cow
05-28-2003, 08:32 PM
Originally posted by Serpent
joedoe, LC, Oso - how old are you guys? I'm wondering what you consider "age" to be. ;)

Oso and me were born in the same year.


05-28-2003, 08:35 PM
So, according to Oso's profile that makes you both 36. Sweet. You're older than me! ;)

shaolin kungfu
05-28-2003, 09:21 PM
D@mn you guys are old!:p

Ben Gash
05-28-2003, 09:23 PM
And what tender young age are you then?

05-28-2003, 09:26 PM
Serpent: I am 30. How old are you?

Ben: Congratulations and good luck.

shaolin kungfu
05-28-2003, 09:30 PM
Don't be callin me tender. You remind me of my priest.:eek:

Ben Gash
05-28-2003, 09:31 PM
How's that centre parting coming? ;)

05-28-2003, 09:32 PM
Originally posted by shaolin kungfu
Don't be callin me tender. You remind me of my priest.:eek:

Ooh. Wrong.

Joedoe, I just turned 33. In four more months I'll be a long play record.


shaolin kungfu
05-28-2003, 09:36 PM
oops, forgot to answer the question, Im 16.

05-28-2003, 09:38 PM
Originally posted by Serpent

Ooh. Wrong.

Joedoe, I just turned 33. In four more months I'll be a long play record.



Geez you are an old codger :D

05-28-2003, 09:39 PM
Originally posted by shaolin kungfu
oops, forgot to answer the question, Im 16.

I understand what you mean about your priest then - it must still be pretty fresh in your mind :D

05-28-2003, 09:39 PM
Dayum! Less than half my age!


Of course, that makes me twice as good as you at everything.

Except being young...

05-28-2003, 09:40 PM
Originally posted by joedoe


Geez you are an old codger :D

That's why I types so slow. The arthritis in me old bones.

Ben Gash
05-28-2003, 09:43 PM
So young. http://www.stupid-boy.com/smilies/otn/angels/azzangel.gif
so illegalhttp://www.gamers-forums.com/smilies/otn/angels/bat_angel.gif

Ben Gash
05-28-2003, 09:44 PM
Sorry guys, it's 6 in the morning and my SOH is getting a bit twisted.

chen zhen
05-29-2003, 02:30 AM

shaolinkungfu is younger than me!
:D :D
that removes the feeling I have of being a punk around here:cool:

05-29-2003, 02:32 AM
sorry, guys, it was after 0 and I needed my sleep.

what was scary was how naturally that comment came. I didn't even think about it till I saw my girlfriend staring at me in shock.

serp, sure thing, have a nice porch but we'll have to add some vodka to that prune juice.

16 !!!! Somebody censor that young snipe.

eyesight is only slightly worse, it shows up on the highways most when I notice that I can't see the signs as far away as I used to.

libido? hey, what are you talking about? I'm not a lesbian.

05-29-2003, 02:34 AM
CZ, it shouldn't.

;) :D

chen zhen
05-29-2003, 02:35 AM

chen zhen
05-29-2003, 05:41 AM
Having a baby-avatar won't make you look younger..;)

Former castleva
05-29-2003, 06:10 AM
Neither will having a bearded avatar make you look mature.

05-29-2003, 06:35 AM
maybe not but it's a lot better than my real face:p

05-29-2003, 06:43 AM
Will my avatar cause spines to grow from... err... nevermind.
Happy bday Oso. :)
Man, I read this whole **** thread, the first page thinking serp and oso and you f*ckers were like 45+. Then I get to the post that says 33? bahahaha
Im only almost 20, but cmon dude. 33 isnt even the top of the hump yet. You cant really say you're old till you at least hit like 43 or so.... All of the guys I work with are 60 or older

05-29-2003, 09:16 AM
Y'all are just old! Prolly have vinyl LPs and rifle shot knees.

05-29-2003, 09:22 AM
All of the guys I work with are 60 or older

I knew it. You are a boy toy!

05-29-2003, 09:54 AM
I'm with Shaolin-do on this one. Turned 39 this year and was carded at the grocery store on the week of my b-day. That was nice. Then I turned 40 in China last month... (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=350)

David Jamieson
05-29-2003, 10:00 AM
I'm 39 too.

39 is NOT old!!!!!

39 is only "old enough to know better, but young enough to do it again" :D

Be happy in your youth guys and girls, you only get to be there once.


05-29-2003, 10:06 AM
39 may not bet old, but sure isn't young, either.

Considering the average American male lives to only approx 75 years old, you are middle-aged. Revel in it. Buy a corvette. Divorce your wife for a 19 year-old beautician. These are your golden years. Enjoy them properly.

shaolin kungfu
05-29-2003, 10:12 AM
Divorce your wife for a 19 year-old beautician. These are your golden years. Enjoy them properly.

