View Full Version : Chiu Kau's Hung Gar

Rob Wolf
05-29-2003, 04:15 PM
Anyone intersted in Chiu Kau's Hung gar should check out this link to a 1956 Hong kong news story that was recently translated by grandmaster Chiu chi ling and myself.You may also wish to check out the affiliated links listed there.

Jan Seung
06-17-2003, 11:42 AM
Where did you learn Chinese?

Rob Wolf
06-20-2003, 04:03 PM
where did you learn english?

06-23-2003, 06:58 AM
Hello Rob,

If this translation is good, and I think it is, this article is extremely interesting. Chiu Kau, with his understanding of orthodox Wong Fei Hong Hung Gar through Wong Sai Wing, must have been the perfect student for Lam Sai Wing, cause he had a sound background.

Is it possible that Chiu Kau has blended the Lam Sai Wing style with this knowledge of orthodox Wong Fei Hong Hung Gar?

What is your opinion?

Rob Wolf
06-27-2003, 11:15 PM
Yes, the unique qualities of Chiu family hung gar are very apparent and are due to the influence of Chiu kau’s first hung gar teacher. This knowledge was passed on to Chiu kau by Wong sai wing. This was a very combat oriented method, having been tested in the very tough challenge matches of that time and region.

We are very lucky to have this passed on to our generation. The heart penetrating palm and butterfly palm sets are said to be an example of the prowess conveyed to Chiu kau during his early stages of training.

Another interesting development is the knowledge that the Chui family was passed on to by the great “Tigress” of Hung gar, Mok gwai lan, Who was the last wife of Wong fei hung.

Chiu chi ling was a favorite of Mok gwai lan , something like a favorite grandson.

As for the possible blending you mentioned, yes , my opinion is based on what I was taught as well as observation and Q and A. We have a rich gold mine of Hung gar thanks to Chiu kau and this is now bieng taught by his sons Chiu chi ling and chiu wei.


South Paw
06-29-2003, 02:26 PM
Hello Rob,

You're right. That's why the Chiu Family Hung Gar has this distinct flavour. A perfect mix of Traditional Hung Gar of Wong Fei Hung and the Modified Hung Gar by Lam Sai Wing.

And I think you are right by stating that Chiu Chi Ling Sifu has also added to this flavour by studying under Wong Fei Hung's wife Mok Gwai Lan.


06-30-2003, 01:18 AM

Thanks for replying.

Jan Seung
06-30-2003, 06:30 AM
Learning from Mok Gwai Lan?
Chiu Chi Ling always came with his parents to official parties of the Wong Fei Hung School. As he was a little kid Mok Gwai Lan paid him some attention, but that's it.
Lee Chan Wor was her godson and took care of Mok Gwai Lan.

Wong Sai Wing?
Where in the article is mentioned who's student he was?
He's listed in Lam Sai Wing lineage as one of the old students.

What about the movie kung fu influence in CCL's style?

06-30-2003, 06:54 AM
Hello Jan Seung,

Can you tell me who made this Lam Sai Wing Lineage you are referring to?
And maybe you can also tell me when this lineage was made. Was it made during his lifetime or later?

South Paw
06-30-2003, 11:05 AM
To Jan Seung,

With your questions you pose like a beginner. But your answers
reveal that you know more, or at least you think you know more.
Your just provoking.

I take the word of my Sifu for his relationship to Mok Gwai Lan, and also the word of my Sigung concerning Wong Sai Wing being a student of Wong Fei Hung.

Don't think that movies influenced or affected my Sifu's style. Chiu Chi Ling's style is purest Hung Gar learned from both his father and his mother.

Where do you see movie influence?

Rob Wolf
07-01-2003, 12:31 AM
jan sueng,
Actually, you could say that Chiu Family Hung gar has influenced Many Hong Kong movies , as many Shaw brothers actors learned from Chiu chi ling. It would be retarded to think it the other way around.

Our information is passed to us by word of mouth in person, Where does your info come from?? Inspector gadget perhaps??

Jan Seung
07-01-2003, 01:29 AM
Inspector gadget? Who's that?
Try his nephews.

Provoking - no, just making sure the truth is being revealed.
Promotion is okay, but some people really go to far. See the Wong Fei Hung topic and the picture.

South Paw
07-01-2003, 10:15 AM
What is the truth?
What is your truth?

We are only revealing information that in our opinion is correct.
That other branches have other opinions is o.k., but what is it based on? Based on a lineage chart made up years after the death of GM Lam Sai Wing?
It's just a piece of paper, and too many branches already shot holes in it.

