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Black Jack
05-28-2003, 08:43 PM

Does terry still go to Savino's? I knew the place back when it was pure McSweeny. Is that still the case because the straight McSweeny system is excellent. The man was a legend.

I remeber the old teacher Chris Manguleris, GREAT GUY, and even sparred around with him once or twice a LONG time ago.

Does he still teach the Tiger Moves. Those are excellent for a quick workout if done correctly

Royal Dragon
05-29-2003, 02:45 PM
Yeah, she is still there, she just does not go in as often as she used to. She's a Brown belt now, two steps away from her Black.

I think Saviano's base system is built around the form he developed for his Black Belt test.

I went in and fought them once. I did really good against the Green belt in my first fight, and got anihalated in my second fight against a Brown belt who tested for his black the next month. He hit me hard early on and dased me. I subconciously "Reverted" to that stupid Chung Moo Quan guard position in the blur, and it was all down hill from there.

I really stepped up my sparring practice after that, made major improvements, but had my collapse before I was able to go fight again.

You mean the dynamic tension exercises? I asked Terri, she says they do those all the time. I had something similar in Master Abatte's classes when I was going there. I also have dynamic tensions exercises in the Southern Tai tzu. A Great workout if you ask me.

As for McSweeny, yeah he was well loved. Terri has a few pics of herself with McSweeny on one arm, and Saviano on the other. She cried when he died. They all did.

Black Jack
05-30-2003, 08:15 AM
McSweeny called those dynamic excercises "tiger moves".

I was curious to know if they still followed the McSweeny system or if Savino does his own thing or puts his twist on it. If she is getting the McSweeny system that is excellent. Ist rate material.

A buddy of mine in Addison might be interested but who knows with him. I did hear that the place is expensive with a capital e.

Royal Dragon
05-30-2003, 10:12 AM
Hi, Terri's going to ask about the McSweeny system for you. I'm sure he still teaches it, but I do know the curriculem up to first degree is based of the form he created for his Black Belt thesis. Although they "Claim" to be rather modern, the teaching approach is very traditional. The techniques, or applications of, are taught rigth out of the form, and drilled in two man exercises ranging from the standard two man prearanged drills to going in the back turning all the lights out and doing what they call "Bar room brawling". That one appears to be a complete free for all with few rules other than you have to be the last one standing.

Once they are VERY familliar with actually useing all the techniqes from the form, he teaches them how to actualy perform the empty hand set, not before. Even then, they don't seem to do much more than memorise it.

As for cost, Terri pays $102.00 a month for unlimited lessons and use of the clubs floor space. That was with a $150 down payment.

As far as i'm concerned, it's the best martial arts school for miles around. There are alot of so called "Traditional" Kung Fu schools out there that could learn quite a bit from them, especially in the area of "How" to teach this stuff.