Assuming the 19 year old beautician still wants your old arse.:p

David Jamieson
05-29-2003, 10:23 AM
The '63 split back vette is nice, but I prefer motorcycles and I got one of those. + my wife is delicious, no need for an empty headed teenage armhanger. :D

My kungfu is better at 39 than it was at 30! go figure. I know that when my body starts breaking down for real, I am gonna be hurting for all those indiscretions of youth, but hey, that is what life is allllllll about.

The hokey pokey is all you need to know.


05-29-2003, 11:12 AM
I think serp was 33, joedoe and I are 35/36.

my birthday is in Aug but thanks SD.
"20" huh...well that clears a few things up;)

my reference to being old was just about attitude not necessarily physical.

I agree, I think my kung fu is better now then it was when I was 28. But, that doesn't mean I move faster or am stronger. I am definitely getting some of that 'old man' strength that is more determination and willpower than actual physical strength.

but still...using the sort of phrasing that I did WITHOUT conscious thought is just plain scary..

hehe, not a bad post count for a silly thread, even got the assistant publisher and the moderator involved:)

Oh, and "Logan's Run" was a series here in the states and I was referring to the premise in the show of killing adults at the age of 32...or whatever the age was.

and while we're reminiscing, how 'bout "Space: 1999" They sure lost out on that date but what can you expect since is was produced during the height of the lunar landings, or thereabouts.

Space needs to be opened up for Capitalism and Free Enterprise. Once people can make a buck on it, you'll see all kinds of corporations kicking out some R&D that will get us out there quick. Only then do we stand a chance of not eradicating ourselves on this planet.


05-29-2003, 02:54 PM
Actually found myself telling someone about the rap groups I listened to as a kid. I went on preaching about how groups like Boogie Down Productions and Public Enemy were so positive and socially conscious unlike todays "bling-bling" hip hop thugs. That's when I knew I was getting older. I am beginning to think that music was better in "my" day. Ok, now I'm depressed.

Royal Dragon
05-29-2003, 03:23 PM
My daughter turns 13 this summer...................enough said.

05-29-2003, 03:57 PM
I went to a seminar at my sifu's school and saw a 17 year old girl that I've been teaching since she was 5!!! And I remember when her younger sister was an infant.

that made me feel pretty old.

but she has become a pretty good ma, so that's cool.

05-29-2003, 04:01 PM

you still have your old PE and DOC tapes in the closet, too?

Laughing Cow
05-29-2003, 04:46 PM

"You are only as old as you feel."

Which in my case is a high school girl.

Wisdom from Andy Capp:

"If you want to feel young socialise with young People.
If you want to feel old, try to keep up with them."

:D :D

05-29-2003, 06:12 PM
I was at the birth of my best mate's nephew. Last time I was back in the UK he drove by me in his own car.


05-30-2003, 06:47 AM
Scary! Just yesterday while getting ready for work, I was rapping the lyrics of DOC's "The Grand Finale". Ok, now you're scaring me dude!

05-30-2003, 06:53 AM

you still have your old PE and DOC tapes in the closet, too?

In the closet?

Heathens. Old Skool better represent!

I listen to It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold us Back every day on my way to work. I can quote that album verbatim, and these as well...

NWA Straight Outta Compton

Beastie Boys Licensed to Ill

House of Pain House of Pain

Glory Days.....

Hell, I was singing along to Doug E. Fresh and Slick Rick this morning....