Wong Sai Wing was a student of Wong Fei Hung. Just read the interview of 1956 with care.
Chiu Kau Sigung learned Wong Fei Hung's Hung Gar from Wong Sai Wing. After some 13 years of studying Hung Gar he went to Hong Kong were he found a new teacher in the renowned Hung Gar Master Lam Sai Wing.

Talking about a picture of Wong Fei Hung is great promotion for the art of Hung Gar.
Imho it does not matter if this picture is the real picture of Wong Fei Hung. You have to look a little further. What does this picture stand for? What does it mean to many Hung Gar stylists?
See this picture as a present of GM Chiu Chi Ling to the Hung Gar Community.

To your information. This picture is also shown at the Wong Fei Hung Museum in Foshan and in the Wong Fei Hung Lion Dance and Kung Fu Center in Xijiao Village, birthplace of Wong Fei Hung and his father Wong Kai Ying.
They also use this picture for the promotion of our beloved art.
Nothing wrong with that.

Jan Seung
07-01-2003, 11:58 PM

There was a school record kept by Lam Sai Wing when he was teaching in Guangdong.

Jan Seung
07-02-2003, 12:05 AM
South Paw,

The remarkable thing in my eyes is that now suddenly CCL's kung fu would be more authentic.
I just think this is curious. So why wouldn't I be critical?

Lee Chan Wor Sifu, one of my old (but short time) teachers, said Mok Gwai Lan never taught CCL.

What further lineage you use, is not of my interest.

07-02-2003, 05:24 AM
Hello Jan Seung,

Who is the present owner of this school record?

South Paw
07-02-2003, 07:11 AM
Jan Seung,

I did not say that the Hung Gar of GM Chiu Chi Ling is more authentic. But it has his distinct flavour, as have the other branches.

We use this lineage:
Wong Fei Hung
Lam Sai Wing
Chiu Kau

07-03-2003, 07:16 AM
Hello Jan Seung,

A second question just popped up.

Could Wong Sai Wing have also been recorded by Wong Fei Hung in his school record?
This may sound silly, cause we know no such record(s) exist. But just hypothetically: Could he also have been a student of Wong Fei Hung, later following Lam Sai Wing?

07-03-2003, 08:51 AM
hello hung gar brothers

i want to know if somebody knows the chinese names of the david lee's weapons forms in his panther tapes and if anyone train the same forms .

South Paw
07-03-2003, 12:31 PM
To Garra de Tigre,

David Lee is a student of Chiu Chi Ling Sifu, so specificly members of the Chiu Family, but in general all Hung Gar stylists having Lam Sai Wing in their lineage, will use or know (most of) these forms.

For information on the sets, please look at:
Select "sets & techniques" to search for the names.

Jan Seung
07-04-2003, 12:54 AM

The records are now owned by the Lau family.

This records were also partly used to make another lineage, but not all names were included. Wong Sai Wing is as far as I know not mentioned in a later lineage chart.

2nd question.
hi hi. Nothing can be excluded.
But I have heard that several students of Lam Sai Wing later went to Wong Fei Hung, altough mainly to learn chinese medicine.

07-04-2003, 03:50 AM
Hello Jan Seung.

Lau Family? Of grandmaster Lau that studied under Lam Sai Wing, and sons are in the moviebiz?
Or Lam Family?

Later lineage chart or you mean earlier lineage cart?

Thanks for your input.

07-29-2003, 05:58 PM
That 's Lau Ga Kyun and Lau Ga Guan must come from, right?
Who is Wong sai Wing, you mean Lum sai Wing, is it?

Rob Wolf
08-03-2003, 11:39 PM
For some more info on the subject please refer to the new issue of Kung fu magazine, as my article about Chiu chi ling and his family history is released in this issue. The article is titled "Hung gar's chosen son, Grandmaster Chiu chi ling" many thanks to Gene ching for the fine editing and presentation of the photos included.This is the sept/oct issue.
Many points are disscused, such as origins, heritage and teaching.

08-04-2003, 06:07 PM
Thank you for your informmercial.

Rob Wolf
08-13-2003, 12:28 AM
You may also like to check out southpaws pics of Wong Fei hung, These historic issues are finally bieng revealed correctly.

08-13-2003, 02:58 PM
Such Pics to revealing historic issues correctly? Finally? what this meaning?

08-14-2003, 07:41 AM

Listen brother, my youngest son made a beautiful portait of Gee Shan Sim Si. If you really want I am willing to finally 'reveal' this historical issue too?

