View Full Version : just came back from best party of the century...some MA

05-29-2003, 11:32 PM
we came dressed as our favorite t.v. show/movie character. I was magnum PI. I am now wearing Hue Heffner's pajama bottoms, I've been naked with married women and had the opportunity to bone them, but didn't. **** christian ethics. I am drunk....very drunk. Sang karaoke. Did you know that means empty orchestra in Japanese? Kara like karate.

The biggest square wore the judo outfit. He was Beverly hills ninja, but he didn't get down like the rest.

I have no idea where my clothes are. Sexually frustrated from turning down a scorchingly hot woman, I shall resign to ...as the africans say, "pull my cord."

I thought about wu-de. Sleeping with a married woman could break up a familly, but then, what about taoism and doing what is natural? Some help from my fellow MAists. Always I do the "right thing" and then regret not fu(king them. Guilt complex or simply virtue? You be the judge?

05-29-2003, 11:39 PM
Wait, you...have Christian ethics? You? Geez, you are messed up.

I would have boned her :D

05-29-2003, 11:55 PM
The right thing would be for you to get your sh1t together, dude.

05-29-2003, 11:59 PM
Me or him?

05-29-2003, 11:59 PM
meaning what? was I correct? society, my fellow man...or natures cruel indifference?

05-30-2003, 12:02 AM
Originally posted by PHILBERT
Me or him?


05-30-2003, 12:07 AM
Good `cause I know I would have boned her, versus not boning her and regretting it later that I hadn't boned her. Cause, if I boned her and regretted it later, at least I got laid :D

05-30-2003, 12:23 AM
I'm ****ed because I'm like Ryu, honor bound, but in this case it was love for a neighbor over animal instinct. Integrety or just boring?

05-30-2003, 01:39 AM
so you got wasted, had a bash, and you come post on KFO ??

****, I thought i was a nerd, but you...

05-30-2003, 01:56 AM
"so you got wasted, had a bash, and you come post on KFO ??

****, I thought i was a nerd, but you..."

yeah, but stacey actually went to a party.

plus the nerd train left the first time any one of us first posted on kfo.

just ask your girlfriend how cool kfo is.

and if you dont have a girlfriend that's part of the test.

..... stealing material from pennyarcade is ok .....

Mr Punch
05-30-2003, 02:07 AM
KFO is the coolest site on Earth.

My girlfriend doesn't understand English!

Think about it...


Philbert is correct.

I wouldn't have done it, but I wouldn't be regretting it... except for that time when... oh never mind.

Stacey, don't blame any kind of ethics after the moralising and immoralising (well, it's a word now!:D ) pish you post on here. You were just chicken.

chen zhen
05-30-2003, 02:55 AM
Let me guess.. a japanese girlfriend?:cool:

Mr Punch
05-30-2003, 02:58 AM
Living in Japan, it'd be rude not to really!

'sides, there's a shortage of many other kinds over here!

Mr Punch
05-30-2003, 02:59 AM

My avatar could kick your avatar's ass!

chen zhen
05-30-2003, 03:00 AM
Them japanese girls.. are'nt they a little freaky? I've seen the weird clothes they're wearing over there. Kind of a turn-off, IMO

05-30-2003, 03:10 AM
what about taoism and doing what is natural?

that is a trap.

In "The Chronicles of Tao" Little Butterfly is tricked by Big Butterfly into letting him go after LB's master sent him to apprehend BB because he was a bandit. BB argued that he was just living as his nature dictated and therefore, according to taoism, was following the way.

If I remember corrrectly, LB's master bzitch slapped him and told him not to be an idiot and go back out and get BB.:D

Mr Punch
05-30-2003, 03:13 AM
Yes. They all wear stupid clothes.

All 60-odd million of them...


Do all Danes have beards and spikey helmets?

That would definitely put me off.

(Well, I'm sure she would if I asked her nicely...!)

chen zhen
05-30-2003, 03:19 AM
Do all Danes have beards and spikey helmets?

only at football matches:cool:

the weird clothes I talk about is the modern fashion, with the blue-red coloured hair, manga-anime style clothes, 3-feet tall buffalo-shoes, etc.
I'm not talking about old-school kimonos and samurai clothes, I'm not stupid:p

PS: You ever saw Jack in "The Shining"? He could kill your avatar any time, any day..:cool: :D

Mr Punch
05-30-2003, 03:26 AM
More of them still wear kimonos than manga ****, and not many of them wear either... but I could take you some places that'd make your hair turn blue!

chen zhen
I'm not stupid

Sorry, my mistake.


Ash has him covered.

chen zhen
05-30-2003, 03:30 AM
:D :rolleyes:
I'm not stupid...

05-30-2003, 11:45 AM
Oso, I'm still not getting how taoism has to do with following society over the way? If you are apart of society, it is the path of least resistence within the system. This is the tao of man, which should follow earth, which follows heaven, which follows the eternal dao.

Would skipping human to earth mean screwing her anyways? What about the tao of heaven? Who speaks for god/the gods?

05-30-2003, 01:39 PM
im no taoist or anything, but it seems to me that it would only go with the "natural flow of things" if both of you were unattached, horney, and willing.

breaking up a marriage doesn't seem like it would be in "harmony" with anythig short of spite and carelessness.

Shuul Vis
05-30-2003, 06:08 PM
My big concern is that, since you didnt bone the models, you might repress that lust and then when you get married you are mean to your wife and end up saying things like" You b itch! How dare you question if i love you? I could have slept with models and instead i waited for marriage and for you!"

Anything you repress takes its revenge. So dont repress your lust, transform it, use its energy to maybe enhance your practice or something, but dont regret it and allow your feelings to be repressed.

I know its probably not a big deal and this comment is way out of proportion, but hey, i thought it would be cool. Because i am so **** cool man, so **** cool.

Oh and my opinion about the whole following the path of least resistance in your society as following the Way, i dont agree. I think you have to follow the path of least resistance in yourself. Does this mean do her? For you i dont know. In silence, review the events of the night, then you will know.

Again this is way out of proportion i think as far as the topic goes. But then again, making a big deal out of a small thing like missing out on having sex with some girl is a sign that you have begun to repress your feelings and that is not the Way. Repression, in my opinion, is never the way. Understanding your feelings and transforming the "baser" ones of lust greed anger ect into something positive is the Way. Anything you repress WILL take its revenge.

05-30-2003, 09:36 PM
the funny thing is that shuul really does live that way. fu cker don't care who he says to what. yes i realize thats backwards. i like it.

on more than one occassion i have seen him tell guys the would have stomped thim good that he was going to pull their spines out of their mouths .... all of you. so then it was several guys who could have stomped him good. he didn't repress how he felt though .... and was confident enough he backed them all down.

also known the as shole to spend 2 weeks convincing a girl to date him only to get up and walk out right in the middle of fu cking them to get a cappacino cause it just wasnt any fun.

lol ... and then the bi tch went on to tell everyone what a good lay he was.

05-31-2003, 04:24 AM
About this thread...
If the married woman wanted to screw ya, then you shouldn't feel any regrets if you breake her marriage. She's a ****, if it wasn't you that night it will probebly be someone else some other day. Does it sound like her marriage is working? No..