You know what you peep this
La di da di we like to party.
We don't cause trouble we dont bother nobody.
We're... just some men that's on the mic
And when we rock upon the mic
We rock the mic (Right!).
For all a y'all keepin' y'all in health.
Just to see ya smile and enjoy ya'self.
Cause it's cool when you cause a cozy conditionin',
That we create, so that's our mission, so listen,
To what we say because this type of **** happens everyday.
I... woke up around ten o'clock in the mornin',
Gave myself a (strech up), a mornin' yawn and...
Went to the bathroom to wash up,
Had some soap on my face and my hand upon the cup,
I said a (Mirror mirror!) on the wall...
Who is the top choice of them all?
There was a rumble dumble,
Five minutes it lasted.... the mirror said,
(You are you concieted *******!).
Yo that's true, that's why we never have no beef,
So then I washed off the soap and brushed the gold teeth.
Used "Oil of Olay" cause my skin gets pale.
Then I got the files, for my fingernails.
True to the style on my behalf
I put the bubbles in the tub so I could have a bubble bath.
Clean, dry, was my body and hair,
I threw on my brand new Gucci underwear.
For all the girls I might take home,
I got the Johnson's Baby Powder and the (Polo Colonge).
Fresh dressed like a millions bucks, threw on the Valley shoes
And the fly green socks.
Stepped out the house, stopped short, oh no!
I went back in I forgot the... Kangol.
Then I dilly (dally) ran through a (alley),
Bumped into my old girl (Sally) from the (Valley).
This was a girl playing hard to get
So I said "What's wrong?" cause she looked upset
She said uh, (It's all because of you)
Say what? (I'm feeling sad and blue)
She said what? (You went away)
And now, my life is filled with rainy days.
And I love you so, how much you'll never know.
Cause you took your love away from me.
Now what was I to do
She was crying over me and she was feeling blue
I said, "Don't cry, (dry, your eye)
Here comes your mother with those two little guys"
Her mean mother steps and says to me ("Hi!")
Hit Sally in the face and decked her in the (eye!)
Punched her in the belly, and stepped on her (feet)
Slammed the child on the hard concrete
The ***** was strong, the kids was gone.
Something was wrong I said what was going on?
I tried to break it up I said, stop it, leave her
She said, "If I can't have you (she can't either")
She grabbed me closely by my socks
So I broke the hell out like I had the chicken pox
But uh, she gave chase, she caught up quick
She put a finger in the face of MC Rick, and said
So we can go cruising in my OJ, and what?
I'll give you all my love today.
What? Ricky Ricky Ricky what?
Somehow your words just hypnotize me
And I just love your jazzy ways
Yo MC Rick my love is here to stay"
And on and on and on she kept on
The ***** been around before my mother's born
I said, "Cheer up!" I gave her a kiss
I said, "You can't have me I'm too young for you miss"
She said, "No you're not," then she starts crying
I says, "I'm nineteen", she says, ("Stop lying!")
I said, "I am -- go ask my mother
And with your wrinkled *****, I can't be your lover!"
To the tick tock and you don't stopf
To the tick tick ya don't... hit it!

Doug E. Fresh y'all, give him a round of applause y'all,
Doug E. Fresh!
Yea, what up?

05-30-2003, 07:17 AM
I still get a major adrenaline rush off of PE's "Welcome to the Terrordome". Oh yeah, I used to listen to "La Di Da Di" everyday too. I was in.....oh my God!.......eighth grade! I still bump the Beastie's "Paul Revere".

05-30-2003, 08:27 AM
every weekday back in HS, me and the boys would cruise over somewhere for lunch. any time it was taco bell, we'd bump "no sleep till brooklyn."

although i haven't heard it in years, there are days when i can't get AMG's "***** better have my money" out of my head.

and a little flashback for the masses ...

she's called strawberry cause everybody know
strawberry, strawberry is the neighborhood ho

now that's classic. :cool:

05-30-2003, 08:31 AM
"La Di Da Di" everyday too. I was in.....oh my God!.......eighth grade!

young whippersnapper !!!

I was 19 or so when I 'bumped' to that song.

cept we called it cruising back then.

yep, me and my blown alpines in my Chevy Citation X-11


Chang Style Novice
05-30-2003, 08:35 AM
You guys got some potholes in ya lawn, there...

05-30-2003, 08:37 AM
You think NWA is Old Skool....What about this?

Yeah, what's up man?
There goes that girl they call Roxanne. She's all stuck up
Why you say that?
Cause she wouldn't give a guy like me no rap
She was walking down the street so I said "Hello
I'm Kangol from UTFO." And she said "So?"
And I said "So?!? Baby don't you know?
I can sing, rap, and dance in just one show
Cause I'm Kangol, Mr. Sophisticata
As far as I'm concerned ain't nobody greater
From beginning to end and, to beginning
I never lose because I'm all about winning
But if I were to lose, I wouldn't be upset
Cause I'm not a gambler, I don't bet
I don't be in no casino, and baby while you knizzow
The izzi is the grizzeat Kizzangizzo."
I thought she'd be impress by my devious rap
I thought I had her caught cause I'm a sinister trap
I thought it'd be a piece of cake but it was nothing like that
I guess that's what I get for thinking, ain't that right, black?
Then crizzi to gizzone and seen number izzone
Crizzin ricking tizza of mizzac mic dizza
With the bang bang, brother I feel bad
But I ain't comitting suicide for no crab
But calling her a crab is just a figure of speech
Cause she's an apple, a pear, a plum, and a peach
I thought I had it in the palm of my hand
But man oh man, if I was grand I'd bang Roxanne
Roxanne, Roxanne, can't you understand?
Roxanne, Roxanne, I wanna be your man
You Kango, I don't think that you're dense
Buy you went about the matter with no experience
You should know, she doesn't need a guy like you
She needs a guy like me, with a high IQ
And she'll take to my rap, cause my rap's the best
The educated rapper MD will never fess
So when I met her, I wasted no time
But stuck up Roxanne paid me no mind
She thought my name was Barry, I told her it was Gary
She said she didn't like it so she chose to call me Barry
She said she'd love to marry, my baby she would carry
And if she had a baby, she'd name the baby Harry
Her mother's name is Baby, which is really quite contrary
Her face is really hairy, and you can say it's scary
So isn't not every, her father's a fairy
His job is secondary, in some military
He throws them to an ?electric camp? that wasn't voluntary
His daughter's name is Sherry, his sons are Tom and Jerry
Jerry had the flu but it was only temporary
Back in January, or was it February?