This weekend I will ask him to create an image of Huang Qiying. But - on a side track - a befriended colleague asked for a picture of Tie Qiao San, not a problem at all. Any other requests? Maybe we can once bring out a homepage of all of the great grandmasters and inventers of Hung Kune. Should be nice if we can patronize/ visualize them all. There are always practitioners willing to hang them on the wall.

08-14-2003, 08:26 AM
Now I am revealing correct historical issue for you.
This thread not talking about some pictures. Before tell me listen you should looking.

blooming lotus
08-14-2003, 09:13 AM
Originally posted by Rob Wolf
Anyone intersted in Chiu Kau's Hung gar should check out this link to a 1956 Hong kong news story that was recently translated by grandmaster Chiu chi ling and myself.You may also wish to check out the affiliated links listed there.

excellent post. thanks for the info

South Paw
08-14-2003, 02:26 PM

To put it mildly, my daughter can draw your face with her own excrements. :p

blooming lotus,

Thanks for your support mate. It's much appreciated by Rob Wolf and me. :)


Keep on coming with your critical replies. Just love it. ;)

Rob Wolf
08-19-2003, 10:32 PM
Swordshadow and blooming lotus, Welcome aboard!!!!
Robert Lopez III

Wong fei hung
Lam sai wing
Chiu kau
Chiu chi ling

08-20-2003, 02:09 AM
More time say is less reason believe it.

08-20-2003, 05:35 AM
Who is Wong sai Wing, you mean Lum sai Wing, is it?

To SiJiHao,

If you're asking these questions you are not well informed. You did read the www.hungkuenmuseum.info did you?
But you already tell us you know it all, also by giving cheap answers to Robert Wolf. Such remarks imho make clear which side you're representing.


08-22-2003, 08:32 PM
This not who side representing. This the true history every body living know this, and one different Si Fu who couple guys write the different. Who side who? Where such side, such side? Any way you guys deny your own Si Fu Follow the new Sifu, who deny his own Si Gung still living here!
Why now he not wanting you meet his own living Si Gung? Is afraid you see too many the difference?
May be then you no interesting follow his way any more?
This answer not cheap, this letting truth is free. Even if writing self invent the history many times, will not one bit more true.
Read your museum before, just not add up to equal truth.

Rob Wolf
08-22-2003, 10:14 PM
blah, blah, blah, bellyache, bellyache, blah, blah, blah.........................

08-22-2003, 10:52 PM
Such cheap answer to me!

once ronin
08-23-2003, 02:42 AM
si ji, the point is very easy to make.

as a young man master chiu chi ling had a healthy father the grand master chiu kao who many respected for his skill.

with posting a picture that master chiu kao has been into china after the communist take over, when ever that picture was taken when he was in beijing.

did the grand master chiu kao ever take any of his students or children to pay thier respects in any way to his claimed master lam sai wing? if no, why not?

i know alot of people are asking for answers as to where lam sai wing is buried. there is less than 3 people who know the answer.
i asked lum jo and he doesnt know either where lam sai wing is buried.

knowing where mok kwai lan is buried is one thing but did she tell anyone who claims to be close to her where wong fei hung is buried?

after this point was made 2 years back there was alot of people to scramble for this answer.

08-27-2003, 03:01 AM
Of course no answer, those scramble!

Rob Wolf
08-27-2003, 04:51 PM
Perhaps you should do a little research, or find a qualified instructor before you bite people and poison peoples ears.

08-27-2003, 10:11 PM
No, is not me the poison. I only bittering up you the poison, safety warn others no try it got sick. You sweeting up you own the poison, back many not know is got sick from you.
May be is my own Si Fu have some qualified not qualified or not, but any way is not always shamed his own family name. Elder not respect his Elder as like will not get respect his Elder.
You so call Chosen Son is should respect own Elder, then follow him what, this then get he respect, no the problems.

Got it?

Rob Wolf
08-27-2003, 10:50 PM
You sound like sourpuss fortune cookie!

once ronin
08-27-2003, 11:52 PM
to go back to the original topic.

to answer many critic here is to state what is the curriculum of wong fei hung and how is this curriculum confirmed.

with a large amount of people playing hung gar in guangzhou 1 of 4 martial artisit practiced hung gar. the curriculum is not hard to verify.

by stating so and so said does not verify a thing. but with 20 of wfh's students saying they learned dan gung fook fu i'd say there was some truth to if.

by saying someone understands someone's technics or forms (WHAT WAS IT) and they had a chance to experience wfh and lsw hung gar.

its still like adding zero plus zero unless you states what theories or forms you are refering to?

i hope i did not show anyone any disrespect. i am just hoping to see some truth in things.

once ronin
09-11-2003, 12:03 AM
all childist sparks were flying everywhere.

but there is no answers to this.