But everytime I say this rhyme it makes me kinda weary
It's only customary to give this commentary
Some say it's bad, some say it's legendary
You can search all you want, try your local library
You'll never find a rhyme like this in any dictionary
But do you know, after all that
All I received was a pat on the back
That's what you get, it happened to me
Ain't that right Mixmaster I-C-E
You thought you had a rose, you thought you was Cupid
But EMD, your rap was plain stupid
I know you're educated, but when will you learn?
Not all girls want to be involved with bookworms
You gotta be strong in a way she can't resist
So educated rapper, huh, bust this...
Since she's a new girl on the block
I had to let her know that I'm the debonoir Doc
I said "I'd like to speak to you if I can
And if I'm correct your name is Roxanne."
She said "How'd you know my name?" I said "It's getting around.
Right now baby you're the talk of the town
Please let me walk you to the corner, my rap will be brief."
She said "I've seen you before, you look like a thief."
I said "Me? The Doc? A hood, a rock?
Running around the street robbing people on the block?
Nah, that's not my style, that crime I'm not related
As far as I'm concerned I'm too sophisticated."
Then it seemed I got busy cause she cracked a smile
That let me know my rap was worth her while
She said "You call yourself a doctor?" I said "This is true."
She said "Explain to me really what doctors must do."
I said "This is very rare because I don't say this every day
There's a million medical skills a doctor displays
Dermatology is treatment of the skin
Infected and you'll see me and you'll know you're again
There's enthesiology, opt****logy
Internal medicine and plastic surgery
Orpedic surgery and pathology
A disease involves a change of the body."
She said "Ooooh, that's very unique."
Gave me her number and kissed me on the cheek
She said she had to go but be back by 8
So to call her at 9 to arrange a date
Did you take her to the beach?
That's what we planned
But she stood me up, Roxanne, Roxanne
And here's our gameplan
The beat is here, so we will reveal it
[Kangol & EMD]
And if you think it's soft, then Roxanne feel it!
[beat boxing and scratching]

Chang Style Novice
05-30-2003, 08:45 AM
Hey, I burned a compilation recently of Ol (and I mean OL!) Skool hiphop alternating with blaxploitation themes. If you send me your snail mails, I'd be happy to burn it for ya. Here's the tracklist

1. Superfly, Curtis Mayfield
2. Fat Boys are Back, Fat Boys
3. Troubleman, Marvin Gaye
4. The Roof is on Fire, Rockmaster Scott and the Dynamic Three
5. Blacula Strikes, Gene Page
6. Krush Groovin' Body Movin'; Run DMC, Sheila E, Kurtis Blow
7. Black Belt Jones Theme, Dennis Coffey
8. Make the Music With Your Mouth, Biz Markie
9. Across 110th St., Bobby Hutcherson
10. Fresh Fly Wild and Bold, Cold Crush Brothers
11. Black Ceaser Theme, James Brown
12. We Are Known as MCs (We Turn the Party Out), Crash Crew
13. The Stalkwalk (Blacula), Gene Page
14. The Breaks, Kurtis Blow
15. Coffy Baby, Roy Ayers
16. The Show, Doug E Fresh and MC Ricky D
17. Black Belt Jones Love Theme, Dennis Coffey
18. F-R-E-S-H, 3 Fresh MCs
19. Shaft, Isaac Hayes

05-30-2003, 09:04 AM
Originally posted by Chang Style Novice
You guys got some potholes in ya lawn, there...
what you mean by "you guys?"

oh, you must mean me, myself and i? ;)

05-30-2003, 05:36 PM
Old is when you look at the Playboy centerfold and she's young enough to be your daughter.

Really old is when you stop caring she could as old as your daughter.

BTW, I had an 8 track player in my room and in my car! And I remember listening to Ballroom Blitz on AM radio.

05-30-2003, 05:45 PM
well, if I had been 18, then the barely legal ones could be.

so I guess I'm not that old.